Malifaux General

"First hit is free" Edition

Faction Stat Card Almanac:!a8QBgCaD!mMN8jvLMuNKHA5G3nJ0FSg

Malifaux (Including Ripples of Fate):!cg00BCoD!mDHocpgWP_hkkM3CpCBwrQ

Through the Breach (Complete):!Z9sVSYTS!U2J243KhVsUuOqAnsqTj4A

Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4 - New models
Book 5 - Just announced

Discord voice chat for malifaux chat and memery:

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives

New Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

First for Gremlins

Regarding Lynch in TT, does Gwenyth make a Brilliance based build viable?

I thought brilliance breaded lists were already viable.

What are the key component of TT brewmaster? I figured I should dip into TT with the models I already have.

She's great. She mainly sets up brilliance so you get a lot more leeway with Lynch and Huggy in how and when you activate them. Add to that even more card draw and you're left with amazing hands and a much wider range of Brillianced units that your crew can tear to shreds. Add to that a Smoke Grenade and it'll be impossible to ever hit her from a distance, too.
She completely outclasses Beckoners though, so now there's absolutely no need (or room) to play them. It's basically Lynch+Upgrades (5 SS) + Huggy (1) + Gwyneth (9) + 2 Illuminated (14). And beyond that you just TT it up.

He really just needs beatsticks. And Yin. If you go Yasunori you can get 10 attacks off with Brewie and Wesley's obey, and Yin just sets up enemies brilliantly for the Brewmaster. And Yu plays quite nicely with him. Don't ever play poison though.

How hard would it be to magnatize the two heads so I can swap them out?


She eats up that extra 2ss though.
I thought 10T crews tend to be squeezed for models already?

The difficultly is going to be directly proportional to the size of the model's head.

I personally would want to try it.

That 2 SS gets you card draw, ace fishing and deck manipulation and makes her immune to attacks from more than 6" away though. It's 29 SS for 4 models and all their upgrades. And your key models at that. The rest will be a fair bit lower but with the likes of a Low River Monk, a Depleted or a TTB you can easily get 7-8 activations, depending on if you want another big unit or are content with the various decent 5ish SS units TT offers.

Forgot pic, sorry. I'm planning on painting it up as well and giving it to a friend of mine who love scarecrows.

From the assembly pic it looks like it should be pretty easy.

You're still going to want Sensei Yu though. I would rate the extra mulligan and making Huggy/Lynch/an Illuminated fast over what she can do. Especially if the pool is headhunter or something where Yu can push a model, walk 7" and pick up a head for free with the focus he got from his push.

Oh very true, but the question was whether she allowed for a decent Brilliance crew, and she does.
You can always include him to make a 7 man crew. This list is fast, sturdy and killy enough to make up for the loss of activation.

Fair enough. And you can always go depleted for activations.

Newish player here, I've always been told, "play the objective". Scheme markers are a common objective in Malifaux. Does that make Titania's crew one of the better crews in the game?

Is she an okay master/crew to start with?

She's not considered amazing but she's not really bad either. But yes she is a good master to start with

Is the webstore opening tomorrow, or Thursday? Heard mixed things.

Great, thanks! I'll get her tomorrow.

Just picked up a Leveticus box and some mercenaries. Is there a way to run him decently that could cover most strategies and schemes? Pariah of Iron also looks interesting.

She's good. Schemes like Dig Their Graves and Search the Ruins are basically free VP for her. Are you buying just her box or do you plan on getting other models to reach 50ss?

Should be sometime tomorrow, since that's when Gencon starts. I would expect in the afternoon EDT.

I'm just starting with her box.

"outclasses beckoners". She does similar things, but I think you're underestimating two things- Lure is fantastic (as is the mobility that beckoners have and give your crew), and beckoners ability is a cast that doesn't randomise. If an enemy starts in contact with an illuminated, Beckoners are clearly superior to having gwyneth nearby.

"play the objective" doesn't always mean play with scheme markers. None of the strategies involve scheme markers, and heaps of the schems don't involve them either. But yes, Titania is a well rounded group who poop out scheme markers.

Her minions, the Autumn Knights, are very solid, so the box is a great core to build out of pretty easily.
One more box of something should put you at a 50ss list you can use for all-comers for a good while.

Decided to start with Sonnia. What would be some "must have" models with her? Are the hounds good with her? I really like their models.

Hounds don't really add much, since her box is stacked with witchling stalkers, handlers are a good add. Death Marshals are a way I have seen people fix her mobility issues, and there's always the fire gamin to further add to burning.

Who will win the epic battle between the katana-wielding swordmistress of doom and the bespeckled cripple.
I can't wait to find out.

This isn't really a question, Nicodem is going to kick Lady Js ass just like everyone else in the fluff

Would a Brutal Emissary be ok with her? Actually who is the Emissary good with?

Brutal has upgrades that make him work for everybody in some way, in Sonnia's case allows to ignore los when something is burning, also gives a 0 shooting action that lets her add burning while ignoring los.

Built the basics of a character with the TTB system last night; it seems very complex but is a fun process.

The emissary is generically good. Shoots people, buffs, is tanky, and adds massive teleporting mobility- shoves people in its box, and they reappear either next to it......or any scheme marker (belonging to either player) it can see.

With Sonnia it just gains some burning synergy, which is swell.

Do we know anything about new Hoffman upgrades? When is the new book even supposed to come out?

GG 2018 WHEN?

Gencon. So, this weekend.

Fire gamin? What are you even talking about? They are not Guild, you cursed terrorist!
It is awesome. Witchling thralls are very good with her (with everyone else too i think), brutal effigy is nice if you have survivability issue and it is a good model overall, tanky and buffy.
Austringers are good, and you maybe will want to buy another box of witchling stalkers, maybe others will correct me (summoning Criid is pretty good, right?). Samael Hopkins is pretty good, but he have very much "if". He is a literal glasscannon, and to make him more powerful you must atttack the burning target and maybe give away a card to make 3 shots at one target.
Overall, starter is pretty awesome, and by simply adding more witchling stalkers and handlers you should be in a good position.
I think someone will tell you about Papa Loco and Francisko Ortega, but the "papa in the box" trick when you put Papa Loco into a box by Death Marshal while giving Sonnia +2 wont work anymore. Francisko is pretty good, but glassy too. With Sonnia range and stuff she can stay out of range of most shooty models, and with meatwall of reasonably scary Stalkers you should be able to at least guard her well against melee engages.
Hope i helped, if not, dont shoot me.

Thanks, that was pretty helpful. You can live, for now. Unrelated question but where would I find use for the Guild Hounds?

Every Guild master save Hoffman really. McCabe. Makes them really good as he can make them lose insignificant, and can let them murder things efficiently by giving them a sword and taking advantage of their 1 ap charges. Last I week I killed Seamus, a hooded rider, and a dead rider among other things with a 3ss dog.

Testing right after Gencon.

With Tannen, is it possible for the Dreamer to summon Teddies on a 13 of masks or a red joker?

Yeah, though it needs to be one of those two cards. Can't stone for it, so I wouldn't take him for just that.

>Nicodem is going to kick Lady Js ass just like everyone else in the fluff
I hope so.
Dropping an observatory on her wasn't enough to pierce her blindarmour last time...

>Nicodem has 12,000,000 votes to J's 300
>Lady Justice wins because fuck you that's why

Nicodem keeps jobbing. I hope that he catches a break this time around.

>Nicodem keeps jobbing
Where's that? In most of the fluff I remember he comes out pretty great.

He gets kicked out of his observatory by Hamelin because of a mcguffin that he didn't know anything about. When he finally got around to enacting his master plan and raising his undead army, he lost thanks to a bunch of TT assholes coming out of nowhere. And when he asked Yan Lo about the attack, he fell for an elaborate ruse and will go 0-3 if this weekend doesn't go well for him.

I didn't remember the first one me
The fight where the TT flank him didn't seem that bad fluff wise, he was single handedly defeating the entirety of the guild, until the TT stepped in.

What's up with Yan Lo? I must have missed that part in the book.

Hamelin attacked him in twisting fates. Nicodem hung out with Yan Lo and Chiaki in the most recent Chronicles.

The Yan Lo thing was from the last chronicles. He went to ask Yan Lo who attacked. Then Lady J started investigating all morticians offices and one of the death marshals forced him to reveal himself, so he ran. Then Chiaki came along and said that he owned some factory somewhere, and then went to tell Nicodem that Yan Lo reconsidered and told him that the person in charge of the attack from the 10T would be at that same factory. So now Lady J and Nicodem are going to duke it out.

Are they worth the read?

Sounds like they did set up Nico to be a chump. Especially with him losing good position as guild mortician.

They have some good stories. Also stuff gets spoiled in there a lot, like a few model art in this one.

Speaking of Nico, I'm thinking about getting him as my next master.

If anyone plays him, do you run his totem? The grave spirit looks pretty solid to, making beefy models even more difficult to remove.

They are definitely worth the read. In some bits they have more overarching plot relevant stuff than the rulebooks. The stories are of the same grade as the ones in the rulebooks as well.

What does everyone think of the new Huggy model? I wish it was more in line with all the spikes and muscles that the Illuminated have, but I think that it is an improvement on the original model otherwise.

I like the original, but the new one is cool too.

I like both. I might pick up the alt model to use as an emissary stand-in.

Definitely a better fit for some crews than the big tree guy.

No sign of the webstore yet, huh

I think gencon doesn't official start till tomorrow.

Stores up.

>Kentaroi were three to a box all along
That is pretty based.

I really wish I had more money.

Oh shit, didn't even notice. Feel way better about the $40 then.

Any place that does good battle reports for malifaux? I find I learn the flow of games much better by watching and there is no local scene.

Hold up son, you dropped $40 on what you thought was two horsedudes?

People throwing silly cash about.

Remember to vote for Nicodem, guys.

I've just recovered from bankrupting myself helping keep my mom afloat during an ugly divorce where my father lied and defrauded the court over his money. I felt like treating myself a little, mang.

Guerrilla Miniature games
Rough Riders Wargaming
Encounter Wargaming (these guys are just learning, so might be even better for you)

There are a bunch more that have fewer videos and are generally too long and/or poorly produced.

Anyone going to gencon?

Thanks. I want to learn the game since my one of my art teachers made us paint up kits as part of an assignment.

I thought about doing so, but the place is going to be a zoo this year (Entirely sold out) and it has always been more of a shopping trip than a gaming event in my opinion. A couple of my friends drove down there to spend a day there however. I really did like Wyrd's booth there last year. I live like 10 minutes from where Adepticon is held so I guess that I have gotten my con fix for the year.

I was stoked too, I'm not sure I'd even run three.

Not that guy, but any that aren't video?
I definitely prefer written batreps.

I am sure that there are three to a box more in case you get lucky with Nico than anything. Kind of like why Jorogumo come three to a box as well.

I really like the rules for them and Rotten. Don't really like the models though.

I'm tempted to make my own.

I was going to go, last second. But I found it they were sold out.

GMG have a learning to play mini-series too.
I think it's in the LEt's Play playlist somewhere.

Forums, blogs all over the shop.

>I am sure that there are three to a box more in case you get lucky with Nico than anything.
I don't know why I didn't think about that.

Honestly tempted to run three of them with Mort and Rotten. Having all your big support pieces a foot up the board and unactivated turn one seems swank. And with a trio, you should be drowning in corpse markers/mindless zombies

I kinda want to run over with Nico giving fast and a nurse to get 24" turn one.
>Who's a slow master now?!!!

So what are you guys picking up during the sale?

I'm in for cats and...something. Might as well crack 100 to get that free model. I figure getting the cards is kind of a waste because i could just cheapo it and print out the cards from a scan or something

Going dutch with a buddy for the cards.

I try to keep everything tournament legal so I am actually buying the cards (Plus scans aren't going to be immediate). I will probably get huggy and after that not get the cats, as no matter how cool they look, I don't want to expand into yet another faction just yet. I may wait until Black Friday for Brotherhood of the Cat to do so.

>cards not tourney legal

Honestly didn't really even think of it like that. You think there's any money in selling off the cards for factions you don't play? Idk if wyrd has a replacement system for the cards (fairly new player obviously)

Probably. Could charge $5 a faction, but then things get weird with dual faction models.

For tournaments you need to have the official cards for everything with the current legal ruling. Though you have a week after an errata hits to get the newest card for an upgrade or model. Wyrd isn't quite as nice as PP or Steamforged in that you can't just print out the cards for free and use them in events. It is worth it as the free models you can nab at tournaments are definitely a better value than the $12 you put into a deck for the most recent book.

Yeah, I'll be adding that to order then

>15 shipping
>Small box of plastic and a deck of cards


I have to agree that Wyrd's shipping is dumb. Especially when it comes to the "free" guilder models. The local henchman had sent in like 80 guilders at a time however, and said that he had gotten a better deal from them.

If you don't mind me asking why would you prefer it written? Seems it would be somewhat boring X rolled X stuff and not as engaging as a video series, or beyond that if it was written more flavorfully wouldn't that obstruct from your ability to learn the game from them?

Have characteristics or effect text been posted for any of the gencon models?

>Wyrd isn't quite as nice as PP or Steamforged in that you can't just print out the cards for free and use them in events.
GG rules allow you to use stat cards that are photocopied from a book or printed from an official digital release.

As long as it's the most recent one and you have a physical copy, it doesn't matter where you got a card from. That's why they put up the pdfs for errata cards for free in their faq and errata section.

>Wyrd isn't quite as nice as PP or Steamforged in that you can't just print out the cards for free and use them in events
What are you talking about?
They explicitly say you can use print-outs of cards.

Paying shipping for Guilder models is actually one of the big things that demotivated me to travel to tournaments.
I have enough of a rotation of players that I can get in a game or two any weekend I want one without playing the same person in a month, so the "git sum games in" pressure isn't there, I'm not going to be on a podium any time soon, and the Guilders is really just buying access to rare normally-priced models once shipping is factored in.

Aha, well in that case I plan to print them out.

However that still gives me a 10 dollar void to fill. I plan to main nico, I've got reva, soon to have molly. Also titania but I really don't want to expand on neverborn as I have a ton of those back home (I travel a lot for work).

So what's a good buy? I was looking at the tarot fate deck but it's made of paper, and I'm worried how long it will last.

Asura is a good buy. A decent model in and of itself that can give your mindless zombies a good attack, and can summon more. Anna Lovelace is another good overall model.

I hate being a UK player, paying for this gencon stuff I end up having to spend a fortune in shipping and then customs.

>more mindless zombies

Fucking sold, that's why I'm all about nico

You may want to get a plastic fatedeck like the Seriously Twisted one rather than a paper fate deck. I sleeve my paper fate decks so they actually last, but I personally hate shuffling sleeved cards.

>Paying shipping for Guilder models is actually one of the big things that demotivated me to travel to tournaments.
Fair enough. I just go for the models they hand out through regular methods, as even if it is yet another Miss Fire I like hoarding them.

Anyone got pics of awesome Sandeep box paintjobs? I want to like those models but they seem meh.

Yeah, I've got the seriously twisted and bad ink decks (I like decks with designs instead of just reused character art), and agreed on the shuffling sleeved cards bit.

>card is missing from box
>submit mispack ticket, Wyrd says after 2 days that it's on the way
>get card after almost 2 months
>hey maybe I just got unlucky, got lost in the mail or something
>nope, it's apparently common to wait over a month

>Cats and Deck
>15 Shipping

>Cats and Roten
>10 shipping

Um, sure okay.