Does anyone play tabletop games with their significant other?
Can love bloom?
I'm married to my job, figuratively speaking.
But back in the day I used to yes.
Aye, lots of people do it. Don't gm for your significant other though, that can lead to shit happening. If you do, try to be as impartial as possible not only for them, but the entire party.
Sure, I do.
One game on Monday where we're both PCs, and another on Thursdays were I GM her. I GM another couple on Thursdays, and that couple also has Wednesday night, where the guy GM's the girl. And he and I have a night where we GM each other, without the girls present.
People talk a lot about playing with their boyfriend/girlfriend in negative ways, because I guess there are a lot of people on Veeky Forums that have bad experiences, but it's also true that a lot of people on Veeky Forums, maybe those same people, are socially inept edgemaster shitlord neckbeards, so...y'know.
If you wanna play a game with your boy/girlfriend, just fuckin do it without being a metagaming shitter, and you shouldn't have any problems. It's really not that big of a deal.
Yes, I do.
I GM for my GF too. I don't pull punches or give her special treatment. I'm not any harder on her than anyone else either. When we're at the table, she's just another player. If she's going to blow me, it's because she wants to blow me not because I gave her a magical item or some stupid in-game shit. It blows my mind that there are people out there who are so nepotistic that they'd ruin a game with friends over the chance at some head or something so banal. I've only ever experienced GM favortism in one group, and it comes with an equal dose of heckling and beratement; the GM's wife gets plenty of free advantages, but she gets torn a new one whenever she forgets a rule (been gaming for 10+ years) or something like that because she's kind of a ditz. It's a weird experience but it balances out because she's not a very good player so even with additional optimization she's only as effective as the rest of us.
Just give us the whole image set if you're going to make this thread again with the same damn OP image.
I just started running a new campaign for my gf and my brother last week.
I do and it sucks. I like a puzzle and she likes a casual romp, and nothing out there really bridges those two. Either the game is too hard, or it seizes up on some stupid rule inconsistency, or I do all the thinking while she takes a nap.
I did, once. Never again.
My wargaming group used to have a guy and his girlfriend (and now wife) playing together. It was pretty horrible. He was easily the best player at the table, and after a bit of tutoring, she was #2, but they wouldn't play against each other, so every game turned into a ridiculous curbstomp between the two of them.
Which wargame out of curiosity?
There's a couple at my table, yeah. But they both seem to be good players, so it's fine.
Personally, I don't, but I would assuming the significant other knows what the hell they're doing. My ex was That Guy, so I didn't even bother.
I fucking hate couples playing in the same group. They're always jumping to each others defense at the slightest criticism or conflict. In my experiences one person has been playing tabletop games for some time while the other is completely new to it. That person is almost always insufferably obnoxious and mentally incapable of comprehending rules more complex than what can be found in snakes and ladders.
Find something else to do with your s/o and stop fucking up the game for everyone else.
World in Flames. Dunno if you've heard of it.
my anchor partner has been a player in my last couple campaigns. i've dated people in my games before, and my ravenloft campaign had an awkward "everyone is dating someone else in the group" scenario.
of all of these, only when everyone was fucking everyone else did it affect my GMing.
the first time an old girlfriend of mine played in one of my games, i killed her character in the first 10 minutes after she said "don't shoot" to angry elves.
I did until she left me for an older, whiter dude with a worse job and more kids
Throwing in another "I GM for my gf". She's very proactive and is quite helpful for keeping the rest of the party on task.
two of my players are going out, it's not really noticeable at the table, I GMed for both of them before they started going out and the dynamic in game stayed exactly the same
No, she is ultra competitive and takes losses like a 5 year old.
How long have you been playing?
Sure, it can be a lot of fun.
Don't do it unless it's something you'd enjoy doing together even if you weren't a couple, though. Otherwise you'll just strain the experience for both of you. That's how resentment starts in a lot of relationships: one of you is having your hobby ruined, the other is getting half-forced into doing something that they simply do not or can not care about.
I do, but I also need a third person because two person games are extremely boring. Wish I could enjoy 2 person gaming, so I could game more often.
I've never known love or intimacy and have no friends so no
Yes, but she's a slow and meticulous thinker and it gets in the way when gaming. As a character she sits and thinks about everything before speaking, so usually she never ends up talking as the more spontaneous players outshine her. As a GM, she has super winding, interesting plots, but gets too flustered when we take a turn she doesn't expect. She handles it ok compared to other's I've played with, but she just is not a fast thinker.