In a universe where gods are very clearly real and very obviously capable of granting their followers divine power...

Part 2/3 of pic related, that's why. Any gods blatant enough to be objective facts are almost always assholes.

>people have problem with the god's motives/his stand on things
>god grants power only to a select few
>you need to perform some complicated rituals
>god is a fucking lolsorandumb dick most of the time and he thinks it's funny, so fuck that guy

Seems pretty dubious of a claim in general, but he seems to have confused belief and faith. Just believing in God is, well, belief. You think it's true. Most people who believe don't regularly attend church. Faith is trust, and if you really trust God, you're probably not going to shirk your religious duties. So while I'm sure there are cynical people who attend church just for funsies, I don't think that's the norm at all.

>implying you get shit from praying to a god for personal gain
>"awww yeah, I'm gonna suck up to him for a month or two and he'll give me some sickass powers, brah"
Some people never learn

How very clearly real are they? Does magic automatically mean gods exist? That is assuming magic is even particularly common. Either way, to the average peasant, a cleric could be wizard pretending to be a servant of the gods or, even worse, a warlock doing so. You don't really know what the gods are like other than what clerics and religions tell you. With enough magic, anything could pretend to be a god. You could even see a planetar and not be convinced. A big magical humanoid creature with wings? Well, maybe a giant banged a dragon. Who knows.

I think the assumption that fictional gods are obviously real (and really what they seem to be) is based on the naive notion that if God or gods actually exist there would be no Atheists.

>The don't agree with what the god's stand for.
>They want to use their own power/power that can't be snatched away just because someone gets pissy.
>Never head of them

What would you call this ideology, is there a term for it that exists?

Militant anti-theism.


No, anti-theism is just violent opposition to relgion as a concept of a deity and belief in such an entity.