Nighthypes Edition
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Nighthypes Edition
Core rules
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Did some dirty number crunching, and here's what I came up with for discounts in the new boxes
Warherds is a 25% discount
Slaves to darkness is a 23% discount
Daughters of khaine is 26%
Battle wizards is 33%
Spiderfang 30%
Gargants 30%
Deathrattle 27%
Nighthaunt 27%
So the wizards are the best deal, and the slaves to darkness is the worst
DoK box hurts me so much. I really hoped for a lower-than-sc price and this shit edns up even more expensive. I know it has great value but c'mon - some start collecting boxes are even better discount
Preach, I was hoping those models would finally be worth buying. They're gorgeous, just not 80 Canuck bucks for a set of 10
I guess that scratches them off my potent is lost, then. I run a wych cult in 40k and wanted to do one in Fantasy/AoS for a long time, but the price kept me at bay. This helps, but only so much.
Those new undead boxes are right solid.
How good an army makes one of those and the relevant Start Collecting, points wise?
>7 game losing streak
>add 2 squads of skyfires and a tzaangor shaman to my mostly khorne force
>snipe anything that buffs enemies or gives me trouble
>won last 3 games in a row by a huge margin
I'm allowed to do this right? This feels wrong.
Nighthaunt box + SC Malignants - 800pts
Deathrattle box + SC Deathrattle - 860pts
Would anybody here be willing to help get the Fantasy Lexi up-to-date with Age of Sigmar stuff?
How much are these?
Prices (£) for new allies boxes:
Deathrattle 40
Nighthaunt 32,50
Collegiate Arcane 25
Aleguzzlers 45
Daughters of Khaine 60
Grots 40
Warherds 45
If you are not Birt then SC costs 50£ and Skirmish box 40£
Is that NH list good, though? I'm really debating starting them and maybe throwing a vampire lord into the mix or something.
>tfw there is good AoS art but for some reason people only post the shit that looks like amateur fanart
Yes, you're allowed to enjoy the brutally overpowered benefits of the great Tzeentch. Carry on, mortal.
sure whatcha need?
I know right?
heh that lion shoulderpad will never make me not laugh
I have never played death before but I'm thinking about this list. Mortis Engine is allied
Allegiance: Death
Cairn Wraith (60)
- General
- Trait: Master of the Black Arts
- Artefact: Cursed Book
Tomb Banshee (80)
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
- Nighthaunt Battleline
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
- Nighthaunt Battleline
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
- Nighthaunt Battleline
5 x Hexwraiths (160)
5 x Hexwraiths (160)
Mortis Engine (180)
Total: 1000/1000
I like the idea of Ironjawz but they really seem to lack unit options. Are they really their own faction or are they supposed to be mixed with Night Goblins ect?
>features stormcucks
into the trash it goes
>>Are they really their own faction or-
Ironfist mate. Just look at the battalion by yourself
>copypasted and flipped poses
This is decent at best
People post bad AoS art because it's the majority :^)
>SC is £50
>$65ish dollars
>sold for $85
Fuck this, I'm getting those witch elves second hand.
so what is this a map of, exactly?
>you will never be a glorious paladin of Bretonnia charging into the Glotkin
Why even live?
That just looks like Warhammer fantasy.
It doesn't really solve the issue of lacking in unit diversity for them or are you recommending using that Battalion with other Destruction armies?
but much better technical execution, it looks like something a professional painter might produce, while not sacrificing the aesthetic
> Want to make a zombies heavy army
> Heard they're a shit unit no matter the army
Welp, I guess it's back on the skele-train
the miniatures look awful too, the bulbous heads are ridiculously oversized
How would you like to use an Ironfist battalion with non-ironjawz units? You asked if IJ are a faction on their own - yes, they are. Both in 1000pts and 2000pts games you can use a pure-IJ army and win. Sure you are basing your army mainly on megaboss and brutes but you can also use ardboys as well. They are a really "simple" faction but still fun and playable on their own
They are fine / great on their own, but can splash a useful ranged unit ally if need be.
My current list is properly retarded:
1 Megaboss on Maw Krusha with Ravager and Talisman
1 Megaboss on foot with Brew
4 Orruk Warchanters
25 Brutes
oh right, it's an ironfist!
Alot of stuff, as there is a lot of missing stuff. We mostly need new editors to help write new articles, upload the unit art, maps and stuff like that. Properly sourced of course.
I would specially like someone to focus on the Kharadron Overlords since that's the one that will have more information about how the faction works on the civilian side.
The best of course would be getting the lore from the Grand Alliance books for each faction(around two pages each) on their respective faction pages, like this one
There is no glory in pointless defeat!
almost like they're set in the same universe
If you don't have any books you can also help by adding any info from the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar faction guide found here:
or any info found on the product description or warscrolls like these:
Specially if anybody can go over the warscrolls and collect the items they wear, wield or ride into battle on these pages.
What are my answers as Moonclan for fighting the stronger more bulkier creatures like heroes on monsters, big giant monsters (Daemon Prince) or the big bulky infantry like Ironjawz or Ogors?
Talking from a Moonclan view. I know netters combined with a strongarm like Troggoths sound good on paper. I also intend to use a Rock Lobber. But what is my "Got to kill that thing NOW!" choice? Fanatics?
I heard there's a beastmen boxes coming is that true?
There is the Minotaur/Warherd one which comes with three Minotaurs and a Cygor.
Eh, would have preferred some gors
gors fucking blow m80
You focus fire with whatever shooting you have (warmachines, boss prodder, bows if you took them(don't they're a trap)). you use your fanatics to block their charges and hold them in place and deal some heavy hits. You get your troggoths and a block of at least 40 grots to charge the fucks and drown them in attacks. If you think you can get your boss out unscathed, you have him get in there too. Grot warbosses can hit surprisingly hard.
The spear chucka is the best grot artillery in general even without its +1 to hit vs heroes. Mangler squigs and fanatics have -2 rend attacks and do good damage but are glass cannons.
If you want some mortal wounds, take shamans, cave squigs or nasty skulkers.
Thanks. Assuming I replace the bows, as you said were crappy, with two shamans blasting them to oblivion with a Bad Moon curse in between, would that be adequate?
>fanatics to block their charges and hold them in place
Since Fanatics now come in units of 3 (not a big deal), should I liberally and recklessly throw them in front of the opponent if they are very near charge range or am I better trying to gauge using them in my own charge phase?
>40 Grots
Oh god my wallet is going to kill me but I'll see what I can pull off!
I didn't know that about Spear Chuckas. I've come back to Warhammer up till very recently, since 6th in fact I haven't played. So I thought Divers and Lobbers were my answer.
Maybe I could squeeze in a Chucka with my lobber? Not sure how viable that is.
Is the price point the same as the others?
Grot artillery get buffed when they are in pairs. Having just one of each wouldn't be very good.
You should read up on the rules and wait for the new general's handbook just in case more grot nerfs are incoming.
If you feel your opponent is about to make a devastating charge, drop those fanatics. If they make their charge, even if they die, your opponent's momentum is gone and any benefit they would have on the charge is lost.
Adding to Mangler squigs make excellent wrecking balls and usually will be targeted first because most people's first instinct is kill the big bitey thing. Drop your warboss's I'm Da Boss, Now Stab Em Good on either them or your fanatics for some outrageous nonsense.
I don't think the current nerfs we have seen are too bad (Squig Boss was already eh and Fanatics been in 3 means more reserved use but still nuke things). As of now I am mainly waiting to see if Troggoths get a price fix.
As far as I know the box set they come should be at a slightly reduced price than to if you bought then individually.
You're joking, right? The WHFB picture is technically far superior. There's a lot of good things about this game but the art is not one of them.
That said, old WHFB art is the best stuff GW has ever produced by a longshot. Most of the 7th to 8th Ed stuff was nowhere near as good.
To be fair to that user, that Goblin and Dwarf art never really did it for me. I think most of the good art is sadly hidden in the very old rulebooks. Like 5th edition Vampire Counts.
You talking about Paul Dainton?
I don't know any of the artist names sadly but I meant pic related. It was nitty, gritty and a bit rough around the edges. But it had soul. That story too of the poor peasant getting ambushed and eaten alive by the naked ghoul woman was just spectacular as well. The passion resonated from the art to the pages.
Post 6th edition and even some in 7th edition up until even the ET, I felt Warhammer Fantasy just got dry. That Dwarf and Goblin art above included. Not that all of it, there was still some decent art, but in my view It lost its soul I feel (though to be fair GW went through a long dry spell). Frankly, I don't know what drives most of the more passionate Fantasy lovers who feel so scorned. I too hated how the old setting was unceremoniously killed off and swooped from our feet and replaced with something which was little like it. But goddamn that setting had hit a brick wall.
We still have a lot of our favourite races renamed to well, some odder than other, different names in a very unfamiliar setting. But reading some of the new Fantasy fluff, it sniffed off some of the one upman ship of 40k. So while the setting was kept in check, the narrative quality was a bloody mess.
Why I referred to the art in my post where the real soul remained.
Last year I created a giant image of all of the artwork of the Games Workshop artists and an example of how they drew a Space Marine.
Anyone have it?
Best ask in 40k general dude.
I made it for /WFBG/. There's a lot of crossthreading even not counting trolls and Carnac.
Thought Carnac was harrassing the 40k chaos threads. But ya the other generals are more active so ask about.
Wanderers feel very bland compared to Wood Elves. Am I wrong? What makes an army of Glade Guard more interesting/better than an army of other archers?
I feel like a battletome would help them by miles, but that doesn't seem to be likely anytime soon.
They are getting some allegiance abilities in GHB 2.0, which may help, but it's not going to be on par with the army abilities in the Sylvaneth/Stormcast/Tzeentch tomes. Which i a shame, because Wanderers are one of, if not the, army(/ies) I really want to play.
Yeah the neglected subfactions are pretty Wild West right now. You can read the novels to search for inspiration, but for the most part when it comes to them aos is "your dudes" the setting, and you need your own headcannon to get excited about
You can always fluff a Brettonia equivalent somewhere in the Realms. The game actually supports it
Price in dollardoo
Deathrattle 65
Nighthaunt 55
Collegiate Arcane 40
Aleguzzlers 75
Daughters of Khaine 100
Grots 65
Warherds 75
StD : 80
DoK is the worst, simply because it's fucking more expensive than a SC.
Minotaur box would be nice if the minotaur kit didn't look like ugly muscle chest hair abomination.
That's just low.
Yeah the minotaurs really are a crime
Am I building these Blood Warriors right?
>Have 40k Wych Cult army
>Want tondo the fantasy version
>always too expensive to start up
>finally a DoK box comes out
Its almost like GW just doesn't want my money.
Anyway, my friend is finally looking to start up, and he wants to do Khorne humans (Slaughterborn? Idk the name). Would ghosts be a good matchup for him? I figure a Maligs+NH box should be a great start based on the thread here.
It looks good, so yeah.
I gave the reavers grot blastas and called them cultists
How good is the start collecting tzeentch? And is it a good value? Never played Sigmar before but am curious.
About as good a value as the other start collecting boxes
What are you working on /aosg/?
Painting up a few dudes to play in a Skirmish tourney coming up. I tried doing them assembly line style for the first time, not a big fan. I know going one by one is slow as fuck, but I can't get into the "zone" if I'm doing 10 guys at once.
post pics
the DoK box literally kills me. I really want a third medusa for my list but goddamn it.
Posted it last thread, but here's the test model I did first.
>Fell bats
>50 dollary fuckin doos
>Made out of shitty resin
They're charging some ludicrous prices but shit I think this takes the cake.
You used to get the same sculpt for the same price in metal.
GW just doesn't seem to want to redo the shit that needs it the most. They'll redo Spirit Hosts even though those looked fine enough, but those fucking things that look like metal cast Halloween goodie bag toys you have to shell out for.
Fuck that. I go TMS Miniatures now.
Whatever you were going for with the skin, you failed.
Eh, it didn't come out how I wanted it to, but I'm pretty happy with it. More fussed about the rest of his color scheme than I am about the skin. Thanks for the feedback, though!
Maybe hit it with a wash? Or go all in and try to make molten lava skin.
Yeah, I'll probably hit it all over with a wash since I don't think the color scheme is very unified or cohesive. Going to try that lava effect on the chieftain's axe, though! Thanks for the link.
No problem.
I was posting on here yesterday about considering starting. I spent the remainder of my trade credit at the LGS on the following (1 box each):
>SC! Malignants
>Abhorrent Ghoul King w/ Terrorgeist
>Old model Crypt Ghouls
I would've gone SC! Malignants and SC! FEC, but they didn't have the latter, and they don't allow trade credit to be used on orders, or restock old AoS product.
Stormfiends, number three is nearly complete. Pic related is number two
I think the realmgate in Ashqy
Fuck posted the shittier version of the pic. Corrected one
Looks sick as fuck dude. Great job.
He looks mean. He's turning out great. Personally, I'd have made the paint on the armor plating chipped but that's just me. Solid 8/10 rat
So for some reason God decided to give me some luck and found SIB Tomb Kings at a store in the middle of nowhere and they're still with the original prices. Decided to build a little 1000p list with what I found and liked and here it is.
>1x Tomb King
>1x Liche Priest
>10x Skeleton warriors (BL)
>10x Skeleton warriors (BL)
>3x Sepulchral Stalkers
>1x Necrosphinx
I know the necropolis knights are better but I honestly like the idea of having lots of constructs and I'll expand with Ushabti later.
I was thinking about using the sphinx as a general to give it Red Fury.
Would that work? And if looks a little cheesy, at our store we actually play a lot of small points games with one big center piece and some little heroes/units around so it's not unusual to see Stonehorns, Zombie Dragons, Mawkrushas etc.
Finished a few stormcast.
Probably going to paint up a bit of Khorne models afterwards.
I feels the same, I would love to have a SC box with maybe a 10 gors, 10 ungors, 10 bestigors and a beastlord/bray shaman
Damn thats some fine detail.
Good shit m8.
Painting stormcast is weird to me. Because I hate painting large amounts of gold, but i'm usually happy when they're done.
Are Seraphon any good? I like dinsosaurs and lizzards and I wanna get into AoS, but I also don't want an army that gets f'cked up by anything else.
Yup. Good and diverse.
Seraphon are pretty good. Certainly among the higher tier of the older armies. And with General's Handbook 2 incoming, they're gonna get some allegiance abilities that might help them out.