>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
>Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
No. Are you fuckin' crazy?
Hey that's my favourite art
Boros burn cause I'm too poor to afford naya
Tons of things, mostly other formats though like a marrow gnawer commander deck (1st edh deck) and some other meme decks, but modern wise I'm looking into ponza and infect
Also is BR Burn possible? What would you put in there (either than bump in the night)
I'd throw in some dash hopes
theres one floating around, basically stock boros list with -4 charm -4 helix -2 skullcrack for +4 bump +4 vexing devil +2 claim
there's also 5c tribal mardu
Naya Burn just seems to be having a single Stomping ground so you can sideboard in Destructive Revelry or Atarka's Command.
I got some MM3 prize booster at the GP and holy fuck some of these cards have curled so much it's actually ridiculous.
what are some budget wurmcoil replacements for my mono green belcher deck?
options so far are solemn simulacrum, steel hellkite, orbs of warding, silent arbiter, or thragtusk.
Thragtusk or Hellkite are probably your best options.
I run two Stomping Grounds. One for Atarka´s Command and the other for Revelry. Then there is the issue of Spreading Seas.
G/B Tron, Push and Brutality are great cards.
Nothing really. I don't vehemently hate any of the decks in the format and I think there's a nice range of diverse decks and strategies putting up results.
Nothing in particular, although I'm trying to figure out what decks I eventually want to put together for a staple modern library and how to configure said decks.
>Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
Hell no, but at least I haven't had to pay for an event in 6 months or so now.
whats ur list fampa
Alright, guys. a SCG tournament is coming up, so people are bound to flock to Cockatrice to try out they're totally serous business decks. I fucking hate all of these faggots. For legacy "testers" I play ANT to win and give them no valuable experience gained and I waste their time watching me play. What's the modern equivalent of an uninteractive, boring deck that wins constantly
Storm or Ad Naus?
Like, Vizier Company, my man.
Burn, always
ETron, ive beaten it very handily as of late though. Also interactionfags
Lol dont have the money for that
land hate in modern when?
Never probably. Problem is land hate would be too good in Modern because the fetch shock manabases. The only solution I see to Tron is to ban it.
UB Thoptersword
Tron and Vizier
Already playing a shitty brew
>Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
Is that even possible?
There was a time I tried but I could only cover one 50 buck fetch in over 4 months of playing tourneys and that was way before the reprint.
What about
I'm not much of a deck builder and I haven't played in my own meta in a year but according to the Goldfish site of the top 8 decks only two could be a challenge. 6 of them run three basics or less. I haven't tried this yet but any thoughts?
When is the next B&R update?
LD deck with path... are you reeaaally sure?
don't forget your alters
Paths seem bad.
Any love for the G/W company deck Todd Anderson dreamed up? It feels downright unfair sometimes with how consistent and synergistic it is.
Ghost Quartering your opponent out of the game with Ramunap Excavator happens really often. Plus I've had a huge amount of people just scoop to certain CoCo pulls.
He is playing Arbiters though.
Todd Stevens*
Aug 28th
Death's shadow
Punishing fire
Stoneforge mystic
Green sun's zenith
Splinter Twin
Bloodbraid Elf
Seems weird, especially punishing fire. A this a prediction or a fantasy?
Those decks are easy to beat. Just rush and mildest disruption and everything falls apart. Hell, when i play Tron against "comp" fags, I can tear them apart. (I hate tron, but I hate my opponent more). Storm falls apart easily too. I'm not looking for some hyper combo deck, but rather just some brain dead deck that runs itself and there's nothing that can be done about it.
That looks like it might fill the ticket
With BBE, Fire and GSZ for Arbor would the best Deaths Shadow deck shift over to Jund? replacing Traverse with GSZ and getting Fire and BBE is pretty huge. Assuming DS doesn't get the hammer of course.
I would be pretty happy with those ban/unbans
What is cascading cataracts doing there? Only mana fixes if you have 6 lands in play? Seems like the worst thing ever
Through the breach scapeshift
If unbanned what is bloodbraid elfs place in the meta? Would it go into some weird living end brew or would it be more of a zoo card? Asking because I haven't seen this card in a long ass time and was curious about playability.
What compels a person to do this?
Bloodbraid Elf hitting Kolaghan's command or Liliana is a hard beating
sh-should ollie have attacked with his rusalkas?
B/W Soul Sisters and Restore Balance.
Nothing, really. I might lose a lot, but my decks are still fun to use.
Still looking for a few inkmoth nexuses
How do you guys feel about these delayed value cards in Burn? Obviously all decks play Rift Bolt, but what about less obvious ones like Gonti's Machinations?
I dont much like this one. Feels too slow.
Gontis Machinations can work in that Rakdos Burn deck with Claim and Vexing Devil
Why do you hate "serious" players on cockatrice?
I only play the decks I have irl on cockatrice because I want to get better at them
because they're assholes who act like assholes. They come onto a modem for infinite playtesting, which i use to brew or tweak decks, and yet they kick any for the slightest deviation or "unoptimum" play regardless if they get they're shit kicked in. I played storm against a guy today with 61 cards in my deck. He harassed me for doing so, yet I still comboed out turn one. Like I'm okay with someone serous, but if they're just rude shitters who can't backup they're talk, I want to go out of my way to ruin they're mtg experience
I've been on that deck for a dew weeks now. Recently took it to a pptq and took 5th. Strip mined two people out over the course of the day. One Eldrazi tron player who made top 8 and one Humans Company player who was visibly salty when I started strip mining him after dropping a Linvala.
All in all the deck has been a blast to play. I don't really know if it'll stand the test of time, though.
Sounds like you have a problem with assholes being assholes, not competitive players. I do sometimes refuse the game 2 if I'm up against a yank brew and it's the third one in a row, but I use the chat instead of the kick button
I started hating on these people after trying to play 12 post against a delver deck, and after stomping him game 1, he kicked me and told me my deck was unplayable garbage. FAter that, most "comp" or "scg training" pods I go in playing decks I hate, because what I hate more are my opponents.
That guy couldn't handle that delver decks actually do have bad MUs
I don't really think you're blowing them up much though; if I play legacy I'd rather face storm than some yank brew
the problem is, there's little decision making and storm turns every matchup (barring U/W control) into a goldfish. I played against storm way too often and do know when to act to disrupt it, but too often it's duress/Gprobe into Cabal Therapy, then i go off, so let me solitaire this until I win.
>Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
sure have, but i was a grinder. i actually just took a pptq a bit ago.
I think I'm just gonna use Blight Herder.
Indestructible land for Boom Burst.
Yeah, Arbiters.
>Have you made your money back in prizes yet?
I dunno. I've won an awful lot of packs playing Modern--well over 2 boxes worth, but that's not much value. I got a lot of Modern staples for rock bottom prices back in 2011 (or before), with the exception of Tarmos (I didn't pick those up until they were $25).
If I cashed in on my Modern cards, I'd probably easily quadruple recoup my costs.
I just bought into living end.
What am I in for?
A deep, deep hatred for graveyard hate.
Make sure your sideboard is solid.
Is there any way to make viable a zombie tribal deck in modern?
I was planning using green (for lotleth, abrupt decay, CoCo), maybe blue (prized amalgam, skaab ruinator, compelling deterrence, some counters) and black for obvious reasons
Enjoy doing the exact same thing each game and scooping to gy hate
I'm tired of my Dredge. Should I get Ad Nauseam or Infect? Elves maybe?
Yes but prepare to weep against Tron
I'd start with monoblack. Geralf's messenger into gray merchant of asphodel is pretty nuts
>Geralf's messenger into gray merchant of asphodel is pretty nuts
Yeah two turns later in a format where every white deck is running Path.
Ye grave decks do tend to die to path, but the blue or green splashes don't do anything significantly more powerful.
Card may be damaged so they try to paint it to hide that damage, sometimes it helps to increase the card's hardness in cases of massive damage (both in corners and card's structure (made by riffle shuffling for example)).
The problem is that, for that, you should hire professional artists and not any artistic John For, specially when it's very expensive cards.
what is that?
It's a meme for the team that won't give up the dream.
Even without Git Probe I feel like printing Collective Brutality was a huge blow for infect, it kills Blighted and Glisteners and strips pump spells, or strips 2 pump spells and leaves the guy.
t. Thoptersword
>or strips 2 pump spells
Literally what?
He meant they have to spend a pump spell to save the dude.
What was the most complex situation you had during a tournament regarding a judge call? Did you ever get fucked by a judge? I need some fresh discussion topics for my judge friends.
Hardly complex but at GP Birmingham I had someone call a judge on me for accidentally trying to crack a fetch under my own Blood Moon. Instead of just pointing at the Blood Moon, the Belgian cunt with a full Chinese deck decided to be passive aggressive and call a judge despite me immediately stopping the instant I was reminded, and I got a game warning. The situation has stopped me wanting to become a judge because seriously the judge should've just told him to fuck off because no harm was done. It was such a blatant example of rules lawyering and trying to get people DQ'd but apparently the system was on his side.
I want to build a mono green deck, but with a focus on +1/+1 counters. I have experiment one, avatar of the resolute, strangleroot geist, scooze, hardened scales, and aspect of hydra. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Not sure if autism or sarcasm.
Most of the decks I play are straightforward midrange piles so very rarely do I hit people with corner case shit that a judge would be necessary though.
I did win a game once because I had three Eternal Scourges on board (Skred is a fun deck) and my opponent casted Maelstrom Pulse thinking it would kill all three. Had to call a judge, first judge didn't understand that the spell fizzles when the target is removed from play. Second judge got it right though.
But they might face storm at an event they're practicing for so they get to practice the decision making until you go off. Unless you're playing some off the beaten path combo deck that is still decent, if not efficient, use of their time.
You want to piss them off you play pure unfiltered junk that attacks on an angle that decks aren't prepared to face.
Missing manamorphoses should come in the mail tommorrow. Missing some sideboard cards. I never played storm before but wanted to try it. Wasnt really that expensive. What am I in for? Any changes I should make?
What do you think about the Apostles Blessing versions?
Didnt think of that one yeah. Seems great to protect the mana dork t2, but I cant think of cutting anything in the main. It definitely goes into my side though, thanks.
>heres another thread q
(besides the obvious ones) what are some cards from kaladesh onwards that are actually worth a hoot in modern? there anything to the gearhulk cycle?
>have you made your money back in prizes yet?
From what, the deck? Yeah, through top 8's and whatnot I'm sure I have. If we count how much I've spent on Magic through purchases, gas to get to events, the events themselves, hell no.
I have 5 color domain zoo and Blood Braid into Geist would be sweet. Though it would just go into jund, I could see it open the door for more RG aggro decks, would they be good? Probably not.
All this with the new drawing extra cards rulings made things interesting, not exactly hard but fun to talk to other L2's about.
"Judge, so my opponent resolved his Ponder as a Brainstorm"
"Judge, so my opponent put all six cards from Collected Company into his hand."
And the easiest question that I got recently but was also fun to realize.
"Judge, what happens to my Elesh Norn when I cast Dark Salvations for X=7?"
Modern? Probably not, some Jeskai decks are playing a one of U-Gearhulk, other than that probably not.
Though, I am buying as many Foil Panharmonicons as I can, it's a solid EDH card that has no chance of getting banned, and has to go up when the print run is over. I would do the same with Paradoxical Engine but I'm sure that gets banned soon. Neither are very expensive now so if my prediction goes bad it's whatever.
>new drawing extra cards rulings
What do you mean? Did I miss something recently?
hoo boy
indulge me, sounds interesting
Autistic but also it was at a GP so I get it.
Poor sportsmanship though. No need to be a shark.
Strip mining people just feels so good. Just having Excavator opens up so many avenues of the deck.
Do you have a list? I'm trying to tune mine.
At COMP Rel:Competitive Events like PPTQs or GPs drawing extra cards used to be a game loss,now instead if you draw an extra card your opponent looks at your hand and chooses a card. That card gets shuffled into the deck.
It's not recent like this year, think it's two years? Everything seems recent when you've playing the game over fifteen years.
Huh, that's never come up in my games before, so i didn't know that. It's interesting that they would do this instead of having the opponent choose an unknown card at random to preserve known vs. unknown information.
Been playing for a month or so, finally finished with enough points to cash last weekend at the local modern weekly, had between 40 and 50 people. I didn't realize how much money you even make at local levels. Going infinite and making money on top seems really doable.
Making it more punishing makes players avoid it more. A system like that can be absuable, draw and discard a card at random are effects (some)players do actually play and want.
You definitely want to run a full playset of baral. Go up one more grapeshot and down 1 empty. and I only run 3 remands. Also, 3 past in flames might be over doing it. 2 is only really needed.
I'm torn between ETron, Storm and Merfolk
Probably nothing's going to be banned, but better wait and see, right?
Yeah, thought so. I think 4 remands is fine, but I guess a single peer is also an option. I heard 3 empty is better in an creature/aggro heavy meta. Testing out tommorrow. Thanks for the advise.
TL;DR: What are some decent budget decks that would be good for introducing players to the modern format?
Due to various things like some players moving away for school or work schedules changing, our modern events haven't been having good turnouts lately. Sometimes we haven't been had enough people for the event to fire off.
We have a lot of people that play standard and commander, but they don't have modern decks and don't feel like buying pieces and building decks since we don't have decent turnouts, and we don't have good turnouts because not enough people have modern decks.
So a couple of guys and I thought that maybe if we each built a few budget decks that we could lend out for the event we could get out of this catch 22 situation and get the ball rolling. So I'm looking for some deck ideas that don't have a lot of overlap card-wise or strategy-wise.
Mono Red Burn.
Green Stompy.
Mono Black Devotion.
Maybe a more budget friendly BW Tokens.
Tron with budget friendly threats (basically pauper Tron).
Mono Blue Delver could be brewed up and do well(ish).
Also, most decks have a budget alternative. Affinity, for example, without Ravagers and Opals becomes pretty cheap.
It was round 7, we were 3-3, and I was the 4th Ponza player that he'd faced with his Tron