Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


>Acting heretical
>Killed SoB
>Sacrificed an inquisitor

Who could possibly be in the wrong? Really activates the almonds.

I don't see how this is the case when one of the most loyal chapters has cannibalism as a normal ritual.

The Inquisition.
Flesh eating rituals is quite common among space marines due to the Omophagea.
The Inquisitor should have known that and not interrupted them so brazenly.

I thought drop pods killed anyone who wasn't a space marine.

Its 40k, everyone's in the wrong all the time, and trying to fix it makes it more wrong. That's the point. Fucked up supersoldiers doing fucked up shit get accused of being too fucked up by fucked up ultrafascist secret police and fight about it, causing a fucked up situation where the supersolders go to live in the ultrafucked up hole in reality to fight everyone all the time forever.

Inquisitor as and said.

I would say the inquisitor was partially in the wrong for calling down an inadequate force

user, you are merely not appreciating the cultural differences these two peoples have.

The Kathans were obviosly just defending themselves, having mistook the sisters of battle "blood offering" and the lead sister being made the honorary sacrifice of their celebration.

I mean, honestly, if she didn't want to be sacrificed, they shouldn't have tried to "liberate" the habitat.

you know what chaos needs?
a defense attorney.
None of this would be a problem if chaos had a right to a fair trial.

Yeah I don't know what her thought process was thinking some SoB strike force would be enough to handle a veteran company of marines.

Inquisition, you don't fucking intrude upon a Space Marines supersolider savage bullshit until you see Daemons and Chaos Sigils. These guys might have been fine, but now they're on the verge of letting a Chaos God walk.

Great Job.

What do they think the Harlequin's taste like?

Glitter and old library books.

Now obviously freaking out and murdering/eating an inquisitor is wrong, but what would you have done instead?
Get jumped by an inquisitor and his trigger-happy honorguard and what, surrender? Give up peacefully so your chapter can still be declared heretical and executed?

All Inquisitors Are Bad

Modified versions with additional impact absorbsion are useable by normal humans in power armour.

Space Sharks basically abduct an entire planetary population wholesale every generation for their recruitment drives, and they've avoided inquisitorial censure in part because they are smart enough to keep shit that happens in the chapter in the chapter and not out in the open.

They abducted a generation from the Mantis Warriors previous recruitment worlds after the Badab War to replenish their losses. A drastic measure but it was all aboveboard.

How many space sharks are there?

Sacrificied to whom? They weren't Chaos worshippers back then.