What would the 80's look like with magic?
What would the 80's look like with magic?
Um, the 80s? Duh.
I guess somewhere between just looking like the 80's and Shadowrun without the deckers and cybernetics
Stealth shadowrun thread?
Depends on what kind of magic do you mean. D&D style magic as technology would greatly change everything (even D&D itself fails to recognize this) or ritualistic/mystic magic which really wouldn't change much as it would be just like a horror movie from that decade.
Semi-WHFRP magic
Reagan and Gorbachev as Wizards playing pranks on each other on an international level. The Grand Necromancer Henry Kissinger controls everything from the shadows.
Also, my sides.
Shadowrun 2nd ed?
Like it was a long time ago and I was drunk for most of but I'm fairly sure "The distant future 80's but with magic and shit" was how that worked.
See, not an eighties aesethic but rather the actual 1980's
Or a parallel world that's close.
>Diamond Dogs in a JoJo pose
This calls for a Metal Gear thread.
Mad Max. Magic threats pop the Cold War membrane and the world gets nuked and magic nuked. Anyone who had a magic arsenal and understanding thereof went boom and took their secrets along with them. Now it's just a bunch of wasteland hair band thugs running around with oddjob spells and sacred casters when and where they can get them, forming cults and religions around the guy with Create Water That Isn't Fucking Irradiated, and killing radio stars with broken video cameras.
You're justing asking for JoJo part 3
Well, since OP is insisting actual 80's and not just 80's aesthetic:
>Cold war spy shenanigans turned up to 11 with magic
>magical drugs
>magic being applied in new and exciting ways to exploit people and make lots and lots of money by Gordon Gecko Gandalf
>hip hop wizards
>the first experimental beginnings of meme magic via Usenet
>The Rubiks cube is a magical artifact, no one can solve it without having latent magic ability, it's used as a test to sift mundanes from the gifted
>the threat of magic nukes
>big hair and pointy wizard shoulder pads
>the Power Glove actually has powers
Part 3 is set during the 70's. Old Joseph is in his 60's or so. WW2 hasn't started quite yet in pt 2
...Come to think of it how the fuck did Joseph avoid getting drafted when the War started... Even if he moved to America to avoid it in England it'd still get him when America entered the War.
Eh, he probably cheesed himself a deployment away from the Front Lines like a fucking pussy
OK did the math, if we assume pt 2 took place in 1938, a year before the outbreak of the war, and Joseph was 18 or 19 at that time then he was born ~1920. Which means Part 3 could have taken place in either the 70's or 80's because that would put Joseph in his 50's or 60's. Holly, being Milf as fuck, is probably in her mid to late 30's's (lets say 35) and we know Jotaro is ~16 because he's in highschool.
So Joseph probably had Holly during the baby boom, which was 1946-1964. Lets say 1950 for simplicity sake.
Holly being in her mid to late 30's would probably put Part 3 squarely in the start of the 80's, very late 70's.
So yeah, Part 3 WAS during the 80's. Which places Part 4 and 5 squarely in the mid 90's (because Josuke is a teenager it would have to be ~15-16 years after part 3 since he was conceived during a fling either at the very beginning or end of part 3), which makes sense considering the vibe.
And part 6 was set during the 2000's and then it doesn't matter cause the world ends
PS this means Oldest Joseph is in his 60's during part 4, lazy fuck should've kept up with his Hamon
Honestly? pic related because fucking magic is the only way to explain the shit that happens in metal Gear solid
Part 1 is the 1880s
Part 2 is 1938
Part 3 is 1989
Part 4 is 1999
Part 5 is 2001
Part 6 is 2011
Part 7 is 1890
Part 8 is 2012
>Part 4 is 1999
>1999, bizarre summer
this doesn't add up, Josuke is conceived during part 3, and he's not 10 yrs old in part 3. Part 3 has to be 1982-84 at least.
to be fair nowhere is it specified he was conceived during part 3, just that Joseph cheated on Holly in Japan at some point. It could have been during an earlier visit
>Josuke is conceived during part 3
He was already a young kid when Dio used the Arrow and caused him to get his Stand, so Josuke should have been 6 by then, if in 1999 he was 16
When DIO returned and activated the Joestar stands, it almost killed Joske. This was explained in the story about why Josuke is so obsessed with his hair.
That part always confused me. Was the dude with the hair who helped his mom with the car like... him from the future?
We will never know
Maybe it's a plot that Araki dropped, possibly to do with [Bites the Dust].
Maybe it's how Josuke remembers the event (he projects his own self image on his hero).
Maybe there was just a kid in the late 80's who looks identical to Josuke.
We'll never know.
>we'll never know
Is this a quote from Araki or something? I'm a filthy secondary who read up through part 3, and up to Yandere Hair Waifu in part 4
It's just that Araki's never explained it. See, the popular theory is that the villain of that arc, Kira, would have used a new variant of his final stand form [Killer Queen Bites The Dust] to send Josuke back into the past during their fight, and Josuke would pull a Prisoner of Azkaban and turn be the one who helped him and his mother all those years ago.
But the fight between the two ended up being a lot more low key, and while great, it leaves that plot thread dangling like so much of part IV.