Thoughts on the "you shouldn't need books or paper to play a TTRPG" money-grab? Is there anything, anything at all, that could convince me to try it?
Has anyone here used it? Any thoughts?
Thoughts on the "you shouldn't need books or paper to play a TTRPG" money-grab? Is there anything, anything at all, that could convince me to try it?
Has anyone here used it? Any thoughts?
I plan on getting it st some point. I'm not sure why people are mad. Just don't use it if you don't like it.
I think part of it is having to pay for the content you already have a hardcover of again.
The only thing I could see myself using it for is to search through spell descriptions, but there's already online tools that do that, so I doubt I'll ever get it
Is there anything, anything at all, made by WotC or Paizo that grogs won't call a cash grab? Like, christ, we get it, they're a company trying to make money. How's that any different from any other RPG company, unless you exclusively play FATE or something else where it's pretty much all free? If you don't like it, don't buy it. I haven't played D&D or MtG in years so I don't have a dog in this race and haven't been following why I'm supposed to mad this time around, but do you people realize how hard it is to listen when you get mad literally any time they try to do anything?
You're not just whining about popular things to feel better about yourself, right user?
Nah, I fuckin' love 5e. I just think it's retarded to put out a service that costs the same as all the books (or has you buy parts of them at inflated costs) that fails to take into account whether or not you bought things already, and is digital—so if you lose account access, tough titties.
The books were fine, any retard can use an index. This is just trying to get morons with money to buy the content twice, which is stupid.
>something else where it's pretty much all free?
If you're sick of the "rules for rules sake" attitude, the books, the tools, and the extra bloated crap produced by companies whose goal is profit and not good gaming, come stop by.
Swear to god you fuckers are worse than Mormons or JW
Bitch please. Don't compare us to small-timers.
it's trash
>"you shouldn't need books or paper to play a TTRPG" money-grab?
I agree in concept but I question how that works as a product
Okay... So what exactly is D&D Beyond?
Is it a D&D 5e subscription service? Online PHB/DM's book...?
It's 'offical' online content that has a price tag for stuff that is worse than free tools made by fans and fellow players.
oh, is this just the analog of the old 4e hosted content/character builder?
It is effectively the online subscription to the digital content of 5E.
Nobody checked the trips of truth.
What is it? I thought it was just going to be like the old subscription thing for 4e?
Admittedly, such a thing was very useful for 4e, especially later on in the run, and hardly seems needed for 5e.
Tried out the free version today. The interfa e is decent but limited. And having to pay a subscription fee is bs. If you could pay a one time cost and have permanent access i think it would be better
Being able to finally buy generic digital versions of 5e products is nice, but the sub services right now are literally useless. None of the campaign management stuff is actually in there right now: no encounter calculator, no combat tracker, no inline-rolling, and content sharing on homebrew stuff is broken.
You also can't add in homebrew rules and features into sheets right now, so you're locked into the free content.
>And having to pay a subscription fee is bs.
not to mention they're just going to eventually leave it in the dust like the 4e subscription
Yup not to mention there are way better free ones out there with more content. Though i suppose theyll be given cease and desists now. But its not worth it imo. To get access to everything is $237 so basically pay for a digital copy of everything for 15% everything in the future or pay a sub fee. Nope all the nope
Maybe the only way id see this working would be if you can intergrate homebrew from the dmsguild without having to enter it all yourself manually. Then itd be sort of worth it.