Just got reincarnated as a wood elf female, used to be a male. What are some good character arts for a male in a female body?
Pic possibly be related but I don't think it makes sense to run around with bare midriff when I was a man yesterday.
Just got reincarnated as a wood elf female, used to be a male. What are some good character arts for a male in a female body?
Pic possibly be related but I don't think it makes sense to run around with bare midriff when I was a man yesterday.
Image search "ranma 1/2" with the safety filter off.
>What are some good character arts for a male in a female body?
Reincarnated and not genderswapped, and as an elf? Well your character has got a couple of good years to get used to being a female, given whatever age your setting has for young adult elves.
I'm thinking a guy in a woman's body would dress differently from a woman.
Bang a bunch of dudes, and realize all you ever wanted was like 40 dicks in you, as that is your DM's fetish.
Nah, what happened was, I was already a wood elf, and I rolled wood elf again on reincarnate so we gave it a 50/50 shot I'd come back as female
What kinda wood elf are you? Ranger, wizard, what have you?
Not explicitly an elf, but could be. Ears are hidden.
swashbuckler rogue
Ashamed of the sex change the elf feels compeled to not show his new body.
Since Im posting anyway, a logic explanation. For what you want, unless you find some art of someone obviously reacting to the change, which is likely to be fetish material anyway and thus not great character art for a group that's not an ERP, you're looking for basically normal character art that has a context you can build around. So either a visible level of discomfort (presuming your elf is not really okay with this yet), or with a posture that comes off as masculine even if the body does not. You obviously don't want something too skimpy, so conservatively dressed too works to your advantage, but its not necessary if its a fairly reasonable cut of female clothing. They are, after all, limited to what they can buy that fits them on short notice.
Like this one. Original intent is just a boob window. If I'm looking for art of a genderswapped dude, what I see is someone wearing leather armor designed to tie up the front that doesn't fit over the chest anymore.
It needs pants too.
Wood elf ninjas cool.
Having a completely new body works to his advantage though since he was indebted to some asshole fey. Probably a good idea to try to get the word out quick that he died and just got replaced.
Think reverse trap, OP. Or a Drag King.
Everyone mistakes "him" for a teenage boy. But nobody ever suspects that "he" is running around with a set of hooters bound tightly underneath "his" tunic.
So basically all the same clothes/armor as your character wore last time.