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Who /toonforce/ here?
Aight. Just checking, thanks for the added details.
Any world that you carry with you is good for that. Like, if you could drop Thanos into the Grove from World Seed it'd work. Lord of Hell, Dimension Lord, Inner World, Freaking Wonderland if you can convince the bastard to take him to it, and Neverland are all places where the power of the Infinity Gaunlet would be lacking.
Nah Types do their thing by being Ultimate Ones, from what I recall. You'd have to check with Val about that.
True that.
While you're here, brief question about Dragonsworn.
Which Flight would most likely accept a Hunter?
I need suggestions for monsters to farm blue magic spells from and possibilities on what one could gain in doing such please! Here I pay you in alternate morality twin ass!
I'm a bit too stoic to make regular use of it, but I picked it up in Roger Rabbit and it can be fun at times. Just make sure that people know you have a way to apply it to other people BEFORE you drop a safe on someone's head, otherwise they'll think you just killed someone and freak out.
I wish there were more jumps that let you use it offensively, but toonforce is one of those things that's either a literal joke or nearly unbeatable, with very little in-between.
No problem.
And keep in mind that comics are, well, comics. So if you want to fudge things a little to fanwank something to work for your story, go for it. It'll almost certainly be less incongruous than a lot of stuff the actual writers spew.
Does it need to be magic specifically, or will biological abilities work?
'Cause Monster Hunter has some decent stuff, especially the Elder Dragons, but it's bullshit biology as opposed to magic.
... Any of them, really.
Reds would appreciate a talented hunter in their efforts to protect life - conservation efforts, that kind of thing.
Blacks are always hiring mercenaries of any sort.
Blues, even if you aren't a mage, always appreciate good help when it comes to hunting down awesome new artifacts. And even in the current day and age where there are relatively few, hunters and their beasts are good for protecting eggs.
Bronzes... If you can help defend the timeline, they don't care what you practice.
Greens are about the same as Reds, but moreso focused on nature. Hunters tend to, kinda yknow, rely on nature. Goes hand-in-hand.
Aighty then.
Looks like the hun's position as a Goddess of Death is more-or-less reinforced after this.
How does one disrupt the tenchi experiment /without/ killing anyone?
That makes sense, thanks!
Well, seems that I've gone and kicked the hornets nest that is JC. Ah well, that won't stop me.
I was originally going to go ahead and do individual replies, however that quickly got out of hand so I'll try to explain myself here.
I'm afraid that humans were a bit misrepresented as ultimately Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is exactly that, a jump about Dragon Maids.
While cute settings are great, and that certainly will not be ignored in the making of this jump, I still have to acknowledge the fact that the show/manga revolves around super beings that could annihilate the planet if they put their mind to it. Yes, that is rather hard to balance against humans, isn't it.
I want to just remind everyone that not all dragons are equal. Yes, they are powerful, but lets remind each other that Tohru and the gang are the exception. You want that power, you can knock yourself out and pay 1200. Just for even being a dragon and picking an origin you're already paying half your base amount of points anyway.
On the other hand, I've gone ahead and attempted to give us Ningen some more viability on the playing field. Hopefully drop-in will do the trick, as will sorcerer and student once they are fully fleshed out.
As usual, write your thoughts and I'll try to get back to you.
Also yes, i'm aware of the odd indent that happened on the 1 in location. It's a transfer error from word to PDF and I'm working on it.
Is it worth going to Dragon Ball before this jump, simply for the look on their faces when you mention the titular, wish-granting objects?
So. Who else is preparing their /x/-derived rituals for the eclipse in the some vague hope of attracting a chance at a JumpChain?
Why do you have to go there? Just bring them the manga, and tell them on your planet there is a legend abut a race of space monkeys fighting over dragon's balls.
/x/ are shit at magic, /tv/ are the ones who memed an actual plane into crashing
Not me.
Z has an item that lets you learn how to make them, so it's entirely feasible to just be talking to them one day when you suddenly whip out your balls and plop them on the table.
Will dragonslayer enhance attempts to seduce dragons?
>memed an actual plane into crashing
Would the The Dragonslayer perk help with seducing dragons? Or does it only work when attacking them?
>Get word magic
>Change Dragonslayer into Dragon's Layer
>Proceed to Lay the Dragon
>Doesnt know
oh boy
>Cursed Dragon
Literally sold in setting for 1000 yen.
Only /pol/ /a/ /tv/ and to a certain extent /co/ have managed to use meme magic
Glad the shitstorm did not scare you off. that's always a worry here. thanks for the speedy updates too! *Begins reading*
I... Still don't know understand.
>Dragon of the Apocalypse
Wait wait, I thought this setting was pure Slice of Life, what's Satan or some expy of him have to do with this?
Still waiting on one piece. Then I can summon my waifu into existance.
Fucking MAAM, stop being Yankee bastards and send me my shit already.
/pol/ used meme magic to spread ebola through africa and elect trump
/a/ overused the keit-ai meme so much it became a real movie
/tv/ shitposted so much the 4u bane meme that a plane that began with 4U crashed in les bains with no survivors and other hilarious coincidences
/co/ has Paul Dini who actually managed to marry his comic book waifu and Morrison has hyper-crisis which is another mess in itself.
No problem user.
Now scuse me while I continue salt-spewing over Patch 7.3.
>Patch 7.3
Just thought about it, but, would you be able to just endlessly create painted worlds from Dark Souls and then feed them to your Hell Lord Dimension?
Insert complaint about student perk line here.
Its pure slice of life involving beings that could tpk a planet. some of them are more powerful than others. if i recall correctly Quetzalcoatl is the one the fallen goddess perk is based on. shes an easy going person. (also probably a shotacon but i am not caught up so don't trust me on that one.)
Then how powerful are normal dragons? Are there any in setting examples?
Don't Painted Worlds eventually deteriorate? Admittedly I haven't read that Jump very thoroughly.
Yeah they do but unless the world literally just gets slapped on to the slice of hell you have it should be fine. Maybe.
Just create a few demi-planes with D&D spells. They expand slowly, but enough of them will add up.
Oh where do I fukken begin.
>Illidan opens fuckmassive portal that literally makes Azeroth and Argus several miles away from each other.
>bosses in new raid include two fucking Titans (Aggrammar and apparently the Titan World-Soul of ARGUS)
>Eonar's somehow inexplicably alive despite multiple guidebooks and lore blurbs saying that all the Titans were killed except for a fragment of their souls.
>Varimathras' quotes implying that EVEN IF WE WIN, SYLVANAS IS GOING TO RUIN EVERYTHING.
>even if we win Sylvanas is going to ruin everything
Are you really surprised?
>At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming.
>Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.
>theories about Old Gods manipulating the undead from all the way back in "No King Rules Forever" Wrath
We Old Gods now.
That guy who wants undead vagina is gonna come rushing in to defend Sylvanas.
It gets dumber.
>Sargeras: When my new Pantheon rises, no power in the universe will stand against the Legion!
Can it even be called one if it's probably rotted off
Silvy did nothing wrong!
By nothing I mean everything.
I mean apparently some of the other undead invested in cosmetics so maybe she sewed it bsck on. Or sewed on someone else's. To paraphrase the purityfag, user's waifu is probably impure.
What even is the Legion's powerlevel at this point? I'm supposed to believe from lore they do what 40K's Chaos Gods haven't been able to, but you can potentially land the deathblow on their greatest leaders as a gnomish inventor.
So you are balancing this around dragons but it'll cost 1000 CP to be as strong as any of the shown dragons while also making fairly common spells for dragons to know separate perks? That doesn't really make much sense.
>Helya's domain is in the sea
>the sea, which N'Zoth rules
>she's an octopus lady
>Azshara is also an octopus lady
>Sylvanas made a deal with Helya
>thus making a deal with N'Zoth
>Ilgynoth calls to N'Zoth when he dies
>Xal'atath mentions that N'Zoth was the cleverest of the Old Gods, which is why he's the only one left alive
>N'Zoth was the first Old God to truly make use of the Nightmare, and was Xavius' patron
>N'Zoth was the primary corrupter/sponsor of Deathwing
>N'Zoth's the one who enslaved Neptulon
The seeds Mr. Tentacles has been planting are visible as far back as Cata in-game.
Can we pretend this doesn't exist when WoW Jump is done?
The only thing I can seriously tell you is that the Legion has destroyed numerous worlds prior to Azeroth. Beyond that, I got nothing.
There is so little that is actually given concrete explanations or evidence lately, and so many sodding retcons and contradictions. Exhibit A: Argus the Unmaker, the planet Argus' Titanic World-Soul, is apparently the source of the energy that gives the Demons their ability to reincarnate in the Twisting Nether.
Despite literally _everything else saying they do that naturally_.
Didn't they say Argus just makes the demons respawn faster so they don't have to wait centuries to get their Imps back?
N'Zoth is playing 4 dimensional chess, he probably deliberately leaked shadow priest lore to get more officially sanctioned followers in the long run
NO, Illidan is now your lord and savior. He achieved a new powerlevel for your sins!
t. Blizzard
Does Illidan still at the very least have Liam O' Brian as his VA?
I liked Illidan when I was an edgy teenager, now I just think he's a cunt, and has always been a cunt.
But then I think his brother is just as much of a cunt, so what do I know?
So, what do you guys think about saving Popula and Devola?
Nope. Turalyon and Velen have directly said the Burning Legion's harnessing his power to "endlessly regenerate inside the Twisting Nether."
It'd make more sense if it was like you said it - and didn't contradict the reason behind Mardum's existence (created to snag reincarnating demons as they manifested in the Nether, forming a prison).
Not gonna put anything for or against it in jump, but frankly? I dun care if you wing-wong it every which way or however. Your deal / story, as they say. I don't blame you in the slightest for going "Nope."
Could the Lovecraft Ripoff please stand up?
I repeat.
Could the Lovecraft Ripoff please stand up?
We're going to have a problem here.
I'd rather have the newer Liam O'Brian role tho
Yes. He does.
His best role is obviously David
Where can I get non-humanoid companions?
I mean, monstrously inhuman.
Not him, but Psionics also tends to be the "not-magic" option in settings and covers everything from telekinesis, to telepathy, teleportation, elemental manipulation, mind reading/control, and precognition/divination depending on how it works in setting. If it's a weird power in sci-fi that isn't explicitly magic or tech there's a better than even chance it's Psi in nature. There's also alot more technology that can either work because of, be more efficent with, or boost Psi compared to Chi in fiction, atleast in my experience.
I'm not at all familiar with Wuxia/Xianxia but it seems like with the rampant escalation Chi has more out and out power until you get to the point of world busting/tearing holes in spacetime with Psi.
Granblue Fantasy jump when?
Doesn't have to me creepy or anything, I just want companions that aren't waifus.
You know, for some reason Infinite's eye thing reminds me of what Gaara looked like with his sand armor cracked. Which reminds me how Gaara went from deranged psychopath to charismatic leader. Which further reminds me of how Liam managed to pull both off perfectly.
You might be able to find something like that in Bayonetta. Some of those angels and demons get pretty monstrous.
He did a really good job as Ukitake in Bleach too. Thank God they didn't continue that fucking adaption.
Considering its the same idiot that took a technical full year to make super robot wars (Read: Me), there being like 180+ characters to represent last i checked, and the fact that my actual ability to play granblue can be described as nothing short of scrub tier that I cant even REACH Akasha let alone fight it.
The reality is I have a frame besides the more pressing issues of origins, and the cruel reality of actual obligations in 2 weeks
>companions that aren't waifus
Everything is waifus user; the laws of physics are waifus, your items are waifus, and even your warehouse is a waifu!
So basically you're completely ignoring everything about the show's core themes and messages to focus on more powerwanking and utterly shit balancing.
Great! I love it!
They're only waifus if you want them to be.
>your items are waifus
You say that like Soul Eater didn't turn Weapons into Waifus ages ago.
And Spiderman didn't turn clothing/symbiotes into waifus.
Welcome to /jc/, nobody cares about anything else.
That is NOT true. We also like waifus. We are even talking about them right now.
Beholders seem like a fairly obvious choice, especially if your blue magic is the 'get hit with it to learn it' or 'see it used in battle to learn it' type that allows you to learn multiple abilities from a single monster. They've got a nice selection of eye rays to acquire.
So, for those of you who walk the Path of a Thousand Whispers, traversing the multiverse with the Descending Hierarchy behind your steps... y'all have any good ideas for powering up your demons?
Not sure if just making my regular soul(s) stronger would do anything to them.
Either balance around the shown dragons or leave them to the side, trying to include them without all the power that comes with it won't make anyone happy.
Have the power present and balancing the rest of the jump around it will make the people who want the power happy but piss off those who don't want it.
Leaving the powers on the sidelines or completely absent will make the people who don't want the powers happy but piss off the ones who do.
Including the powers as a central aspect while also making them too expensive will piss off the people who want the powers since they are harder to get than they thing they should be and also piss off the ones who don't want the powers as the powers are present and take away from what they want the jump to focus on.
You can't please everyone.
>I want to just remind everyone that not all dragons are equal. Yes, they are powerful, but lets remind each other that Tohru and the gang are the exception. You want that power, you can knock yourself out and pay 1200. Just for even being a dragon and picking an origin you're already paying half your base amount of points anyway.
What is your basis for this, exactly? Afaik, every dragon we actually see in the setting is incredibly powerful. We encounter absolutely no weak dragons. Even if there weak dragons, why would you balance the race around the unimportant mobs that don't even rate as background characters instead of the protagonists? I'm not going to this jump to chat with clans of lesser wyverns in the Dragon World, I'm going there to hang out with the cast of actually important characters. How does this pricing make ANY SENSE?
>On the other hand, I've gone ahead and attempted to give us Ningen some more viability on the playing field. Hopefully drop-in will do the trick, as will sorcerer and student once they are fully fleshed out.
Fuck off.
Welcome to what happens when you let SBers make jumps.
>you can't please everyone
How true.
It's like his idea of jump balance goes straight from "peak human" to "Ultimate Life Form" with no steps in between.
Didn't you have a poll to decide which character's you'd represent? (and also the results of the poll being that 99% of the chosen characters were female except for that one bandit guy)
Perhpas base the origins off race? I don't know much about Granblue Fantasy so I'd not be much help finding suggestions but perhaps an origin based off the protagonist, obviously, and the empire their facing in which I forgot the name off. Or perhpas basing the origins upon skill types, like mage, archer, etc.etc with the drop in being the Captain/ Protagonist origin.
>I want to just remind everyone that not all dragons are equal. Yes, they are powerful, but lets remind each other that Tohru and the gang are the exception.
But every dragon shown except for a literal child is near or above Tohru's power, you can't really have any weak dragons. Either make them full strength or leave them out.
Not sure why anyone cares though, jumpers >>>>> dragons regardless. It's better to pick up cute and comfy stuff.
We're aware you're autistic enough about your "comfy" meme bullshit to try and derail a legitimate jump into some Red-tier dumb bullshit.
Shut the fuck up already.
What jumps are after the end of the world?
the more grim the setting the better.
Mad Max
Mad Max
Generic Post Apoc
>Psionics also tends to be the "not-magic" option in settings and covers everything from telekinesis, to telepathy, teleportation, elemental manipulation, mind reading/control, and precognition/divination depending on how it works in setting.
Nigga just replace the word "psionics" with "chi" and you just described most of the popular settings that involve heavy chi-use. Except for Street Fighter. Often the difference is that where psionics tend to be innate abilities, such applications of chi are usually learned techniques. There are also more than a few settings where magic is powered by chi, but I guess those wouldn't count because user doesn't want to use magic.
>mad max
when did we get this?
SMT starts off as a zombie apocalypse mixed with a war between the Japanese military backed by demons which has taken over the government and American peacekeepers backed by angels and led by Thor mixed with demons trying to invade, and then World War 3 starts when Ambassador Thor decides to bring down his 'Hammer', aka nukes. And then it becomes Mad Max mixed with Revelations, and then the Great Flood happens again and it's the Battle of Armageddon inside God's Giant Cathedral/Throne, except there's one faction that's just a normal human, his girlfriend, and couple of demons, gods, monsters, and angels they forcibly recruited. They win.
Also, Digital Devil Saga, except unless you change the canon storyline, it becomes the Apocalypse again but worse because apparently pissing off God once already wasn't enough.
Thanks to the person who pointed out some jumps that I was sure I'd put on the list at some point, and a few I didn't know about at all.
Now that they're added, we are, as that user said, at 900 jumps.
Poll was for the companions section mostly because exactly that, 180 of them and at least half of them have their own STILL ONGOING sideplots (minor exaggeration)
Fully aware of the waifu issue but considering people whaled for a monkey this was to be expected
There's already a designated protagonist and empire origin
Basically the perks deal was that Im basically pulling a second origin skyfarer based origin and im frankly running on fumes because the actual In Game Grind Is Beyond Real and I havent even surpassed basic grinding
Classes are their entire separate thing because Drum Master is a work of art class
nnfh, you guys really let me have it. That's fine though, I get it. Made another pass at balancing, we'll see how that one goes. Perks have been added and some lines changed, the capstones of the faction lines have been removed to reflect the change of strength in Dragons.
Aside from that, we also got some items and drawbacks filled in, along with the ending since i forgot that. Whoops. I suggest you guys read the notes at the bottom. It probably has nothing to do with Dragonslayer.
You know the drill by now. Questions, Comments, Insults? Hurl em' at me.
Katawa shoujo and infinite stratos are listed twice