What's your favorite class in Skyscrapers and Subways?
Meanwhile, in Fantasy Veeky Forums
Call me a lowballer, but I really enjoy the Hobo class. Lack of resources can be killer, but you're +2 to interactions with charities, and you treat cheap booze as 3 tiers higher for Drunkenness.
Street preacher; gotta show people the glory of that jesus fellow, or something.
>playing a human fighter
>roll shit stats
>havn't charmed any cute guys at any taverns
Think I'm done playing.
Definitely Cop. Getting a firearm and ammunition for free is fucking awesome, and I don't have to take the "Troubled Youth" background required for becoming a Gangster in order to do it. That, and I'm a Paladin irl so I enjoy the parallels.
Favorite class to play?
Accountant. It may be boring but in the right campaign an accountant will completely nullify some of the biggest threats.
Favorite class in abstract?
Journalist. There's a ton of subclasses and for most encounters there's no social penalty for talking to ANYONE. The problem is that the random layoff table only gets worse as the campaign goes on.
I'm Angry.
Angry about Orientals.
How do we fix them?
Oriental racial templates are way too OP
I only play in Suburban settings so I'm partial to Soccer Mom. The multitasking builds are just too good to pass up and you get to pick up a hobby for free, too.
I can deal with the +INT modifier.
I can deal with the 17 variations the dev's seem to have implemented for some reason.
But I CAN NOT stand by the female only special ability "Summon: White Male." It's broken and overpowered.
Cause my character doesn't have access to it.
Seriously? Toronto again? We've got this whole setting and we're still stuck in the so-called "Centre of the Universe"? They're all so stuck-up and everything is so expensive that even the motels are bleeding us dry!
What the fuck is going on with the current America lore? Fucking nazis vs anarchist communists? Are they setting up for America Endtimes?
The reboot of the white nationalist with the Trump Bump has been a long time coming. I mean, they were pretty useless faction until now and now they are almost viable.
What? You don't like to be challenged? I would walk away from a table that freely allowed the Silver Spoon perk
>white nationalists
Yes, because most of their modifiers are in the basic WASP stat block. Picking White Nationalist in addition to that just leaves you maladjusted and basically forces you to join the Republican Party to compensate for the negative modifiers.
>Fucking nazis vs anarchist communists?
>Somebody hasn't read the Anglo Invasion-sourcebook.
Their first appearance was literally them building Gulags to work Anarchists and Socialists to death, user. They're the most consistent culture in the setting.
If you really want to see over powered, look for a specific deity, "allah". It grants you so much stuff but it also has some weird requirements. Your only race can be "People of the Sands" (at least for PCs). If you choose female you don't get as much but, it's still powerful as long as you aren't playing in the "Between the Easts (BtE)" setting or you may well be an NPC with how few choices your character can make once in game. Male on the otherhand is just broken in most settings. You're pretty much untouchable in Sweden and Germany. The Refugee background gives you so many bonuses there. It works in Canada too. America it has slightly less effect but, it works. You can't use it if you're in the BtE setting but you've got other options like "religious family" or "Child of the Black Liquid Merchant". "Homeless family", "Blue Collar Child" are really the only things most will allow you to play.
Anyway with any background + the Allah deity you're able to convert any female in most of the settings i mentioned who doesn't have the "RED PILL" status; it works better on feminists for some reason, i dont understand; is this an error or did they really intend this to have 90% chance of working on them? Once you do it you can generally do anything with them. They are essentially "charmed" permanently but they don't have the charmed status on them. They -must- obey you. Males can be converted and will generally act as helpful NPCs but don't obey you like the newly converted women will.
You can also demand entry into buildings without a real reason or simply steal and in most locations nobody gets mad at you.
Funny thing, you can attack people in broad daylight with your party present but NOBODY will ever go hostile towards them since you get "ACT AS A LONEWOLF" ability at level 2 automatically.
Also if your character gets fired, you can get a new job fairly easily; This doesn't even begin to explore the classes you can go into with this background
>The Refugee background gives you so many bonuses there.
...like being permanent underclass in a class-based system, yes.
It's great, you're locked out of pretty much everything, your character gets randomly moved around the globe at a die and travelling takes as long as it did back during the medieval period.
It's an NPC class. Take a refugee into your crew and you'll be spending most of the game just trying to keep him in the same country as the rest of the crew.
>Funny thing, you can attack people in broad daylight with your party present but NOBODY will ever go hostile towards them since you get "ACT AS A LONEWOLF" ability at level 2 automatically.
You got your shit mixed up, user. That's a US-specific positive quirk that only applies to the upperclass Saudi Arabian template.
So who wins in the moneymancer vs security debate?
Christianity is good and all but Islam is best in the new edition. You get one of your supporters to blow themselves up and it can't be traced back to you, brilliant if you need to get rid of annoying tax officers.
I know its stale but my favorite class is still the standard fast food employee, free meals is one hell of a benefit when low on cash.
Yeah but you still have to deal with the fat modifer and Americans get a negative to it already.
Hobo is fucking great.
You can eat some Tycoon's DOG, ON HIS FRONT LAWN, and the authorities will say "awww, he just needs mental help" and then send you to a place with FREE FOOD, DRUGS, AND LODGING for quite some time.
Lobbyist is totally broken in this edition. DESPERATELY needs the nerf bat.
my GM ran a manhattan campaign last fortnight.
i was so excited to play a quant trader because I enjoy my "Algorithmic Alchemy" builds so much
the rest of my fucking group played software engineers because "that's what the tier list said is the best" and minmaxed their charisma away for shitty feats like javascript so I had to play the face and spent all my time in legal battles
god i hate playing with neckbeard powergamers
What do you guys usually eat at the table? I'm kinda sick of the dwarven player and his hardtack. I mean, he sure has nice ales but come on due, it's to get out of your mom's mine.
I envy those groups with a cute halfling chick always cooking delicious six meals per evening of gaming
So, obviously I wanted to play as a dwarf, but what's up with this "manlet" modifier and all the maluses in "dating", "carrer" and "masculinity"? This class is almost unplayable wtf
It gets kind of weird. I'm not going to turn down a meal from the halflings (especially because it would be rude) but it does make things weird for me when I go home and people thing I'm overindulging in the whole civilized life by eating so much food I havn't hunted myself.
I tried to bring some game with me to try and offset this but then they complain they still have to skin it and do all this other "butchering" or whatever
>the woes of a forest elf.
Apparently in next edition they're gonna refluff the lore about orientals.
Basically their tecnomangamagic or whatever they're gonna call it will be way more obiquitous (that "streaming" stuff) and so the characters per se are goona lose the summoning. You're gonna need the Cosplayer class or at least the Camwhore, apparently.
Personally I'm angry about the President new example. Putin was debatable but that orange new guy is really too much, newbies are gonna dump stats like never before.
Dude, just take the Dinklage feat.
Is anyone else angry about how the German Barbarian update completed neutered the Roman Faction?
>that orange new guy is really too much
i want reddit crossboarders to die
>>The Refugee background gives you so many bonuses there.
>...like being permanent underclass in a class-based system, yes.
>It's great, you're locked out of pretty much everything, your character gets randomly moved around the globe at a die and travelling takes as long as it did back during the medieval period.
>It's an NPC class. Take a refugee into your crew and you'll be spending most of the game just trying to keep him in the same country as the rest of the crew.
Easy to get rid of the bad points.
Marry someone in your party who is a native of the nation your setting is in. If not then have a reporter use the PR Blitz ability. If anyone in your party is a Lawyer (even low level) they can keep you in the country by spamming one of their abilities over and over again. If those aren't options then simply convert female NPC and marry her. She's basically a minion who keeps her mouth shut when you tell her to.
Not sure but I had a Moneymance who worshipped the YWHW deity. I was playing a Blue Collar Worker who had Allah as his deity. We were fighting some Neo Nazis - he disappears for sometime then reappears later that night. he tells me there's something i need to see in a strange building.
We go inside and immediately he shoves me inside a small room and locks a large metal door. I hear him speaking to someone - he yells something and is shoved inside the same room with me by a man in a brown uniform. The room heats up and kills us both.
Why do Moneymancers and Cryptojews always have to back stab the party? It seems like he gained nothing from this as he died as well
Nah, those are pretty low-key monsters, you shuld be able to deal with them.
>playing with dwarves.
He's good but a little too obssed with playing in settings like Israel, I think he took that Moriah thing too literally