WIP - Work In Progress General

Work In Progress - "More of us are coming! This planet will be ours!" Edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>In the face of death, I shall have no remorse.

>Previous Thread(s):

Repostan Chaos Johnny WIP from last thread. Legs aren't posed quite right and the posture isn't slumped enough, but I think I got the arms right. Still have to order the pauldrons I need though.

All Marine pauldrons are compatible with Primaris

That's a big Johnny.

What color should I make the robes for my NL sorcerer? I'm thinking some kind of red maybe.

This thread is now Johnnies

>want to make a rubric Johnny for my Thousand Sons
Do I do it, anons? Now I wish I saved the TS beaky head from the ES kit instead of using it for my main sorcerer

For you

Do the AOS blood warriors come with WoC heads or did you get them from a WoC box? I wanna convert something similar but the blood warriors heads are too ornate for me.

Anyone got any advice/guides for how to weather properly, specifically roughing up decals?

The Blood Warriors box does not come with them, unfortunately. I collect WoC for Sigmar so I had a bunch left over.

Not so much WIP as WPP, but some daemonettes I just finished a few minutes ago. Haven't painted more than a few models here or there for the past few years, so pretty proud I got a whole unit done.

Ignore my big dumb finger in the upper right.

Close to done

Lookin' pretty crisp user, good work.

or, I suppose they're called Slaves to Darkness now...

Thank you. Are they the same size or merely compatible in the sense that they will fit on the primaris marines?
I just didn't want to drop cash on them before I knew for sure.

They're the same size, heads and pauldrons are the two things that didn't change size with primaris.

Do it, we will blot out the sun with our Johnnies.

This is my first go at trying to paint warhammer figs of any kind. Critic my tau flesh

What's the best recipe for shiny red Thousand Sons? I know that Tamaya Clear Red is good for it, but what goes under that?

Usually a metallic like leadbelcher or something like that.

a metallic basecoat of your choice, the shade of red you get will depend on said basecoat, for a more pinky shade go silver for a deeper red go gold.
Also ghost tint paints are an alternative to tamiya

Alright, will do user. Guess I'll have to make due with one of the normal rubric heads instead, unfortunately. Will still work hard though.

That is undeniably the biggest and dumbest upper right finger I have ever seen in my entire fuckin life

Looks good
The minis not the finger

Here's a Genecult duder I did as a test model, too.

Thanks! A couple of them look kinda rough since I was figuring out what the fuck I was doing. Those are hidden in the back.

Don't worry about it man, I always use camera angles to my advantage to cover my mistakes.

For example, I angled this photo so you wouldn't be able to tell that I didn't clear the mold lines on this guy.

>I didn't clear the mold lines on this guy.
You monster

I also sprayed the primer on too thick


How do you highlight a staff/pole/rod? Do you just....not?

I want to make a Chaos Lord that looks similar to Executioner Smough (the fat guy(, and I'm wonder what parts I can use and how much Greenstuff will be involved. Would using a Stormcast Eternal head as the base for his helmet work?
Any other tips on parts I can use to assemble him? Especially so that he keeps a little bit of the 40K and Dark Souls-"vibe"

i like to sponge on the basecoat, but im not really good at it to be honest

Look at the Nurgle chaos warriors, dude

Buy a Smough recast?

Finally starting work on my primaris apothecary. Decided to use Ulthuan Grey as base and washed the red with Druchi Violet.

Famalam. I have my Bob Ross support pop, but painting my army of daemons is still so painful. How do you motivate painting your armies?

Wanting to see them colourful and finished on a painted table with finished scenery after x amount of time for it to pay off.

chip on some basecolor and dark grey on it.

Get a Smough recast, give it larger pauldrons, make the flower patterns eight pointed stars, alter the tabard so that it's longer to alter the silhouette, amp up the spikes on the shoulders and head a bit, add black as a secondary accent to the bronze.

>helping me solidify buying a sheet of plywood and spray painting the flocking it tomorrow

T.thanks famm

Also for applying a lot of flock should I use wood glue or something else? My plan is to use wood glue then a disposable paint roller to spread it evenly followed by a healthy sprinkling of flock material.

not enough dicks and tits

Order another head from a bits site.

Hey Wip planning out a Crusader conversion. Mind telling me what you think of these poses?

user you should just look up a painting tau skin guide and go from there

The black recesses are too dark and dont match the skin tone at all

You wanna use a wash or three on this guy too

>no dual shield guy
>no dual sword guy

It's alright, but for real they're solid poses. 3 looks a little uneventful though. Maybe have him point his sword up like a commanding unit or something?

4 or 1 imo. 5 looks the best, but having the sword in the left hand is something I could never abide by

Shieldwall crusaders are a neato idea, keep us posted, you loyalist dog


Thank you for the feed back.

Like straight up, or straight out?

I will probably be keeping a few left handed ones to be honest, but I understand that isn't everyones cup of tea.

Those are five different poses for a squad, not different iterations of the same model. I'm open to suggestions on how to change them up if there are any you think are particularly egregious.

If you don't mind i'd like to ask an opinion. Huge pauldrons or no pauldrons?

I was thinking pointing the tip like a 45 degree angle

I'd like to make this girl here an inquisitor, any suggestions on where to get inquisitorial trinkets and the such? Was also thinking about attempting to make her a coat from scratch, to cover some of the armor and darken her a bit. Yeah, it's a bit off scale, dont care that much, i really like how this model turned out

When you hightlight your model, do you highlight every available vertex/edge like GW do, or do you do source-highlighting?

Which do you prefer and why?

Boy was it hard to get pics under black light

But anyways here's some updates on the typhus

His head looks a bit too large without pauldrons so I'd say yes for pauldrons

Stop painting and go to bed /wip/

Thoughts and opinions on this guy?


Do you want bland formless praise or do you want real criticism

why does he look so WET
jesus christ i dont even know what part of him is meant to be the head


Fucking terrible.
Why is it so shiny?
Why the Gene Simmons face paint?
His hair looks like feces.
The rope on his necklace has no definition.

I wish I was at home so I could photo my paintjob on that mini so you can see how well it can be done.

Real criticism. The part I think turned out there best is the cloak. Beyond that I know it's not great.
idk why it looks so wet in the pictures, definitely not like that in person

Would you call the shadows around these wings too extreme? Should I repaint in between them white and try a less extreme wash?

Depends on the rest of the mini to give us some context for the rest of the paintjob.
Looks okay, will probably look very nice from a distance.

I can't take a pic of the rest of the mini right now. But it's done in the style of this. Though I went a little harder with the shadows.

Any of the Ork hobbyists here know how big the plastic Flash Gitz are compared to the rest of the orks? Like, compared to 40k Nobz, or AoS brutes?

40k Nobs

Constructive criticism incoming:

1. thin your paints.
2. use vallejo/PR/citadel paints.
3. use washes

You know those are worth a decent chunk of change right?

Reverend Moiras are cheaper and already have the whole nun thing going on. You would probably just need to cover their ass a bit then put on some skulls or something.

Sorry for being a dummy, but why take photos under black light?

I like 2, 4, and 5. I'm admittedly a left handed biased piece of shit though...

Which too would require a bit of work, and i dont like their pose very much. Besides, got her painted and varnished already, so it's just a matter of making some conversion bits. Made an attempt and seems really promising.

Post Progress

Well be prepared to trigger some people because that is the only really good Joan model and it is a pain to get your hands on.

If I didn't already have two due to fortuitous circumstances I would be seething right now.

Good luck regardless.

I am thinking about stripping these skitarii down and painting them again, this time without so much rust, what do you think ?

this is before I did bases and all the effects

honestly, if you have the time and better skills than when you painted those, then yeah, do it. they look okayish but definitely not really good.

how do i not suck ass

that was few days ago

Also, this is de facto the first squad I have painted, as in Cherry popping first


Is it better to assemble a space marine whole and paint around the aquila or leave the arms off paint the aquila then apply the arms/bolter

leave off the arms
optionally, the head and backpack as well

I personally go with 'if the brush won't reach it, you won't see it' but leaving the arms off if you are patient/dont want to play straight away is probably the better strategy

Not sure whether to do anything more to this. Kind of thinking it looks good now and it's already weathered as fuck so no need for mud, dust, soot and rust on top of that. On the other hand, maybe it could be better...

Practice, practice, practice.
Remove mould lines, and cut cleanly. If you damage the plastic (it happens) then work around it by making it look like battle damage. But you must be diligent with mould lines because there's no hiding those.

Clean your moldlines. Get rid of the nubs. Other than that, looks good.

They look better with less effects. Less is more.

I like it user. Salt chipping, or hand weathering? Either way, it looks great.


>Are they the same size or merely compatible in the sense that they will fit on the primaris marines?
>I just didn't want to drop cash on them before I knew for sure.

These are Citadel pauldrons and heads rather than FW, but the fit does not offend my sensibilities - and these aren't even from the flexible multi-part kit!

shit man. than do it if you have the time and will to do so, but thin your paints on the coat.
and check how to paint lenses.

Left is around 2005 when I picked mini painting back up and right is this week. Unfortunately my actual first attempts from middle school are lost to time

This is what years of practice looks like.
Excellent work.

Thanks! it's a really gratifying hobby, except for the constant desire to drop cash on yet more piles of minis I'll take years to get to

I'd wash those TL shootas the grot is manning, and do more with the exhausts (which look like they may still just have a basecoat) otherwise it's pretty awesome

Salt and masking fluid applied with a sponge. I think most of the actual chips were from the masking fluid, because most of the salt seems to have either dissolved after a couple of coats of paint or just been covered and stuck in place. Should have probably used coarser flakes or sprayed less paint on top of it.

Hey /wip/. I just started working on my painboss conversion using a demon prince as a base.
Going to be focusing on fixing up the musculature for now then I'll be moving on to making his kustom shoota.

>except for the constant desire to drop cash on yet more piles of minis I'll take years to get to

That's an easy trap to fall into. I believe I have completely unpainted, complete armies/forces from 5 games lying around here. Armies completed: 0.

Sounds like my first attempt at salt chipping - I decided to use different sizes of salt, in different patterns, trying to figure out what looked natural. I rapidly discovered that, unless you're painting a wrecked vehicle, that less is more, for sure.

It's an entertaining process though. Have you tried the hairspray method yet? That's a fun way of weathering as well, although much more labor intensive.

I'm doing all of that.

All I have is a black wash and I've already hit him with two washes (thus the dark recesses) why would I do more an just make his skin tone go from this blue to a dirty grey.
Pic somewhat related the dude in the back was more or less one I tested what a full body wash would look like.

buy a beakie Tsons head off ebay.