Has anybody else noticed this? I already had problems with the Primaris, like them being Mary Sues and their design lacking anything grim, dark, cyber, gothic, or punk. But I think this really confirms that they're unnecessary.
Has anybody else noticed this? I already had problems with the Primaris...
They are just newer truescale space marines but with GW trying to avoid the fallout of invalidating everyone's old models.
They should have just been a new mark of power armor and bolters with the same rules as the old ones. But I guess GW was trying to do some AoS shit and had to backtrack once they found out people hated AoS.
They're fluff aberrations that can't exist alongside the preexisting marines.
If the Primaris models are truescale, and they are canonically taller than old marines, does that retroactively make the existing marine models truescale?
>canonically taller
We'll all anxiously wait your source on that.
Dark Imperium, Chapter 12
Well dang
>They are just newer truescale space marines but with GW trying to avoid the fallout of invalidating everyone's old models.
desu I already feel like they have invalidated my old models
sure they still have rules, but a much of the "old" space marine range is now online only, suggesting they are stopping production on it.
not anytime soon, and only people with lots of free time, unlimited money and maximum OCD are going to convert their whole armies to the new size.
I drew the line at rebasing to 32mms. The old marines arent that bad
some of the newer "old" marines like deathwatch are more upright and are slightly taller so they are less bad, but rules-wise old marines are a real mess and so are the new marines
That's what you get for being a "SOURCE SOURCE CITATION" spouting faglord. Don't want to get BTFO? Then shut the fuck up when people are talking about shit you have no clue about.
You realize Basilisks, hellhounds, manticores, wyrdvane psykers, and every HQ in the game are also all online only too, right? Literally the only thing I see online only for space marines that isn't some type of HQ unit is the whirlwind, legion of the damned, and sword brethren. Every army has a shit tonne of online only stuff, at least you're not missing something as basic as a basilisk.
Does the redesign of Spess Mehreens mean that we won't get another Heresy boardgame?
Because I really would've been interested in mk2/mk5/mk6 troopers for buy.
i don't see why they would conflict, heresy era stuff still looks like heresy era stuff. might be a bit taller but same armor
>Whirlwinds are unavailable online
>somehow not comparable to the Basilisk
Have a bit of class mate.
Where do you think you are, faggot.
Probably. A big selling point of the boxes is that they could be used in 30k and 40k. Now that 30k is dying and 40k is phasing out marinelets it seems unlikely we will ever get a new Heresy box. I'm disappointed too.
To my understanding, the only marines that are taller are the Primaris. Mk2-8 shouldn't be effected, size-wise. They're totally going to get phased out, though. Maybe in a few years after Primaris becomes a staple and they introduce some goddamn variety to the armor they'll say "Surprise! It was all Guilliman's dream! These models were true-scale regular marines all along!"
GW is just trying to get all their old players to replace their whole army with new minis, duh.
It's pretty obvious that 8th edition is just a big ploy to make as much of their product line obsolete as possible. I mean, every edition change serves that purpose, but this time they made every previous publication obsolete, sold a line of books (indices) that were made to go obsolete, and introduced a line of models specifically designed to supersede their biggest existing line of models.
I already converted to Alpha legion just so I could save some cash by repurposing my old IG army. Now GW wants to force me to upgrade with bullshit rule 'tweaks' and ass pull fluff uber-uber mensch? If they released a true scale line and said "hey, it's a new, better, more detailed model but don't worry the old model will still play" that would be one thing. But 8th is just convoluted garbage to force you to buy new stuff.
>take two pieces of art
>scale them up to be the same height
>use as evidence
The important part is that the proportions and silhouettes are practically identical, to the point that you would not be able to discern Primaris from any other type of marine, if it were not for the difference in their tabletop representations. This is true for nearly all art of Space Marines, not just the one shown here.
Think about it this way. Canonically, Primaris are taller than regular Space Marines. If you were to true scale a space marine, you would look at official art and alter the model to become a more faithful representation of the original concept the model was based on. How do you do this with a Primaris marine? They're already identical to the art. They aren't their own marines, they're just truescale Space Marines, and quite bland ones at that.
If you can't tell power armor marks apart that's your personal problem.
It is way to make product obsolete, it's a cash grab on GW's part and in fairness it's really working. The Primaris models by and large look really nice and certainly look waaay better than the old Marines (although I still think intercessors are weird.
Me though, I'm manlet marines for life! I grew up collecting and painting them badly as kid. I then stopped and then started painting again at 25 (they look nice now).
As I sit on top of what must be approaching 10k points of painted pre-heresy emps children it's too late to change and I don't want to!
My horde will instead look forward to using Primaris heads as hood ornaments. It's sad the impending lack of support, but hey! Marines were always the best served army and eBay will provide for many decades yet!
>discern Primaris from any other type of marine
I meant that, just by looking at the art, you would not be able to tell that they were anything other than another mark of regular marine armor, instead of an upgraded even taller marine.
Plastic marines were obsolete the moment the FW shit came out in 2011, or when the plastic assault marines came out with superior legs.
Which is why You're acting like you discovered a new element or something. We all know this shit, how different did you really expect Imperial power armor to look? Did you want some fucking no-head mono-eye Tau suits?
Marinefags had it coming.
If you chose to be original instead and play Xenos this wouldn't have happened to you.
>mono-eye tauu suits
bruh most tau suits have at least one eye, some even get three or four but two is pretty rare
I sort of agree, but what made the manlets so great was the third party support that GW want to destroy. Don't like the shitty squat legs. Change it. new bolter. Change it. new different heavy weapons, ez pz.
I'm building a bunch of scouts and the only thing GW about them are the torso's and legs.
Perhaps what was so great about them was that they were a widely supported baseline that you could use to make a really unique looking army.
I too would have preferred they just made them a new mark of armor, or, even better, released artscale marine components separately. Fluffwise, the marines already covered everything that Primaris have to offer. They're just redundant.
Sideways-vertical-eyes Tau suits
They did that with nurgle from DI box set. Here you go, your new nurgle marines, now they are bigger than old ones, and than entire chaos range.
But for SM they did this bullshit
>mfw people complaining about marine armor being too same-y
They're like those troopers from SW. Minor variations and specializations of the same shit: humans in armor.
It's like none of you guys were around when Oldcrons were literally Terminators, floating scarab-taur Terminators, Terminator lamias, Terminators with claws, upright Terminators, Scarabs, Giant Scarab, and Monoliths. And that was literally it.
tell me that the Primaris have anything on this shit
that primaris have anything on this shit
Primaris marines are just a retarded cash grab, with multiple aims:
>force tourney player to eventually fully redo space marines armies
>force collectors to adquire redundant pieces
>attrack edgy kids and tacticool fans (reivers designer should be executed)
>fill the retard quota to receive government benefits/tax deductions, aggressors and anything with gravis armor have clearly been designed by tards/autists/people with severe astigmatism.
>fill the retard quota to receive government benefits/tax deductions, aggressors and anything with gravis armor have clearly been designed by tards/autists/people with severe astigmatism.
fucking kek user
also I unironically like rievers, though I gave them inceptor heads for fun
But they have more panel lines on them! That means they're better!
Primaris black templar.
>W-whats venerable brother Grimwald doing to that daemon, brother Diocletian? Why is he trying to p-poke it with his sword?
>I don't know, brother Maurus, the codex astartes states nothing about such scenario's. I hope he finishes whatevernhe's up to soon, though, I can't get a clear shot with my plasma incinerator.
>Ughh, I hate dealing with these primaris pussies man, they don't even know how to use a sword properly...FOR THE EMPEROR
>I know, right? I miss then good old days. Anyway, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
While money was certainly the main factor, it also feels like Primaris Marines exist as a distinct concept because GW was afraid of angering the spergy tards who compose the most vocal members of their fanbase. Tards who couldn't just accept the meta-explanation of "we wanted to make true-scale Space Marine models", and needed their new shit to fit in-universe.
Ain't nothing wrong with wanting people to back up their claims with evidence, especially on Veeky Forums of all places.
People bitching about Primaris not being gothic enough should remember what a vanilla tactical marine looks like on a sprue. Fucking sci-fi warriors, no gothic vibe at all. Purity seals and other bitz are the only things saving the day. Fuck the artworks, making grimdark Primaris minis is not that hard.
marinelets getting squated lol
to people who don't agree: no one's saying gw's gonna drop a bomb any day and announce they're discontinuing all marinelets lmao
what IS gonna hapen tho, is theres never gonna be another marinelet release ever again, it's gonna be all primaris all the time from now on
so a soft squating, if u will
btw also if this trigers u that just means im right :^)
desu i knew this for a while but i didnt wanna say anything until i saw the rules.
You know ALL the Space Marines in that picture are Primaris, right? Look at the raised, matching gorgets, the matching smooth 'dome' of the backpack, the lack of cable, armored belly of the guy with a sword... that's a Primaris Space Marine.
How quickly do you stupid assholes forget things?
From the beginning, Primaris marines were just an excuse to make true-scale marine models and sell them to you. Games Workshop explicitly stated as much. The lore explanation came later after people lost their minds at even the vaguest, dementia-induced-hallucination of an implication that old marine models might get squatted.
Autism camp. Now, show me on the great unclean one where your special needs tutor touched you.
>new, better, more detailed model
only the first of those descriptors is true though. The second of is highly debatable and the third is straight up false.
>Primaris models by and large look really nice and certainly look waaay better than the old Marines
Er, no. They don't. They're better proportioned, but they're bland as fuck and the jump things and the reivers look fucking ridiculous and just make me think of GI Joe toys
Do you have a source on this? When did GW state that.
>with the same rules as the old ones
2 wound marines are really necessary. having them die to stray lasgun shots always was retarded.
Quads of Truth
>Space Aelves
If you had read any of the Reverend David Moore's complaint you know that all of GW's IP is built on unoriginal, stolen, pilfered, appropriated concepts, duh!
>Black Templar
>Quoting Codex Astartes
Any argument you have from here on out is invalidated
This is pretty funny. You've continuously missed OPs point despite having it spelled out in crayon and you're acting like HE is the Mongoloid in this scenario.
It's meant to be the Hellblaster marine behind him talking.
The joke is that the Primaris marines are all trained to Ultramarine orthodoxy, and don't get what it is to be a Black Templar, despite their gene-seed.
Manlets are already squatted. We'll never see another manlet release again
>Replying to your own post.
They didn't.
>Dropping Space Marines from release
>Soft Sqating
It will be squatting, but it would be like suddenly Gondor ceased to be a thing in Lord of the Rings, if Humans decided to just fuck off in a giant spaceship in Warcraft, or if suddenly all metallic dragons in D&D achieved their lives' goal and disappeared up Bahamut's ass for good
To think it was the guy who was right that embarrassed himself on a Taiwanese Spear Fishing Board. You don't see that every day
how old are you?
Do you understand that the art is depicting the models and not the other way around? Not there has ever been consistency in the art.
I myself am getting some chadmarines, they will be my ultra chadmarines.
I already started writing the lore, on how they were hand picked by guilliman after his talk with the emperor and given all kinds of secret training and permissions, such a for using Eldar and Ta`u weapons. I already wrote down 15 pages of lore for 4 of my guys and I am just getting started. Cant wait to steamroll some ork players at my shop, while yelling how the Imperium is the scourge of the xenos. Fuck those autists that speak like retards while playing the game.
Fellow ultramarine battlebrother reporting in.
Yeah, xeno players are almost as bad as people who complain about chadmarines. They are just redirecting their manlet fears towards the game.
The lore expanding is also good, for showing yet again that the ultramarines are the only ones capable of doing shit in this grimdark future. I wish you many victories, my brotherus battalium.
The old space marines are so ugly and goofy-looking, I don't know why people kept buying so many of them.
maybe for some shit-tier painter.
Leave badass looks to us, jobber.
An Indonesian podiatry forum you're not old enough for.
I don't get why they just didn't slowly scale up the space marine miniatures? They've done that to loads of other armies before.
>I fail at reading comprehension on a quantum level.
Try again
>its now a bad thing to want claims to be backed up
I hate this timeline.
That and the fucked up proportions helped keep it all campy and over the top. Trying to make them realistic is to miss the point of what is arguably the least realistic setting I've ever seen. And worse we're gonna end up in Uncanny Valley territory where the harder you try to make 40k look true scale the more retarded the armored vehicles, oversized weapons and all the rest are gonna look in comparison.
because thene veryones old SM models would be useless and there'd be different size marines on the table with no explanation.
Fixing the scale wasnt the primary motivator for GW here, it was making more $$$ and a new gen of space marines would sell far better than truescale marines
>because thene veryones old SM models would be useless
Why would they? They don't ban you from using old models in games.
And even if that is the case (it's not) it didn't stop them scaling up the Dark Eldar
This argument is so full of shit it's not even funny. GW's been scaling up space marines since they were introduced. The claim that this is to make "true" scale marines and the only possible way for them to do it is ridiculous.
Even though current Astartes aren't true scale I think just having more leg options (not having them all squatting) would've alleviated the underwhelming look compared to 'true scale' Primaris.
Primaris are still unnecessary and lack of variation sucks. Probably just going to keep true scaling old-marines.
The most important question to me is, why you call an artwork of an Ultramarine that was published possibly roughly 25-30 years after the introduction of Space Marines a "Conceptual Vision"?
The model designers of the Primaris MIGHT took your second picture as one of their references (most likely: the other way around), but the marinelet?
Neither of those pics, are "conceptional" in any way or shape to me.
user, pls....
>their design lacking anything grim, dark, cyber, gothic, or punk
Space Marines haven't been Metal since Rogue Trader user
Deathwatch and Rubric Marines have such legs and they're way taller than older Marines.
First hen necrons had 3 units.
Warriors, scarabs, lord.
That was it, 1 blister, 1 box of five warriors
There were Immortals and Destroyers as well.
Nope! They came about in the 2nd wave. First wave was just those 3 things and they gave a free cron away with WD
Far better looking and more going on for them than normal marines.
But you stay edgy as fuck m8
I thought you mean like 1st iteration of Necrons as a whole.
How long was the wait between the waves?
Holy fuck are you literally 13.
Kill yourself man.
Courage and Honour.
Primaris Marines were made by a bullshit lore asspull. Several in rapid succession.
Why do you guys like them?
You mean like Necrons? And Tau? And Be'lakor?
Why people like them? I'll go off on a limb and say people who like Marines for big, strong super-soldiers probably also like the bigger, stronger superior-soldiers, and people who don't care about Marines also don't care about the Marines+. Then there's also the people who wanted the plot to advance, so they'll welcome new things. Then there's people who like Marines, but want more tacticool, so Primaris will probably work for them.
Because they look much better than manlet marines and if marines players weren't such a bunch of faggots we would have got just a redesign and not the retarded lore
>not original
Name another race of ancap cockney space hooligans fighting just 4 laff with home-made guns
Original as in "playing something different than 90% of the fanbase", you dingus.
>Everybody thinks he´s a better GW CEO than anyone ever before.
>Meanwhile, GW tripled their networth in 5 years and are selling more than ever.
>People still think, everything they did in that period was wrong.
Please cry on. Maybe they change to fit your whiny lore wishes. Or get out and leave the talking to the grown ups, user.
GW's stocks are rising lately because they are soft-squatting AoS and focusing on 40k.