best block ever?
hec yes :-)
best block ever?
hec yes :-)
But user
That is not Oddysey
Those are weird invasion booster packs.
that's also not odyssey
Who is Urza and what is his saga,legacy, and destiny?
hec yes, I said
A block that almost killed Magic with how ludicrously unbalanced it was? Yeah, surely that's the best one.
It did have a lot of cool shit in it, I'll give it that, but it was not exactly their finest hour as far as design goes.
Timespiral is best block.
Don't mind me, just being chock full of fast mana.
>nearly destroyed the game
Just as bad as Mirrodinfags.
I have those sets plus waiting to be double sleeved for an Urzas block cube.
I love the cards but am not sure if this is going to be awesome or not.
How is the set for sealed and drafting?
Scars -> new phyrexia was best block. Return to ravnica second.
Urza block, as good as some of the cards were, is like barely top 10 for block.
Depends if "best block" means "most op cards" or "coolest gameplay".
If the first, then I guess nothing beats the good old Power Nine of the first editions.
If the second, then it's entirely subjective. For me it was Invasion.
Urza Block, along with Tempest and Visions block was the funniest set to play for me. I left the game with Mercadian Masks and came back with Lorwyn, so i can not opinate about Invasion.
This guy is objectively correct
Shadows over innistrad a best
Agreed. Odyssey best blockfu, all other blockfus are a shit.
am I pleb for liking Alara?
my man
Urza Block is what happens when you get raw, unrefined Maro direct from the source without Development toning him down.
Odyssey and Tempest were my favorites
1. Odyssey
2. Tempest
3. Original Ravnica
4. Original Innistrad
5. Invasion
>started playing when the amonkhey block was beggining
u-uh....i really like the battle for zendikar block because i really like the e-eldrazis?
You are in the rare position where (hopefully) every set you play will be better than the ones you started with.
I feel you, I started in RtR, AKA the block most people point to as the beginning of the end.
A few months into playing magic I found a single english new phyrexia booster at a spanish shop on holidays, and that was what I was hoping for from every subsequent block. I was expecting new phyrexia's level of art, design, story, and atmosphere when theros came out. No wonder I quit for several years.
That's not Time Spiral
Kamigawa is best