Sometimes it feels like Veeky Forums is just /crypto/. Anyone here who doesn't invest in just crypto...

sure is



I invest most of my money in vanguard funds but they’re no fun to talk about. They just sit there.

That's no good, stocks have to do something.

I only invest in myself

I have 60% of my portfolio in stocks- usually tech or ETF's. If crypto or stock market ever crashes I can re-enter with money from one or the other.

Is this the Tony that dumps those stolen CC logs?

No, this is the Tony who got hit by a car and dislocated his leg.

Lol I work in equity research so I literally follow stocks for a living. Other than my 401k I don't have any other stock holdings, just cryptos.

My 401k returned about 20% this year. The best performing stocks on my coverage list barely broke 100% Y/Y and there's no way in hell they are gonna replicate that in 2018. Meanwhile my crypto portfolio is up 160% in less than 2 weeks and 2018 is shaping up to be an insane year for altcoins. It's an easy choice for me.