What does Veeky Forums think about pic related?

Warren Buffet swears by him.

Other urls found in this thread:


>applying standard investing knowledge to the mememarket

Fundamentals don’t matter anymore we live in a world of pure digital informational manipulation

>pure digital informational manipulation

The fuck does that even mean

its probably wise to have at least a little bit of intelligence before investing in anything

haven't read it though. I'm sure some points made in there would apply to crypto trading..

If that were really true niggas would be arbitraging every day


Wouldent go without it. Make sure it is updated so you get internet bubble examples instead of great depression examples.

It's basically the Bible for value investors. Graham holds that you should be comfortable holding an investment regardless of the market price because of the inherent value of the investment. Also teaches simple things like buy low, sell high and how to be a good or find a good financial adviser.

noob spotted

#1 advice in here:

"its not you vs. the market, its you vs. your emotions"

Red it 2 years ago, when I had no idea what to do with my extra money or any idea about investing
Investing in VT ETF since
Very simple if you simply don't want your money to lose its value due to inflation

Good book, unfortunately Veeky Forums is flooded with low-IQ /v/tards.

just read andreas antonopoulos and go all in

Make sense for long term holds, after all the most valuable thing that we posses is time. I just wish I got into finance/crypto/stocks when I was younger. Still though there's still plenty of time left.

Read chapter 8. That's all you need.

Read the first chapter a few days ago. Is it safe to skip the second chapter (inflation)? Doesn't really seem relevant anymore these days.

>you versus your emotions
Rookie problem. After a few months that completely disappears and it really is you vs the market, assuming you're actually trading instead of holding (which is basically giving real traders a loan to make more money off your money but still let you profit in the long run).

>you should be comfortable holding an investment regardless of the market price because of the inherent value of the investment

you can't apply that to crypto though.
currencies like bitcoin, litecoin or whatever don't have inherent value.
and those currencies that have a project behind them don't even have a working product yet or atleast most of them.

there are some good advices in the intelligent investor but most of them are not applicable to crypto (yet).

Just read it you lazy fuck it's not even that long

Is crypto then just pure speculation? And if it is how can you be comfortable investing long term?


Hasn’t been relevant since 2006: all that now matters to stock prices is central bank money printing

How do you hedge bonds against stocks when both markets are inflated?

Graham himseld declared that book as worthless piece of shit back in the time of vietnam war or something like that. Buffet will slit your throat on a dark alley any given chance, he is not on side of average investor. Probably misleads people by purpose many times. Hardcore trader

Read it earlier this year. Solid source on how to make the most out of your investment.

I especially liked how it emphasised dividends as a primary factor in your investing strategy.

Because you know, contrary to Veeky Forums, it is not all about crypto in the business world.

Got some source for those bold claims there chief?


I've read it and a lot of it isn't really applicable to the crypto market. But it's not the strategy that you need to apply. I've read lots of things on/ by Buffet, Graham, Greenblatt, Hill, Kiyosaki, Keynes

You want to apply the ideas and thinking behind the investing these guys do, not the actual strategy. Kind of like the way studying maths makes you better at problem solving in general.

Am I making sense?

Reading Warren Buffet's Ground Rules and Rich Dad Poor Dad was fuckin ground breaking shit forbme and really changed the way I think about money and investing


How much money have you made in crypto

all investing is speculation, crypto is no different to investing in stocks. you read the white paper, DYOR, etc and then invest if you believe what they are offering will be relevant in the future

Veeky Forums is simply retarded kids who just PnD so they can brag online about how they made $1000 in two days. if you're investing in crypto, it should be long term, look at how long it took BTC to moon

I hope you don't have a high target for that like 2040 or anything beyond because workforce automation is going to lead to another world war within the next 20 years destroying your little fund there.

Yeah Rich Dad Poor Dad was generally pretty badly written and pretty low-fucking-brow but his core idea of how to view money and achieve financial independence really stuck with me. Bad book, good philosophy

>core idea of how to view money and achieve financial independence really stuck with me

what is that? dont wanna read the book if its bad like you said

What exchange can I buy ww3 on?


how come there is not a book focusing in crypto-finances only?

the ones that made it, was sheer luck
the ones that could write something don't know what the fuck is crypto
I would not trust a book about crypto written by a random boomer that has all his money on corps, renewable energies and other unrelated shit or some faggot that think he is a god just because he hold on to his worthless btc wallet since 2005. Be careful who the fuck you read from here on.

You only say this because you put $100 in and maybe doubled it in crypto.

You do need fundamentals, especially if you’re managing 100’s of millions in fiat in crypto.

Uh no retard. Its always you vs. yourself.

You don’t reach somewhere and then just stop, you will drown.

Except stocks and bonds represent stake in real companies that create value through products or services. What value does crypto create?

>some faggot that think he is a god just because he hold on to his worthless btc wallet since 2005. Be careful who the fuck you read from here on.

God damn, this. The odd few people make a ton of money from crypto and suddenly think they're super investing gurus and smugly talk about their portfolios/investments and start acting like experts.

Dumbasses, you know nothing, you rode a bubble. Nice work.

Yes I've made a lot of money from crypto so far but I got over this feeling early on.

I find it hilarious and disgusting that there are lonely youtubers that think they're super trading oracles and post videos of them in their fucking bedrooms wearing a suit while they daytrade

Fucking hell. Getting lucky does not make you an expert. And don't wear a suit if you're a fucking loner in your childhood bedroom and mummy is calling you down for dinner

I'm up roughly 600 percent since august

Basically black and white definition of assets and liabilities along with finding avenues to generate extra incomes

This made me laugh

Wrong tag