>/pol/ migrates to Veeky Forums because their board turned to shit
>/pol/ is comprised of 14 year olds and degenerates
>Have no money and can only participate through shitposting
/pol/ migrates to Veeky Forums because their board turned to shit
Other urls found in this thread:
If it weren't for /pol/ you'd have Hillary. You're welcome :D
Like that would have made any difference. Same shitty politicians different names
>complains about useless threads
>posts useless thread
You are the cancer
please leave nigger
Please leave Veeky Forums aswell, since you're obviously a part of the problem.
No u nigger
Oh look, another dumbfuck falling for the game of tribalism created by Liberal assclowns to get everyone to hate eachother.
If your IQ is over 40, you failed to show it.
>le the problem is u face
You're probably a Bcash owner
wow you are so #WOKE
imagine actually wanting to look like this
is this the XVG holders thread?
Not at all.
BTC, LTC, ETH, IOTA, BNB, ICX, ENJ, TRX(sold today though), BCD and XVG (sold like 30 seconds ago).
yup, especially the last part. broke pol fags gtfo
Wow, who cares? That has nothing to do with Veeky Forums. Literally nothing would have changed.
fuck off nigger
>nothing to do with Veeky Forums
>doesn't understand evolution or phylogenetic trees
>poltards actually believe this
Yes, please explain to me how a board full of underage basement dwellers (who cant vote obviously) got trump elected.
/pol/fags only response is to talk about shit that belongs on /pol/.
I don't even care if your from pol just talk about fucking business or cryptos.
Then lend a helping hand. Its sad how the board is paranoid about q user and derailed the threads that claimed they wanted to end human slavery
You got it wrong user, OP wants to dumbfucks who fell for the 'game of tribalism' to leave. Its impossible to have a discussion with a polfuck without them instantly resorting to calling the other party a communist or libcuck or sjw or fucking whatever.
She would have made it worthwhile to invest in defense stocks
>what is a mrca?
>what is genetic distance? (it's listed on the chart you blind bitch)
fuck off cuck. niggers are, at a minimum, a separate subspecies
>a board full of underage basement dwellers
ad hominem. not an argument. soyboy detected
Stop posting selfies, trumplina
>muh /pol/tards
This is the siren call of plebbit fags browsing Veeky Forums and yelling MOON and HODL at everything
>This is the siren call of plebbit fags
This shit is guaranteed replies
Yeah, home defense because she would have pandered to groups like BLM that would trash your city and burn your house down
Wow thanks for getting a Republican who signed a tax bill, taxing crypto trades. Good job /pol/, you're doing Veeky Forums us a favor.
a nice flight to liberia i just bought you my friend. Enjoy your football kang president
>taxing crypto trades
if the irs can find your trade history then you're doing it wrong, nigger
why does /pol/ trigger so many people
this board gets 10x more posts crying about /pol/ then we do actual /pol/ posting
this. it makes so much sense. "hodl" is such a gay fucking term, didnt make sense that Veeky Forums would adopt it. "moon" is almost as bad.
Dumbfuck. #Woke would have worked for a Hillary supporter, not for the enlightened that realize this is all pointless. Trump was fun and I still claim to support him for shits and gigs, but he's just another politician.
Triggered underage basement dweller detected
Not American, I dont care about your stupid social problems. It would have been nice to profit off a second cold war though.
Objectively correct.
>ad hominem
not an argument. fuck off back 2 reddit, pajeet
Funny they come here considering how greedy /biz can be. Is this their attempt at the final solution 2.0?
I refuse to believe that anyone is unironically this retarded.
it was bipartisan sponsored add on dolt
Triggered underage basement dweller detected
>"I know what Veeky Forums should adopt"
You literally don't know how Veeky Forums works or ever worked. This is a business board on an anime website and we're all going for millions so we can jerk off to hentai 24/7. Fuck off if you think any of that should be different.
i challenge you to post a timestamped shirtless pic. i will absolutely do this if you agree to it--i'll post my pic first.
i absolutely guarantee that you're a skinnyfat shitskin and i'm orders of magnitude more Veeky Forums than you are
do you accept?
>show me your muscles bro!
Lmao, brb, gonna post from my phone
i laughed
You must've missed the fact that both the Republicans and the Democrats were hyping Hillary and fudding Trump, cavitybrain.
And all of the press.
No timestamp and no shirt off so Deal with it, underage basement dweller
You won based on the Boomer vote
Stay deluded dumbass
0.1btc says he's uglier and younger than you
>Caring about reputation so much
It seems like you forgot you're not on a site with karma
Any other anons only visit /pol/, Veeky Forums, and occasionally /out/?
Monero Man is sexier than any /pol/ fag
People would agree with your statement...
BUT you can't deny the fact that pepe and all those memes were a large factor that rallied a lot of young people for Trump.
Like come the fuck on, MAJOR media outlets started talking about pepe. Fucking Hillary said at one of her rallies that pepe was a symbol for white supremacists.
This actually happened during a United States PRESIDENTIAL race. It was insane..ly amazing.
I don't complain about anything though, I'm a investor and the US markets have been doing great and Trump has reached levels experts have been claiming to be impossible in 2017.
I will even donate to the Trump campaign next election if he keeps this going.
/pol/ first, /int/ and /tv/ sometimes, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums when they have some serious fucking discussion which is rare.
I would like to visi Veeky Forums but problem is this board now is only about cryptocurrency and absolutely nothing else which make me furious.
/pol/ is the new /jew/ maybe we need to teach Veeky Forums a thing or two about banking investmenbiz/and serious finance.
What got you buttmad on the uzbek goat milk forum
Big if true
>Veeky Forums
>Business and Finance
Are you like being intentionally retarded? You better not be
Hillary repeatedly said she was going to increase taxes for upper and middle class for money for dem programs.
Extend long term capital gain requirements to six years is just one horrid example.
I'm assuming you have very little knowledge as to the implications of the current tax bill outside the realm of cryptocurrency which you are undoubtedly attempting to use as a get rich scheme over their actual intended purpose.
Only neets and welfare queens should be upset.
Why are we at the point where discussing the current tax bill and their benefits and detriments are /pol/ threads?
Lmao who do you think you are, faggot? You /pol/tards are just a bunch of inbred white trash lowlifes who blame their misery on everyone but themselves.
Fuck off /pol/tards. Go back to your cesspool.
Biz is worst shitpost then bant and /b combined
>open up Veeky Forums
>there is not a single thread about finance, bussiness or economy in general
>there is no a single thread about Veeky Forums literature
>there is no a single thread about biz related sites, education and materials
Biz is fucking disaster
If your on Veeky Forums and aren't a Trump supporter your never going to make it. That's a fact.
>No timestamp
not you.
don't call them muslim. thanks
upvoted for visibility
I'm a Kurd but even I don't take offense from /pol/ that much like any of you in here (besides putting my people together with the rapefugee subhumans), why the fuck is that?
Are all of you literal niggers ''tryn hit a lick'' or what?
>inb4 raysiss1!
Grow some fucking balls, we're investing here, the strong language comes with it because lives can be made or destroyed in here due to the volatile environment of the market.
So if you don't like people being called nigger apes gtfo.
cryptofags are becoming investment gambler not replacing banks like they're supposed to be
at first they're talking about eliminating banks, now they're becoming central bank themselves making money out of thin air
i still has hope for next generation cryptocurrency as means of transaction, not for short term gain like this. especially not bitcoin
Observe how the redditor tries to redirect any focus on his true allegiance
Please return to r/the_donald anytime
Veeky Forums is now shit because people only talk about crypto, just take a look at 2 years threads, people were talking about jobs, life insurance, debt, making a buissnes....
I too remember my first day on Veeky Forums
/pol/ and Veeky Forums are allies. Both hate the banker Jews.
thanks for that pajeet, we welcome pajeets like you here.
why the fuck would we talk about anything else? biz was all about making money and we finally found out how to do so.
Should we bring back the amazon dropshipping threads where we make $13.45 a month? Or /rgt/ where we would be lucky to make 2%?
>he thinks /pol/ babbies don't come from plebbit
dayum look at thsoe pepperoni nipples
/pol/ is full of moralist bullshit. Opinions controlled by bots.
Absolutely disgusting.
KEK, please go back. Fucking hitler threads, “its happening” fomo
>he thinks the_cuckold is /pol/
/pol/ is the most politically correct place on the internet
They're even offended by hair dye lmao
I miss threads about starting career as a telephone operator
Shouldn't you be losing money chasing Veeky Forums pumps, soygoy?
and now people are talking about making money
>losing money
that's just the pajeets
Where do you think you are?
>Be OP
>Be a massive faggot
>Virtue signal any /pol/ boogeyman because your entire life is a failure
All coins and coinposters need to be contained in a general thread. I dont give two fucks about crypto and want to discuss other things.
proof me wrong...
You are not "making" anything here
this, the entire first page is just coin scammers.
strangely erotic
>buy ripple
through both of the corrections in bitcoin and altcoins we've seen today and yesterday i have not only preserved my money but made galactic gains thanks to shitposting here.
>3 days ago was 60% in FUN and 40% in ETH. FUN gained me 27% and ETH dipped a bit
>yesterday after ETH increased i bought xmr with it and sold my xmr on cryptopia to buy skycoin
>skycoin goes to fucking mars (over 100% profit) and xmr increases a bit
>fucking christ skycoin just hit .0025 when will it end
stay mad. go invest in neo or trx and lose your money along with the other dipshits.
Then your doing it wrong or you are just to retarded.
biz has made me over $200k in the past 2 years. I thank god for biz every single night.
it allocates more capital to those who best know how to use it.
>the government knows how to best use other peoples money
Jesus fucking Christ this was a sad thing to read.
>/pol/tard yells 'pepe' during rally
>immediately ties the alt-right to the internet memelords
>forces Hillary to chase a cartoon frog
>votes shift
The ADL chases after Pepe not Hillary
just leaving this here