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When was the last time you had a beach episode? What was it like?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
When was the last time you had a beach episode? What was it like?
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Help me, /pfg/, you're my only hope
I'm designing a wizard's tower style dungeon and I need your help
>Floor 1: main door traps everyone inside. Massive room in the middle contains clockwork dragon. Escape through sewer grates or die. Other parts of the floor contain simple traps
>Basement: Filled with undead. Past adventurers that couldn't cut it
>Floor 2: The workshop. Constructs and traps
>Floor 3:???
>Floor 4: Arcane-magnetic heart of the tower. A troglodyte society has grown around it, trapped in the tower (yes, I stole this)
>Floor 5: A Dread Wight (wizard's former apprentice) is kept from gowing lower by a magic field. He's willing to work with the party (offering a shortcut) if they'll disable it so he can be free
>Floor 6:???
Floor 7: Surprise! It's a Lich. But he's grateful. Thinks they're just here to wake him up. Shuts them down if they try to attack and flies off on the clockwork dragon
The party is level 4 so there's no way they could take on the Lich or Clockwork Dragon
What should I put on those two levels? I am out of ideas. Also accepting general advice and critiques
It was basically the last time for happy fun times before heavy shit started happening.
Library and observatory. It's a wizards tower. Duh.
Mimic may or may not be included.
Bonus points if in the library the books start attacking.
That's a really long dungeon for level 4. Make Floor 3 a relatively safe area. Kitchen and sleeping quarters or something
Will do
Noted. I expect it to be several sessions
Does making a Behemoth Golem require both the behemoth golem manual AND the history check? Or is it one or the other?
Oh hey, a new roll20 game just got posted. Might be a bamboozle, but let's check it out.
Okay, okay, 30 pb Gestalt level 7 start. Definitely prime bamboozle material-
>Commonplace Guns.
>G U N S
Oh god, please don't be a boozle.
The perfect body type doesn't exi-
Battle Cry is one
Do people like guns so much? For what it's worth, Mint Rebels uses these gun rules:
My group has been together for a few years, but I'll be GMing Pathfinder for the first time soon. I have an idea for a campaign, but am hitting a few hiccups with my plans.
Has anyone run a campaign in the River Kingdoms? I want to run one where my party is basically freelancers trying to make a profit by working for whomever they choose. A little bit of sandboxing at the beginning followed by intrigue and subterfuge once they get a reputation.
If anyone has, how did it go?
Also, on a bit of a tangent, would Numeria work as a barbarian land with rare materials, but without the robots? Has anyone done this in their campaign? I really don't want the fucking robots.
I will, but I'll be keeping an eye on such concepts; if you can make it work, though, and everything else fits well, it'll definitely be a contender.
I'm trying my hardest not to be!
Hm alright thanks.
I'm trying to make a Pit Fighter build involving Awe Inspired Smash for the purpose of dumping Cha and being less MAD, so I was hoping for a cheap Cha-less bonus. Still, the two Cries seem easy enough for another party member to get.
So why do so many people on Veeky Forums give Pathfinder so much shit? I love playing it, what kind of campaigns is it worse at than something like 5E?
Book 1 for Ruins of Azlant is available, and seems to have been available for a few days now.
Where my leak at?
>no set fucking schedule
I want to apply, but I dunno what to play! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Make a celebrity stereotype.
The guy who was planning to GM a lewdgame without any real Pathfinder experience here.
Are there any massive problems in planning on allowing PoW, SoP, N. Jolly material, feat taxes and a heavily policed Bloodforge (for flavor), together with non-core material being allowed by default?
I do know that the less, the easier for me, but the main reason I'm even braving Pathfinder is that I want to see what this thread can do with their character concepts, which by definition becomes easier when there's more to work with.
I'm planning on selecting apps not by competitive viability but by how much the concept sticks in my mind (as well as setting suitability, roleplaying potential and of course whether or not the player is acting like an illiterate douchenozzle), and I'm entirely fine with swallowing multiple books to learn the rules, but if I'm doing something blitheringly stupid, please tell me so.
From what people told me and from my own experiences building test characters, level 5 is the sweet spot between the concept-killing restrictions of earlier levels and the balance problems of higher ones, but then again I'd like to run it through here one more time.
After a bit of thinking time, I'm planning on doing a sensible lewdgame that just happens to take place under circumstances that this thread would consider sexual or fetishy - it's Golarion, not the World of Trying On Dresses While Playing Grab-Ass, and the most important things are roleplaying and internal/setting consistency.
I still have plenty of ideas, though.
>it's Golarion, not the World of Trying On Dresses While Playing Grab-Ass, and the most important things are roleplaying and internal/setting consistency.
What part of Golarion are you planning to base the campaign in? Any hints as to the plot?
I'm still working on the fine details, but in short it's probably going to be set in Kaer Maga and have a mix of infiltration, investigation and combat, in that order.
I'm a stickler for fluff and setting details, and generally don't see the point of combat for the sake of combat, so most of that is going to be avoidable and optional, but I'll endeavor to give combat-focused characters (or even the whole group if for some reason they end up combat-focused) their time in the spotlight.
PoW should be all-or-nothing imho. Either have all martials be PoW martials or ban PoW.
Have you read City of Strangers? I urge you to read the whole thing. It's one of Paizo's best sourcebooks bar none.
Shit intrigue game spotted
>Kaer Maga
Fuck off, Kawase
Nani? I'm simply of the mind that "investigation" games are incredibly boring, and Kaer Maga is written in such a way that, while flavorful, it's campaign poison because it's so easy to just become "yet another city."
Fuck off Startoad
Aren't you that guy that ruined HV?
>Kawase disliking Intrigue
That's Startoad you stupid nigger
What kind of backstories are ideal for master schemer characters?
Nice try, Kawase
Petty nobility, so they have a nominal claim to superiority but a reality of insignificance for them to chafe under. Bonus points if they want to fuck a girl way above their paygrade.
>Startoad using someone else as a boogeyman
>gets called out
>h-haha it's teh boogeyman!
That sounds more like a bitch villain for the party to kill in their second session.
>second session
You'd think so, but Chaos being the ladduh that it is, it'll take a lot longer. Like, a looot longer.
the n.jolly material (and the DSP archetypes as well) make kineticists actually a good strong class able to keep up with the partial-casters and whatnot.
PoW completely obsoletes the OLD martials, which was basically a "well either we do this or they suck just as badly" affair. I mean you could either blow the core rogue out of the water or you could make a class that's just as fucking worthless.
However, unchained rogues, weapon/armor mastery tricks and modern archetypes can keep up without trouble.
Is there any class that uses cards to do magic? That is also competent without hyper optimization?
What's /pfg/'s thoughts on the Bullet Wizard archetype for Legendary Gunslinger?
refluffed prepared caster.
I can say that I'm not going to let it fall into that hole. I really like putting work into city settings, and while I do like the mood of the city (another reason I'd never let myself make it just another city), I actually chose it because of other reasons, for example geographical placement and major NPCs.
And to and , I can say that I intentionally want to avoid intrigue because 3.PF social mechanics are a mess and long social games get to become a drawn-out mess without any real advancement.
There are plenty of things aside from intrigue that don't require combat, and I can guarantee that I won't be trying anything like "court intrigue" or "inspired by Game of Thrones".
I'm new to Pathfinder, but not to GMing, so I know exactly why people don't want an intrigue game. I've gone through "open-world" slogs before, and they often end up being aimless blocks of arguments, delays and lack of engagement, because the more a GM has to cover, the less work they can put into each thing. "Intrigue" games, too, are more or less stillborn in a system without a great social combat system.
And if it helps, I was planning on using Kaer Maga as more of a hub and less of a setting, because like people say, the "wicked hive of sin and villainy" isn't easy to do nor really all that original anymore.
There's the Kami Medium, which uses Ofuda, and the Sutra Magic 3pp book.
Cartomancer Witch?
How would you stat guts?
Guts - Rubbish, becomes Rotten Guts in 2d6 hours [worth 1 cp]
How do I Symbol of Peace in Pathfinder?
Place a Dawnflower Cultist.
You're silly, user.
So what are the currently recruiting bamboozles?
>We're down to two games
>One was just made today
Whats the best character sheet manager? Is PCGen good?
There is also that september game, godslayer.
So I posted this on the previous one but basically right at the end so thought I post it again too see if I got any fresh advice. Though I appreciate what I got so far:
So I've been building a swashbuckler for my current game, where I will be the main frontline combatant (the other player taking care of the main skill monkey role).
I'm using the flying knife build using a large starknife (with effortless lace). I've taken Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus, Starry Grace, Dynasty Founder (for story reasons) and I'm looking at where to go next.
Ricochet Toss is pretty much a definite as far as I can see. So I'll need Quick Draw as well.
Some others I'm thinking of taking are Signature Deed (Disrupting Counter or maybe Subtle Throw depending on what build path I take), Weapon Trick - One Handed (mainly just for stylish riposte).
I plan on having Fortuitous added to my starknife.
Plus planning to get a Swordmaster's Flair - Blue Scarf for reach.
So, so far so good. Building towards a lot of AoO damage in melee, and still able to throw.
My question is where to go next. Is it worth the feat tree too go Startoss when some (maybe most) encounters could be against a single opponent. To get Quick Draw quickly should I go Far Strike Monk? Or pursue Fighter in some regard? I've also been tempted by the potential of Martial Flexibility and the Devoted Muse prestige class.
Basically after 5th level I am just lost where to go.
If your fine with using bluestacks or android phone I am like pathbuilder so far.
This is the result of our actions, many months ago. /pfg/ has brought it's destruction upon itself! Repent!
But what sort of build? 3pp is allowed.
>Delve in paizoblog about Bloodrager, Paladin and Ranger caster levels
>Nobody finds it odd that Bloodrager is full CL
>Nobody asks why Paladin and Ranger shouldn't be also full CL
Fucking sheeple
Aegis or Alchemist
Why do all of these fucking threads have weeb shit on them all the time?
Can Aegis get STRONG enough?
It captures the true heart of Pathfinder
>/x/ claims the eclipse didn't bring about the apocalypse
>/pfg/s memegames crash the following day
one fag keeps doing it and everyone gave up trying to fight him
Because the shitposters have won.
Welcome to Veeky Forums enjoy your stay
So, how common were surnames among commoners by the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe?
"the Smith"
"the Baker"
"the Woodwright"
It's more than just one fag, there's a group of them who work together to pretend that the thread is legitimately active to try to con others into joining their thread. Look at the DHB cookies discussion at the beginning of the last thread for a prime example of this.
Maybe you're the one fag samefagging?
No I think they're busy right now trying to force their page 4 /sfg/ thread. Seriously, they are ridiculously coordinated and constantly call out how many IPs and posts they have when a competing thread is started. My best guess would be that it's some of our resident discord shitters like Kawase or Karvane using their fanboy clingers to pump up their moronic agenda.
Maybe it's someone actually known for making jokes threads instead? Like Slow, I think.
Other than Wizards, Arcanists and Maguses, what are some fun INT classes?
Does it matter? So the OP is weebshit, what's the reason with complaining? Just talk.
SwimmingEagle does shitpost threads sometimes, but his ego always leads to him bragging about it in discord and then posting it in the thread to get attention. This is not his handiwork.
How would Karvane or Kawase be using fanboy clingers without using the discord tho
With manual, just the skill check. Without manual, craft construct, several spells(including wish) and the skill check.
They likely do (possibly through PMs or private channels), they just don't screencap their own brags about fucking with the thread and post them to get additional rises out of the thread.
Exemplar brawler would be my take
>these people must be the shitposters, despite me having zero proof or even plausible reason to believe they'd be involved
m8 this is conspiracy theory tier.
Sage Sorcerer
>Occultist for that true magical knight feel, even though it's not really arcane
>The Int halfcaster vigilantes, though they kind of need Jolly content to be anything but terrible gimmicks
>Investigator for games that start at 5th
I never said it was fact, user, just my best guess.
What if (and this is going to be mindblowing) it's just weebs making weeb OPs, because this is Veeky Forums, a site made for and filled to the brim with weebs? Remember that weeb thread OPs predate Kawase and Karvane being in the discord (I don't know if they were lurking in the thread before this, mind you). It literally can't be them.
I don't think it's been very long, but it feels like it, so I might as well repost the Errata doc and ask for another round of if there's any more obscure errata that people want to go back and have undone. I'm about to go punch in the Scarred Witch-Doctor, so if people have some suggestions feel free to ctrl+F for it, THEN suggest things to add. I'm also down for formatting suggestions as I don't know how fond people are of having to cross-reference a document with one of the resource sites, even though errata will usually only change one part of something in an item, feat, or archetype, which makes putting the whole text in feel like a total waste of space.
Which class make more sense for a pirate: rogue or fighter?
That depends, what kind of pirate are we talking about here?
River pirate.
is it possible to adapt an ungermaw to work like a Qu / FF9 blue mage?
Tl;dr limited spellcasting based off of things they eat. Fights with giant magical forks(tridents). Has strange magic but aside from that is semi-analogous to a 2h weapon user.
No. FF style blue mages wouldn't really work well in actual tabletop game.
Protag pls
Slayer, Ranger, or Barbarian.
You need Survival, Perception, and Swim.
Also check out archetypes for both