When will these subhuman communist mantees finally get Thunderhawk rides? They just keep expanding and every weeb thinks they are the good guys. They are not. They need and exterminatus.
When will these subhuman communist mantees finally get Thunderhawk rides...
>Thunderhawk rides
golly, I'd like amusement park rides too
Tau are literally built for getting skull fucked by slaanesh marines.
That's kinda hot
>When will these subhuman communist mantees finally get Thunderhawk rides?
When they stop selling.
Selling what?
I still don't get what the problem with the Tau are.
They're neat.
And they're another race to kill.
Calm down.
Tbqh thats the issue. They are a 40k minor race given their own army.
It's variety. More armies, more options, more potential for fun.
Your buttmad amuses me.
Eh. It's a minor race that gives a playstyle and aesthetic that wasn't there before. Not every race in the game needs to be a contender for Final Galactic Victory. Shit, the Tau bring more to the table in terms of interesting aesthetic and variety than Dark Eldar do, and we've kept Dark Eldar around since forever. So I'm okay with them being playable.
>They are a 40k minor race given their own army.
it's a /pol/ meme
The Tau are a noble bright race in a grim dark setting.
They stick out like a sore thumb
I like that about them. Makes things interesting. Will they get darker over time? Will they get stomped out immediatly? Will it suggest brighter things to come? It's a big galaxy.
So are the Craftworld and Exodite Eldar.
Exodites are literally primitive savages
I don't they can go be Noble bright in some over universe.
They still have most of the CWE's advanced technology at their hands, can literally shape nature at their whim and live on paradisaical garden worlds in complete peace.
Anrakyr comments on how the exodites of Carnac are woefully primitive.
In most artworks they have of them they wear the same types of armor and have the same guns. The only difference is that they are riding on dinosaurs instead of using tanks. And if you can make guns and shape nature, that seems to be more of a choice than necessity.
You mean, it reinforces how retarded the Imperium as a whole really is.
Anrakyr isn't exactly sympathetic with the Eldar in general, is he? That said, they might seem backward for a Necron, especially compared with the former glory of their empire, but they do have awesome terraforming knowledge, not to mention they're "pimitives" by choice.
Exodites are *noble* savages. Whole different trope.
>As he left the burning, broken concourse behind, Anrakyr toyed idly with a cluster of stones hanging from his neck. Marked with the curving, looping rune-script of the eldar kind, they had been recovered from the snow-coated fields of Carrh-enn-Derac.
>Carrh-enn-Derac, the last battlefield he had walked. Carrh-enn-Derac, butchered by the eldar tongue into Carnac in the sixty million cycles the necrons had slept. It was now the site of their latest conflict, another battle in the War in Heaven that still raged. The last tomb world graced by his presence.
>Anrakyr could not discern the purpose of the stones, but their ubiquity among the fallen foe, the way the eldar had screamed as he stole them, spoke to their value. At times, as now, the necron overlord believed he could see glimmers in their depths, could catch the faint whisper of torment from within.
>Anrakyr had vented his displeasure on the eldar’s world spirit, a rudimentary collection of utility programs and personality repositories that crudely mimicked the majesty of the circuits that cradled a necron tomb world. Such ramshackle attempts at technology were an affront, a reminder of the failures of lesser races. The bruised construct had been given to Trazyn the Infinite in fulfilment of the bargain that had secured the eldar defeat.
Well, the exodite tech is rudimentary and crude to Anrakyr. Necrons should be the best judges on technology.
>The Traveller dropped one of the subtly glowing gems and stabbed it with the edge of his warscythe. He expected to feel something, some emotion or some sense of action. He analysed his responses, examined the tactile sensations of the breaking gem, the change in structure of the stone as it went from whole to shattered, but the metal chassis of his body conveyed no feelings. No emotions welled within him, just empty nothingness: calm, assured, ordered. Only a mild curiosity remained, dissatisfied by the petty experiment. He left the other stones in his hand, dangling from chained wraithbone. He could not see why the eldar invested so much value in the stones, but then, the reasons behind so much of what the living races did escaped him.
Silly primitives and their silly primitive ways.
All right, they're primitive for Anrakyr, I give you that, but every single thing in 40k is primitive and inferior if you compare it with Necron technology. Even the Old Ones had to engineer the Eldar to be a psychic race to stand a chance. My point is, the Necrons technology is not the baseline, it's the pinnacle of engineering in the history of the whole galaxy (and possibly beyond).
> waves melee weapons in the future
> has enormous skyscraper-sized battle mecha
> believes dying for his glorious living-god emperor is the highest possible good
> calls a bunch of utilitarians commie weebs
> believing the Tau propaganda
Don't drink the kool-aid, user
Isn't the DAoT more advanced than the crons? I read it from somewhere/
Never ever.
It's not even clear DAoT was more advanced than Eldar.
That's just people fapping to humanity fuck yeah memes when AI did all the work.
Well, other than the DaoT black hole cannons oneshotting that Eldar ship in Priests of Mars.
>noble bright race
heh. only taucunts are dumb enough to think their faction, based largely on chinese communism starting with the May Fourth Movement (the ethereals' coming), Japanese feudalism, mixed with the ancient Hindu caste system, is any different from the others in GRIMDARK.
Pre-fall you mong'khi.
Also, doesn't that Eldar ship survive, bitch boy?
It survives just long enough to dump a bunch of Eldar on board the Speranza before dying. Also, were Pre-fall Eldar that much more powerful than normal Eldar? I admit I don't know a huge amount of Eldar lore, but it just seemed like there was WAY more of them and they could afford to run beepboop legions to keep their enemies away from their hedonism.
I haven't read priests of Mars to be honest with you senpai.
But there's no conclusive evidence. 40k, conflicting fluff, etc. Eldar like to claim they're hot shit, humans like to claim they were hot shit, etc. None of either were actually alive in their glory days anyway, but this point, so it's just "m-muh ancestors were better than yours!" Jingoism at this point.
I think current Eldar are supposed to be able as far removed from the heights of their power as the imperium is.
I like that a minor race gets representation but I wish we saw more of the tau auxiliaries like Kroot or Vespid forces rather than new anime battle suit xv90000543.
I get that the mechs are what really sell Tau but I feel like there's a lot of missed potential with ignoring their allied races.
If they just dropped a whole new range of something like tau Sslyth mercenaries with tanks and elites, I'm sure it would generate a lot more hype than a new battlesuit.
>Having the size of Ultramar in 8th edition
Why not another minor xenos faction? Yu'vath, rak'gol, ssylyth, whatever. Just as an independent or mercenary force?
yeah, pre-fall eldar tech was pretty shit actually, it was mostly built around psychic amplifiers and channels that the eldar could use to obliterate planets with their mind, the pre-fall eldar battle psykers where basically an army of magnus the red.
The only reason they can't do that shit now is because they can't even stick their toe in the inter-dimensional field that is the warp without some dick-bag daemon biting it off, they have to channel their warpjuice through runes to protect them but runes are real shit at drawing power compared to an eldar doing it directly, I believe eldrad can draw power from the warp using his psycho-crystalline skeleton as a channel instead though, so YMMV.
Subhuman? Are you implying that the Tau are distantly related to humans? This sounds like heresy!
Its a case of 40 lore being a shitshow.
The Pre-Fall Eldar were the undisputed masters of the galaxy, with technology and weapons that make even the best accomplishments of Humanity are their peak trivial in comparison.
Meanwhile, Dark Age of Technology humanity controlled most of the galaxy, had feats of science unrivaled in the galaxy, with technology and firepower that make even the best inventions of the Eldar at their peak trivial in comparison.
The Necrons, back during the War in Heaven, finished science. Their best tech is something that no one else in the galaxy has ever come close to challenging in terms of sheer power and genius.
...But at least the Necrons were off stage for a while. The Pre-Fall Eldar and DAOT Humanity were both the tog dog big shit unbeatable hotshots AT THE SAME TIME. Because 40k doesn't know how to describe something except in grand absolutes with no concept of consistency.
40k lore doesn't claim that daot humanity were the masters of the galaxy or that their tech surpassed that of the Eldar.
Take it from me as a tau player.
The tau are a very grimdark race. Why?
Because they can't win.
The tau, for all their advancements, are bogged by one thing: no presence in the warp whatsoever. Right now, the chaos gods probably don't even register the tau and vice versa. Even if the tau could get around not being able to warpjump, chaos would absolutely tear apart a galactic tau empire.
When a chaos artifact can lead the top general of the army astray, what then? A galactic tau empire would solinter easily.
Then theres the imperium. The tau serve as an excellent foil to the Empire but the most grimdark thing is that even with all this tech and philosophy, the tau still cant beat a dying, crumblimg, husk of an Empire very easily. The Tau is very much a man sleeping next to an elephant.
Wait, what? Didn't the Fall of the Eldar happen waaay before the DAoT?
>doesn't know how to describe something except in grand absolutes
that's the whole point in 40k, man
That's because it's being claimed by arrogant humans and Eldar, neither of which were actually alive back then.
>so do xenophobic assholes who'd prefer to ally with dark eldar before even considering helping anyone else and will happily murder millions of humans to save one of their own.
>The Pre-Fall Eldar were the undisputed masters of the galaxy, with technology and weapons that make even the best accomplishments of Humanity are their peak trivial in comparison.
>Meanwhile, Dark Age of Technology humanity controlled most of the galaxy, had feats of science unrivaled in the galaxy, with technology and firepower that make even the best inventions of the Eldar at their peak trivial in comparison.
... you say that like they were around at different times. The Eldar "Fall" happens right before the Great Crusade, it's the event which blows out the warp storms around Terra, allowing humanity to reclaim the stars.
Dark Age of Technology humans and pre-Fall Eldar were abroad at the same time.
I always think of tau as the empire of all the weak Xenos races but I'd love to see any minor xenos really, I just think it'd be nice to give the tau some variety. Maybe give them a shared keyword for all the minor empires to represent them allying or hiring mercenaries.
I just have a passionate hatred for mecha tau when it crushes all other aspects of the faction.
Show me where the plastic sci-fi blue man touched you, user.
No the age of strife likely started because of the fall of the eldar.
Fall off the eldar was right about the same time as cave man walking upright dipshit
>tfw you see blue aliens street shitting up your lore
At the same time they've allied numerous times with humans and yes, even without backstabbing them. They've also gone out on a limb to save humans or help them on multiple occasions.
On the other hand you can cast the Tau as an absolute orwellian nightmare that even surpasses the Imperium in its absolute thought-control of its citizens.
It's another case of choose-your-own-fluff
go back to /imp/ and jerk off to your god-emperor, why don't you
I'd like some of those dog soldier mercenaries if we are talking variety.
or the cyborg spiders
Or some fluffy alternate lists.
tau is weebbait and that's it
The most interesting character for the Tau is an old hermit.
No fluff past a few blurbs.
Etherals use "subtle mind control".
Xenology book states that ability "don't belong".
Finding out more on said observation is like pulling hens teeth.
You have to be a Tau fan to find out fucking anything about Tau. And Tau fans aren't going to bring up anything negative cause "muh nobru bwight."
>One of the reasons humanity was so successful at conquering a large part of the galaxy during the Dark Age of Technology was the development of the artificially intelligent humanoid constructs known in ancient texts as the Men of Iron. These powerful and fully autonomous labour and combat robots won many wars for humanity, but for some reason turned against their organic masters at the end of the Dark Age of Technology. The war against the thinking machines was eventually won by humanity, but at great cost. The damage to human interstellar civilisation was catastrophic and shattered much of humanity's power across the galaxy. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of mankind's misfortunes.
>As humanity became widely dispersed across the galaxy during the Age of Technology, the ancient Eldar empire began its decline; the great success of the advanced Eldar race had led to decadence and hedonism on a grand scale. Within the immaterial, psychic universe of the Warp, the spiritual corruption of the Eldar civilisation was reflected in the forming of a new Chaos God, Slaanesh, which in turn caused massive disturbances in the Warp; parts of the galaxy became isolated by these Warp Storms, making Warp travel and communication impossible. This cut off many human colony worlds from one another, including those of the Solar System.
Xenology's been pretty thoroughly retconned.
Except it's pretty blatant how the Etherals came out of nowhere in the backstory. They are clearly an uplifted species, probably an Eldar pet project.
Hello retard. Try not speaking about things you are ignorant about.
>Not every race in the game needs to be a contender for Final Galactic Victory.
Absolutely. I mean, not everyone can be Chaos, ammirite?
I always really liked the idea of the Tau being the project of an eternally butthurt Old One. Maybe one that was in stasis, woke up and decided to try their old tricks and slap down Chaos somewhere down the line. That's why the Tau have low (but not nonexistant) warp presence and such an hardon for recruiting other species - it's basically the Old One trying to forge a big alliance of the child races.
That would only be true if the Tau weren't nearly immune to chaos AND spanned the entire Galaxy AND had a significant percentage of their population that are constantly at risk of exploding into demons just by existing.
The Tau system only works on a tiny scale and only if the majority of the population can't explode into or feed demons.
the mention of 'Sha'Galudd' the name of a planet of mind controlling worms called the Nagi. These mind controlling worms now work closely with Tau Ethereals as advisers. Could they be controlling the Tau empire? OR aiding the Ethereals with their dominion over lesser races/ subjects.
Tau controlled by !notGoa'uld confirmed
>believes dying for his glorious Eternal God-Emperor is the highest possible good
You bet.
This post right here is why I dislike Tau players. I don't mind the fact that they are less grim and dark than the rest. I don't mind the weeboo suits. I don't mind their fantastic guns. I really don't care about any of that. I'm sick and tired of Tau fags who get in my face and scream about how they are the good guys, and how anyone who doesn't play Tau are immoral shits and retards because clearly Tau is the only right choice. It's really fucking annoying to have to deal with a gibbering ass hat when I just wanted to roll some dice and move around my painted bits of plastic and chill for a bit.
Fucking weebs. Should have nuked them all back in M1.9
I play tau partly because the way I see it they are godless commies who do or who have been alleged to do things that would not be out of place with a cold war communist dictatorship. So strip away the fact they are aliens and they have nice weapons and battlesuits (which are things I enjoy about them), I find their brand of grimdark more real than say the more fantastical or surreal elements of chaos or religious aspects of the Imperium (who do a lot of real grimdark themselves). So with the tau I enjoy their bad points because they work with the collectivist vibe they give off and as someone who is not a fan of collectivism a collectivist future from my point of view would be a bad thing, but like a lot of people I find that playing as bad guys can be fun.
You, I like you.
>a chaos artifact can lead the top general of the army astray
that literally is not the reason
This post right here is why I dislike Imperium players. I don't mind the fact that they are more grim and dark than the rest. I don't mind the blocky suits. I don't mind their shitty guns. I really don't care about any of that. I'm sick and tired of Imperium fags who get in my face and scream about how they are the good guys, and how anyone who doesn't play Imperium are immoral shits and retards because clearly Imperium is the only right choice. It's really fucking annoying to have to deal with a gibbering ass hat when I just wanted to roll some dice and move around my painted bits of plastic and chill for a bit.
Except that post didn't do that? And you don't know what army he plays in any case. Your attempt at deflection isn't fooling anyone.
well, the dark eldar have a mountain of superweapons that they just sit on- and commoragh is the ibiza of the eldar civilization, not even the army
so yes- or at least presumably
Oh it did imp faggot. And now your angry like a typical imp faggot.
I don't know about you but I've seen very few Imperium players who've attempted to argue that they are "moral" in any sense. At most they say their methods are "necessary."
>and exterminatus
If i'm the one who is angry why are you the one resorting to insults?
I play Crons, you're still a tard
The only good guys are chaos.
Slaughter the bloodthirsty!
Defile the decadent!
Condemn the complacent to the eternal prisons of their own rotting bodies!
Blast the delusional to ashes on the wind!
No mortal sinner, from the lowliest agri-worlder to the God Emperor of Mankind, can escape the great karmic force of Chaos.
You need my permission to this image my dude.
My problem with the Tau is that, outside of some BL books, they never really LOSE, and they never really have to suffer any long-term consequences or ever have to make any compromises to their ideology.
The Imperium is literally built upon the backs of people who sacrifice their humanity in order to ensure the survival of humanity.
It's Inquisitors condemning billions of people to die in a horrific, planet-killing cataclysm because they know that the alternative is corruption by space hell that will torment their souls for all eternity and allow actual demons to pour through a hole in reality until either the galaxy is destroyed or the hole is sealed.
It's taking away little boys from a possibly fulfilling and happy life to turn them into super-human killing machines who literally fight until they drop dead, denying them the chance to ever really know what it means to be human and who are barely even biologically human.
It's a Guard commander hurling thousands of his men into a battle he knows for a fact they will never live through because hundreds of thousands more will die if he doesn't.
It's an Arbites Judge who condemns a man to a life sentence in prison for possessing a banned book, because there is a very real, non-zero chance that book may contain knowledge that will drive him insane and/or drive him to possession by aforementioned demons just for reading a specific word or string of characters.
It's a Planetary Governor who has to order the mass pacification of malcontents through extremely violent measures because disorder attracts the attentions of the forces of Chaos or Xenos to them like a moth to a flame.
It's an Administratum official who has to up a planets tithe of up from an already brutal standard because the resources that planet provides are needed to preserve the lives of tens of billions of people in a nearby sector.
The Tau never have to make these sacrifices - their ideology is perfectly functional with no downsides.
go away adb/carnac
What's wrong with being xenophobic? Have you seen the 40k universe?
Not true Taus greater good philosophy extends to killing Tau for the greater good. Greater good philosphy is a ends justifies the means mentality.
Theoretically Tau could be or are actually behaving far worse than the Imperium.
There was last time i checked plenty of evidence of this propaganda, cover ups and using experimental technology that kills the users.
>using experimental technology that kills the users.
alot less widespread
My inner hard sci-fi wishes that they had Dyson Swarms instead of planets. Then again, a single one would be enough to wipe out any galactic empire in fiction and a population that outnumbers the rest of the galaxy, with very, very few exceptions. It's not even high tech, you just need to build a lot of space stations orbiting a star. This is more plausible, to the point it is thought to be inevitable, than FTL.
>When will these subhuman communist mantees finally get Thunderhawk rides?
When the Emperor finally sucks Slaanesh's dicks
People hate them because they were op in 3rd and 7th and cheese mongers loved them. They're also annoying because virtue signalling moral fags would choose them because of their perceived righteousness, and proceed to lecture you have the time you're near them about how tau are the good guys.
Honestly, I find the whole 'Tau are the good guys' thing utterly hilarious and I love Tau. [Sort of.]
The concept that they are shining paragons blahblahnoblebrightblahblah is fine, because one of reason.
Look at the size of their territory.
Look at the Imperiums.
That's how far being "Good" gets you in the 41st, some second rate alien empire in the middle of fuck-ass nowhere.
They are literally a level 1 paladin in a room of level 90+ lawful/chaotic neutral/evils, no one can be bothered "dealing" with them.
Sure, Tau are the 'good guys' despite their obvious communist and caste system undertones, but lets be honest, it doesn't really count for much.
The only reason the Tau haven't been annihilated/murderfucked out of existence is 2 fold.
The fact their souls are weak & Tyranids.
Not worth the time for Chaos and the Nids are a bigger threat to the Imperium, so they can play in their little sandbox with the Orks and sometimes come to bug the Imperium.
... Besides the Tau were a better army when their concept was a conglomerate of alien races saying "we will not go quietly into the night." as opposed 'Mechs, Mechs and more Mechs.'
I miss 4th.
I want to see the Tau Empire consumed by a cultural madness, where for whatever reason (destruction of the entire Ethereal caste, maybe) the Greater Good comes to focus on the singular goal of destroying the God Emperor of Mankind, pitting the entire Tau precision war machine to the singular goal fighting their way to Terra regardless of cost, razing it to the ground, destroying the Emperor, mankind's Warp capability and ultimately the Imperium of Man as a whole. A suicidal charge through the cosmos that would lead two empires to tear each other apart in a blaze of savagery and chaos.
That'd be cool, I think
>Implying that 40k is GrimDark anymore since Rowboat GirlyMan's return.
Face it boys GrimDark doesn't sell miniatures well anymore, the setting is moving further and further towards NobelBright each day. Age of Sigmar 40,000 inbound.