/swg/ Best ship edition

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Legion announcement

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)
Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

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>whole group wants to get into Legion
>whole group wants to play the Empire

Venator is top tier, but best ship will always be the gold standard of caps.

Xth for Missile Boat


A Clone Wars/Rise of the Empir era game will probably be its own thing. They clearly reference the era with the ARC-170, the Scurrg, the Phantom II (a Separatist shuttle), and using Asajj Ventress, Latts Razzi, Cad Bane, etc.

The only thing I'm surprised they haven't added is Buzz Droids as missile/token drop thing, particularly for Scum

Forgot pic

sounds to me like if you want to get into rebels you're gonna get a lot of rebel troopers for cheap if you work with these guys. Just pay 40 bucks or so and get the troopers and the at-rt for massive army building.

>SUPPRESSION EFFECT: When a unit takes as many suppression tokens as their courage value, it gets one less action during its activation. If the unit gets as many as double their courage value in suppression tokens, than the unit can only do move actions, and these moves must be towards their table edge.

>GETTING SUPPRESSION TOKENS: as soon as a unit gets at least one hit from an enemy unit (doesn't matter if it results in actual damage or not) it gets a suppression token (targeted unit only gets at most 1 suppression token per enemy unit who hits it). During each turn's end phase, all units remove one of their suppression tokens for free.

Given that base troopers only have 1 courage, getting the first strike is gonna be a big deal.

man a sniping unit is going to be absurdly good. Just scaring the absolute shit out of a group with a good hit or two, or those speederbikes popping a unit then flying by.


You get suppressed even if you cancel the enemy hit results with defence dice, right?

Deployment is gonna be key. If you've got a speeder bike heavy force, for example, the four deployment types each mean very different things for your strategy.

The efficacy of supression is probably designed to tie into the command card system. Activation priority, number of units commanded, and suppression all combine to make a really deep decision making process for selection and assignment of command cards/activations.

According to that explanation, yes.

that's a funny looking nebulon-b

Best fleet admiral? or best fleet admiral?

Just used him to great effect, used to only play ackbar, this space wizard is my new favorite

He's probably my favorite as well.

Pairs really well with Garel's Honor too, just deploy wide, curve in, and bump somebody in the butt until one of you dies.

I especially like him with a Heaven-Piercing-Drill Liberty build but that's mostly just for laughs

But that's not Madine!

Seriously though, him being the cheapest admiral is kind of absurd when you think about it, because he's also really powerful as long as you're doing well. Those 10-18 points you save can get you more ways to win harder as well, which keeps him nice and simple.

I used him with two Mc30-Torpedos, each with assault proton torpedos and ordinance experts, one with foresight

one Nebulon-B escort, with dodonna, raymus antilles and projection experts

one GR-75 transport with bomber command center, toryn farr and quantum storm

2 y-wings
8 x-wings

It makes sense if you think of him as an inverse Motti. Dirt cheap, gives you like 6+ extra fleetwide hull, depending.

But whereas Motti is consistent and passive, Dodonna spikes or falls off depending on how you're doing. Plenty of games I've never triggered his ability once because my battle plan crumbled.

Crix, Jan, and Gial are my three favorite commanders hands down. The rest don't even come close.

That's an... interesting squadron composition

You have not yet begun to Dodonna until you have Yavaris+Adar Luke using BCC rerolls and fishing for structurals to delete ships from full health

>that's due to an issue with contracts and licensing due to the interpretation of the term "electronic games"
>To avoid legal headaches, FFG probably doesn't do PDFs in case some lawyer or judge counts RPG PDFs as "electronic gaming."
>due to the way that the licensing and contracts were written, PDFs for the RPG actually were considered video games.
This.. this is beyond fucking stupid. Oh my god. Seriously, all of my fucking wtf:s over this. That's.. I honestly do not even know what to say.

In the lord's year 2017, Trump is president, mayonnaise is a gender, and .pdf:s are video games, preventing quality Star Wars. The plague cannot hit us fast enough.

dude you need to put some time into that squadron composition because only being able to push 4 of your guys is a really rough goddamn time. That might just be my opinion but you could be bringing a few rogue squadrons instead and be way happier with your deal (and potentially fit admonition in, and possibly yavaris)

I can see the argument for Dodonna being like Motti.

What kind of Ackbar lists have you been running? I can never seem to quite hit the level of power I want when I mess with him.

>Be privateer for Rebellion
>Catch a TaggeCo courier vessel, the sort for moving small, high value cargo in secret
>Cargo hold is full of Biscuit Baron nutripacks


Fight me!

At some point I really need to stat this dickhead up for abusing PC's, lets face it. Anyone mad enough to try and kill Darth with a lightsabre is probably good enough to murder some players

Ackbar is a tricky one because you really need like 3+ combat ships to justify his expense in most cases.

I have a go-to core of an Ackbar list that's basically an MC80 loaded to bear, 2 VCXs, and an ~30 point bid for second. Advanced Gunnery, Fire Lanes, Sensor Net.

I try to aim for 5+ activations, which sometimes means it's just the MC80 and 4 flotillas, other times I have the points for another combat ship, depending on upgrades and other squadrons.

Then I make my opponent pick their poison. Double-tapping Ackbar MC80 broadside, 45 points per turn that I can drag with me, or the huge margins I can run up on sensor net.

It's a very fun list to run. You can see your opponent's heart sink into their stomach when you present your objectives.

How would people feel if the second Gunboat title (OS-1 Loadout) allowed it to fire Torpedoes and Missiles even when it had a weapon disabled token, but ONLY against targets at range 2?

Oh yeah, Dodonna is one of those guys who earns his points back around turn 4 and 5, and at 20pts that's not hard.
I'd say he's right up there with Ackbar and Riekkan, I'd put Leia up there as well.

To be honest, there's not too many bad admirals for Rebels. Cracken's a bit situational, Sato is just plain bad though.

Imperials have it a bit more granulated. Basically some Admirals are better for different kinds of lists. Tarkin is just generally good, Jerjerrjod is amazing as well. Darth and Screed are damn useful. Sloan is around this tier as well. The rest are pretty situational though.

Oh yeah, and Motti is up there with Tarkin and Jerry. Forgot about him.

In seriousness, I am considering putting an order in for the rerelease of the D6 books, because they are full of such wonderful details.

I never fully appreciated how much work the WEG people put into creating the Star Wars universe until recently.

Sato is fine, he just requires you to have a squadron-heavy fleet. I took him to a store champs recently and won with him

>Lawyers are paid to defend their employers' licensing rights as vigorously as possible
News at 11. RPG PDFs are games that exist in a digital medium. Thus, a judge might still consider them electronic games. To the consumer, it seems unreasonable. To the companies in question, it's a legal gray area that is better left defended than not. Otherwise, when some smartass inevitably comes along and exploits an unforeseen loophole (like, say, creating a vidya simulator of said tabletop RPGs or distributing a PDF containing the source code for a Star Wars RPG), a judge might rule in said smartass' favor because FFG/EA/etc. didn't defend their IP license with due diligence.

For the cost of Dodonna and a hwk, you allow your fighter command ships to swap out their shit red dice for accurate black ones. If you time a proper bombing dogpile on a high value enemy ship, those black dice can make or break an encounter.

Most of the galaxy guides are great value, fantastic tech books are also full of cool things which are easily ported over into FFG. Tramp Freighters and Pirates & Privateers are probably two of my most favourite, lot of adventures came out of those.
As a GM Crakens field guide, Imperial Handbook and Rebel Alliance sourcebooks are basically the apex of their releases for material and ideas. I honestly don't think they've really been beat for content.

Had a stressful day at work, so I got home and watched some old commentary of the Naboo Open while I painted my Fangs.

I wanted to give them a design that was reminiscent of the Black Sun symbol, but that followed the lines of the ship.

I know, I know. Thin my paints. It got a bit messy at the end there while I figured out where I wanted the spikes on the halo to lie.

Are brobots still viable in the current meta? I see a lot less of them in regional rankings, have they just fallen out of use due to more favourable options?

okay tg i want an opinion on a plot idea:
>post anh to rotj timeline
>Players are sent on mission by former seppy to recover what they think is some banking clan destroyers or luhkers for rebel fleet before next superweapon is rolled out by the empire.
>shennanigans ensues, but they get to geonosis, which like the more recent comics, is now lifeless hulk. first kniwn delta zero by the empire because bug hunt
>players track the data to the former hive poggle, and land in a destroyed ruin which seems to be the arena from ep2
>find a jedi named mattermeno krahnn (from the old galaxies game) who is an archaeologist, and has been studying the battle that went on some years ago, seeing it as the beginning of the end of the jedi
>players explore hive poggle until they find main computer core
>plug in and activate the data given them
>its a b1 activation code, suddenly the planet lights up. every undamaged, within transmission range b1 droid acrivates
>players book it back to the ship, and are about to escape when they discover an imperial mining outpost. not military, but civilian contractor. outpost is issuing a help request, and probably getting over run by droids.
>players SHOULD go help, to find out that the miners are desperate for help.
>mission is to save some miners, trapped in the geonosian catacombs.

yeah i had just thrown it together, I will be running luke next time for sure

The buildup seems pretty logical and run-of-the-mill. No complaints there. Great potential to turn it into a goofy Dark Souls catacombs adventure if you replace all the skeletons with B1s.

what purpose does the jedi serve? find something for him to do, give him a purpose beyond pointless exposition.
you are also banking a lot on the morality of the players. my current group would not go and risk their necks for a bunch of imperial strangers, civilian or not. maybe those miners are their ticket to getting the ships they came for. that way they wont leave empty handed and have an incentive to do your mission.
On the plus side, I do always enjoy the "old battle droids get reactivated" trope. I have used it myself in a somewhat different scenario and it was very enjoyable.

My nigga.

Some late night space fightin, doesn't look too bad but I think it really needs to be locked into a cockpit view

In the last thread we discussed the to-hit changes of Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers under various conditions.

I have written a quick program that simulates 1,000 rolls of a given Legion attack, so now I've got some better numbers. This is all done assuming five models in the squad, and rounded to one decimal place.

Stormtrooper armor blocks 50% of hits, Rebel armor blocks 33% of hits.

Rebels average 2.5 hits including 0.6 crits. Aiming boosts this to 3.4 hits, 0.8 crits; with Targeting Scopes 3.6 hits, 0.9 crits. Stormtrooper armor reduces those to 1.3/1.7/1.9 wounds.

Stormtroopers average 1.9 hits including 0.6 crits. Aiming boosts this to 2.9 hits, 1.0 crits; with a targeting scope, 3.0 hits, 1.0 crits. Rebel armor reduces those to 1.3/1.9/2.0 wounds.

I'll add in cover and dodge tokens later and collate that information then.

The fuck is Maul doing there?

well i was going to run this to its conclusion, and then if my players want, expand as needed. he is really just the dmpc/moral compass. in the expanded story im writing, he has purpose.

>players save some trapped miners, and after escaping the geonosian metal mines/catacombs, see that the cavalry has arrived. the empire, alerted to the threat have brought in the entire sector fleet to essentially destroy all the battle droids reactivated.
>players flee, and nearest jump is to the planet ryloth
>because the imperial presence is so small the hutt led slaver cartels are running rampant.
>this also allows a rather sizable twilek resistance group to try and topple the entire slave market by going after some slaver kingpins
>players join in, and are drafted into the fighting pits, for the upcoming slave arena battles. essentially geonosian arena's destruction let the hutts move into the gladiator buisness.
>they didnt count on a jedi
>krahnn is supposed to be the prize fight, but becomes the ring leader.
>at the moment of highest chance, krahnn reveals himself, as the resistance movment swoop in
>armed slaves + jedi + resistance fighters vs hutt guards
>even as the imps arrive, its too late.
>everyone flees to the secret hideout where the players are rewarded, and bring the resistance group into the rebellion.
>yavin award music.mp3

Their heroes are non-era specific now.
Their original showoff had Clones vs Droids on Naboo.

Heroes were Maul and Boba Fett vs Rey and (GCW) Han Solo

>best ship edition

What, have you forgotten about me already?

fucking 'ell

>best ship

dunno if any of you play the FFG RPGs but these are awesome starters

i mean, just look at this space!

You can fit fighters in there and everything!

Or change out the pods for mission specific stuff...these are great

why do you keep using : instead of '

those have been around since the 80s yo


I didnt say they were new, i just said theyre awesome starters in the FFG RPG

so what's your favorite ship?

Looking good user. It makes me want to paint my Lambda more.

>7. All that other space
What goes there? They don't need wings, is this an atmospheric ship?

Brother you are in pain.

This seems to be only for the alpha. Via tweets they've said that the intention for the full release is that some game modes will have cross era heroes but most will be era-specific

Don't worry, honey.

You'll be the star of my next EotE campaign.

Is there a place I can see what upgrades are good for what pilots in xwing? I don't want meta builds, but there are a lot of upgrades and its hard to keep track of them, so a list of like "these upgrades are good with this pilot cuz they synergize with his skill" would be great.

Which makes them picking fucking Maul of all people even more retarded.

At no point in his life Maul worked for CIS.

To be fair, Maul was a CIS hero in the original Battlefront II. And so was Jango, even though he died before the Clone Wars really started.

no clue, but it probably has to be semi-atmospheric since it is a scouting ship. Get close enough to make more detailed scans of planets and such.

Maul has mass appeal, and CIS makes more sense than any other faction

Various systems and shit? The wing parts are too thin to house crew.

Never liked it personally

Yeah, the Jumpmaster has always looked really bad. What's it from originally anyway? WEG D6?

Tales of the Bounty Hunter, it's mentioned as Dengar's ship - I think that's the earliest mention of it, which might have some physical description. First actual art depiction would probably be decipher CCG though.

It's just nitpicking at this point. Next folks will complain that weapons might not all be era-specific.

sup /swg/

About to run D6 Star Wars again (hooray!) and my group has created a bunch of characters that cohere decently without any real prompting from me (hooray!).

They're in possession of a Gallofree 105 (slightly larger than the Gallofree 75s seen leaving Hoth in ESB) and probably working for the newly formed Alliance High Command (ca. Rebels S3/R1). So I'm sticking an Alliance observer aboard the ship and I'm going to assume that a lot of their "down time" will be more or less mundane shipping. Foodstuffs, medical supplies, some luxury goods, etc. Screen time will consist of military supply shipment, hit-and-fade raid support, and troop transport missions. i.e. high stakes.

So here's what I need: a bunch of ideas for these higher stakes missions suitable to a heavy transport vessel. Feel free to assume Alliance support is available for most of them.

Also open to ideas that a group that leans towards socialization and intrigue in the Rebellion era.

Will be using Daala as one of the opposition leaders, if it helps.

I'm still a bit confused with templates, how do alien species mesh with templates or are they templates themselves?

What the hell IS that thing?

Pure Sienar Drug-Fueled Magic

its not alliance work if half of it isn't also smuggling for the greater good. You can give the face a plenty good workout by trying to appear to be a legitimate businessman, kowtowing to pirate lords and offering an inferior planned tribute, negotiation of a trade route for the next month with a group that's not totally in the alliance and given inspirational speeches.

Putting a commando team on the far side of Kuat can be a mission that is either mind numbingly boring or constant running. Most of the ideas in the wraith squadron books apply, your freighter pilot is just going to be a lot more helpless then someone driving a CR90.

You could even do a full mission focused on supplying a rebel base once or twice, giving them transport support on a critical mission, then helping evacuate after the success or failure of the mission, or premature discovery of the mission and base.

And of course you can always do a classic 'we're a boarding ship this week, everyone grab a blaster and help the commandos out' mission if you've got some heavy muscle that needs exercising.

They definitely have something- the question is how to use them most effectively.

I've seen Ion Bombs, Rigged Cargo, Ion Cannon, PTL, Advanced Sensors, Autos be a real headache to fight against. You can walk anything off of the board.

Do you fags play Armada or what? It's mostly bullshit around here.

They are the templates. If you look around there are some resources for building your own templtes though.

I used to have a regular I played with. I just moved farther into the city though, hoping the lgs there has a regular armada presence.

I'm hoping the release of Legion will generate Star Wars interest. Nobody plays anything worth mention near me and if there are a bunch of people interested in the theme again thats a good thing. The drawback is that it splits the player community again.

Recently found a lgs with a few players. Which made me finally work on getting a proper fleet. Haven't played yet, though :(

The fuck ship is that?

They're as mid-tier as they ever were. A lot of fun and different builds, but none that do the job as well as a dedicated list.

Alright, real talk /swg/.
Should we follow 40ks example and split this board into an X Wing / Armada / Legion board and a Star Wars Roleplaying board?
I'm an RPfag and I always feel like I'm derailing a thread when I bring up my EoTE / D6 shit, like that one poor guy in the 40k threads trying to talk about Rogue Trader.

extracting a failed rebel cell from a planet, that the empire has now regained full control over.
depending how smoothly the mission goes on the ground, they may or may not have to run a blockade that the empire is in the process of forming right now. your players are the only suitable alliance vessel in the area that can make it in time before the planet is completely closed off and there is no chance of getting those guys out of there.

please tell me that's called the "TIE Jouster" or something of the sort.

i think that would be good.

Not really, no. Nobody's going to complain if you talk RPGs in these threads. It's natural for there to be multiple different conversations going on in a single thread anyway, and there seems to be a pretty big overlap among the games' fanbases. Plus, it keeps the catalog from getting saturated with Star Wars stuff at the expense of other systems, topics, etc.

I think it's fine as it is now. There's a reasonable balance between each system. Wait and see how the release of Legion affects discussion.

I play Armada and I'm gonna get into Legion, but I don't have a FLGS, I only play with my group.

No. We don't generate enough traffic. 40k is subdivided because it has to be.

Until you feel you CAN'T talk about the RPGs because the wargamers make the thread move too quickly, splitting us up will only make us weaker. Don't tread on space snake.

No, because I don't think the threads would have enough discussion between them right now. Let's see when Legion drops

I do. More sporadically as of late because getting to game night is a hassle for me, and runewars is eating into our tournament time now. But it's a really fun game. I like a lot of the new cards that came out with wave 6.

I think you overestimate the people in here who even play or will play any of those. You barely get like four replies to FFG news unless it's some new system.

>Shifting wing design
>Still recognizably as TIE
>Clearly a next gen

Fuuuck! slap a few more guns on this or something and this would have been an amazing replacement for the TIE for the First Order!

Fuck Disney's canon with ships!

How has the meta turned out to be after the FAQ?

Is it stagnant? Is there a clear good vs bad on matchups?

I want to get into it, but I've got some issues.

Firstly, I want to go Empire only.

Secondly, I want an ISD to feature in my list.

How much would I be looking to spend to go competitive?

Lastly, are generic (non-titled) raiders good?

TIE Lancer.

So pretty damn close.

So I have a question Veeky Forums, about X-wing squads.

I've been playing X-wing for around 2 years, and I'm starting to get frustrated with the design.

I've been playing Empire only, and every list that I have flown has featured at least 2 identical generics. It's just what I like to fly, and it feels fluffy for me.

Recently with the changes, I'm realizing that empire is not very good at this style of play at high levels. Low HP ships get shit on by Nym, low agility gets shit on my Lowhrick. There are no competitive lists that aren't centered on RAClo for empire.

I'm also noticing that Scum is REALLY good at running 2+ generic+something (ace typically) The new wave with the kimogila- 2 of the P 5's with deadeye, and the PS 8 with VI and dampeners, and harpoons, R4, and chips on everyone. That's the type of list I I want to fly aesthetically, and Empire is no longer good at it.

Wat do?

Is there some sort of viable empire generic besides the Sienar Specialist with TLT?

Strikers and bombers w/ lwf and unguided rockets are decent filler ships to run alongside quickdraw or something similar.

So any ideas on what we'll get going forward for legion? Any snippets? AT-ST seems a given. Hope we get wookies and shit.

>So any ideas on what we'll get going forward for legion?

The First Order's TIEs didn't bother me much. They're just upscaled normal TIEs with a rear-gunner, which makes sense as a step forward when you're a small dictatorship in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and only have a shoestring budget to spend on R&D.

I need invisible bothan flamethrowers.

Also, the game will be gold if one can WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!

So for the Bombers, The best 2 generic options seem to be Gamma Squadron Vets and Scimitar squadrons- Is the 3 pilot skill and the EPT slot (Crack Shot? Snap Shot?) worth it to pay the extra points for gammas?

Or is 3 Scimitars with UGR+LWF and Expertise Quickdraw the way to go?

For generic strikers, PS seems really important for them, but the Black Squadron scout is a point overpriced. They are 23 with LWF and Crack Shot, vs 19 for a Trainee. Strikers may not be great, but they are fun as shit. They do need intel agent support though at low PS. QD and a trio of Scarif Defenders maybe?

I Might also try that list of OL+PS+Tomax+something and see how it goes.

What do you think of those 2 lists? Should the Elite generic be used in any sort of list, or do you think that the point bloat makes them not worth it?

Also, I heard you asked FFG if they had heard the tragedy of Dath Plaugeis the Wise at Gencon during their Q&A- props to that.

AT-ST is actually confirmed by Alex Davy at Gencon. Scout Troopers and Snow Speeders as well.

I want Deathtroopers to gun down rebel scum with ease.

somehow fucked up the reply.

I see you Nick , i'll Get you Next time rebal scum

>What goes there? They don't need wings, is this an atmospheric ship?
Star wars ship design has always been more about outward aesthetic than any sort of logic-based anything.

Yeah, just got in a game Monday (i was facing )
Imperial II Star Destroyer [120]
-Relentless [3]
-Overload Pulse [8]
-Quad Laser Turret [5]
-Redundent Shields [8]
-Heavy turbolaser Turrets [6]
-Admiral Ozzel [20]

Raider II Corvette [48] x2
-Quad Laser Turrets [5]
-SW-7 Ion Batteries [5]

Arquiters Command Cruiser [59]
-Captian Needa [2]
-Hand of Justice [4]
-Gunnery Team [7]

2 VT-49 Decimators [44]

>small dictatorship in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and only have a shoestring budget to spend on R&D.

they rock Star Destroyers twice the size of an ISD and a planet-sized superweapon fo fucks sake