Painfully bad tabletop

Just for shiggles, let's see the worst you've got. Starting out with the infamous Realms of Atlantasia.

It is utterly incomprehensible, poorly organized, and disturbingly cliche. There's no Table of Contents, and I've never found an actual Lore section, he just drops bits in randomly around mechanics explanations.

I think I've got a few more bad ones, but let's see what else Veeky Forums can give me.

>inb4 FATAL
(but go ahead and post it anyway)

There's also Racial Holy War, though it's more just strange ramblings than an actual system considering the thing's half finished.


Interesting social justice experiment, or fucked up gangrape roleplay? You decide!

Honestly, a bit of both probably.


Maybe not too painfully bad, since it is satire, but very 3edgy5me.

DnD (any edition), play a caster and handle every problem short of eldritch horrors by the time you get level 3 spells, or play a martial and become totally irrelevant for anything except raw damage (and even then you'll need a magic weapon) by level 5. Literally only popular because of pop-cultural significance and marketing despite being one of the most mechanically convoluted, disjointed, poorly balanced RPGs on the market.

But around here people think that opinion, or even just stating objective facts to support it, is some kind of deliberate bait or trolling.

Via the New Legends.

Do you like player agency? FUCK YOU! The best form of tabletop is a computer roguelike translated to pen and paper. By the way, here are rules on how to roll dice; if you don't physically pick it up and throw it the way the rules specify, your roll does not count.


What is it? I'm not sure. It's like something killed several other RPGs and then made a suit out of their skins. Lets you roleplay being schizophrenic just by reading it.

Childhood is thinking D&D is a shit RPG and everyone who plays them must be some kind of stooge.

Adulthood is realizing that nobody plays D&D per RAW and D&D homebrew campaigns are the best thing tabletop has to offer.

Just don't play martials. Problem solved!

>D&D homebrew
The only thing legitimately worse than D&D by itself. It's always some dumbasses "fixes" that solve nothing and make things arbitrarily more tedious.

There's always one.

Not entirely wrong, but I'm talking PAINFULLY bad games.

Sonic RPG

Nothing more to say.

You hit on a good point here, but not in the way you think.

Everyone homebrews fixes to DnD problems, and so that becomes THEIR idea of DnD, and they get super defensive when DnD is "attacked" because THEIR version of DnD doesn't have those problems (and if it does, they'll homebrew more fixes!).

The problems with this are two-fold however.
1. 99.9% of Homebrew is shit yet 100% of homebrewers think THEIRS isn't.
2. Having to fix a system doesn't mean the system is good, quite the opposite actually.

>(any edition)
That is just blatantly wrong.

You guys obviously haven't read my homebrew then.

The Window

Actually not that bad in terms of design; but my god, the pretension is enough to choke a horse.

>Don't you have a containment thread to be in somewhere?
We're already in it.

True D&D has never been tried.

>No table of contents

Is it only 5 pages?

Fucksake. Speaking of containment threads...

Actually it has, it's called Adventure League, and the fact that it's universally HATED kinda just reinforces what was saying.

Close. Or at least there are 5s in the number: 545 pages of drek.

> 545 pages

nigga I aint reading all that

I mean I guess there could be gold buried in there somewhere, but I've never made it more than 30 pages in a sitting. That's if I make it past the idiocy of gnomes.

I don't understand the "homebrew" meme. The only time I've ever heard of people homebrewing stuff is when an OP is complaining that a specific table doesn't give the specific output they are looking for.

Kromore, neat concept, but the setting and rules are a total bore, not even so bad its good, just completely uninspired and at times unclear. The races are probably some of the most boring I have seen in a fantasy setting.

Charmed RPG

I mean I guess if you're REALLY into the show maybe it's ok, but otherwise...

That's garbage. Any gold deserves to be buried.

That's disappointing because that cover art is sick.


I think it's a joke, but it's a fuckin weird one.

I already dislike gnomes in most settings, but this shit takes it a perverse level of hatred. They're like kender on steroids.

It's a real shame really the book has a mix of really good and really bad art


Punk Rock IIIINNN SPAAAAAACE!!! I'm sure I would have loved it when I was 15.

Outbreak undead

Ever want to play a game with needlessly complicated character creation?
Ever wanted to play a game that claims to be a realistic survival game, but makes carrying another person almost impossible?
Ever want to play a zombie apocalypse game where attacking humans makes your weapons substantially more likely to break?

The looting/crafting system was cool though.

Homicidal Transients

Supposedly a joke about murderhobos, but sorely lacking in actual humor.

Well, I think I'm out.

Good lord. This is a piece of absurdist art. This is like "This House Has People In It" in tabletop form. Some of the pages are in Japanese. Is this even playable?

In before, during, and after overused joke about how four out of five people enjoy the game

That's Chinese, not Japanese.