Want this car?

Want this car?

XRB, ARK and ICON. All you need.

Other urls found in this thread:


>want this car?
no thanks, my 14th birthday was a while ago

Iconomi? ICONOMI???

Looks like absolute shit

Why would you need 3? just go all in on the best one

That car looks like a shoe that black people would wear.

Lamborghini doesn't make cars for 14 year olds! Idiot! Try again.

Want this car?

Link, doge and bitbean. All you need.

I think he means Icon as in ICX

Who would buy that monstrosity?

hahahaha fucking pajeet douche bag special?


!Veeky Forums_edit_original_post: *"ICON" "ICX"
//// end edit

Sorry. That should fix things up in a few hours. I'm a programmer, so I know about these things. Buy these three coins.

They will moon. Tai Lopez recommends ARK.

This guy gets it

There's no reason you can't have a car like this. For the older and uglier men of biz, of course.

no thanks it's too ugly

I hate black people.

You shouldn't have to invest in crypto to buy a hot wheels car user

>Tai Lopez recommends ARK
I didn't know that, thanks, just sold my stack

Why is Veeky Forums so obsession with shallow status symbols?

Literally nobody here wants this

>why is humanity so obsessed with shallow status symbols?

Want this car? Buy XRP.

I assumed that people on Veeky Forums were more principled than the common normalfag.

I'm all in on these three coins.

Great minds think alike. What's your portfolio worth?

Ok Op I was gonna go all in on ICX, convince to split it to another coin like XRB or ARK

or bettter yet. Make 50%+ this Thursday.

Just wanted to let you guys know of something going down Thursday. There is a huge pump and dump that will be taking place on Binance in the next couple of days by over 10k people. Now you may think this is fake, but there's a discord in which there is a whole plan with set times and what the main idea and the strategy going into Thursday is. Many of you may still not like this idea and if thats true then, unfortunately, this is not for you, but if you even somewhat like this idea make sure to check it out at least


Roughly $5.2m. Mined Bitcoin on my PS4 when it first came out, heh, imagine that.

Always knew it was special but forgot, entirely, because of exams etc. Started selling for alts last week and am now looking to spin my new fortune into billions (God willing) through complex mathematical like algorithms, the Fibonacci sequence, technical analysis and common sense.

You keep posting this and I hope your right because im holding TRX bags and want to go into these other coins. Post a SS from the discord for proof m8

31k trx bag holder here

Wow we've reached a special new kind of larping stupid faggot kid on biz. I'm cringing so hard on OP, this is why I come to this magical place.

Why won't you accept advice from someone that has the money to buy the car in the photo?


Because I would rather die poor than listen to your cringy ass posts. I honestly hope you buy that abomination you posted when you've got the money, so people know what kind of faggot you are.

Well enjoy being broke then

.. stealth hiddenkeys:_.inject_coin//wallet/.e

do you really think I have a single penny on the same machine that I use to browse this shitshow? also, please post more haxxxs, it's amusing

[spoiler]It's a wireless virus, faggot.[/spoiler]

All in on XRB. Thanks user



Only wanted to inject the other guy. Sorry user. I haven't yet managed to target individual posters.

What's your wallet address? I'll pass on some coin and then some.



Fuck you jerk. Suck a dick.


Thanks user....I'll take your advise!

U can't buy class muh friend
