Is it EVER worth it to deal with fae?
Is it EVER worth it to deal with fae?
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Sometimes you come out of it with a wife, so yes.
Delicious traps
Of all the things to make an eldritch pact with, a fey at least has the possibility of returning your feelings.
Not unless you've got large amounts of iron around.
>have tits
Thou shalt not suffer the elf to live.
You can make eldritch pacts with other humans if they're powerful enough, no?
>juicy fat loli tighs
I mean, yeah, sometimes
Can fae have children through marriage? Or are they born through nature itself?
similar to their whimsical nature, true boons granted by fae can have no drawbacks whatsoever.
Just make sure the intended effects are beneficial.
I mean, I'd rather make a deal with the devil. At least then I'd be sure he wasn't doing it for my "good".
Depends on the setting, probably. The closest things in my setting are capable of functional working relationships with mortals, but you could argue that's because they're also much like animistic spirits or minor pagan gods; there are shamans and priests who understand them well enough to negotiate with them intelligently, or can even command them with clever sorcery.
Wizards do not have feelings.
D&D pixies have been good-aligned in 3.X and 5e.
Fight me.
>pixies and the fae being the same thing
Sure, user, sure. And kobolds are just elder dragons, right?
You do realize in 3.X they can be elder dragons with a feat right?
Of course it's worth it, if you're lucky she might kidnap you and bring you back to her magical realm.
But what if the elf likes you?
I know what you mean
>implying sex isn't natural.
>Can fae have children through marriage?
Of course, everything from Huldra to Selkie to Kitsune are noted for bearing their husband children, who often have magical powers or inclinations towards certain lifestyles.
That's just how devious the fey are, user.
If it has tits, it ain't a trap anymore, it's just girl, but gayer.
If you look at their crotches you can see that they don't have a bulge there, they're just females.
There's something deeply unnerving with that body structure.
It's like a full-person version of uncanny valley - the parts technically are there, but in a way that doesn't belong together.
So, to be clear, they're just traps in the sense that if you fall for them, you'll experience a painful death or something worse?
I mean, i just assumed he was using the pic as an example of traps since that artist draws plenty.
They can render a person beautiful or hideous. You'll be wondrous either way.
Gonna need source on that...
Nope. The only good fae is a dead one.
Where can I read some good fae/fey short fiction or greentexts, to get a feel for the kind of deals and tricks they'd play? I have some (half & dark) elves in my player's party and would love to have them deal with something that ties into their ancestry to get them invested
tips for playing as fae
Fairy tale by Raymond Fiest
Pretty good book about how alien fae are.
It startes with Puck raping some farmgirl
Is Puck some fae or the human protagonist?
Also check out Dont be afraid of the dark. Its a movie by guillermo deltoro and it has a pretty good depiction of fae.
Pans labyrinth isnt bad either
Its the same Puck that appears in midsummer nights dream.
Hes a named fae that comes up in mythology sometimes
nice, thanks anons
4e had a book called "heros of the feywilds" or something. I forget the exact title, bit it has some useful info about the fairy courts.
Of course i cant find a pdf online which is less than helpful
Joel Jurion
>Starts with Puck raping some farmgirl
What, he comes to her in her dreams or something?
Sure why not?
But remember to understand the deal before you make it.
It's like niggers being thrown out by the bank. They made the deal with the bank and did not read it so fuck them.
The same is with genies, devils and fae, only difference is that deal is harder to understand. But that is why you sign the deal with bank with lawyer and with mystical creatures with certified arcanist as a help.
The Dragonwrought feat.
It's central to a lot of min-max fuckery involving Kobolds.
Now i want to play that character.
Harvey Dragonson
Adventuring Contract Lawyer
Just the thread I needed. My party was in the Feywild and made a pact with a Green Hag. They were shrunk to the size of dolls, and the deal was that the Hag would return them back to size if they helped her reach a nearby portal to the Material Plane.
Now, the players were talking about backstabbing her just before passing through the portal. What consequences can they suffer if they break a pact with a Fey in such a way?
that would look a bit nicer if the arms were a bit thicker
They stay small unless they can find someone powerful enough to remove that high level curse.
Pretty easy one there
Nah, they were returned to their normal size already. The Hag needs them to traverse some caves of the Feydark safely.
He's a fae. It's in the name; he's a puca (old English spirit; sometimes called Robin Goodfellow)
Oh then they fulfilled the terms of their agreement.
No penalty
If they kill her before helping her pass the portal (that is, before arriving in the Material Plane) then they would be breaking the contract. I wasn't clear in my original wording.
They've already *helped*
In that case, I'd make them small again
Or make their weapons and spells pass through her harmlessly until they reach the prime plane
Also, the hag wouldn't have made them big until the entire deal had been rectified imho
Yeah I guess it can be taken that way. We'll see when it is they decide to betray her.
You're right, but how would you have handled it then? I mean, in that case, then she couldn't have used their help in combat.
By the wording "if they helped her reach a nearby portal to the Material Plane" she doesn't actually have to pass through the portal. She just has to reach it.
Now you could argue about the definition of "reach," but as far as I care the party fulfilled their obligation by escorting her to the portal. If something happens to her before she passes through it, that's not their problem.
If you really want to be an asshole about it, just throw her corpse through the portal afterwards.
Barnes and Noble has a collection of fairy tales called "A Treasury of Irish Fairy and Folk Tales"
>trying to dick over a fey
Just be on your way, what's the point of risking even more shit
I guess im just not grasping the timeline here.
The mere fact that the players escorted her should have been enough to reach the portal unimpeded because faewild bullshit, but if she had to unshrink them to help her in combat, she broke the contract herself.
They shoudnt be bound by it any longer.
Not really, she fulfilled her end of the bargain, now it's their turn. Since it's enforced by the plane itself then they better do it.
>>trying to dick over a fey
>>trying to dick a fey
Don't do it user, she wants you to!
The fey do it the other way around. They will turn you into a chick halfway though and then call you gay.
>adventurer ready to get balls deep in fae pussy
>things are gettin steamy aww yeah
>wait where did ponos go
>fae starts laughing her ass off
>calls the adventurer a fruit
>skips away with her friends
And that's why we burn every forest
here's the animated version (if anybody was interested)
If the deal was that she would return them to normal after she helped them, then she violated the terms of the deal by turning then normal before that, this rendering their obligation to help void.
>It's like niggers being thrown out by the bank. They made the deal with the bank and did not read it so fuck them.
Huh. That really does put things in perspective: I think I'd rather make a deal with the fae than Wells Fargo. I could list a lot of points in favor of the fae (they're at least willing to treat you as whole sophonts rather than assets, being turned into a doll is probably more fun than irreparable financial ruin, the fae don't have large teams of people looking for ways to screw you over more effectively), but the main advantage of dealing with the fae is that they're actually bound by the terms of their contracts, while banks, as the robosigning scandal illustrated, are not.
That would be awesome. So many adventurers need contract law! Dealing with dragons, with kings who make rather expansive claims regarding rewards for rescued princesses, with suspiciously convenient offers from strange entities summoned from distant planes-- or just agreeing on how to split up the loot.
Are you autistic or illiterate? Clearly the deal wasn't that she'd return them to normal AFTER they helped her, but ON THE CONDITION that they helped her.
You don't blackmail someone with evidence and immediately destroy the evidence as soon as they agree to help you. Just accept that the Hag doesn't know how to properly make a contract and have the fey laugh at her corpse.
If the evidence is provided to you by the plane itself then it doesn't really matter. If anything, it makes the mortals, ignorant to the workings of the Feywild, more prone to fuck up.
Ah then they really wouldn't have broken the contract as the players would have helped her reach a nearby portal to the material plane before backstabbing her therefore completing their end of the contract.
Implying that fae don't reproduce solely from raping unsuspecting humans
no, their hands are usually too smol to properly shuffle the deck prior to dealing.
I was using evidence as a comparison. I meant they have no reason to still be loyal to the Hag when she just removes the curse right out of the box. Why are you asking us what consequences they could suffer when you seem to be much more knowledgeable about the Feywild in your setting?
The dm fucked up and now has to live with his dumb choices.
The hag was an idiot and deserves to be purged.
And can we discuss how fucked up it is that a party at level 3 is even in the fey wilds?
Ive never sent a party there at any less than level 7. Thats just cruel.
It's not that I'm knowledgeable about the place, I only know that you cannot break a pact without inherent consequences.
I did fuck up but I can always interpret it another way, especially in a place like the Feywild. I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I'm saying that I'll keep all this in mind and see what conclusion the party reaches.
Hips like that should be illegal
>And can we discuss how fucked up it is that a party at level 3 is even in the fey wilds?
Not at all?
They are, you're going to jail
Well remember that the party will fulfill their end of the contract if the Hag reaches to the portal no matter what happens afterwards. Only punish them if they backstab her before that.
There is only one way to deal with the fae
If you told your players that something happened and then next time go "no wait guys this other thing happened instead" youre going to end up with unhappy players
>I did fuck up but I can always interpret it another way
Please stop thinking this way, just accept your mistakes and move on. If you don't, your players will call you out on your shit and it won't be fun for anyone.
>trusting fae
How far we've fallen.
As someone mentioned, theres a 4e supplement book that covers that. While that may not be the system you use, the lore is still solid
Well you can always trust them not to break a promise or a deal, so in that way they're trustworthy, but unless you've gotten a written or oral agreement, youre better off avoiding them altogether.
For a modest fee, id be more than happy to arbitrate or review the terms of any contract you have with any extraplanar creatures.
-Harvey Dragonson
Contract lawyer
One of them has antlers though. Does don't have antlers.
maybe they are reindeer
Whomever posted Heroes of the feywild I thank you. I have been looking for ways to expand my knowledge of fluff in 5e.
A wallpaper in return I offer thee.
Only if you are the best lawyer ever.
Like AI or genius level lawyer.
And make it so it doesn't directly affect you, please
sweet mother of pantie shots
Too bad Terra isn't good tho.
in many places, they are!
>trusting a dragon
Not this time Harvey.
if you're sure that you can come out on top of the deal, than sure go for it. every now and again someone has to pull one over on them right?
that being said, in general, you really shouldn't
>mfw been having this one knight in campaign being stalked by an upper tier Sidhe
>mfw i've got dozens of plans within plans when he handed me his backstory
>mfw ain't even got to lay the tracks, he is running ahead of the rails
But Elin are police officers too!
>in 5e
They made my dick bigger.