After many times suggesting my GM to make a historical Byzantine for our next campaign, he finnally decides to do it.
He puts dragons in the setting.
I'm gonna kill him
After many times suggesting my GM to make a historical Byzantine for our next campaign, he finnally decides to do it.
He puts dragons in the setting.
I'm gonna kill him
I don't see the problem here.
>turks are on the doorstep
>everythings looks bad for byzantium
>PCs go down into a random catacomb or some shit
>they find dragon eggs left their by justintinen just in case shit like this happened
>rest of the campaign is dedicated to BTFOing turks and restoring the empire
Don't get me wrong it's cool but it just kills the purpose of a historical game.
Are you sure your GM isn't just secretly putting your group into the Drakengard/Nier setting? You know, with timeline events like...
858 - The Eastern Roman Empire is destroyed by dragons.
I mean, did you tell your DM what yoy wanted to do in byzantium?
Because if not he has full liberty to do whatever the fuck he wants as long as it isn' too non-sensical
Better pic
Pls remove this porn
I've asked him to try to be historically accurate but I think he is trying to take a piss at me.
Can't handle aesthetic borders user?
Treat this borders with the proper respect user
That's a nice Sicily and Naples you got there. Would be a shame if something... happened to them.
If you are so obsessed with doing it your way why not GM yourself?
Normans are the ultimate scumbags no wonder they are the ancestors of the eternal anglo
And actually doing shit? Like research and GMing? Gee, user, you surely must be joking.
To be honest user GMing isn't my forte.
Bullshit. Being good players IS being a good GMs, regarding disposition.
Just haul your ass that side of the screen.
>Being proactive and actually taking iniciative
You ask to much user.
What if instead of carrying around those little Draco banners they carried around actual dragons
Then we would be speaking greek and latin and the whole image of dragons in christianity would change.
>He puts dragons in the setting.
Sounds like he made it better.
Ah, so you'd rather bitch at other people to do stuff for you and then bitch some more when they do what they think is fun?
I think he's just trying to make a setting that his friend will enjoy and that he will also enjoy.
Why would you put firebreathing creatures in a setting where the people have flamethrowers.
>fire breathing boats = dragons
>Burns muslim crops
>Takes the hills around the heathen city
>Defiles the mosques of Cilicia, Melitene and Crete
>Destroys the Normans in Cannae
Why isn't there a rpg style video game about them yet?
It'd be cool seeing a dragon unaffected by fire earlier in the story and then it gets all cocky and takes its time to toy with a Byzantine soldier armed with a cheirosiphon before killing him, but it turns out that Greek fire's unique properties allow him to kill the dragon instead
Tortor pic
Byzantines fighting dragon hoarding gold in order for the Empire to contract mercenaries for a great reconquest campaign
Those people have to have got the idea from somewhere...
Necessity is the mother of invention, as in "i need to burn this Camel jokeys ships that are trying to take my city" said Leo III.
But that's what catapults and ballistae are for, user...
If Byzantines have dragons, then the Turks have Efreeti soldiers.
Fucking this. Roasting Turks with dragon fire sounds nice.
In fact, the Turks used cannon bombards in besieging Constantinople. In this time line, they're Efreeti fireball artillery.
> loves the setting so much he calls it by a bullshit academic name
It was the Roman Empire. No one was very calling it anything else.
So beautiful.
>Wishes he had dragons.
But seriously. Nothing wrong with historical fiction/fantasy. Have you tried, you know... Asking your GM about it? Maybe saying it wasn't quite what you were expecting?
>not wanting different dragon bloodlines supporting different potential emperors, different species supporting muslims, dragons being involved in the split between the caliphate, dragons stealing the pope, etc.
Its like you hate fun.
There are no dragons in Spain though
>Isolationist basque dragon killed sir roland
Could a cataphract beat a knight? Did they ever fight in history?
> Byzantines
> Roman
Please, they were greeks, they spoke greek not Latin. At most they adopted certain aspects of Roman Law.
More importantly, no true Romans would abandon Rome to the Barbarians.
Pure historical games are boring unless you enjoy dying for drinking water
Most Romans you know of didn't speak Latin
>A cute, hungry, East-Roman dragon girl wants to eat Turks
Would your DM accept my PC?
This guy has a point.
"Is the Byzantine Empire Roman?" is the Theseus ship of historical arguments.
I want to play in this setting.
I want to play in an ERE fighting with and alongside dragons. I want to play in an ERE where one of the governors is himself a dragon scheming to get himself elevated to the Purple. I want to play in an ERE where the Athanatoi truly are without death, a horde of proud undead legionnaires who fight for the glory of Rome even beyond the pale.
I want to play in an ERE where the Muslims have Efreeti soldiers and flying carpets. I want to play in an ERE where the Germanic tribes have enlisted Knockers and all the other horrible dark things that live in the woods above them.
Fuck you. Fuck you for complaining about this. I get that you wanted a historical festival so you could shit in a trench and die on campaign or something but this is the kind of thing I wish my players could get their heads around, the kind of thing I wish any of the other GMs in my group were interested in. I wish any of my other GMs would run Ars Magica or something so I could do exactly this.
Fuck you for asking for gold, getting platinum, and complaining about it.
Look it's just shorter way to say Medieval Roman Empire.
Fucking writing a setting then faggot, i can't stop you.
>Do nothing but crumble
>A constant downhill spiral
>Get fucked by Venitians and everyone else
>Actually bothers to restore the glory of Rome
>Constant conquests
>Only reason why they are hated is because they don't worship the kikestick
sumuhuh, byzboos are pathetic
What if you like both?
And have a grudging respect for Venetians for being masterful scumbags as well?
You forgot that they last half of the time of the Romans.
And ottomans do not deserve to be called heirs of Rome you steppe mohammedian.
Venetians are backstabbers and failures they get no sympathy from me.
So what? Made utterly nothing out of their position, pathetic """""empire""""".
HRE is probably a better succesor than them but Ottomans rightfully took the title and restored a decent bit, oh wait, for some reason Christianity matters
Seems heavy.
I see Venice is the foundation of the proud Italian army tradition.
>they spoke greek not Latin
As did everyone who was anyone in Rome.
>>Actually bothers to restore the glory of Rome
>Implying Ottoshits had something in common with Rome and are not a bunch of arabized mutts
you have to go back, mehmet
They lasted 1000 and sometimes prospered even though they were set by enemies on all sites, that's accomplishement enough.
>arabized mutts
You mean Muslim Greeks
The turks claims on being Rome's are as ludicrous a setting where Byzantium had dragons.
>Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to game night tomorrow
Don't you know we defeated Emperor of Rum? It means we are Sultans of Rum and shit.
Truly the black supremacists claims seem small compared to nonsense spouted by the turks.
>Only reason why they are hated is because they don't worship the kikestick
Actually I can't think of a single reason to like Ottomans if you're not Turk. Like seriously, did Ottoman Empire make a single contribution to humanity as a whole or do anything good to be remembered? Except spreading Persian cuisine and creating basis for vampire fiction, of course.
Their tariffs on the trade with India was the reason Europe went colonnial.
They also helped to propagate black slavery and enslaved up to a million europeans with the barbary slave trade.
That actually sounds cool.
Cataphracti cooked alive while they charge the dragon, meanwhile the artillery crews are firing up the flame throwers and ballistas and drowning the dragon in greek fire and artillery missiles while the horse archers blot out the sun with volley after volley.
Why isn't there a thread on /qst/ already?
Being this retarded.
Do you also think that England ceased to be after the hundred years war because they lost their possessions in northern france and that there can be no Russia after the exstinction of the Rurik Dynasty?
With this kind of arguments I fear us might.
>be me
>forever gm
>just finishing up epic campaign
>the autistic that guy hasnt shut up for 3 months about me spending a large portion of my time making him a historically autistic camapign
>say no at first because everyone is really enjoying this swords and sorecery camapign
>his autism only grows stronger with time
>eventually I give in because i cant take the autism and constant derailing
>tell him that ill do it
>"you better make it byzantine" he wheezes
>your wish is my comand
>"you find yourselves travelling through the sands, on a holy pilgrimage"
>"overhead you see something burst through the clouds, it slowly becomes clear, you see a large blue dragon wheeling through sky"
>over the hum of chatter an all deafening REEEEEEEEE is heard.
>the source of the reeing picks up his character sheet and takes his snacks and leaves
> and thats how i got rid of out groups that guy.
How was your day Veeky Forums?
I wouldn't mind dragons. Or son of dragon.
>He puts dragons in the setting
Hey, maybe you like Byzantine vampires more?
Roasting any muslim with any fire sounds nice
Can this dragon breath fire?
Stay with me here
What if the DM can do whatever the fuck he wants since it's his world and if you wanted a world you control you should have been the DM yourself?
and kebab too
>Wallachian fantasy setting with botar cavalry being mounted drakes and Vlad tepes a dragon rider.
Hmm maybe.
I think you mean dragoons
Ottobros were huge romanboos only topped by their persiabooness.
Their predecessors were the toppest romanboos tho. Even called their sultanate the roman one.
You named two already...
Depends western knights of the period were certainly lighter than cataphracts but better are won on the general ability to adapt to the circumstances.
They took over the ERE completely. That gave them a damn good claim.
Certainly a stronger one than Moscow got as "third rome".
And much stronger than the child molesters in Rome. Aside from the borgia time where they were competent.
I would like to hear some new ones which aren't my bad jokes about stolen kebab recipe and Vlad
Nice slow collapse
Move aside you tease
You forgot the part where i took a shit on the table.
>royal marriage to Byzantine princess (organized by Pope, mind you)
>actually residing in and controlling Rome
>weaker claims to the legacy of Rome than conquering Asian land hundreds of kilometers away from Rome
Neden kavga ediyorsun? Silly Romalılar
>not liking fantastic history
You are a fucking faggot for hating a patrician taste setting.
But user, they already had dragons
Every fucking game so far was tolkienesque it gets boring.
>fantastic history
>patrician taste
I'm not OP but fantastic history is pretty low tier. Of course it's not as bad as isekai or god forbid isekai alternative history.