I enjoy these, but there are alot of them.
So post who you want done and if I know who they are I will post stats for them.
Stat everyone
"The Fonz" System: Fate: Acc
High: Coolest Guy in the town
Trb: Sticks up for the little guy
Ac1: Italian-American
Ac2: Don't go out in the rain in your socks
Ac3: Loves his ma
+2 Flashy when dealing with social problems
That'a fix it
1 /per session +6 to smarts when trying to fix something
Ladies man
+2 to Flashy when dealing with girls
Flashy 3
Forceful, Quick 2
Smarts,Careful 1
Sneaky 0
I think he works best in the rules light systems.
Let's go with a classic. 3.5 Core-only.
Sokka is actually a scholar from Legend of the Elements, which actually is Avatar: The RPG.
"Early Sokka"
Far Strike Monk Level 4 Pathfinder
Standard Array
S. 14, D13, C, 10, W 8, I,12 Cha 15
Boomrang MW, Club (Bone)
Traits: Deft Dodger and Axe to Grind
I need him stated in Mutants n Mastermind 3e because i have someone almost exactly like him.
>zelgadis greywords (Post Change)
Ahhh... Ok so , I cant do Core only. Havn't watched Slayers, so this is what I read from his wiki. Though its one of my wifes I grow up with this animes
DnD 3.5 elite array
sorcerer( Demon Bloodline)/ Hexblade (Complete Warrior)
Elf - Half Rock Golem (forgotten realms )
(Feat) Lost Tradition (Bastards and Bloodlines) Cha to Str
STR 23, DEX 12, Con 10, int 9 wis 10 Cha 8
FROM Race( +10 STR 0Dex, +2 Con, -6 Int, +0 Wis, -6Cha)
uses alot of self buffing spells
Sorry dude never played any MnM. So maybe a diffrent superhero game
Reinhardt Marvel TSR
Fighting: Remarkable (30)
Agility: Good (10)
Strength: Monstrous (75)
Endurance: Monstrous (75)
Reason: Good (10)
Intuition: Typical (6)
Psyche: Remarkable (30)
Health: Shift-Y (215)
Karma: Incredible (40)
Pop: Incredible (40)
Resistance to Disease Good (10)
Force Field Remarkable (30)
Body Armour Excellent (20)
Rocket Hammer Hardness Increaable (40)
Knowledge Dragons (group)
Speaks: Greenlandic, Danish, English
Armour Knowhow
I thank you for the attempt. Cheers!
Jonny Cash? Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Skill 7
Stamina 10
Luck 11
Arkansas Lore (2)
Common Speach (4)
Play Music (3)
Brawling (2)
Im really struggling on this one.
Take your time.
Stat Grunbeld for 5e pls
Close. That's our lord and savior Conway Twitty, but the stats are probably still usable
I want to make a antagonist in Dark Heresy based on pic related.
Not sure if you'll know this one, but...
Alternate, if you don't know
Thom Yorke
Let's see if you can stat something tbis OP
Take all the time you need, OP