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I'm leaking everything edition!


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first for seraphon top tier finally

So the recent Destruction live twitch stream gave some hope for some of you.
This is just a summary of what was discussed on the livestream, but the big thing to pay attention to is how he said the rules team reviewed the grand alliance books and the model ranges and asked if its model range is large enough, and pick from that factions that they would not be producing a battletome for soon, and make allegiance rules for those. So we can guess from factions that are definitely large enough, that are not getting allegiance rules, will likely be getting a battletome before the next GHB. To me would could be seeing the following factions getting battletomes within the next year:
nurgle rotbringers combined with nurgle daemons (strong rumors that this is coming)
clan verminus
deathrattle (strong rumors that this is coming)
moonclan grots
gitmob grots

Reposting pestilens, not like anyone cares

>tfw no Deathrattle allegiance bonuses

Wanderers allegiance abilities please

please post the destruction battle traits and the new gobbos' points

Nighthaunt points please?

Wanderes alligiance

>nurgle rotbringers combined with nurgle daemons (strong rumors that this is coming)
This is all but confirmed. Blightwar has the allegiance rules for Nurgle, there should be a battletome coming as well.

Don't toy with me user, it still hurts

>Myst Walker
That's an insane effect

In any other faction it would be broken, thank god Wanderers are shit tier

Can we see clan skryre BTFO the pestilens stuff?

Remember most points has allready been leaked here: warhammer-forum.com/index.php?/topic/253031-épinglé-manuel-du-général-v2/

Nighthaunt points is in the link.

Destruction alligiance

>midnight tome artifact is just a copy-paste of the master of the black arts trait

Honestly, that's all pretty mediocre, even by skaven standards

artefact can be given to any hero, master of the black arts is only for your general

Still, it's fuckin lazy imo

The new Rampaging Destroyers is very interesting. If you use Ravager your general activates it on 3+ and your other heroes on 6+.

There's no restriction on how many times a single unit can be moved with the trait, so if you get lucky you could have it activate multiple times on the same unit.

Based leaker please post Skryre and Darkling covens.

Thanks for posting the leaks

Sure, but it's effective and thematic

There are a lot of artefacts that do "reduce enemy shooting rolls by 1 against this model". Some factions get a bonus effect on top of that: Stormcast get the mirrorshield which reduces shooting rolls by 2, and Wanderers get to also add +1 to wizards within 9".


But a plague furnace with diseased and the fumigatous might make it actually pretty good. The living cyst on a furnace makes it move 6", so you don't need a hoard of monks pushing it around (keep a unit of 10 monks around it and that's a 9" movement). Verminlords can also spew prayers now.


Does anyone here actually play this army? What do you plan on using at 1000 points this edition?

Well, you are right. I'm just a malcontent - I should be happy that my new warband is getting allegiance abilities at all and they are actually not this bad. Covetous familiar and The Pendant of the Fell Wind gonna be useful in Skirmish

I thought you could only use grand alliances in skirmish, not the smaller alleigances?

I like the Fyreslayers stuff best so far, though Wanderers' is also pretty good.

Skyre alligiance.

It feels really empty inside me that all of you can enjoy reading this and I have to wait for the blightwars next week. Sigh.

Any chance of the Slaanesh stuff in full based leaker? Asking for a friend...

Yeah, that's right but my playgroup wants to try some weird rules so allegiance abilities are allowed

New alleigance abilities for generic Death?
Anything for deathrattle?

With Disspossesed I see no reason to pick anything but Shoddy Craftsmanship under nearly all circumstances, bar maybe Cowardly Hordes when going against piles of tarpits.

Thanks for all thisIronjawz and the Bloodtoofs batallion if you've got it please.

No death rattle, general got the nerf bat. Deathless minions is now down to 6" from the hero or general, ruler of the night increases the range to 12" and doesn't effect the roll. Red fury is now a 5+, cloak of mists and shadows is no longer single use, that's all I remember

Thank you, user.

>skryre breath bellows
>literally just a better pestilens ability.
That's BS

Can you show me the bloodlines stuff they mentioned in the community post for soulblight?

I've been meaning to start a pure vampire army for around a year now and this could be what pushes me to start.

Thanks for any help leak user.

That's why the got it, I wager.

I don't want to join the skryre circle jerk (I want to prove skaven can be good outside stormfiend & MW spam)

There you go. Slaanesh alligiance.

Any Brayherds/Warherds/Monsters of Chaos/Beastmen stuff??

Any funny ways to use Balewind Vortex and Myst Walker ability in Wanderers army?

Here you go. Soulblight.

Thanks user

I've got a friend asking about Khorne gorechosen. I'm guessing he means bloodbound stuff.

Are there any points changes for beastclaw raiders? The image isn't popping up on the French forum

Mind to tell us something more?

Just look in the battletome

Are thundertusk getting a nerf yet?

Thank you, can you also post Darkling Covens?

The warpstone tokens seem quite powerful, I wonder if the double damage thing also works for the Cannon, Stormfiends and Warpfire throwers.

The strength in numbers is kinda pointless though. Who on earth owns that many acolytes? Unless it also works for allied clan rats.

I fucking love the fallacious gift

>Spiderfang being the only grots to not get allegiance rules

I would be very sad. We need something more than a single battalion in the O&G book.

Are there ever going to be more Orruk models?

The Brutes, Maw-Krusha and Warboss were pretty neat. Why aren't there more models for this line?

I'll tell him to have a look in the book. I don't play chaos, I just asked him if he wanted me to get him any pages and he asked me for Khorne Chaos stuff.

Sorry, theyre ally tier. They got an allies box, but that's about it. There are just too few models in the range to warrant allegiance rules.

Got the Ironjawz? Thanks man

If a faction has more than one Battle trait, do you choose which one you want, or can you use both? I'd assume that it's the former but I guess I could be wrong.

Daemons Of Nurgle points, pls ? It's not on the French forum.. THX !

I think you can use both

I cannot disagree with that. That one does seem to have the broadest range.

However, you could just take the battalion and get the stubborn to the end battle trait and reroll 1s for everyone against everything and fit your entire army in it.

>tfw your hero only has one melee weapon


I'm planning on buying the virulent horde box at my local store, to act as a starter kit. What's the best general to run for 1000 point games, and what's the best way to arm plague monks?

>they will never merge Greenskinz and Gitmob into one faction
>or at least make some synergy like swifthawk and council Spire of Dawn battalion


I see the slaves to darkness points, but where are the abilities?

> Deranged inventor
Sooo just doomwheels then.

Overseer of Destruction it is then.

But...Vial of the Fulminator...Doomwheels suddenly viable???

I'm thinking it'd be a one time use on a single doomwheel. Just let him rip and see how far he can go.

Already posted imgur.com/a/dZdg7

Try to keep up

>Spire of Dawn
>DoK box
>Aelven Pirates feat Sigmarines box
>Wanderers allegiance abilities
I know it is not much but on the other hand it's something

Does anyone have a blank version of this? I could have sworn there was one floating around but google is giving me nothing.

Don't feel bad, I need to wait for Blightwar as well, the SCE changes were minimal at best and none of them really hit me in any relevant manner.
Hopefully Blacktalon has interesting rules.

New death stuff fucking when?


>it's something
seriously? repackages of existing models into combo packs is not anything to me.

Also works on WLC. Run an archspark voltik + deranged inventor, and use a warpstone spark to double the damage.

Is pic related a Neave Blacktalon shoulder pad?

Anything for Free Peoples?

Only affects hit rolls. WLC don't have hit rolls

Subtle change about mount.

Artefacts and Command Abilities DO NOT effect the mount, unless the line say so.

Trying to find out others.

Yeah, fuck, I'm retarded

Then that's your problem. I have a lot of fun playing with my Swifthawk army and gonna build something new with Wanderers. Stay salty or start playing with any posterboys faction - it's safer and at least you can be sure about updates tho

If you have two or more around your hero, you can let one rip each round.

But at least it seems both pestilens and skryre got VERY good battle traits

Dude please masterclan points, they've not been leaked yet

True, but that means that in the turn you let the first go, the second either doesn't move or doesn't move much

Yes-yes. Into the furnace you go.
There isn't anything to buff the cannon with, not even the warpstones work.
Well, you can use the vial to move it up to six inches...

If you can get some Dark Elfs or the High Elves into it.

Command Abilities or Command *Traits*? Big difference.

That's right, the sparks DONT affect the cannon since it doesn't have a damage characteristic

Darkling covens allegiance please! Got some money to throw around and they're on my list of possibilities.

Ben says Legion stuff on Saturday. What are the odds that it'll be anything actually good?

Or warpfire

>Command Abilities or Command *Traits*?
Abilities, but have to wait for English version, u know, GW translation.

Gonna check for reinforcement point tomorrow. Hope that our leaker can take a pic about that.

It does work on the cannon, doesn't it? The lightning cannon is still *technically* a weapon you fire, and the sparks say 'double the damage of a Skryre weapon'


Nvm I can't read, fuck that's disappointing

I'd be mostly using it on my mortars.
Have my warlord overseer sit by them, cast some lightning and have my mortars murder stuff from afar.
Just wondering if you use the warpstone before or after rolling for damage.

Double the damage CHARACTERISTIC. Fire and cannon technically have no damage characteristic, but rather an ability to fire

Thanks, I appreciate it.
>u know, GW translation.
Man, don't I know it. I've switched from German to English a few years ago because they were getting so bad it was almost unbearable.
They used to be really fucking good, too. 2nd edition 40k was excellently translated.

Legion of azgorh