D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Three-Pillar Experience
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First for Kobold Dragon-Hunting Party
I'm planning a group that will play for approximately 3 hours once every other week. For that reason, use of time and pace of play is a priority.
I have a prospective player interested in playing a Circle of the Shepherd Druid. Would I be right to fear that the class's emphasis on talking to beasts and summoning creatures would take up too much time and spotlight, and denying the request?
The player is reasonable and is open to other options so it's not like I'd be throwing them out.
reposting from last thread
Reposting for more visibility.
I'm working on a homebrew Warlock patron based off a symbiotic relationship with a parasitic creature that manifests itself as armor. Here is my (very) rough draft:
The theme is combat with an emphasis on protection and exploitation of vulnerabilities. High risk high reward, somewhat.
Let me know what you think, and what I should change.
Would you let mart sue Drizzt fuck your waifu /5eg/
Fuck, my players in the upcoming session are heading towards an extremely dense forest on the map that I didn't quite flesh out yet.
What forest encounters have you guys had or ran recently that were fun? Might try to Frankenstein some run-ins today.
Displacer Beasts are always interesting
You could also go with the classic giant spiders too
Flaming treants who are setting rhe entire forest on fire
>Might try to Frankenstein some run-ins today.
Have them encounter a runaway Flesh Golem. Remember the scene in Frankenstein where the monster saves a woman from drowning and gets shot fir his trouble? That's the scene your players walk into.
Literally this as an encounter
Oh yeah. Fighter would still be fine, don't know if a wizard would get -1, 0 or 1 per level
Second for Kobold Dragon-Humping Party
Giant badgers
Wood woads
Giant owls
Brown bears
Giant spiders
Moss-covered plinths
Entrails hanging from high tree branches
Colorful mushrooms
Portals to the Feywild
Nudist elves
Overgrown burial mounds
>nudist elves
This one please
Pls respond
So yeah, can you guys see any "minimum health gain on level" rule? Does a wizard with 1 CON die after a few level-ups?
You can never gain negative HP on a level up.
Yes, anything with 1 con would have their life threated by a soft breeze and are not fut for adventuring
Unless they're a moon druid.
Moon druid still doesn't get wildshape until level 2, they could trip over a pebble and fucking die
That reminds me of our Moon Drood. We're level 13 and he has like 51 HP total.
Dude got knocked out of shape and almost ran train upon by a bullette.
we're about to fight like several driders and a bunch of drow soon so god speed to him
Thinking of making a Conjurer or an Illusionist for my upcoming character, does 5E do these schools very well?
Who starts at anything other than level 3?
Conjurer is meh, Illusionist is like second or third best school, due to its level 14 ability.
People who wan't to start from scratch
The illusionist's final bonus at level 14 gives you cartoon magic. So if you are planning on reaching those levels the they're really fun. Sadly there isn't much support for conjurers.
Reading through it and here's my thoughts:
I think the flavor is great. I love it honestly. I also like the idea of how the pact boons tie into it. Perhaps your pact weapon is simply a part of your parasite. Or your familiar actually being the parasite itself, just part of it detached. It's pretty cool and I like that.
Now onto the mechanics.
>Level 1 Feature: Living Armor
You either get monk AC, the best medium armor in the game, or the best heavy armor in the game. The monk AC is fine and pretty balanced, but the medium and heavy armor ones are way too fucking strong. 18/19 AC at level one is busted and that all stacks with other AC bonuses. Just dip into figher and suddenly you get 22 AC at level 2. I think a better option is to just reduce it down to a single AC option. Having Dex+Cha AC makes obvious sense but if you want something a bit more interesting, you could do 13+CHA or 14+CHA so that it's based only on one stat and still good for those who want to dump DEX while not harming those who buff their DEX.
The color mechanic giving you resistance/vulnerability seems okay, though keep in mind giving a player vulnerability makes them die REALLY REALLY fast to that damage type. I'd honestly just remove that feature all together or just give them the resistance with no other penalty.
>The whole granular "reduce your AC by 1" mechanic
Scrap it entirely. Granular mechanics like this don't work very well in 5e, especially if they keep stacking like yours does. Just remove it and rework it entirely.
>Level 6 feature
Reaction immunity is too strong for a level 6 feature.
>Level 10 feature
The granular mechanic ruins an otherwise perfectly okay idea.
>Level 14 feature
I love this but it has no reason to have the granular reduce AC mechanic. Just make it a long rest thing and it should be fine.
Overall just ditch the AC reduction mechanic. The rest of the features seem alright but you could really simplify this archetype down.
The rulebook probably doesn't take that as a possibility since point-buy starts at 8 all stats, and rolling as the rulebook says will give you at least 3 CON, which with taking your average HP increase (4) will always leave you with no HP change per level
That's a shame, I was hoping to lean toward Conjurer but if it's not that good I might do Illusionist.
How's Necromancy?
A pain in the arse for DM's and rather bland.
Nothing in 5e is really bad, its just "worse than X"
Artificer and PHB Beast Master are bad.
Unfortunate, I was planning on playing a character based off of this image just... less evil, and thought the concept of a painter who used his paintings as a magic focus would be cool. Like Ariamis from Dark Souls, or Rythe from Oblivion.
I wasn't particularly asking for how good anything was, more just if it plays well and is fun.
Artifacer is still a UA
Beastmaster and Wot4e are tied for worst, but are still playable
Falling rocks of Teepeekay, that will show them to reach that far in the game.
Roll a d8
1. The players find a newly-erected shrine to some sort of bird god. Cultists are sacrificing chickens on it, hoping to bring the apocalypse on feathered wings.
2. The player with the lowest WIS starts to see the glowing face of an elven maid in the woods, bobbing up and down around head height. No other players can see it.
3. The party encounters 2d4 Myconids on a hunting expedition. They offer to sell you a potion in exchange for food. The potion is a soupy, light purple liquid sealed in a thick glass bottle. Stat as potion of animal friendship.
4. The players find a moss-covered sword lodged in a boulder. On a DC18 strength check, it can be ripped free. It promptly starts attacking the players, being an Animated Sword.
5. The party hears the sounds of drunken revelry coming from off the road.. Some goblins are partying with a confused dryad. If the goblins see the players, they toss them a bottle of goblin ale. It tastes awful, gets you roaring drunk, and turns your skin light green for 1d4 hours.
6. A werewolf bounds out of the forest, in a blind panic. He seems to be getting chased by something, and the players soon hear the cracking of undergrowth...
7. A burlap sack lands in the midst of the party. In 1 turn, it explodes in brilliant light, leaving every who was looking at it blind for a round. A level-appropriate amount of drow then ambush the party.
8. The players cross the ford of a small river. A Water Weird starts circling around them, but doesn't attack immediately. If the players say anything in Elven, Dwarven, Common, or Goblinoid, it attacks.
Illusion spells has the stigma of DM's fucking them over and making them useless
Conjuration and necromancy have the stigma of summoning a bunch of shit and people taking ages to take a turn
Either can be fine, it just depends on the game and player
Everything is "playable", even in 3.5 PHB monk was playable
Hmm, I honestly thought that without the AC reduction thing it would be too overpowered. So just drop that fully? Maybe I'll make it so that you can use the resistance / vulnerability transfer a number of times equal to your Cha mod. 5 per short rest is rather nice at 20 Cha I think, still need to manage but you can also be very helpful.
What should I change the immunity to at level 6? Maybe something like the shield spell? But should it be more AC or less AC than shield?
Also, for the medium and heavy, I was meaning for it to never stack with anything but magical effects. I do like your idea more, dropping Dex and making it Cha armor. I did the light, medium, or heavy choice so that you could dump Dex and make a Str based Warlock. If I get rid of the AC reducing mechanic, then I think 13 + Cha would be best. 18 AC at 20 Cha is very good. Should I allow shields if I do this?
Also with the pacts, that's exactly what I wanted it to be like. You form the symbiote into a weapon for Pact of the Blade and break a part off as a familiar if you have Pact of the Chain. Pact of the Tome would be transferring some of the symbiote to a spellbook or something to make. I'm glad to hear that you like it.
Is 5e's combat considered too samey? Especially if no interesting terrain features are used?
And does the system lack a certain mechanical complexity?
>4. The players find a moss-covered sword lodged in a boulder. On a DC18 strength check, it can be ripped free. It promptly starts attacking the players, being an Animated Sword.
This one is is my favorite.
>5. The party hears the sounds of drunken revelry coming from off the road.. Some goblins are partying with a confused dryad. If the goblins see the players, they toss them a bottle of goblin ale. It tastes awful, gets you roaring drunk, and turns your skin light green for 1d4 hours.
If this is referencing what I think it is, you nasty
What's the reference?
Reminder to fill out the new general survey.
Why isn't the OP a negro?
CoC features goblin ale as a pretty common item that, among other effects, can turn your skin green
What are people's thoughts?
Because niggerposter quit months ago
Reminder that the revised warlock UA is way better than the previous one
Are there any good resources for more humaniod 'monsters'/NPCs?
The monster manual and volos guide give you some but I really would like more. Should I just create them myself?
So the General has been BLACKED and we're just cleaning up the mess?
>New animated D&D movies: Very interested
>New live-action D&D movies: Interested
>New animated D&D TV series: Very interested
>New live-action D&D TV series: Not at all interested
A D&D cartoon show is the missing link in the D&D brand, the thing it needs to make more money. Well, a TV show and its attendant paraphenalia, like action figures.
Just as long as it's not a stupid isekai show. While I do love me some '80s cheezy D&D goodness, a modern D&D show should be in-universe. Preferably the Forgotten Realms, due to marketability an recognition. MOST preferably the Dalelands (rather than the Sword Coast), as I think the Dalelands work better for a TV series.
I may have a thing planned out already from a thread from last year.
Like, with even a rough one-word blurb for how each episode in a 26 episode season should play out.
Modules when?
hasbro doesn't really care about D&D. M:tG is the moneymaker.
Some asshole acted as both the left and the right and samefagged up entire threads
If you don't ask for Eberron material you're a fag.
Well since D&D is trying to be more gay no one should pic ebberon
For clarification I'm talking about things like bandits, the archmage, the druid, the Knight, the spy, etc. It would be nice to have a larger resource of these prebuilt npc creatures.
how roleplay tolkienlike elf, i mean an elf as badass as feanor.
Okay so I have a few ideas for the level 6 ability.
1. It could be something like, as a reaction to being hit by an attack, you can multiply your AC by 1.5 until the start of your next turn. I would need to word that better.
2. Another option would be, as a reaction to being targeted by an attack, before the attack roll, you may move up to 15 feet away from the target as your symbiote pushes you out of danger.
3. Lastly, maybe it could be an offensive type of reaction. Like, as a reaction to being hit by an attack, your symbiote lashes out. Make a melee attack roll, on a hit, the target takes 1d8 + your Charisma modifier damage of your current damage type resistance. You heal a number of hit points equal to half of the damage dealt. Then the damage would scale with your Warlock level. Is that too powerful though?
its a joke about how it looked to melike you were listing classes for some sort of D&D tf2
I actually feel sickened buying products with THIS level of blatant pandering going on. Which adventures don't have this going on? Out of the Abyss and Lost Mines, basically?
I'd like if there were more minor effects like -5 speed or some such sprinkled between players and monsters, but I'm fine with it more or less
Right? Having only 1 or 2 NPCs per 250-page campaign book is chicken shit. I want at least a dozen per.
I'm doing a very special Curse of Strahd episode, where two players take on the Sunless Citadel
In how many ways can I rewrite it to fit Curse of Strahd?
>Oakhurst is replaced with Krezk
>The missing family are two of the Krezkov children who are supposed to be dead at the party's arrival
>The citadel is something Strahd sunk into ground himself, using his bond with the land
>He did it when some fucked up dragon cult ass holes took to an abandoned Terg temple and made it a hidey hole to worship the Shambling dick of Argynvost
>At the bottom the Gulthias tree born from the staked remains of the Terg vampire lord whom Strahd staked himself remains.
>The Druid there remains, biding his time to relocate to Yester Hill
The one thing I'm missing the most is why the fuck are there Kobolds and Goblins in Barovia, and whom should I replace them with if necessary
I feel like Crawford was a diversity hire and it all went downhill from there
I sort of am. I just really want more options. It's not too hard to scale things up or down as needed (except for the fucking spellcasters) but it would be nice to have more choices.
like FĂ«anor?
>Extremely chaotic. Not beholden to anyone, mortal or otherwise, except maybe his own Oaths
>Likes to drag other people into his messes
>Only a good guy because he hates the bad guys even worse (they were trying to kiss his ass)
>Hates a "yes" man but usually does his own thing anyway
>muh silmarils
>eventually bites off more than he can chew
that's just off the top of my head though
It's not a problem when it's done just because, but how often does a character's sexuality play into a game of D&D at all? The issue is that it's EXPLICITLY forced pandering.
For fuck sake they could release the exact same modules back in 2004, and I wouldn't take and issue because then I know that it's not being done as an ideological push.
Crawford is at least competent.
dont judge feanor
he lived in a time where death was but a word, he was the first orphan, he had his most precious creations stolen from him by the murderer of his father, and the gods, the ones who where like their uncles simply said, "nah, lets leave it as it is".
he was not to blame, the valar and eru were.
>literally putting self inserts of him and his family into his worl
>he's going to do it more
Point it out? I was talking more about with rules than with writing.
Was Feanor a 5e paladin?
Did you faggots even read the article?
Paladin of revenge
Paladins must be LG yet?
Oath of vengeance paladin?
Nah they don't have to be this edition.
>Veeky Forums
>owning books
>being at all literate
>Acting like DnD settings have never had self inserts before
>Acting like Elminster and Mordenkainen weren't self inserts
>At least Crawfords weren't mary sue superpowered wizards.
What did your autistic retard eyes see?
I'm going to be completely honest with you, I just heard that Wizards was shoehorning aggressively gay tokens into their books from here on out and was like "yeah that seems like something they'd do". So no, I didn't.
You types take the bait every goddamn time.
Argynvost predates the Terg. There could be dragon worshippers who are Terg.
No its outright stated user, he says it himself
Its literally him and his husband user, atleast mary sues have some distance from the creator
What spells should I take for a Hexblade Bladelock?
Gygax literally made a god in Greyhawk (Zagig Yragerne) that was just his name backwards.
Remember when last thread shit heads didn't keep taking the bait, and so we managed to make a break that didn't turn the threads into pathfinder tier cancerycancecancer?
Are people satisfied with 5e mechanically?
Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
It leaves a bit to be desired but overall yeah, it beats the bloat of 3.pf.
Oh man, 3.PF is terrible, really shittily designed. And that's after playing it extensively. Never again.
It's alright. I like that it's not very complicated and it's based around gm fiat meaning a player can basically do anything and not have to search through a playbook for a specific rule. Well anything realistic
Is there a good random spell list generator? Specifically I'm looking for something that will speed up magic npc creation.
I will say as someone new to TTRPGs that I don't regret starting with 5e (yet). The rules provide a strong foundation to resolve situations like combat and sneaking, but enough freedom that the players shouldn't ever feel restricted in what they can do (within reason) unless their GM is a dick. Maybe once I branch out to other game systems I'll change my mind, but so far 5e has been great fun mechanics-wise.
Any tips for someone playing Theater of the Mind only for the first time?
How different is the combat?