Roughly one in thirty bullets simply don't fire anymore. They don't misfire or jam the gun, there's simply no reaction...

Roughly one in thirty bullets simply don't fire anymore. They don't misfire or jam the gun, there's simply no reaction, and it's impossible to tell which bullets will fire until they're being used in a gun.

What does our world look like now, given this parameter?

25 round magazines become standard.

all guns have built in autoejectors for dud rounds

Revolvers are back in (just pull again to move to the next round).
Combination pump/semi rifles and shotguns finally have a meaningful reason to exist (pump the foregrip to clear the dud round)

Otherwise, it's all pretty much the same.

>all guns have built in autoejectors for dud rounds
Have you stopped to consider how such a mechanism would operate?

There's now a reason to use revolvers beyond aesthetic.

I imagine more setups where you have 2 barrels and bullets fire from each, and the mechanism is set up that if either fires, it ejects both.

Also, possibly triple tapping becomes a thing.

Also, electrically cycling GPMGs would likely become a thing.

The same.


>Gun doesn't fire
>Cycle charging bolt
>It keeps firing

Literally no reason to not keep using assault rifles.

Army standard (US, not joke armies) for ordnance and fuzes is a 1 in 10 failure rate. It actually helps with safety concerns. Your question is stupid. You are stupid. I hate you

Zero impact. Shooters just get more practice clearing duds.

>What does our world look like now, given this parameter?
Like exactly the fucking same.

Every time someone is hit by a bullet they switch gender.

I'll finally get to be a real woman, if only for the last moments of my life.

US is a joke army. Pick an army that can actually operate without flimsy electronics.

my lever action would be valid. also im guessing the op didnt take into account that people would probably just not use fire arms that gas cycle

Why do you civilians think you have any business talking about shit you don't understand? Please just continue being taxpaying cattle.

Tap, rack, bang

Such as?

Black population increases by 3.33%.

More bolt action rifles and ground deployed electric chain guns that cycle rounds no mater what. they are not dependent on recoil or gas systems to cycle the action.

That or just better training doctrines that make you just pull the charging handle, then fire again. pretty sure they do that anyway, but cut out the mag tap and slap and such.

>also chainsaw swords. clearly.

Exactly. Just imagine our world but where all ammo is manufactured in Brazil.

I could design it, but it'd require an additional step in the action, which would add maybe a .125 second delay to firing from trigger pull. That'd be fucking HORRIBLE if it were a gun in our world, but in a fantasy world where all guns necessitate this design it'd just be the standard, shooters could adapt. Frankly the delay is less than that of, say, flintlock weapons, which had a frizzen where the powder had to ignite the main charge through a pinhole. If people could hit targets with that they could definitely hit targets with this.

Actually, maybe not even that, now that I think about it, rifle cartridges have a lot of pressure and you can do pretty much anything with them. What you'd need would be a second spring which activates immediately after the main pin activates, a second ejector tied to that spring, it would just be a redundancy and would increase the weight of the weapon by a few grams. Actually, you could probably sell that to fudds today just to ensure continuous fire. The military wouldn't give a shit, one rifleman having to manually cycle his weapon does not meaningfully damage a squadron's fire potential.

Oh no wait machineguns exist, right. Okay, to get around that you'd probably see a widespread switch either to the design I described or to gatlings. A rototary machinegun doesn't gaf if a round fires or not because it's electric, so if a round doesn't fire it just gets cycled out with the rest and the fire continues. So you'd see a lot more miniguns in HMG roles, and LMGs would probably include some sort of automatic ejector mechanism, since they're heavier than rifles to begin with the difference would be trivial.

stop reloading your spent brass when drunk Bob

So basically there's a failure to fire every 30 rounds in theory? Nothing happens to weapons, training will be different, with a big focus on being able to clear an unfired round rapidly and reengage and civilians will probably lean towards revolvers and manual action weapons that can be worked quickly, like lever and pump guns for home defense.

Start handloading or switch manf.

This thread is so stupid what the fuck

You eject the round and cycle a new one, it takes all of 2 seconds

Glorious Army of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has no need for Western electronics (as pitiful as they are). They are fueled by the patriotism and love for our Beloved Leader

Wouldn't revolvers be simpler?

Technology adapts double barrel pistol that eject both rounds even when one is dud and only stops hitting 2 duds at once.

Just hold a bullet in your hand and hit yourself with it, stupid.

That's some Jessica Jones level literal thinking

ITT: An OP who knows nothing about firearms asks a stupid question.

Well I imagine a lot of research into why
And an expansion of guns which fire even more bullets to compensate

Imagine people being mowed down by machineguns

>there's simply no reaction

So what, the firing pin hits it and it just does nothing?

Probably the same thing that happens currently when you're using shitty redneck loads and you get a dud. You count to 10 in case of hangfire and then just extract and get back to shooting