Filename thread

filename thread

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Could use a better name








no he did not use his hands like a smart man he used a tool


wtf i love persona 5 now

Seeing young Chris-chan just breaks my heart at this point.




"Arthur's player rejects Lady of the Lake's blatant railroading"




This is startlingly accurate.


Free to good name


>alan bligh.png

Change it to what system to play and write GURPS on the page


The ljn sticker got me.


It was the UFOP (Unidentified Faggot OP) in the corner that got me.



The chosen son of darkness itself











I giggled





I'm also holding out for a dual class in Proprietor of Midgets. Even Summon Lesser Lollipop Guild is quite useful.

I hate to request things, but anyone got that webm of that anime maid-looking chick using telekinesis to fight a mecha with concrete slabs?

You'd think it'd be something find-able on google, but apparently my google-fu is lacking.

What is going on here?



>Lou Ting


I don't have the webm but I'm 90% certain I know the show it's from, it's Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon.


>Sweden, 2020


>were eaten

All part of the plan user

The Wizards of Aus, a pretty good comedy about a wizard sick of all of the magical bullshit in his native land and moves to Australia so he doesn't need to deal with it.


i like this




I think someone dressed up as a referee, stole the ball, and started a riot.


>Guy ran on the field dressed in a fake ref outfit and interrupted the play.
>The other refs and security try to get him out
>He strips down to his underwear and starts streaking around the field
>When nobody's looking, someone from the winning team starts talking shit about the other team within earshot of the players, but not the refs (since they were all busy with the streaker)
>Player from the losing team shoves someone
>He gets shoved back by a huge as shit linebacker
>One of his teammates runs in to help him, gets slugged in the face
>Both team's benches run in and start swinging at each other

Nigga where u been. They may as well called this game Persona "you can take your teacher in this one"

this pretty much describes my feelings of everything

Date. You know what I meant. New phone. I am a faggot.

Isn't that illegal or something? I know this is Japan and all, but isn't their a problem with power-dynamics?

I need to know the context.

I'm ok with adding alternative names for non-Veeky Forums related stuff, but they need at least a Veeky Forums-related name like
>Veeky Forums.png


>when you run two campaigns with two different parties in the same world and you finally get to have a crossover sessions

>Your humble spymaster.jpg

I know the memes related to Dashcon, but what does the demonic dude represent?


>I need to know the context
Hot Fuzz, great love letter to action movies, worth a watch

It's pretty accurate to the Heresy, desu

That ending was pure perfection, someone get a drawfag to draw it.


Wait, are you talking about Hot Fuzz, or the image you're replying to? If it's the latter it's in this image on the bottom, but I don't want to spoil the ending of either screencap.

Needs a better name

The demon's the card art to a M:tG card, "Lord of the Pit".








>Warforged trashcan seeks out an animal companion

what the fuck happened there?





I just read the wiki for this, and holy shiiit. 40,000ish people in city, and 400 left at the end?