Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Epic Battle Edition

>Citadel Paint app... wut

>Death Guard preview

>Konor Campaign, Imperium in the lead, fighting back against the #RiggedSystem

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


2nd for NecrOwned

Ave Dominus Nox

4th for hopefully xenos get a codex this year :^(

How would you go about learning the rules if you are new? Whats the best way to get into it?

Anyone able to help?

Watch someone play

She has really nice hips.

So, weird shipping question.

I pre-ordered the next White Dwarf edition from GW's website, as I've recently moved to a place where every flgs is two hours away. I also ordered a box of Venomthropes alongside it. Am I correct in assuming they won't ship the package until the White Dwarf issue ships, even though the Venomthropes are currently in stock?

I read the rules themselves, read some articles on them while they were still coming out and watched battle reports.

Unfortunately, won't be getting one, if you believe the rumours.

Don't worry user. I share in this feel, as do many others. Just be thankful that you don't play Necrons...

What should I name my Lord of Contagion?

Assault krak missiles that you can chuck in an open topped transport with five to a squad

I hope she's wearing heels.

In europe a seperate company is responsible for shipping the WD, so you would get two packages, one with the models from GW, one with the WD.
If you live elsewhere: dunno.

GW has a starter magazine that comes with all the info you need, including rules. Also comes with a Primaris space marine. It is very cheap.

Lord Foetidum Testis

>second game in 8e
>Night Lords player has a Deredeo with both a Heavy Havoc Launcher and a Hellfire Veil
>treats its Dual Malignitas Saker as Heavy 4
>takes CSM Heavy Quad Mortars but uses a radically different profile
>treats his Rapier Laser Destroyers and their crew as one unit
Holy shit, I thought the FW memes were just that.

Meh McOkayface

Necrons arent great right now I take it? Havent played fuck all 8th yet unfortunately. But im nidfag so im pretty happy rightnow. Just dont want tonwait 12 months for a codex.

>not Fagotidikos Orchis

>playing against people that bring FW units

You brought that on yourself. Don't repeat that mistake, and be sure to warn other people from your FLGS as well.

Scratch n sniff. Checkem

Necrons are fine. I have yet to actually lose. Its just Necrons being the predicted VERY LAST codex

What are the rumours?

When will nids get theirs?

Bodacious Blightbarista

That sucks bro, you have link to these rumors or at least a list? Allways keen for rumors

Are FW stuff that bad? I'm new and I wanted to add some cool elysian drop sentinels....

It sounds like you encountered a faggot. Unfortunately, the community has a few of them. Don't let it ruin the game for you. There are plenty of people out there that want a fair game.

Don't listen to that user. I run Necrontir and I've placed 3rd or higher in all of my 2000+ ITC tourneys since 8th so far.

Lord Cullus Lamberem

Fartbreath Shitface

Good work user. On paper they look solid just heard alot of whinging about them

Odiferous Halitozius

Sorry guys, forgot to mention. Dubs is the name.

FW is fine if you're not a fuckwit about it. Taking a couple of units like that won't ruin the game.

Drop sentinels aren't OP. Elysians have a huge weight of fire capacity because they can ALL throw grenades + fire weapons if you give them an order.


Fine, he's called Turdius Maggotbrain.

Its all just speculation, its posted in the general occasionally and might just be meme, but everyone always lists Deldar and Necrons as the last release

Lord nigger jew

Fuck! I hope that's not true.

Tesla Immortals + Overlord leadership is your backbone.
20-man blob with an Arc is still tanky and a big distraction.
Heavy Destroyers actually pull their weight in points, for once.
Quantum Shielding puts everyone's panties in a knot.
SnP Praetorians are great.
Wraiths tar-pit like never before.

Remember, Necrontir are the troll army. You build to break their will round 1 then sweep.

Grimballs the Horny


You and me both.

Oh, I've been playing since 4th; I ain't going to quit over one dickhead. I've just never played against so much FW before.

Rerolling due to rule errata

You forgot to mention that scarabs are arguably the best unit. They are perfect for trolling.

John goodman

Why it is my "Peanus Weenus" of course.

Yeah. There's a bit of WAAC faggery going on right now. I think it'll die off soon, though.

The Sex Pustolous

Mortarion suckz.

Incorrect. They are trash now. Wraiths are now scarabs+ if you compare them to previous editions. 3 wounds, 4 attacks, 3+ hit, always wound on 5s is okay until you see their 6+ armor. Wraiths have effectively the same at Strength 6, an AP on that attack, 3 attacks per, but 12" movement that ignores terrain and a 4+3++ they outclass point-per-point.

TL;DR: I'd rather run 3 wraiths over 5 scarabs

It just seems like a cool concept fluff wise. Fly over the enemy and drop down a pair of walkers, they charge in with their multi-meltas valiantly.

I'm not going to play to win. Just playing to have fun. Fluff is more important than crunch in this regard.

While Tesla immortals are fun, I find Gauss ones unless you are running a LOT of immortals. Using this little formation in any game is an excellent way to phalanx to a good advantage.

I dont actually have more than 5 immortals so I cant really switch up what I have, but a second a 7 in front 3 in back immortal phalanx instead of just the 5 shown in pic related would make good use of it.


Stop suggesting names. This guy won


He had dubs before it was revealed that dubs picked it.

Nurgle's Exalted Viral Flatulex Nauzenius

We meet again.

I hope you are still having fun, but I like having fun AND winning tournaments.

Buy more Immortals and find that fucker who stole your Heavy Destroyer

The difference is that you get 9 scarabs for the price of 3 wraiths.

Scarabs are incredibly useful for stopping deep strike, to bubble wrap unit, to get objectives and hide, and the best thing about them is that they are extremely cheap.

By spending less than a single unit of wraiths I can get two units of scarabs, that are going to be much more useful in the ways above.

Not saying wraiths aren't good, they are, but Scarabs are actually the top in the "cheap expendable units" category.

Korrupt Kitten

Linus the Shitshoulder

Perry Morbus

Nexilpix the naxuisiumite.


Shitheel McGraw

Reroll for this!

Lord Shitbeard the Third

Pustoius the Smashyface

Swamp crotch the eternal

Lorde Smegma Caseus-Phallus

Albert Wesker
Your welcome.

With Necrontir, as I have played, for units that don't stand up: quality over quantity.
The wraiths, I argue, tar-pit better than scarabs with daisy-chain melee tactics when you need to touch in 2 units, and can survive for 3 rounds of combat (6 melees) over the scarabs at-cost 1.5 rounds of combat. The scarabs can daisy-chain in more units with the same shenanigans, but will die even faster.


Syphilax Aidsbringer

How does this sound?
>HQ Sergeant Telion
>His entire 3 Inch buff aura is filled by a blob of 30 Scout Snipets.
This is obviously intended for a fun game. The idea of a giant pile of snipers bunched together just seems really comedic to me.


Can I continue with my powerloader conversions, or are those faggoty?


Should I make a note of his name on his base or is that too gay?

Names on bases are tight yo

Of course you have to put the name on him.

What di we call this? A full house?

futa isn't gay

You know what must be done. How do you feel about his new name user?

As I said, they have different uses. Scarabs don't tarpit. But against an army with deep striking unit for example two or three units of scarabs cover more than twice the space of a single unit of wraiths,

I play often against Tyranids, and my opponent is basically always forced to deep strike his trygons in his own table section because scarabsa blocks pratically every other approach vector.

Also scarabs are small, unimportant, the opponent easily forget about them, even more if they are hidden in some ruin, which makes lots of difference for objectives.

In the end I play both, but they have such different roles that is disingenuos to claim wraiths are better scarabs.

I'm happy that it wasn't NSFW.

Anyone tried the new version of HoR kill team yet?

I know i shouldnt but. Quints for the hivemind?

It exists?

Seems like you got away lucky.

Though the user in pic choose a different boring name that didn't even have dubs. Shame *rings bell* Shame


>new 5 man box options for Intercessors, Reivers and Hellblasters

Yep I don't know when it went up but it's there with all sorts of new shiny parts it seems.

>hey user, whats written on your models base? Mind if i look?

I don't set my army up that I have to worry about deep strike.
Played a guy last night who had 7 units that deep strike. None of them got in my backfield until turn 3, when he could only fit one in.
Without templates, 2" consolidation, daisy-chain shenanigans, shoot-em-all rules, and fielding mid-range (36"+) models, you can set up perfect 10" zones that people can't deep strike into due to the whole unit needing to be outside of 9" (1"+ bases).
Place smart, not simple, then you can put your points from scarabs into something better.

Faggot Britches

I like how GW just repurposed a sculpt that could have easily been part of the actual intercessor kit and called it an anniversary model.

Watch them ask 30 buckaroo's for it too.