I've had a lot of fun drawing my party and these threads are honestly some of my favorite.
Draw Your Party!
Might need this
Posting old parties to fill the void I suppose.
We all started playing a month ago and aside from our DM, all of us are beginners with barely any experiences. Us playing mostly dumb characters doesn't come from goofing around tough. It just happened we all rolled atrocious numbers for our int stats.
We just finished our first real quest and are about to start our second one at level 2 with the barbarian player changing his character for a cleric with more intelligence so it could fit more his role play. I would have to start drawing that, eventually.
It supposed to inspire, but... you know.
I'll bump because I need time to make a collage.
A guy in my party actually did it.
Bigger template
How did the party come together?
Being level 1 does lead to strange situations when characters are supposed to have actual backstories and life skills.
Old party of yours or one someone else posted?
from my Stranded in Fantasy: The Campaign game.
It was a circus campaign.
>car guy
I hope he has a lot of Eurobeat mixtapes.
If I am remembering right you made several drawings of the party representing different points in the campaign. (I could be mistaking this for a different party/game featuring modern people displaced into a fantasy setting though)
At what point in the campaign is this one?
I made 4, that's the first one. In the campaign, this was about a month in game after the party got together and did their first big adventure of getting into another kingdom while following a lead.
The ones after that are much later in the campaign. This one for example was about halfway through the campaign and was only the second one I made.
Yep. Shadowrun.
Old party of mine
Here's a party I GM for in a "steampunk" (more just fantasy with gunpowder and airships) setting.
And here's a party I ran a post-apocalyptic game for. Which was quite a lot of fun. Ended with them riding on motorcycle slicing off a bandit's head with a sword, before returning to their village.
Whenever he starts driving I swap out the normal background music for the most European beats I can find
I just did one for my HackMaster 5e campaign, actually.
From left to right:
>Sarah, mistreated and perpetually missing pony
>Reed (half-elf ranger), owner of above pony, and frequent spaghetti-dropper.
>Istvan (human cleric) Dependable and easygoing, is good with his staff and javelins. Just don't call him fat.
>Aran (me, human fighter) Stoic and superstitious, but good in a fight. Cats inexplicably hate him, and this sentiment is returned.
>"The Handsome Stranger" (human fighter) Actually not that handsome. Usually the party's de facto leader. Has been near death multiple times, and is currently suffering inordinately bad luck.
>Laryn (elf wizard) Naive and caring, but can hold her own with a spear. Mostly. Is a friend to all animals and is convinced she can talk to them. If she actually can or not is a mystery.
>Verran (human cleric) Is usually perpetually in trouble. Got high on hallucinogenic mushrooms and left the party for a while (his player was on hiatus for a bit)
>Tucker (halfling rogue) The most recent party member, and is nigh useless in a fight but has a silver tongue. Often referred to as 'Lord' Tucker by halflings, since he's ridiculously attractive.
>Kien (human fighter) NPC party member, owes a life debt to one of the PCs. Even though she has only one hand, she's a ferocious fighter and staunch, if often bemused, ally.
Made a collage with our party from 4e Dominions 4-inspired game.
Check Dominions 4 if you haven't yet, it's pretty cool.
Courtesy of a mediocre courtier.
That's a nice drawing. Did you draw anything for other games?
>Both waifus survived the bittersweet ending.
I would like to trade DMs with this person. My DM is a sadistic fuck who holds love interests in front of your character to bait you. Then he kills them in horrible ways because for some reason he thinks that's the only motivation a PC can have beyond 3rd level. We always end up as a party of Punishers.
>Tfw the ending to your game will never be as dramatic as that
I mean I've only finished one game ever but still
Is the game kill? There's still a possiblity of the group joining up for one final mission, r-right, guys?..
its 4 in the morning so I'll just leave this here:
>Playing an Hypersimplified 3-stat, d6 only, comedic homebrew
Joe "Guts":
>5 Points in Class (Viking)
>4 Points in fighting
>2 Points in not-fighting
>wears a bear-skin over his armour
>Wields an axe on his left hand and a special katar stuck to his burned, cut, crippled,shamanicly reconstructed hand
>BARBARIAN SCREAM is one of his best weapons, having killed a guy by screaming so hard, his head did a 180
>6 points in Class (Pirate Captain)
>4 points in fighting
>5 points in non-fighting
>his explanation for being so inland was that his boat had wheels but was soon burned down by Joe in a freak accident involving his axe, rope, and a gatekeeper
>somehow can reload a flintlock pistol really fast despite having two hooks for hands, while also never running out of ammo
>convinced a bandit king, Xanecas, to join the crew by making him believe he was his father.
>2 points in class (Bandit king)
>2 points in fighting
>6 points in non-fighting
>Storyteller tries to turn him into Toon Link
>Wields a crossbow
>Also has a shortsword and shield he never uses
And Finaly
Wolf 1:
>5 points in class (Dog)
>2 points in fighting
>2 points in non fighting
>recruited him in a dungeon fight against two wolfs, where instead of attacking them, we just pet them and threw meat at them
>Almost got stolen by a Voldo-like mad Ice wizard, who, after being cornered by the crew, escaped the fight completly naked after shitting out his wand that was stuck on his ass.
>Is currently carrying that wizards stuff, in hopes of becoming a magical being of sorts
It's 5:55 AM here.
We've been told there's a lot more to come. But this party doesn't have teleportation or a method of contacting one another innately, so it looks like they might not recover.
>the horse is actually alive
Thank fucking god.
Do you draw these with a mouse and paint, or do you use something more sophisticated?
I've drawn a few things with mouse, and some others with my drawing tablet. It's sort of whatever I feel like using at any given time.
Not that I've had a group to draw for in the past year or so anyways.
So are they like still a whole party again, or did they forgive the clerics? I smell a cliffhanger...
Out of the abyss and into Princes of the Apocalypse
>dem childbearing hips on the Femme Fatale
Holy shit no wonder the healer turned evil, what can men do against such reckless lust?
Bump for more content.
Try to guess what character I'm playing.
Edgy one-winged half-angel half-demon.
Hey! It's a dragon not a demon, there's a difference.
What system is that?
This game got put on hold and never picked up again, hope we get to start it back up at some point
Just a home brew of FATE, it's pretty weeby, based of a well known manga.
hi rex :^)
We're gonna get that fuckin' pony back. We're not throwing a damn party this time to do it either.
Aw man I was gonna make an awful ms paint version but now I'd look like a peasant
Also Verron is an Elven Thief not a Human Cleric
>tfw you will never be as handsome as tucker
From out FF VII campaign. A little outdated, but you should get the gist of it.
forgot to mention that I am using paint at the moment. What's a better free program that i should be using?
Just pirate Photoshop.
b-but there's got to be another way
GIMP, GIMPshop, SAI, paint.net.
I really like SketchBook by Autodesk, but I get it for free from uni, otherwise it's like 30 USD.
>Not a single lawful party member
Absolute degeneracy
your art style looks disgusting and degenerate
Istvan Teleky is the angriest cleric I've ever seen. Instead of diving for cover when he was being shot by arrows he spends a turn to make an inappropriate gesture at them.
Is this a slav elf?
So it ended?
will you stop shilling your fanart?
How does it feel being retarded and unable to read?
you weren't in the party descriptions so I had to improvise
Not him, but I will continue to post these for years to come, purely to spite you.
GIMP if you really wanna learn GIMP
I'm really interested how your GM handled RUNNING IN THE 2090-IES missions with cars.
>Being level 1 does lead to strange situations when characters are supposed to have actual backstories and life skills.
I'm just going to say that you should treat level 1 character like novices, such as a wizard who just started to wiz and a ranger who just started to range. If you put in a backstory for a veteran, I'm just going to guess that your IQ is sub-100
I wanna _marry that crane
you got a link to the full thing?
Shit dude, this is a rad party. I hope it sees action
Check the post it's linking.
This is so eighties