So which xeno factions gets the least amount of love from GW both crunch wise and lore wise, and why?
So which xeno factions gets the least amount of love from GW both crunch wise and lore wise, and why?
All of them without codex's
Hrud or Rak'gol
Necrons tbqh.
Orks. Not had new models in forever, constantly shat on in fluff.
Necrons. Orks are fags but they get a fair amount of representation compared to their peers. They've been part of the first three races in every Dawn of War game, for example, which has led to them having a fanbase even beyond diehard 40k players.
Necrons have only featured in two games, have no comics about them, are featured in the least amount of BL material out of the xeno races and in GW fluff have little to no involvement in any of the major galactic events. They don't even have an "eternal stalemate" situation to build fluff on like the Orks with Armageddon or the Tau with... Everything. Even when they do get in on the action they either shitstomp everything in seconds and then disappear or job massively and disappear (like in Fall of Cadia).
Shit faction.
All but Eldar.
Necrons, the most uncared for.
On the flip side, who is the most loved? I vote Eldar. Fitting the eternal enemies are on opposite ends
Eldar and Orks are the most represented, but they are always getting shit on in the fluff. Tau are the most loved.
DE and Necrons by far.
counting major xenos factions only
>least loved in crunch
Orks. While they are OK now, they were dogshit for an entire decade. Deldar a close second.
>least loved in lore
Necrons. They are always just sort of there and not really a major player in anything.
>least loved in models
tough call, since all the xenos factions have some very odl and crappy models
>counting minor xenos factions too
jokaero have some goofball ugly models
but at least they have rules and official models unlike the Hrud or some of the other xenos nasties
they got that airplane just last year
yes it was just the old aircraft kit with 1 new sprue, but you got it right?
no involvement in any major galactic events ?
i don't know, what about the fucking war of heaven ? and the fact that necron pylon are very important to the new fluff ?
oh and their eternal stalemate is getting up from their long slumber
war of heaven is really old lore
necron pylons are just plot devices. It isn't like the necrons show up and do things with them.
Being niche in popularity does that to you
Nothing since Rogue Trader.
Dark Eldar get it even worse. Only been in one game, and they were only in it because they were one of the very few factions left. They are even less relevant to the lore then Necrons are too.
Sounds like they're good for 10 years
Wait 40k had vampires?
>i don't know, what about the fucking war of heaven ?
Not a galactic event in the 41st millenium
> and the fact that necron pylon are very important to the new fluff ?
Exist completely independently of the Necrons.
>oh and their eternal stalemate is getting up from their long slumber
Not an event.
I can't tell if you're legitimately just obtuse or if you're misunderstanding what I'm saying for the sake of memes.
My first thought was Dark Eldar, too. I wasn't sure if it was fair to distinguish them though since they've been more or less lumped into this Ynarri bullshit with the CWE and Harlequins
All the tertiary ones. Demiurg, Nicassar, Tarellians; the Tau allies basically.
They're the batlike aliens in the top-right of OP's picture.
Who cares? They're all irrelevant anyway.
hows konor
and a new meganobz kit
and a mekgun kit
and a new plastic painboy
not last year i forgot to say, but multiyear nothing new cycles are common for most armies anyway
GW should just get whoever wrote Deffskullz Skwadron to make the Ork codex.
Abhumans aren't aliens.
At least replace our 2e minis still being sold!
Yep. Though I think it was spelt with a y. They were a type of warp xenos, like enslavers and psychnuin.
If they brought them back, where would you want them put lorewise?
stop replying like that nigger
Tyranids get shit on more.
>Behemoth crushed at macragge by ultrasmurfs
>Kraken beaten at Iyanden by fucking elves
>Leviathan raped by Ghaz in Octarius
>Leviathan slaughtered by demons inside their own ships.
1.Nids, but how to write fluff for a hive mind? Their army needs to seriously get some love though.
2.Necrons, the new lore needs a lot of expansion done to it. It can be all trayzin all the time as it sets right now. What about Anrakyr or the Stormlord? What about old man Nemesor?
3.Dark Eldar. Arguably number one because they're gonna get squatted and replaced with the Drizzt'dar (Ynnari) IMHO.
Unless I misread about another Dysjunction that happened just before the fall of cadia and was never really resolved. Only that the Drizzt'dar OCs escaped it, ran over to Ultramar, woke up Papa Smurf, ect...
Deldar just get rolled in with the eldar