Fidget spinner Edition
Core rules
General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)
Army builder
Previously on /aosg/:
Fidget spinner Edition
Core rules
General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)
Army builder
Previously on /aosg/:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for dorfs
Arch-warlock; vial of the fulminator, deranged inventor 140
Warlock Engineer 100
2x 30 Skryre Acolytes 2x320
3 Stormfiends; ratling cannons 300
warp-grinder 100
3xDoomwheel 3x130
3 warplock jezzails 140
total: 1990
Remember guys
>Hide samecast shitposters
>Report stormkike shitposting
>Ignore SCE false flagging
Keep the thread clean and don't give any (you)s to cheetahfag. If something looks like a bait it's just a bait
I have never seen the acolytes in any game desu. Are you going to proxy them or make conversions?
Elves when
What the flying fuck is going on with AU prices for the new AoS models? Even just regular infantry are more $10/model
And while you're at it, why is the new starter set over $100 more than the last when they have the same model count?
Because one starter contains only snapfit monopose stuff, while the other consists of regular kits.
I'm either gonna proxy them with clanrats or replace them with more stormfiends
They are not really great kits mate. Also start set has no snapfit kits - did you even try to watch any starter set unboxing?
shiet, I mean plaguebearers
Stormcast wizard for a Celestial Hurricanum conversion.
I'd need some advice: What should I do about his left hand? Leave it empty? Sword? Fireball? I'm really uncertain.
a book, he need a book
It's irrelevant if they're great kits or not, they are regular kits thrown in a box, while the starter box is deliberatly designed as such, large chnky bits of monopose models that require minimal assembly.
def book mate
It's basically another Death Masque
I don't know why this surprises you
what a gay
Ok with Nurgle, since Rotbringers can ally with Slaves of Darkness but Daemons can if I run a Nurgle army can I ally with Slaves of Darkness, and hence my Hellcannon, or not
How do Seraphon deal with Aetherstrike? Kroak?
What is the decrypt key for the Generals Handbook 2017 Mega
>I don't know why this surprises you
Could you show me where I am suprised? I just pointed out that starter set kits are not snapfit
>what a gay
Newfag or cheetahfag spotted desu baka senpai
Try again?
>what a gay
>Being this new, baka desu senpai
Does anyone have any maps of Ghur, the Realm of Beasts?
They are commonly referred to as snapfits as a shorthand for models that require a less than average amount of time to put together since they're build from a few large pieces rather than a lot of small ones.
In Generals Handbook 2017 Rotbringers have Slaves of Darkness as an Ally, Nurgle Daemons do not, I am asking if I run a combined Nurgle force of which the rules will come out soon can I run a Hellcannon, which is a part of Slaves of Darkness as part of my Ally while still being able to remain Nurgle or must I buy Plauge Flingers as my Artillery instead
No, "snapfit" of "pushfit" refers to models that can be assembled without glue, which the AoS starter sets cannot.
They're still monoposed kits though with no choice in weapons or even heads
This kit is literally Nurgle Start Collection swapping out the herald for a farmer + what would be a Stormcast Vanguard start collecting if they made one for an all combined lower cost than two start collectings
Don't know why everyone is calling it a starter kit
Do Hellcannons have the Nurgle keyword? If no, you're out of luck.
>They are commonly referred to as snapfits
At least pretend to not be a newfag. These are easy-to-build. Snap-fit/push-fit are pic related
Yes, we both know this, but it is still commonly used as such in these threads, like it or not.
>Don't know why everyone is calling it a starter kit
Because it is a two-player set with rules, book and stuff?
>I s-said it is commonly used here as I'm using it, so it must be true! B-baka~~
So even though Rotbringers can ally am I still out of luck?
It doesn't even come with dice
>It doesn't even come with dice
That's a good point actually, seems like a weird thing to leave out.
How do mangler squigs perform in battle, ive been thinking of starting a goblin army for a while now an I would build it to be mainly squig focused
okay, so an updated warscroll builder won't happen soon I guess.
battlescribe maybe?
or what?
They were good in GH1, don't know if they got a point increase
Also a handy hint I've seen from a moonclan player, for your squigs, in particular squig riders it might be more prudent looking at a armless Tzeentch Pink Horrors with a Grot green stuffed on the back
Sounds weird but it works
Pen and paper
Look at every start collecting box
Notice how it's also missing dice
Use the warscroll builder but then change the points values by yourself. It's still easier than fuckin with pen and paper
maybe, but I guess the same as fast as notepad&keyboard
so stick to that and I hope for battlescribe soon
Sounds like a good idea thanks mate
>1000 pt match
>opponent brings 2 bloodthirsters and skarbrand
How do I deal with this faggotry? I'd like to bring 2 bastilodons and just laser them down, but it's risky if they get caught in melee.
I am so happy with Hammerers being Battleline now, but it is still annoying since both Warriors and Longbeards are worth taking in a list, so I can't find an excuse to use them at a 1000 point level.
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to use Hammerers instead of Warriors on occasion, but a few of the new scenarios in the GH2017 need units of at least 20 to capture objectives.
Chaff them into oblivion.
Threadly reminder that Hashut and Chaos Duardin are best
Daily reminder that while real Dwarfs work with Gromil, Hashut are stuck in the Bronze age.
You could use a unit of each, or as you said, Longbeards and Hammerers
And about the 20 unit size, 20 isn't really that much, imo
>I don't understand that more than 1 person doesn't like stormcast
>flying cities that crumble if they run out of aether gold
>meanwhile trains always work
>Chaos Dwarfs always had guns and artillery while dwarfs had only ballista
Chaos Dwarfs are probably on par with Kharadron if anything. Most likely at the same tech level
>WHFB: dead
>AoS: alive and well
>got a nosebleed building Bloodcrushers
Goddammit though I'm so used to just gluing everything together then suffering awkward paint angles, but I know I really should keep Juggernaut and Bloodletter separate for painting...
.... stormcasts don't have wizards in the fluff. They only have prayers and don't use magic.
That's why they made wizard allies.
It is for Dispossessed. They are already slow moving, so in smaller games, doubling up on units means you will be putting a lot of points into something that isn't going anywhere fast.
For Warriors it isn't so bad, since they are cheap enough to not be a problem., but you double up something like Longbeards or Ironbreakers you will be spending a ton for something that may not be able to get much use for quite some time.
On the upside, in larger games you can have 30 Ironbrakers for 400 points, which you can happily sit on objective and they wont budge off it all game, which is pretty funny.
>Also start set has no snapfit kits
What? I literally have a starter set sitting next to me and it's all snapfit.
Start Collecting boxes don't come with 2 opposing factions smartass
>literally doing the exact opposite of what you are told
It's deliberate bait.
That, or the poster is downright retarded. I'm willing to bet its the former, rather than the latter.
Oh ok I see
Then I understand why is nice having them as battleline but also a bit of a "problem"
>people not being retarded
>on a Taiwanese basket weaving board
Where do you think we are
[Spoiler]Hes probably both desu[/spoiler]
>call someone retarded
>fucked up the spoilers
Life is pain
Mix the blood into the glue. It is Khorne's will.
This problem could be alleviated if they stopped fucking around and released Elves
They have plenty of magic things, a guy controlling a celestial hurricanum is pretty reasonable.
>alive and well
Let's try one more time seriously guys, I know there are a lot of seraphon players here - don't be unhelpful cunts please
Should I left this list as it is or change it? I have three options
1) drop the Saurus Scar-Veteran and use the Saurus Oldblood (120) and a unit of 20 skinks (120) instead
2) asseble the Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur as Troglodon (180) but I will end up with 60 unused points and I have now idea how to use these spare points.
3) instead of buying the second SC box I can but the Saurus Eternity Warden (140) and Saurus Guard box (300 for 3 units) and use them with Eternal Starhost Battalion (130) - 570pts in total. The question is - is Eternal Starhost based on 5-model units worth it?
My current list
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (280)
- General
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (240)
- War Spear
Skink Starpriest (80)
20 x Saurus Warriors (200)
- Spears
5 x Saurus Knights (100)
- Lances
- Seraphon Battleline
5 x Saurus Knights (100)
- Lances
- Seraphon Battleline
Total: 1000/1000
Freeguild when?
Can you assemble them with no glue? If yes, they are snapfit. If no, they are easy-to-build
Too bad the shit eating editors let battleline as dispossessed being hammerers go through. Ironbreakers still have no battleline option, hammerers, an elite guard of generals - a rare elite troop type, becomes battleline instead. And other compendium shit just got all their battleline if allegiance shit removed.
Who cares? I'm using an old Nurglitch model to proxy epidemus in my pestilens army
Honestly depends on what objective you are playing and what army.
1 is a good idea. Extra skinks will be great for objective based games.
anti-stormcast shitposting is the worst meme since that blood elf faggot insisted kurnoth swords are better than swords
its worse than skavenposting
its worse than that one faggot who keeps posting a picture of settra
its worse than elf fags
>Rats riding rats
>Dinos riding dinos BTFO
The settra-dude is not this bad tho. He is posting just a single picture in every thread and sometimes he is doing it to bump the thread
Samecast Sameposter is the worst since that blood elf faggot insisted kurnoth swords are better than swords
its worse than skavenposting
its worse than that one faggot who keeps posting a picture of settra
its worse than elf fags
I think cheetafag only really sticks to /40kg/ now. Haven't seen him here in a while.
The thing is, his sameposting is obvious bait.
I think the Settra and elf posters genuinely believe their shit factions are relevant to the setting and getting updates.
I'm not sure which is worse.
The silver tower style elves will probably get a release
I don't see why they would put them in there if they weren't going to make full armies.
I think the old style (high, dark, etc) are dead though.
So has Spire of Dawn finally been discontinued?
> fucks up spoiler
Lurk moar senpai. You suck
>shit faction
I can understand not liking the posts, but calling Tomb Kings a shit faction is uncalled for. They are pretty neat
I think so. They made hordes gud again so why give away 40 clanrats for cheap?
Clanrats are awful! Verminus is shit!
Nope, he was posting on both threads. He was banned several times for avatarfagging so he stopped using his cheetah pics - now he is just shitposting here because mods don't give a single fuck about /aosg/ reports apparently
>i didnt read the chain: the post
Still has the ADD TO CART option available to me:
Go home user. You'll get a skaven battletome soon enough.
How did they make hoards good again? Weren't they always decent?
Why using clanrats or verminus at all if they have no bonuses now? They don't have a battalion and their main buff engine - LoW and CoC - is nerfed as fuck. The only gut horde option for rats are Pestilens right now
I settra posted mostly because seeing people sperg out over a picture and a single word was funny as fuck, now i mostly lurk around and ask legit questions about tk in game
>now impossible to get plastic engis, weapon teams, or the good rat ogre models
I swear to fuck skaven had better get a battletome+release
>the age of sigmar community must circle the wagons around stormcast! defend them with your life!
not even 40k general is this cucked
Is there a problem with pestilens?
Is there no non-gw online store in your countries or what?
Pretend you are against SCE as skaven
>roll the objective game where you can burn down objectives for D3 points.
>6 objectives
>each of you camp on 3 objectives
>Go to 1 objective on his side of table with 40 rats, lets say he has 10 liberators or whatever
>Charge in, he cant kill you fast enough
>You outnumber him so you control objective
>Destroy it for D3 points, then flee from combat, don't even bother killing 1 lib
>Camp your 3 objectives while he now has 2
>You win
>trying this hard
I will bet you anything that skaven will get a release and battletome making verminus good
No, they are fine. They are the essence of skaven horde right now. You can run 90 monks in 1000pts list and that's a really decent option
They could always do that ya big goof
I do the same desu. Then just throw a liber furnace with rot and ruin in, and 2 priests. Looking forward to 2k tho. Nurglitch is arriving in the mail soon.
Holy crap this autism.
Yeah, and what?
Now they are shit and after battletome release you will just run a mono-verminus army for allegiance abilities like people running mono-skryre and mono-pestilens right now.
I'm not complaining because verminus is shit right now. I'm complaining because it's the end of mixed skaven lists for good. Why even build a mixed army again if you can stick with mono-build and use your new allegiance abilities?
Sure, it's nice that clans are actually transforming into real factions but on the other hand skaven were always all about mixing and using different units from different clans for different roles. Now there is no support for fluffy and mixed lists - just mono + some allies and you will always pick WLC as your allies if you are not running skryre already