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canwepleasestoplettingthesefallofftheboardionlyhavemyowncyoassaved edition
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yeah right
I'll go for Ì
i think you forgot that you arent on your home world anymore dude
I hear a lot of discussion goes on in the discord, but I refuse to go there since you can't lurk there.
It's mostly shitposting. Like damn it's filled to the brim with shit. Be glad it isn't leaking into the thread.
Yeah. Compared to us the thread is on topic as hell, and Stoned Celt likes living up to his name.
>you can't lurk there
I can, so surely you can too.
>I hear a lot of discussion goes on in the discord
All lies. You're not missing out on anything.
Fucking retarded rule. All drawbacks and no profit.
anybody ever have dreams about CYOA? i had a dream last night that i used a cyoa to become a little girl IRL.
Cold WAR Battle Mage CYOA
>Primary Weapon
>Sidarm has already been selected for you
Really then how come i have a M1911 in .38super+P+ 9+1 rounds in the mag.
>Spells /12
- Haggling (does this turn you into a hag?)
- Money Teleportation
- Lightning
- Jam (I take it that the 2 is the amount of points it costs)
- Camouflage
- Scrying
- Move Bullet (With this i might be able to hit two targets with the same bullet)
- Slow time
- Frenzy (Combines with slow time to increase reactions)
- Iron Skin
- Heal Flesh (Combined with iron skin allows for greater defences)
M500 shotgun
7.62x51 (60) 30pts
12ga (18) 16pts
.38super (34) 8pts
24h rations [wet] (3) 18 (On the third day we'll hunt for food or take it from dead enemies or trade for it with the locals)
Portable water filter* 10
Water filter cartridge (x8) 16 (in combat the standard soldier can easily drink 2 liters of water, so ive got enough for 2L per day)
Flameless heater (x2) 2 (not strictly nessesarry but i had 2 pts left over)
So i plan to use all of my sniper spells with the L1A1, it can hit two targets with the same bullet, but its pretty much only a long range weapon. On the up side it can penetrate trees easily so cover isnt as usefull, the scrying will leave them nowhere to hide. I just hope i dont come up against other mages.
Covered in gunshot residue mixed with blood sprey, soaked to the bone in the RAINforest, enjoying wet rations this week. My jam plays.
I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a social dumping ground. Outside of the relatively useful WiP channel
I only have dreams about anticipated cyoas coming out.
I guess I'm too down-to-earth to have cool dreams like that.
Italics you hack author. It's been months. Where the fuck is the update to Pokemon Personified? Where is the new OCs you promised?
I used to be able to focus myself before sleeping and sort of guide the direction my dreams would take.
I can still sort of do that, but my video game of choice fucking seeps in constantly.
I had a dream about the world flooded and i was a cute little foxgirl, managed to flee in a helicopter towards a mountain witch the part i was facing was full of a weird green stuff, then wandered the icy top of the mountain until i was rescued by another helicopter, a girl in the helicopter adopted me for some reason. Somehow she had a notebook that i recogniced as mine that apparently i had lost. it had a bunch of drawings and a list of names in a childish writing that were familiar somehow. Does that count?
I have crossed the great beyond, achieved all that is possible and impossible. There is no mountain unclimbed, path unwalked, sea unsailed. I have risen above Olympus Mons, above the spires of Mars. I have sank below the oceans of Jupiter, into lightless depths. I have skimmed the surface of the Sun, through solar storms. I have settled the galaxy and united all beings. I have built the greatest and largest particle accelerator. I have unified physics and mastered science. I have opened the walls between space and travelled beyond the reach of light. I have disturbed the sleeping Gods and escaped the very universe. I have done it all and you will not remember me. Farewell.
>She protecc
>She attacc
>Must importantly, she succ
In a nutshell.
Ok, so, I feel like I should finally explain this in a manner that everyone can understand, without being too 'oohhhhmysteriousXD'.
Basically, Rise, and all of my CYOAs really, work on a questline system. Now, in Rise, failure (or death) is actually kinda hard. All of the quests are very difficult, but please realize just how OP you can be with 100 points and just how OP the sacraments are. Basically, when it comes to the main 5 quests in Rise, there is no specific path to victory and few paths to failure for a single quest.
I mean, if you picked the Summoning of Uzra as your quest, and only took Ordinance as your sacrament, Sandshaper and Halo Wings as your powers, and took Spear Eterna and a companion, you realize (it's rather obvious), that you have no real way of:
>Surviving the environment.
>Overpowering the bad guys.
>Magically stopping the summoning.
And other, important variables are unaccounted for. Meaning, you'd fail the quest. BUT, this is hard to do! Almost everyone with a brain would realize that taking Lotus Flame or Frostlorn (with Shearpoint as a sacrament), solves all those issues. This varies from quest to quest.
NOW, when we talk about the questlines (different from quests), you need a very, very specific build to unlock them. Consider the companion Hoh-Jo for example. She's seeking her kinslayer sister, and unlocking Hoh-Jo's side-story (basically Sasuke and Itachi but hotter I guess) is difficult. I've sprinkled clues throughout the CYOA, for example, consider that, in her description:
>Hoh-Jo is heading AWAY from the Grass Continent. Meaning that any quest/mentor that takes you North or in that direction (i.e. Wilhelmina, Uzra's Summoning, etc) would BAR you from Hoh-Jo's side story.
Basically, to unlock questlines, you need specific items, mentors, quests and powers, not to survive or complete a quest.
So, Interaction CYOA anyone? I don't have it. Can anyone give it? Will post some stuff in return.
Aaaand now i will have to read and try to see what kind of questlines my build has.
I was watching sunset street races on the highway that passes the affluent neighborhood of my small town. I was reclined comfortably in the grass by the side of the road, propped up with some pillows I used to own, and trying to time the racers on a broken stopwatch. Then, as night fell, a mountain lion leaped out of the forest behind me and sunk it's teeth into my neck and shoulder. I was clawing at it's eyes and reaching for my knife when I woke up.
>I take it that the 2 is the amount of points it costs
It means that it is the prereq for the Mechanical Failure spell, down in the misc spells.
Though, that prereq system means that only Commies can get Major Tracking, despite it not being labeled as a Commie spell.
>look guys, it's all right there in the cyoa
>like if a companion's description mentions New York, then obviously going to New York locks out her questline.
>And though it isn't mentioned in the quest, you obviously need some magic to stop a summoning.
>And since you need that magic, the next step is pretty obvious once you consider all this lore stuff about magic that isn't explained anywhere.
>Next you dense assholes are going to tell me you don't even know the difference between magic and sorcerery in my setting, just because I haven't explained it anywhere.
>It's pretty simple, guys.
That's definitely an interesting approach to your content, but I feel as though missing some of the less obvious things means that you're inadvertently playing the cyoa wrong. Given the vague nature of...everything, does that not mean anons are accidentally locking themselves into a failure state?
Not that it matters all too much, since the story that unfolds after the cyoa is complete exists solely in the mind of the user. If they can imagine a scenario in which they complete the kitsune's path of vengeance, while simulataneously going North, we can't exactly stop them from doing so. It's just a shame the depth you intend is going to be mostly lost.
>make an ability called sonic blast
>be searching on deviantart for images
>search for said ability
Well what did you think would happen?
So how many poorly drawn hedgehog dicks you ended up seeing?
I take an extra point for being the first, and will reply to anyone who replies to this. Also, I have seen another version that featured little girl immortality and a choice taken from any other CYOA. But OK.
> Immortality.
> Power: sharing my immortality with others
> Magical item: a ring that grants me power of illusions.
> Money
So, what are your 10 favorite ones? Need the list to see if I can pull something out in honor of Alice user.
>like if a companion's description mentions New York, then obviously going to New York locks out her questline.
Misquote, she's specifically mentioned as heading away from a certain area. If you go to that area, no shit her sidequest isn't gonna unlock.
>And though it isn't mentioned in the quest, you obviously need some magic to stop a summoning.
Not really, it's common sense tho. I mean, you could just kill all the guys trying to do the summoning, but what I was trying to say was that most weapons are anti-personnel while much magic is anti-army type stuff. It just makes it easier while giving you a way to survive in the cold. You could just take a bunch of weapons and a fire companion and that solves the issue as well.
>And since you need that magic, the next step is pretty obvious once you consider all this lore stuff about magic that isn't explained anywhere.
I mean, it's hard to lock yourself into a failure state. Seriously. Anyone realizes that, for example, if you took Uzra, you need:
>Way to survive the environment (Companion/Power/Sacrament)
>Way to kill a lot of summoners (Anti-Army Magic/Lot of Companions/Strong weapons)
>Way to navigate (Sacrament/Magic/Companion)
>Some more simple stuff.
I mean, this is simple shit. Anyone could do this. Getting a failure for the main Quest is hard. BUT, not unlocking quest lines is really easy. And, again, it's literally just a CYOA. One that, sure, people might not be playing correctly, but, it is just a CYOA.
>It's just a shame the depth you intend is going to be mostly lost.
Yeah, I guess, but it's just a game y'know. So long as people have fun and give me (You)s I'm happy.
They have one dimension too many thus i like none of them.
This isn't even a cyoa, it's just a guy ranting about the girls in the video game the language is from.
>10 favorite ones?
why not 24
I just noticed that if you have Ordinance and by extension Mido, the search for the temple becomes way easier.
This is correct. It was fun to translate, though.
Blue orb secondary for yellow needs an area specification or somesuch.
Red orb secondary for yellow could bust Yellowstone etc. You could legitimately destroy the world in a week busting up the VEI-8s.
Laura, Felicity, Shani, Seong-Hyun, Irene, Courtney, Elizabeth, Ramona, Ashley, Johanna.
Laura is my favorite.
The political leanings are too often curveballs. Sometimes to the point where it doesn't even make sense.
>extreme conservative cutie
>actually a liberal
>liberal independent slut
>actually a conservstive
Heaven forbid people not be one dimensional stereotypes. It's not like real life has people who like guns AND welfarez
Well now that it is actually confirmed i will have to change the quest of my build. Wait, no one noticed before? That one is kind of easy to put one and two together if you readed the quest.
He's the one that can't shut up about weed?
>real life has people who like guns AND welfarez
Speaking of Ordinance, does walking the path of Eos cause a significant change in his equipment, such as the Eos Bow?
You need a lore guide, brother. And a map.
Blue, Yellow secondary. Reducing the temperature to -89 is a very efficient way to kill people, and much less indiscriminate than any of the other powers' cataclysms. Plus flight, which is awesome.
I thought that was the only obvious combo. Like, so obvious it wasn't worth mentioning. But then, I stopped looking for combos when I realized a lot of them are probably financially impossible with 100 points.
>no one noticed before
He hasn't seen anyone mention it before.
The past tense of read is read. They're pronounced differently, but spelled the same.
English is dumb.
Don't want to go much into it but welfare is economic. Anyway socially liberal/conservative would show more in their lifestyle. At least I think it would be worthwhile to add some 'used to be' and 'recently become' etc.
Too much for a waifu cyoa though I suppose.
second the map. Or at least have an obvious "Location" tag for things.
I expect rather than having a free power up for picking the right combos, the right combos probably have some use that can be used logically to power things up. Like sticking a soul in a weapon, or something.
Hello everyone. My OC, v3. I have given myself fully to the eyerape, and enjoyed every moment of it.
I also have several other CYOAs almost done, of different themes, for those who do not like sparkles and femdom.
Please enjoy.
Maybe you can put it in text format on the pastebin or something so we can actually read it?
The vast majority of people aren't consistent. If they're stupid they can't make the connections and if they're intelligent their opinions probably won't neatly fit into a two word description.
it looks as nice as ever
and as unfuckingreadable
Still suffering from expanding filesize, although this time it seems to remain postable at least.
can't you just save them as pngs?
All jpgs initially uploaded to Veeky Forums will have the expanded filesize upon download. We just notice it in this thread more often because we often come up just short of the limit, and the change can push us over.
Any reason for that weird lineup? No pressure or anything but it'd be cool to know your reasoning here.
why do we have so many cyoa authors who put a ton of effort into shit, then deliberately poison it in a way that will prevent anyone from enjoying their work?
At least Quiet has the excuse that he may just be bad at communication. Font fags know full well that no one will read their stuff.
>All jpgs initially uploaded to Veeky Forums will have the expanded filesize upon download.
Oh. And here I was, thinking it only affected _some_ JPGs. Thanks for the information.
basking in (You)s like yours is hella fun
To put in all this work for something that will potentially be ignored (and long term will certainly be forgotten) you need a particular sort of stubborn autism. It's just that if 99% of that stubborn autism is the type that matches the thread, that last 1% is going to stick out.
I wouldn't consider anything to be a "free power-up", so much as a synergy that Quiet sees as obvious that a normal person might not. He definitely has a mythology and methodology for this world in his head that I don't believe is clearly communicated in the writing itself.
Which is his style, which I like, but it does sharply contrast with the concrete statements he makes outside of the content. If there's a science to this world I want to read the damn research paper
>the more you think of your cyoa the more complex it becomes
fuck this shit. wouldn't wish it on anyone. I just wanna make a cool cyoa I daydreamed about ...
>>Surviving the environment.
>>Overpowering the bad guys.
>>Magically stopping the summoning.
>Not just practicing one, single sandform the whole trip to your location, then assraping the wizards with your massive silicon-based death machine
Sandblasting them to death (and using the sand you missed with to blast them from the other side) is not required, but highly recommended.
>Hello everyone. My OC, v3. I have given myself fully to the eyerape, and enjoyed every moment of it.
But the issue is that we don't.
Just fuck my eyes up senpai.
Anyway I'll just suffer the horrible cravings until suicide. These hedonistic succubi ain't fooling me.
It's kind of readable now at least. Just have to deal with the migraine coming on when focussing to read.
But hey at least you learn something each day. Right?
Oi u, smuglord. When are you going to finish something rather than making 5x 1/5 cyoas.
Slayer's sword
How're you going to deal with the cold war battle mage?
>Oi u, smuglord. When are you going to finish something rather than making 5x 1/5 cyoas.
I keep telling you...
These things take time.
>reminding me that HL3 was officially cancelled
>why do we have so many cyoa authors who put a ton of effort into shit
It only took me a day to write. Two for the graphics.
But perhaps if people really dislike the text I may do a separate version with only initial flavor fonting, then the rest in plain.
>It's kind of readable now at least.
I confess, part of it was an experiment in what people could distinguish more easily.
After my other stuff, I may go back and run a defined boxes plain text version.
>Anyway I'll just suffer the horrible cravings until suicide. These hedonistic succubi ain't fooling me.
Heh, that vargposting. The concept for the setting is that people essentially get 'divine inspiration', and thus are compelled to do at least a minimum before the capricious eldritch thing leaves them to their fate.
But mm, are you sure you wouldn't rather give in?
>Gay Ben
This is a bad omen.
So I come back to find the old thread dead, and a great discussion about financial security and housing dead with it. Makes me sad to miss out on these things.
>Inb4 Apocalypse gets eternally delayed until SDA's harddrive blows up and gets cancelled forever
Looks like you put a lot of effort into making it unreadable.
Much, much less eye suffering. Thanks for your hard work, as of this moment everyone in my little group has gotten off to this at least a few times.
Grow up.
I for one think it's very pussy to be in such financial insecurity that you're looking at a woman largely for her earning potential.
You mean until my alter ego releases the plot in footnotes and it becomes a text-based .pdf CYOA.