Transform returns in Ixalan!
Transform returns in Ixalan!
That's a pretty well balanced card for EDH, particularly a colourless/boros deck. I'd fuck with that.
What do "treasure" tokens do?
Kinda neat. I'm worried, though, that this block is gonna be a bunch of colonialist bullshit.
>What do "treasure" tokens do?
You can sac them for mana. It literally says it on the card you just posted about.
They are taoped and sacrificed for one mana of any color
It's on the artifact half of the card, user.
>T, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour to your mana pool.
It says right there on the Map.
>[T], Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
Sorry, I was all distracted by new colourless draw tech. Those artifact tokens are going to be stupidly powerful. Buy Mechanized Production, or whatever that Aether Revolt wincon was while you can, I bet it'll be viable in standard, potentially beyond too.
They seems to have "Tap, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool." and it seems other things can sacrifice them for different effects. I guess they are the new Clues.
I love transform, specially when it's not for generic werevolves
Cool that transform is back, but it seems kinda weak because of how slow it is, especially for a rare.
>Bolas dicked over Vraska
They actually did it, the madmen!
Uniqueness rule is gone
>Monogreen Merfolk
>Monowhite vampires
The next Block is gonna be Return to Return to Ravnica, isn't it?
Why does wizards have such a boner for this mechanic? I'm sick of having to flip my cards around in their sleeves.
No, next block is return to Dominaria.
I question this as well. They've said that it's a nightmare for production logistics as well.
Uh... The fuck? Does this mean all my different Nissas, Chandras, and Gideons can be in play at once or had "Uniqueness" just been relegated to a subclause of Legendary?
This is cool.
Couldn't they just make it "Excet they are not Jace" for this card? What purpose will this serve in the future?
Well, they do have those stand-in cards they like to use for people without sleeves, so you can use that to avoid parts of it and keep it in a clear sleeve on the side. Still annoying, but less so.
Yeah, it's also odd since the card in the OP doesn't really do much that couldn't be achieved with a standard artifact. Even flavorwise it could have just been a sac to search for a basic land and make treasure tokens.
Despite the annoyance of having clear-sleeved non-side cards in my deck box, and dealing with the aspies that throw a fit because I didn't use the Official-Approved-Flip-Tracker-Proxy card, I like flip cards.
I'm fairly sure it's because people like double-faced cards and sets that contain them sell well.
I like this casrd but the graphic design of the land side is an abomination
They decided that OopsAllGideons deserves to be a real deck.
I personally don't mind
So blue gets creature generation now on top of control...
i forsee a ban or jace's defeat sideboard
Blue has gotten plenty of token generation in the past
It seems really nice for what it is. 7/6 with trample for 6 and you can't really touch it outside of boardwipes
That can and will end games in limited.
It's basically the dumbest and safest beater, still betting it won't see play in anything in any format besides Gishark EDH and that's because the deck is starved for dinos.
Hexproof is enough to take it from rare to mythic, assuming they still balance for limited.
Making other planeswalkers beyond the few that were listed as such playable as commanders.
Looks like RnD learned their lesson about vehicles.
It's not much more impressive than any other fatty. The fact that it's mythic is almost insulting.
Plated Crusher has the same abilities, costs one more green, and is a fucking uncommon
>no islandwalk
Because limited is a thing
cant be countered is a strong ability on a hexproof creature. One more form of removal down the drain.
Doesn't have can't be countered.
Also, is dino
What. This card is actively bad. It's best case is a 3 mana 2/2 looter il-kor with downside.
Eh, i could see it in some things. Like you said, it's the safest beater imaginable.
Personally, I'm kind of hoping we get enough smaller dinos with raptors and the like for a proper aggro deck. Currently the pterodactyl you posted is the cheapest we've got.
>thinks the difference between 6 and 7 mana is one turn
Please play the game before speaking.
This. So fucking boring.
Also, fuck the dinosaur subtype.
Current dinos+priest.
What possible reason can you have to hate the dinosaur subtype?
Modern Merfolk just got a wink and a nudge from Wizards.
I know they banned landwalk but fuck if a boat without islandwalk doesn't look dumb.
What are you even arguing user? Can you even read?
Ripjax and goring feel like they should have their abilities swapped.
Does this even get played in Merfolk Modern? It's three mana, not a lord, and it's only a soft restriction.
look at these restrictive double or tripple colored mana and despair!
My inner timmy just came
They do everything beasts used to do and use their colors. They're the slivers from magic 2014 before r&d realised that they were the exact same thing.
But it's ok apparently because lol popculture.
My flip jace frenchlist can now have 7 jaces in play at once. Technically infinite with pirate jace and most likely 3 because only 3 are good enough for singleton legacy but still, a jtms a babby jace and a flip jace all at once is...
>Flip jace banned as a commander in french recently
Well fuck. But yes youre right, the card name is the determinant of "uniqueness" like any other legendary card. You can have 3 bolas', 4 Nissas, all the lilianas you like and 2 ajanis buffing them all.
>Monogreen should get double strike
The only thing that might make dinos remotely playable is the fact that Green is the best color for fixing and ramp. Of course, if the fixing and ramp is good enough to play these, it probably just means the UG Merfolk are gonna be straight busted.
The dinos are cool and all but really expensive, hope we get good mana fixing otherwise I'd just stick to RB raid aggro
>ships can walk over islands
user, this isn't Vinland Saga.
I actually really like that flavour text. Subtle and imaginative.
Commanders still have to be legendary CREATURES, so nope, still not happening.
I think this would have made more sense, but it's not quite as immediately obvious why not having a planeswalker type matters (as opposed to not being legendary). Plus it lets them print Planeswalker-specific cards that will interact with the copies.
Islandwalk on a boat doesn't make any goddamn sense though.
>Monogreen should get double strike
Just talking about the look. A raptor that let you draw when he takes a hit, and a triceratops that helps your creatures deal more damage when atatcking. Seems weird. As if the arts were swapped late-in.
They used it for Leviathans and Sea Serpents to represent them having a water route to swim through. Islandwalk has always been swimming,
Contests slot where Kira is used.
Question how it compares to Kira in different situations.
Probably replaces one or two GlassSpinners, depending on the list.
It's legendary, so you're only running 2 of. Some decks can chop off their 2 Smugglers Copter or Vendilion to run this along side Kira. The second point is that this can beatdown for 3-4 unblockable, while Kira and Vend are a bit more manageable.
I honestly don't know since I don't play Merfolk, but it seems like the kind of tempo the decks want. Also I wouldn't call a tax for 2 a soft restriction in modern unless you're playing against Titanshift.
Yes, underwater. A submarine with islandwalk makes sense. A boat that anyone can see approach shouldn't have it.
>Commanders still have to be legendary CREATURES
I didn't know Teferi, Temporal Archmage had creature in its typeline.
kek, the priest is the only one who looks good(at least to me), ripjaw looks very nice, i guess if dinosaurs get some good tribal stuff going he could be pretty nice.
Rules written on cards trump rules written in the rulebook.
Cards override rules
>I didn't know Teferi, Temporal Archmage had creature in its typeline.
The 2015 walkers are exceptions of this rule. They have that line of text to make them that much more exceptional from regular planeswalkers.
The point is that there is precedent for it, and as people already speculated when the cards were first leaked, the whole point to adding legendary to the typeline is to revise the rules so that every PW can be a commander now, instead of just the C14 ones.
Don't be obtuse.
>Commanders still have to be legendary CREATURES
I foresee this going out the window soon.
Nice. Guess I can finally make that Proliferating Superfriends deck and load it up with wraths and ramp. Pyromaster makes more planeswalkers, Nalaar is beefy as fuck, Torch ramps, and Firebrand twincasts my proliferate spells.
You're dumb. Boat cards like goblin flotilla have always had islandwalk, it's never been about swimming under the water. Do you think forestwalk is going under the forest? Plains walk is going under a plains? Swamp walk is going under a swamp? I can at least see mountain walk as going through a mountain...
Finally a set I can relate to.
They could just have changed the Commander rules so that Commanders could only be legendary creatures or planeswalkers though. The change as it looks now does not make any sense unless they're planning on making non-legendary planeswalkers.
I doubt it. The reason for adding legendary to the typeline is probably just to unify the legendary rules and fix the awkwardness of the planeswalker uniqueness rule.
You mean like the tokens this Jace makes?
>The change as it looks now does not make any sense unless they're planning on making non-legendary planeswalkers.
The new jace literally does that.
>non-legendary planeswalkers
Pull that fucking trigger Wizards! Either scrap your mythic-only card type or spread 'em out!
I'm not on the "this means commander changes" side of this debate, but I do think that they COULD have just had the Jace say "except the illusions are not Jaces".
>it's never been about swimming under the water
Yes, it has.
>Goblin Flotilla
The flavor being that it's a really small boat that sneaks in behind enemy lines.
All about being able to skillfully traverse those environments while remaining hidden.
>Plains walk is going under a plains?
No one knows what planeswalk is supposed to be, which is why it barely ever appeared on any cards.
Yes, but it's also something that could have been done previously by simply making the card say "except those copies aren't Jace."
Are we going for another destroyed plane?
Oh Baby
Unless there's an additional reason for doing it another way.
You know, like adding legendary to the typeline in order to establish PWs as commanders, even if they don't have the C14 line of rules text.
I think the problem with this notion is that the commander rules still need to be changed if they're going to allow legendary non-creatures to be commanders, and if those rules are going to be changed why do they have to change to "Legendary creatures and legendary planeswalkers", when they could just be changed to "Legendary creatures and planeswalkers"?
So the notmayans are the source of the end of their world? Could be enat if the gatewatch went against the vampires because muh native repression but changed sides later on when they realise how crazy they are with their sun bullshit.
>You know, like adding legendary to the typeline in order to establish PWs as commanders, even if they don't have the C14 line of rules text.
This sounds like a terrible idea, even for WOTC. Theyve been trying to get it right (c14, flip walkers) but just blanket rules change would fuck up edh until the next ban announcement. Jtms as a commander? Or gatecrash gideon(worldfire as a commander)? Its a cardtype that wasnt designed as a commander, it would be best to leave it as is. Maybe they will start printing more commander PW in things like conspiracy and commander sets.
I assumed it was the vampires/pirates
Given the vampire are conquistadors, it makes way more sense to look at them searching for the"immortal sun"
Love that background template!!
I hope I can one day steal it for my own card game.
>but just blanket rules change would fuck up edh until the next ban announcement
Then don't change the Commander rules until the next ban announcement. Easy.
>amazing reprint you didn't see coming