Look, all the pirate captains are women, led by Vraska.
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The way it's worded...if there are no other creatures or artifact the game ends in a draw...right?
no other targets to exile, has to exile itself, it leaves the battlefield, returns itself to the battlefield, no other targets to exile...forever
you are forced to exile a target, if it's the only legal target it will exile itself, the second part of the effect will make it return to the battlefield, causing the ETB to trigger again causing an endless loop.
If either player can't remove it or put another creature/artifact on the battlefield at instant speed the game will end in a draw.
>impact tremors + this for OTK
i meme it
grixis ETB instakill
what if there are other legale targets on the battlefield but you choose to exile it every single time? can you end the game in a draw voluntarily?
just be happy spell queller is rotating. queller, gonti, and this makes an obnoxious shell.
You get a game loss for slow play
the flavor is on point in this set
women love to plunder and destroy
wasteland strangler too...
i know what i'll be playing in frontier.
It's a human thing.
even if there are, as long as you're getting something out of the etb can't you just pick her anyways?
So insightful user, my brain is swelling with knowledge as we speak. I pray that it doesn't cause undue pressure on my skull, all the thinking this post has really made me do.
That is exactly what happens.
If you can break the loop with a choice within the loop, you are required to break it at some point. You can do the loop because it has an end state and just state how many iterations of the loop you're doing (say, for impact tremors kills as mentioned)
However, you do need another target to terminate the loop and get all the impact tremors triggers to resolve.
>t1 island
>t2 mountain, IT
>t3 (insert thing here)
>t4 hostage taker win the game
This is the set after which we should remove khans and m15 from the format like it was meant to be. [Origins -> Now] is so very clearly what this cardpool is made for.
Fetchlands are a cancer of the format and it's the japs fault.
killing your turn 3 play still forces a draw which is better than a loss.
>fetchlands are a cancer of the format
Fetches with fetchable duals is the cancer. But starting from Origins also kills Collected Company which was the tier 0 frontier deck that killed the format. So I'm okay with this.
>female pirates
a woman on a ship is bad luck
I always consider people whining about the evil SJWs ridiculous, but come on this is the lamest marketing attempt towards women/minorities since anything Marvel comics does.
Of course, male pirates are problematic
>exile IT with triggers on the stack
depending on how that works it could still work
or just play commander and play a mana rock, no one will suspect a thing
Stop with your retarded discussion, the card is erratted.
They did this on purpose, right? To see how people will use the endless triggers it can provide
You're allowed to declare that you have a certain card in your hand, yeah? Tell your opponent that you have it and hold the game itself hostage under the threat of infinite looping till timeout. The ultimate in-flavor card.
How would that be a threat? Your opponent is not obligated to take anything you say as truth until you prove it so they would just go on playing the game like normal and you would look like a fucking moron.
Also you're still a fucking moron, see
Finally a set I can relate to
It would be a threat because the opponent is presumably there to play the game and hopefully win, not sit there watching a card bounce in and out until a draw happened. They can call the bluff if they want. Bluffs are still threats, even if you can't or won't follow through.
Also, Twitter isn't the official errata. Until there's actually errata, this is how the card is.
>Pirates with a gold, white and blue color scheme
>Uniforms freshly washed and pressed
Just doesn't seem that pirate-like.
He could just call the judge when you do it and then the judge would rule that the game is a draw, there is no need to sit there and watch it happen you twit
now i'm legit sad
your joke isn't funny in the other thread and it's not funny here
I hope there's skeletons.
>Dinosaurs with vibrant coats of feathers
Just doesn't seem that dinosaur-like
It's a fantasy world, not everything has to be the same as it was in previous fiction
>pirate women
>led by a sexy gorgon
Nope, sorry. Can't be angry about this.
Still a draw and not a win. Also not a real game, assuming the player isn't a joyless twit who doesn't even like the act of playing.
Are we really not going to talk about the 1 drop enchant that draws a card whenever an opponent targets a creature? Thats the best card revealed in the set so far
And Jace is riding along with them?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Is there any reason for this card to exist?
I literally just explained it. Draws aren't wins. Draws because of a card bouncing on turn three aren't real games. Both of those are negative outcomes.
Amonkhet hate in standard
And the Magic Rules Manager has since stated the card has been/will be errata'ed upon release so your entire scenario is completely pointless yet here you are still harping on about how "clever" you are. Kill yourself
Lots of graveyard stuff in standard and they don't want to reprint relic or something strong like that.
>Wayne Reynolds
Fuck, I thought they'd stopped using him
No, it was just an illusion.
>starting the format from precisely when Standard started actively going to shit
Jace with Doubling Season out lets you make a infinite Jace harem.
Flavor fail you just steal the card it isnt actually a hostage
checked and noted. jace a cute.
>3 cards 4 women so far
guess you now need two of those to IT everyone
or just play it in UB bounce if you are boring like that
Why is this card mythic? Why is a fucking rowdy crew mythic on the goddamn pirate (& others) plane. Are you telling me that the majority of pirate crews on this plane aren't rowdy? Because if that's what we're getting then I want off.
It doesn't even do anything that crazy, complex or interesting as a mechanic, it just kinda takes 4 steps to resolve its ability (draw, discard, check type, add counters). Sure its strong and they like putting pushed their creatures at mythic, but it just looks so boring.
>feathered dinosaurs
It doesn't even look that strong.
Discard at random makes it unreliable as fuck
>Why is this card mythic
I appreciate it when mythics are shit. If a card is going to be a chase rare then at least just leave it at rare
maybe they wanted somthign similar to the fat pirate lady from one piece. you know the one with the massive iron mace thing that shows up in the in the first few chapters
Not just the captains. All the pirates are women. Almost as if Wizards are trying to tell us something about the nature of the fairer sex.
This would be a really fun uncommon in limited, but apparently wizards hates fun
I guess i was just thinking of all the ways you could get upside from this. 4 mana 5/5 trample, draw 3, pitch 2 cards you wanted into the GY? You'd really have to build around this one and it feels like it'd be better at home in Innistrad with a creature type change.
This would definitely be mythic worthy if only the discard wasn't random...
Stockholm syndrome
that ultimate doesn't make any sense and also clash with the uniqueness planeswalker rule
planeswalker uniqueness rule is gone, all planeswalkers are getting erreta'd to be legendary.
>3 colors in standard
>fetch or shock reprints incoming
Wew lad
all planeswalkers are legendary now.
4 mana 5/5 draw 3 discard 2 at random wouldnt be that good even if it was always a 5/5. I'm glad its overcosted too, game deciding rng doesnt belong in mtg
>Jace fights Bolas
>Ends up with a harem of dommy pirate women and copies of himself
Is Bolas the good guy now?
I thought this fucker died? What happened?
Eventually they will find the real one when it's time for Snu-Snu.
>he doesn't know
i think i need a moment there
guess bolas didnt mentaly retardify jace enough, either that or there is a person on ixalan that has really good mind powers. either way id cosider it smooth sailing if i got stuck on a ship of pirate women and they all liked me.
If he had died, then they wouldn't have anyone to put in that slot for the gatewatch reunion movie.
no, I don't and I'd rather I didn't know
He escaped with his mind falling to bits. He's probably amnesiac.
Bolas turned into the BBEG, so the jacetice league just teleported back to town so they could level up some more before fighting him again in return to almondkek in 2023
The enrage mechanic could be interesting, id put money on there being decent dinos at rare or mythic and/or a dino driver who taps to whip creatures for 1 damage
>Deal 1 damage to target creature. It gains haste until end of turn.
>4 mana 5/5 trampler that replaces itself
thank god these people don't work at wizards
>Day 4
>Linvala and Tocatli on the field,
>yesterday he played eidolon of rhetoric and spirit of the labrinth
>suddenly I heard some cardboard move
>autustic control player bolts upright from his sleep
>He reaches down his pants and pulls out a remand
>There's shit all over the top of it
>Throws it at the player to his right
>Player tries to leave, but the rope around his chair is too tight
just watch them printing a dinosaur with "enrage: your creatures get a +1/+1 counter" to make an infinite combo with walking ballista
>Dino Driver, You've been down too long in the midnight sea
>Oh what's becoming of me…
Why are American so pathetic?
hearthstone already has pirates
>Meanwhile, in ixalan/kaladesh standard
They errata'd it already
They're bored. No other country can compete on any level. They are literally levelling up their weakest characters now because there's no challenge to playing their strong ones.
this set already looks like shit
Why are all the pirates niggers and women
I am sure Anne Bonny would agree user