So whay are all the pirates female.
Why is an overweight 60 year old woman the staple grixis pirate commander?
Whats wizards endgame?
So whay are all the pirates female.
Why is an overweight 60 year old woman the staple grixis pirate commander?
Whats wizards endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bait pls go
Because all good pirates listen to their mother
All legendary pirates are women... Why?
They are trying to add more inclusivity and diversity into the game, in order to represent their audience. It is a good thing. I personally applaud their decision to work with Black person consultant in order to design POC characters.
You know (((why))).
So brave, so tolerant.
Dunno why all of them are women, but looks like Becket Brass is a reference to Ching Shih.
Because the current One Piece villain is Merkel.
At least for once they actually have some historical precedent here. Sure, it wasnt a majority of pirates by any stretch, but it's certainly more justified than other sets where they tried to shoehorn diversity.
Why couldnt she be a cool Asian pirate lady instead then?
She's so fat she Kool-Aid-Man'd through the railing by herself.
But every single one? It's different when it's a single Pirate character in the set, but when you have entire factions of Pirate characters making them all female is defintely because of an Agenda.
Only Vraska's ship is full of carpet munchers.
>3 cards spiked out of 260
>guys why is EVERY CARD depict women?!?
>fucking she's
You must have clicked the wrong board OP, your looking for >>>/v
>inclusivity and diversity
>only relevant newly introduced character that wasn't a women in ages was Djeru
This whole "include everyone" thing doesn't work when they exclude certain groups pretty much entirely just because they used to be overrepresented.
It is a bit jarring, but there are also cards like Fathom Fleet captain. Plus we haven't seen all the mythics yet.
Plus when you say 'all' legendary pirates, it's still just two in total. I'm not sayint it isnt part of an agenda, but this one actually has an excuse.
But every pirate CHARACTER we know so far is a woman. That was his entire argument, not that every single pirate is one.
Hell, Merfolk and Vampires seem to be the "bad guys" this set, their leaders are men, while the good factions in the Dinosaur people and Pirates have entirely female casts with the new Planeswalker seemingly at the lead of the tribals.
when was that last time a hairy. bare-chested man was depicted in card art
3 including Kari Zev. (Whos also Indian)
Its just so blatant at this point.
ALL the legendaries in the set are Female.
its getting a bit much at this point.
Yea. Fathom fleet captain actually stuns me. I was like "whoa" wizards still does that.
Its like hearing "faggot" in a movie in 2017. Its jarring
Origins, C16, Shadows over Innistrad...
I don't think that's the case at all. Merfolk just seem to be Natives with more Blue compared to the Dino natives l, and clash with pirates more due to habitat. The pirates themselves have Vraska on their side, who is almost certainly going to be painted as a villain for trying to kill Jace (nevermind that she'd be a hero in my book if she succeeded). The vampires themselves seem to have quite a few ladies on their art as well, and while they're no doubt going to be painted in a bad light, that has more to do with them being Vampires more than anything. Plus, they did paint Sorin as something of a good guy, and these vamps seem to be aspiring to more good than he ever really did.
Vraska isn't a villain, and doesn't exactly hate jace.
Maro actually admitted that because white men were so predominate in most of magics life. They are purposely leaving them out so other genders and races can catch up.
I dont know what relevance your response has to my post at all, the guy I quoted asked what set had bara men in it and I named three in recent memory.
She spelled out his name with petrified acquaintances of his, and is a known interplanar assassin.
>been wanting a high seas pirate set in MTG for a long time
>get one
>instead of a flavorful set it's a blatant pamphlet of nu-lib agenda
Remember when pirates had beards, cursed and drank rum
If you still give money to Wizards of the Coast, you are a cuck of the highest magnitude. This is a company that has turned its back on its fractured D&D fanbase to attempt to pander to Skyrim meme-sters who read funny nat20 stories on Tumblr and come to the game expecting more of the same. A company that thinks pretty art and nice page layout can make up for shitty game mechanics. A company that BTFO's the coolest villains it has created since the Hasbro buyout, solely to wank to the shitty planeswalker group that no one cares about. A company that decides to crossover D&D and MtG, but picks the settings where they have to do the least work (Innistraad). A company that keeps pouring out shit mechanics for MTG, bloating the game with keywords which are never used again so might as well not exist as keywords. A company that puts traps and fags into its games to virtue-signal and make the game just plain fucking embarrassing to play. And a company that shortens the fucking Standard cycle in a blatant, open, public attempt to make more money, faster.
And what does the MtG community do?
They open their mouths wider to take the cock deeper down their throat.
Maybe they are just box checking for the 20+ women that play magic?
Back to /pol/
>tfw wizards actually said this.
I haven't bought a booster in 13 years man, I'm on secondary market singles exclusively now.
>"so other genders and races can catch up"
>literally just always black women, with a few trannies thrown in
The thing about this shitty forced "diversity" that plagues all forms of media these days is that it's pretty much always blacks and browns getting the attention. We're probably never getting a return to Kamigawa simply because Asians aren't black and they're seen as too xenophobic towards other races.
Didn't mean to quote that last post on the bottom.
I hope Maro and that nigger bitch they hired to do diversity quota shit have sex and get AIDS from each other. I fucking hate Wizards of the Coast, this is why I stopped buying their products. They are as bad as White Wolf now, they just haven't had the balls to publicly express it now.
Look like a man to me.
I quit playing entirely except EDH.
Ain't that a dude? Beckett is a boys name innit? And the best pirates get fat sitting around while their crew swabs the deck and everything else a muscled crew does.
Fuck off back to /pol/ ya ponce.
Are you perchance blind? She has tits.
Neat, black ramp.
Not him, but I may be blind then.
So do all your fat American neckbeards but you don't see anyone misgendering them.
I buy precons and boosters for half price from a crackhead
What are you, gay or something? The only problem is that one of these ladies is fat. Otherwise it's very fappabk
And back to /pol/ with you. I am sure the'll love to hear news about the latest jew sjw russian comunist conspiracy to take over the tcg market.
I think a better question is who are they pirating? I get that merchants don't really make for powerful creatures but if there's no Navy defending the trade routes then is it just some sort of anarchocapitalist plane where it's every man for himself?
It didn't have any relevancy. He just wanted to give other anons a chance to whine about muh representation in card gaems. The other three responses means he was successful
>East indian
Hard pass.
>I'm a weak beta male and I dont want to be represented in the games I play.
That's cool man. But they rest of us dont want to be replaced.
>all planeswalkers are a mix of fantasy races and white people
>printing nonwhite planeswalkers is a bad thing
How can you wine about beta males when you're scared of being replaced?
That's not even SJW shit, they're magical aberrations created by a divine ritual originating from that goddess, it's not too hard to lead to saying WE WUZ FEMMES from that
Because being replaced means you're not the alpha anymore? That seems pretty self-explanatory.
I would assume the Vampire Empire that's sending missionaries
Being scared of a nonexistant threat is pretty beta. I'm sure there will always be cards representing the fat weebs of every plane
I pity those who still play games made by Hasbro.
If it means neglecting existing walkers as they have been, then yes. I just want another Ashiok in my lifetime.
Men can have tits too you know.
>nonexistent threat
*checks Europe
Ok bud.
At least one of the pirate captains is just an anarchist. Based on the treasure tokens we've seen, it appears they just steal from the other tribes. Weve seen a chest full of sun Empire treasure and booty from the Legion of Dusk
you truly are the wisest wizard cat
You are truly the wisest wizard cat
to be fair, more diverse planeswalkers is not a threat to a new ashiok
You are truly the wisest wizard cat
>main face of the game is a sniveling nerd white male
>his sidekicks include captain America and his lion man mentor
>The other team members are a whore , a teenage girl, and a 'muh nature' elf
Yeah I'm reeling from the lack of representation. It's not like my favorite character is an archvillain dragon, but God forbid i don't identify with the three main male characters, if he forced to choose between a 2 kool 4 skool vampire, a werewolf walker who hunts other walkers, or a dragon cultist as secondary male characters.
>Bad at the mechanics
>Bad at the lore
>Bad at understanding real world
Man, Veeky Forums really is shit at magic, and the mtg crowd is the shittest part of the board.
Checks out, every time.
Just a reminder, if you are a centrist you support shit like this.
Beckett is a last name.
>Whats wizards endgame?
They do it to trigger TheDonald and it's tributary communities such as /pol/. You see, the people who dwell there are powerfully retarded and will be incredibly unsubtle about calling anyone who upsets them a Jew.
Most people don't bother to with the minor distinctions between Fascists, Nazis and whatever /pol/tards believe that they are, so they just assume the side that thinks the Jews are to blame for everything are Nazis. It can look really good if you're angering Nazis.
Wizards is probably too on the nose to win good guy points for it, but there's no real loss to doing this, because the people that are pissed off by this know on an instinctual level that the things they believe to make themselves feel smart are not worth losing a hobby over.
I usually attend every prerelease, but I'm boycotting this set.
This is bait, but what's the point? Normies hate both antifa and nazis, hell facebook chads and staceys seem to hate BLM more than both facist groups put together.
This cultural marxism won't survive 8 years of republican government and in the end SJW pandering only hurts the bottom line as demonstrated by Marvel and Bethesda.
SJW pandering + Junk mythics + no expeditions = a set that I'll happily sit out
And as i said in the other thread about this exact same thing - Angarth's Marauders prove that there is at least 1 male captain
>Normies hate both antifa and nazis
>There will be 8 years of Republican Government
>The Republicans actually care about my issues
This is what /pol/ actually believes.
You are truly the wisest wizard cat
Ah yes. Wizards continues its fine tradition of shoving politics into games.
The granny probably curses and drinks rum tho.
If it means adding more new planeswalkers to their cast of token minorities over giving existing ones new cards, then yes.
Normies do hate antifa and nazis. They're just the vocal extremes.
But there's no way Trump is getting re-elected. The opposing candidate would literally have to be a corpse.
You truly are the wisest wizard cat
It's more like card draw.
>Making some pirate women is inherently political
You people are very bit as bad as Tumblr feminists getting upset that Bond is a white man.
Maybe one or two would be fine, but all of them? Considering that they have stated that their goal is to check in boxes, then it would seem to be political. And James Bond has traditionally been portrayed by white male actors, so I don't see what that has to do with anything.
Tbh IRL pirates were one of the most sexist professions in history, so it rather makes sense to complain.
You truly are the wisest wizard cat
you truly are the wisest wizard cat
Antifa is a forced meme.
You truly are the wisest wizard cat
There's a male Pirate Captain/Planeswalker
>pirates were traditionallt pretty rapey so to make our players feel more comfortable, we made them all women
These are Treasure Island Pirates with Treasure Maps and Chests of Gold.
Until we see a BR 4/2 Cutthroat Rapist with Trample and Menace, I think we can assume they aren't trying to be realistic pirates.
Considering that they have the oversensitive college kid market in their sites, I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of their rationale.
You truly are the wisest wizard cat