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>Question which splat is your waifu?
Werewolf. Don't even play it.
What makes werewolf so waifu-able?
Soft fluffy fur.
So is it possible to be CUHRAYZEE in Demon the Descent?
Hunter of course. Risking willpower is a lot like a relationship with a woman. When you blow it you blow it hard with them.
I have a thing for aggressively strong women.
I've been reading Detroit Rock City actual play and werewolf women seem like colossal bitches.
>Not wanting to cheeki Kitt's breeki.
user pls
Yes. Mix that with some of the theatrical fighting styles in mirrors for max crazy.
A man can only take being kicked in the head with combat boots so much.
New Hunter book when?
If I was a badass Urdaga I would bend Kitt's Iminir ass over and go to town!
Which VtR books are for Second Edition? It doesn't say explicitly on the Mega.
What would be the average day job for a member of House Flambeau of the Order of Hermes?
Beyond the core book, there's Secrets of the Covenant and Thousand Years of Night, bot of which are pretty meh. There are more in development.
What is Google?
Oh boy, I can't wait to see all your faces once you guys figure out the Contagion Chronicle is just going to be OWOD's "Vicissitude is a SPAAAACE VIRUS" shtick adapted for a new dice set. If it makes you feel better, you'll be able to give yourselves dick extensions that don't cause paradox.
>New Hunter book when?
Hunter 2e is in first or second drafts.
>What would be the average day job for a member of House Flambeau of the Order of Hermes?
Blow stuff up
Burn stuff down
Oppress Peasants
Recreational Reading
If I want to play a werewolf game should I go with W20 or WtF2?
Which is mechanically more interesting (not necessarily better, just more interesting) and which one would be easier to change the setting around?
WtF in both cases. Their setting is more easy take it as you want it with entire jettisonable segments for your universe if you hate the base more. WtA has always had a stronger through thread of the metaplot and details of the setting
What mechanical benefits does WtF have over WtA?
W20 for gay and lesbian/zoophiliac werewolves and WtF for badass hunters that doesn't afraid of anything
That's fine, so long as I would fall under something of a soft spot.
Better harmony system, better gift system, better rite system, better fetish system, story teller system is all around better, far more balanced as well since Werewolves don't automatically get shit loads of aggravated damage.
>OWOD's "Vicissitude is a SPAAAACE VIRUS"
But i love that plot point in Dirty secrets of the black hand.
>If it makes you feel better, you'll be able to give yourselves dick extensions that don't cause paradox
user you keep typing words but all i can read is winning.
>What would be the average day job for a member of House Flambeau of the Order of Hermes?
Mine had a mediocre antiqueshop that keep afloat thanks to the "pay Caesar due" rote.
>What mechanical benefits does WtF have over WtA?
>Better harmony system, better gift system, better rite system, better fetish system, story teller system is all around better, far more balanced as well since Werewolves don't automatically get shit loads of aggravated damage.
What this user says plus less shitty rules for regeneration and lest cluttered rage/gnosis rules. Also no multiaction. That said Apocalypse has a more clear renown system.
Except harmony, Apocalypse is better off without a morality system of any kind because it drives home a theme of hubris in which there is not objective answer to the "good" or "bad" of your actions beyond "the not clear alien rules of this fuck up society"
That said if you are looking to run Old Werewolf with New werewolf i said, dont.
Both games are too different to be compatible. For example the character progression in apocalypse is that, as you grow older you become a leader of the nation and an example of your auspice. And there is a social stigma to acting outside your auspice.
In Forsaken you will need to cap aupice renown first before you are allowed to cap the other ones so you will reach "mastery" of auspice fairly quicker. And the idea is that as you grow older you become an apex predator master of all renown's. Kinda like Father wolf.
On the gift part, gifts in forsaken are easier to find and there is not such thing as rare gifts or even powerful ones. Its all accessible so far. So the idea of going off to the umbra to look for a secret gift is null in forsaken rules. As all gift are more or less on the same powerlevel by design.
For better rules try GURPS apocalypse, maybe its good.
Either Sin-Eaters or Werewoofs.
Bastet or Corax. Hard call either way.
Forsaken has better rules, but is a little more boring. Apocalypse is not an Exalted grade clusterfuck, but it's on the way.
I'm about to play my first WTA game ever. If I were to make a Lupus Glass Walker Theurge, would I be crippling myself if I took social tertiary? The idea is that a wolf raised in captivity with zero social skills and can talk to spirits better than others because they're no stranger than everyone else.
Fuck off furry before you get the knot up the side of your head.
I just wanna play a literally_Ariel humanaboo. Is that really so bad?
If you dm allows it, go for it.
So making a mortal turned Salubri in modern times, anyone have some good ideas for a backstory? I am having a writers block.
So, uh, thoughts on the 3 dot "Miracle of the Dead Sun" ritual from Secrets of the Covenant? The one that a neonate could use to blot out the sun for an hour?
Jesus. Wasn't the Big Kindred Saint supposed to have done it for like an hour and been regarded as a minor god for it?
Vampire. Paleskin goth cuties.
Funny, when I saw a 'Forsaken in Rome' setting in the Dark Eras companion, I expected the main thrust to be Roman werewolves, not Germanic werewolves resisting the Roman legions.
That's actually a much more interesting plot hook.
Especially using the idea of Rome's recruitment from across their empire to then spin the idea of Roman werewolves uniting the Pure and Forsaken.
Though without reading much deeper, it does seem weird the shadow would freak out that much about this alliance. Maybe the Pure are pulling tricks in secret, which would be no surprise.
Its because the Magna Mater of Rome is an idigam that accidentally made it to earth well before the mass idigam breakout, so it is causing bad shit and nobody even knows to be concerned.
That's the big secret? The spirit of Rome is actually an idigam?
Do they have an explanation how it made it back? Or was it one of the ones that never went to moon jail?
It was riding around on a comet. It never made it to moon jail because it was possibly never on earth in the first place.
Because Secrets of the Covenants is a bad book, full of ridiculous powers for the generally more low-key sorceries, coils laws and oaths.
>It's only ok when mage does it
Mage is internally balanced, at least in 2e. You don't do this across splats for analysis but internally. And it has some stupid shit for Vampire as a gameline.
>I repeat myself it's only ok when mage does it
Blotting out the sun isn't a god-level feat, you numbskulls.
You're just covering its light in the area.
You want to complain about something?
Complain about Fate 5: Swarm of Locusts
>rains of frogs
>swarms of locusts
>unscheduled solar eclipses
Shit is whack even by Mage standards
>Fate Supremacy
>unscheduled solar eclipses
So by mastering Fate I can literally redirect the course of the sun and moon?
Yes it's fucked
Magebabies will defend this.
So thry just pissy that other kids get something cool to play with.
Lel pathetic
It's pitiful how insecure they are despite being the most broken and powerful gameline.
Reminds me of D&D Wizard players screeching like a little bitch whenever a fighter gets something remotely decent.
Meh, a Forces mage can easily blot out the light from the sun with a trivial competency of the Arcanum.
Heck, he can bend light to make shadow animals on the sun and really freak people out it he was a real bastard.
This is proof that Dave's favorite Arcanum is Fate
woo cause enviromental tilts and breaking points in a max campus size area...
Fuck me, unless those tilts are instant death then its not OP at all
Sorry but spontaneously causing a solar eclipse is fucked
Oh man fuck me, why didn't I think of just using 4chanx and recursive hiding sooner, makes the threads much more tolerable, if pretty dead
Why exactly? You realise that the area of "solar eclipse" would only be a campus sized area, once outside that area no solar eclipse right?
And who cares, apart from sleepers goign "ooooo ahhhh, and getting a breaking point, it being dark for abit, how is it actually fucked when you are considering a master of fate is doing it?
As far as what masters can do, its pretty tame.
Bullshit. Solar eclipses don't just happen. Two celestial bodies need to me in perfect unison for it to happen.
It's shit like this that causes people to hate anythingMage
People dont just get up and fly but cos magic you cock sucker.
Solar eclipses dont just happen, but again MAGIC you stupid vampfag.
Mages use magic that causes effects that "dont just happen" deal with it.
Yes. Whine. Whine about Mage Supremacy. Surely it will make things so much better.
Why are you so butt hurt about what mages can do?
Just because your fav splat cant?
Dave didn't write the section of Fate I think.
Why give vampires access to blood magic if thye can't use it to even things out with mages?
>Hedge magic > Blood magic > True magic(k)
Even in OWoD this was the case
Hedge magic < Blood magic < True magic(k)
Old WW will never get old
Sorry, I fucked up. Had to fix it. OCD. Might as well mention that mortal sorcery can actually match blood magic on occasion.
You got it backwards mate.
Sorcery (which is the basis for blood magic) can easily out perform blood magic. They can do insane shit with it.
What about Changeling magic?
High level sorcery hasn't really done anything comparable to high level blood magic.
Yeh blood magic was a mistake and should have been removed.
But again why does it have to be the same as awakened supernal magic?
Its widely agreed that crossovers are the problem, just dont fucking have a awakened mage in a vamp game, use a hunter witch or other shit, and let your vampires feel like fucking top dogs.
Stop fucking complaining about something that was never intended (balance across splats)
I cant wait to see what shit the contagion chronciles is, because no matter what they do, some people are going to lose their shit.
daily reminder to back your claims with evidence
>blood magic was a mistake
How so? Folklore depicted vampires as practitioners of black magic. Dracula was a potent sorcerer in Bram Stoker's tale. One of the ten apprentices of the Devil.
I'm not saying he would win against, say, Merlin or King Solomon, but vampires being lacking in the arcane is a very modern mistake.
Are you seriously demanding proof that Spheres > Thaumaturgy > Sorcery ?
These threads since mid-January have been your 'proof'.
The most high level thing that high level blood magic has done is curse an entire clan.
That's shit compared to being able to shapeshift into a dragon. Multiple people into a dragon.
>The most high level thing that high level blood magic has done is curse an entire clan.
Or ward the European side of Russia(Thaum 9)
Or mentally dominating the entire planet(Thaum 10)
Koldunic Sorcery can turn the Koldun into a dragon.
Because people expect it to be as powerful as supernal magic and whine like bitches when it isnt.
What is this from ?
More about claims that human sorcery is more powerful than blood magic
Sphere magic is unadulterated bullshit and discussing it is pointless
All of which took several hundred vampires.
A single nuclear bomb is made by a technocratic sorcerer.
That's spirit magic. That's more comparable to Gifts.
>That's spirit magic.
It still demands blood. It's also considered blood magic nonetheless.
Potence would be considered blood magic by that logic...
>All of which took several hundred vampires.
I don't recall Baba Yaga needed anyone but herself when warding Russia.
You got me at Thaum 10, Tremere enacted a ritual for that.
>Sphere magic is unadulterated bullshit and discussing it is pointless
...are you sure you're not just a sore ass?
That never made sense actually in the metaplot, since all it would take is a wizard to tear it down.
Seriously, a single vampire with counter thaumaturgy could have taken it down.
But that's the exact opposite of what was said and what's happened
real mature
I'm pumped for 2e but it's gonna be like late late 2018 at the earliest.
Cool it with the hostility
It is a bit depressing to hide one post and then see a good quarter of the thread suddenly vanish though.
We should all just migrate back to the OPP forums
Never been, I started posting in these threads back when they were good because I was a regular on Veeky Forums that had played a few games of Hunter and played VtMb and wanted to learn more about WoD.
Why I'm still here is a mystery.