Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Crimson Slaughter are the best, edition.

Citadel Paints
>Death Guard preview
>Konor Campaign, Imperium in the lead, fighting back against the #RiggedSystem

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Spartan Games has closed down?

Fuck. 8th edition wasn't worth this.

>Spartan Games has closed down

And nothing of value was lost.


There are other hobby and miniature companies apart from GW user, maybe you could fire up that google of yours and tell us what you did, think of it like homework.

A good and well-supported series of halo ttgs would have been awesome. Sadly Microsoft chose a shit company to partner with.


Best way to use IG Squads?
Just bubble wrap tanks with Heavy Weapon added?

They are called Imperial Guard.

You posted one at this time exactly.

Crimson Slaughter are the worst renegade chapter that anyone ever made. They had nothing original to bring to the table, everything about them was one dimensional, and they were bred to lose.

How do you know that the IoM is a genocidal regime that exterminates all non-humans it can get its hands on?

There are no M*xicans

For what's left of the dark city!!


Crimson Fists are latino.


Man, someone is triggered. Did you lost your job or you were there for all the men with their abs exposed?

> Gets called for being a lazy twit T-triggered m-much?

everyone post your current projects, or what you've recently finished.


Damn. Looking good user!

Had they chooses GW we would have a a reskinned BFG with improve rules and a base platform for a new BFG

> no one can post 40k minis in the 40k General.

The state of you.


How's that crippling autism? He's contributing to the thread while you play junior hall monitor shut the fuck up and scroll over it.

>im a giant faggot who cant paint, the post

They're Spanish. You know, with the whole "build and defend fortifications" thing instead of the "hole up in someone else's fort and kill each other" thing.

Actually, I posted that to co-opt the thread, not make fun of you. Those flamers are mine.


posted it last thread..

how many can i have in a tzench demon army? i have like 10 or 12 of the old ones (original metal 2 part ones)

Any white dwarf anons post pics of the termies prices and the new characters?

Hmm not seen much discussion on this but apparently Death Guard are getting '7 new characters' including Mortarion but also 'the Foul Blightspawn' and 'the Biologis Putrifier'.

Mortarion's scythe and pistol can be posed to a degree, you choosing which hand does what. His pistol 'The Lantern' is apparently alien in origin and resists Nurgle's corruption. Weird...

You can have as many as you want, the maximum amount per unit is 9.

Come on user.

>the Biologis Putrifier
Dark Mechanicum?

>Crimson Fists are latino.
>I'm an american and don't understand that the rest of the world exists.

>They're Spanish. You know, with the whole "build and defend fortifications" thing instead of the "hole up in someone else's fort and kill each other" thing.

The Apothecary looking guy.

Here just so you can feel better.

Likely chaos apothecary.

Since I got two conflicting answers on this before the last thread died, I'll try again. Sorry if you've read this already;

Unit A and Unit B are in hand to hand with Unit C
Unit B goes first, wipes out the unit
What can Unit A do? Pile in, consolidate or nothing?

Another one

Unit A and Unit B are in hand to hand with Unit C.
Unit B almost wipes out Unit C, however one model at the end of a long congo line is left.
Unit A does not have enough pile in to get within 1". What can unit A do?


Unit A and Unit B are in hand to hand with Unit C.
Unit B goes and almost wipes out Unit C
Unit A activates and it can get within 1" with a pile in to Unit C. However, another enemy unit Unit D is actually closer than it's original hand to hand target (Unit C)
What can Unit A do?

Thanks anons!

That's getting a bit ridiculous, but fuck you're right.
> morty
> typhus
> accountant
> apothecary leaked in photo today
> guy with plague doctor/crocodile mask with barrel on back
> new sorceror leaked today

>Here's one from my private stash!
No thanks m8.

>well supported
Yeah, Spartan doesn't do that. There's a reason they never had a loyal following. After 1 expansion they would kill the game.

Been painting up some tzeentch/1ksons stuff.

What new sorcerer?

Half painted half wip chad crimson fists. Had their debut game against word Bearers.

Played the relic and literally lost by an inch and a half as his depleted csm squad were that much closer to the relic at the end of the game than what was left of my intercessors . Had I rolled a 3+ to advance the squad on the 5th turn I'd have won. Fun game though.

But man, I love the changling model. He's probably one of my best paints yet.

>before the last thread died
Last thread's still up m8, you could always ask the people that replied to you to clarify as well.

>reference literally who company
>expects other anons to look up his reference
>gets snarky when they dont
Yeah, nah, youre just a cunt

How Thousands Sons can even compete?

Over under for IG Squads to get combined units in the codex?

I picked from Google.I still don't give a shit to google spartan games;

>Crimson Slaughter

That dread looks like it's doing some opera style hand gestures from that angle.

It's like that DG has seen some serious shit.


Thank you.

I'm a Death Guard guy and I've been yelling about the injustice of the TS releases compared to DG but TS guys insist that their limited releases are 'just the same' and 'great'.

You realize that TS will not get another new unit or model for 10+ years. What you got is what you'll stick with, and you got little. DG won't get new stuff for a dozen years but what they are getting is pretty damn good.

The guys that can Advance + Charge in the same turn.

Unfortunately they cannot use Vets of the Long War stratagem, which is the bee's knees.


You mean the guy with the tank?

I'm guessing this is the 'Plague Spewer' the heavy flamer equivalent we've seen profiled in the CSM codex. It costs 2 more than a heavy flamer but has 1" longer range and rerolls 1s to wound.


>3 web exclusive Plague Marines for $40

Based GW!

>mfw Tau weebs start chatting shit


The models look great but I don't think spending that much when I could spend on better Nurgle stuff is a good idea.

Well he was literally meant to be a massive distraction unit which worked as he soaked up a bunch of fire from melta termis dropping in, havoc's and helbrutes. He died on the first turn as a result but then my hellblasters and devastators were free to blow holes in the army back.

He seems quite poor for that. I mean, he's not got an invuln save so any melta wound he's just eating D6 damage.

Its not like Melta is efficient for killing regular dudes.

This is my months progress minus todays work. Aimed to get it to a table top quality to score and go back afterwards to improve things.

>The entire army has multiple wounds...

Safe to say after he burned up most of his fire on the dreadnought (including a smite as well) I shot back killing his entire 30 man cultist squad , 5 terminators , 3 obliterators and most of a bike squad and csm squad . So it very much did its job.

Seems like the smart target would be those Hellblasters first.

Dat barrel mang...

Anyone know what's going on with Adeptus Titanicus? Are they gonna be the current massive size? Is so won't the game be like £500? Or is it scaled down? Rumour had it it was coming later this year, possibly in plastic. Pic related, from BoS article in Jan.

What type of sorcerer will he be? Will he big a slopmaw maggotmancer, festering poxshaman or a cadaverous faminebringer?


i want a maggotmancer.


The models are just the ones from the dark imperium box flipped and with some small edits. It's a blatant cash grab before the actual death guard kit is out.

Thousand sons don't need new models, they need the ability to take existing models.

Possessed, chosen, havocs, bikes, all that jazz.

I would appreciate more units desu, like a Tech-Magi or something like a magic robot.
And I'd love an updated Doomwing/Fire Lord kit

No, they just need a faction rule to override psychic focus

Gimme one of those Slopmaw Maggotmancers.

this is the ideal Astartes body.

You loyalist dogs may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Thousand Son BIKES??????
rollin ashtrays?
rollin ashrays?
wheels of dust?
feathered particles?
no guts but bins?
flyin ash?

>need a faction rule to override psychic focus

Honestly a 6 power table would do wonders.
>Especially if you could still use CSM's powers for a total of 12.

>DG codex Sept 16, leaker man a week behind again
>Was right if AM=AdMech
Back in July I was expecting DG codex during the actual campaign. Not this late

You can just give those units the heretic Astartes thousand sons keyword and mark of tzeentch and take them in any thousand sons detachment.

Or multiple psychic lores

What else did leakerman say?

Sons of Fate
(desu Disc Rider unit would be cooler)

That's dumb. They have unique helmets, butoday that's it.

by the look of the new plague marine multi part set, it's going to shit on both the starter set, snap fit, and the these exclusives.

Looks like that Orks been... disarmed

>I need fat acceptance because no one should wish to be someone else because of a number on the tag of their mark III power armour

I posted my DE skins last night, so here's my Brotherhood Champion kit bash.

What's a good loadout for a Space Marine Chapter Master?

I'm trying to decide on bits to buy.

Plasma + lightning claw? Two lightning claws?

Anything else?

>the heretic Astartes thousand sons keyword and mark of tzeentch and take them in any thousand sons detachment.
Doesn't work. They won't count as Thousand Sons.

It's a variation of the Wu Tang Clan argument

Grimeslime Vom'n'shitter

TS later this year
Nids and BA dual release

Hat to greenstuff and greenstuff and greenstuff this thing to get it ready to prime, at one point I spent an hour trying to figure out if the wings were perfectly symmetrical, finally just said fuck it and spray coated it, can't wait to start painting when I get off work

Blisterous Plaguemaster

Honestly Relic Blade / Thunder Hammer + Storm Shield*

>*Unless UM then just take the Halo for a 3++

Alright, so for the next escalation league, we are getting 10% off on any new army we choose to play. I also want to build a more close ranged, shooty army. So, how well do Ynnari do as an army, especially one heavy with Wraith Guard?

Here's a prospective list:
1x Yvraine(132)
-Word of the Phoenix
-Ancestors Grace
5x Kabalites(35)
5x Kabalites/w Phantasm Grenade(38)
5x Wraith Guard/w D-Scythes(225)
>Fast Attack
5x Scourges(70)

500/500 pnts

The basic idea is have a solid Core of Wraith Guard and Yvraine, surrounded by the units of Kabalites. The Kabalites job is to provide bodies, fill troops for a patrol deattachment, and die for Soulburst. The Scourge will either tag team with the Wraith Guard for lots of shooting, or be spot removal for shit like assassins.

As for the paint scheme and lore, I think I will be going for a White and Black color scheme, with Red to break it up, mimicing either the Process from Transistor or the Asthetics of Aperture Science. The Fluff would be that Yvraine was able to reactivate a long dormant craftworld, well known for its technological prowess and research. The Craftworld is mostly inhabitated by Wraith constructs now, and those living beings willing/forced to stay aboard. The Craftworld itself is ruled by a gestalt of the former Seer Council, whose souls merged into one being, who has aligned itself to the Ynnari cause. The Kabalites are either Test Subjects captured, or those who chose to willingly settle aboard the ship.