>40k movie is greenlit
>with pic related directing
would you go see it?
>40k movie is greenlit
>with pic related directing
would you go see it?
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>plot is IG vs orks, with the glorious ultramarines coming to the rescue
Good god, Michael bay might be PERFECT for directing a 40k movie.
He would be PERFECT for an Orks movie! Doesn't need to worry about more then a paper thin plot, plenty of explosions, and he can make things look as confusing and/or ramshackle as he wanted and it would still make sense.
Hell, have the Sisters be the ones fighting the Orks and you can even get some of the titillation he likes too.
good lord, is michael bay the BEST choice to direct a 40k movie?
>Not the Glorious Pyromanic Salamanders.
Just explosions everywhere.
ultramarines would fit the wanking better I think.
The only issue is the overuse of cgi.
W40K is so silly that rubber-masks would fit so well. Practical effects and pyrotechnics would be awesome.
orks are supposed to be like 12 foot, hulking monstrosity
as are space marines
and eldar
and chaos daemons
and tyranids
Only if it's The Rock/Armaggedon prime Bay
Yea but people aren't supposed to be bird monsters either but Jim Henson did it
>40k movie is greenlit
>with pic related directing
Double no.
yeah but that's big bird.
>and you can even get some of the titillation he likes too.
Megan Fox as a boob-blated battle sister/guardswoman?
Count me in.
Its gonna be Neil Bloomkamp starring Sharloto Copley. The Shart will play a commisar or some such shit. Cqp it.
Yes. No matter what people try to project onto it 40k is fundamentally a bunch of elements the designers thought was cool crammed into the one setting. His kind of approach would fit right into that.
It's gotta be salamanders teaming up with the tau for a buddy cop movie.
It would be called
>Rush Hour: 40k
In all seriousness I would love a 40k movie without space marines. A rogue trader movie would be awesome.
For you
Bay wohld be awful. His movies always have those dumb ass one liners and shit.
Hell yes. Someone get him to see those:
It's not like WH40K stories happen to be intrincate anyways.
yes, because 40k never has characters spouting one-liners.
That sounds perfect for 40k
I would kill for the adventures of brother-captain nick cage and inquisitor johnny dep directed by micheal bay.
I feel like their inherent b movie would make the b movie that is 40k better than a serious cast. Plus you could get them for cheap.
You know, I wanted to scream 'no', but now that I think about it...
Fuck he might be perfect. Make it Sisters fighting Orks with the Ultra Marines showing up to save the day and you have the blueprint for his average movie. He'd need to get someone else to write, but even then it's not like it would need someone overly talented. A paper thin plot, lots of boobs and explosions with the ULTRA MARINES standing in the US military... it could work.
Nah, he would fuck it up.
The director of Man of Steel would be perfect.
Zac Snyder retired after his sexy little slut of a daughter gave herself The Emperor's Peace.
His characters lack commitment though. They don't actually believe the shit they are spouting, they are just spouting it.
That might be due to the actors though.
>Movie of the Beast WAAAGH
Who would play vulkan?
Terry Crews?
>black character
Oscar Issac, hes from Argentina so hes perfect
knowing him we would shoehorn a space marine rediscovering murican culture and hanging around hot babes while shooting a bolter.
so, no, I honestly cant watch anything from him, with the sole exception of Bad Boys and The Rock
Make the script about a Penal Legion!
Right, they only need some prop tiny furniture and the actors can just stand next to each other without greenscreens.
Absolutely, it would be nothing but pure orky action
>Based Bay gives us 13 Hours: 40k Edition
>Features a squad of Space Marines or Scions fucking shit up
Hell yeah I'd watch it.
Rather than just meming, I'm going to unironically agree that this is the best possible director for the subject matter. Bay is a gifted director with an eye for composition, especially where post-production is concerned. As long as he's given a serviceable script, he can turn it into an extravaganza.
>Michael Bay directing a 40k kino
If actually be perfectly okay with this.
40k is mostly dumb shit and explosions, so I think this is pretty ideal
Only if he hires Uwe Boll as an assistant.
He would go out of his way to subvert and insult it so no.
Fuck no. Bay is not a good director, not even in brain dead fun kind of way because his visuals are too busy.
>bigger explosive dreams
No. I wouldn't. Just like I didn't watch the Warcraft movie that actually had a decent script and good director attached.
>good composition
Yes, that why people are complaining about Transformers action being so fucking confusing.
Nah, he gets good actors. He just doesn't give a shit and neither do they.
He's done movies where he gave a shit and it came out awesome.
Most of the time he doesn't and it shows.
Make it about The Hanged.
What is the hanged
Take the knot and find out
Is this hot new meme that you are trying to force?
Lurk moar newfag
Been here since 2012, never heard of your little meme
It would be awful but in a way that's absolutely consistent with the world of 40k
Hence, lurk moar
Its probably some gay 1d4chan thing
Oh, it's very sad and degenerate.
Which he would know if he lurked more
If it was an Ork on Ork combat then you wouldn't need any real plot other than showing off how crazy Orkz can be. Basically take Deff Squawdron and turn it into a movie.
>sad and degenerate
Kys and go back to /d/
And a shit movie it will be
Some guy made a fan chapter called the Hanged (past tense of hang is hung but we'll get to that in a bit)
They're motto was take the knot (reference to dog genitalia)
The rest of Veeky Forums was merciless and memed it for a couple of months.
This was like 9 months ago
What sort of compelling story can you make out of two Ork klanz fighting each other? Normies arn't going to know shit beyond memes anyways.
Is this real?
Is this ACTUALLY happening?
I always wanted to play a character based on him in Shadowrun. Some sort of high-end pyrotechnical madman.
You can't, so you don't
The hanged is some shitty forced meme made up by some autist who dislikes the space wolves, little realizing the irony of a supposed non furry making the leap of logic from the hanged, to a knot to a knotted wolf cock. Just goes to show who the real degenerates are on this board.
Is Meghan Fox dead in this timeline?
also it was a reference to hanging, not dog cocks, but it was a space wolf successor or something
No it wasnt. Some degenerate made the connection. They were of unknown orgin
Well yea ofc I'm just saying that people took the word knot and spun it out of control
Poor guy
Why is Trump never fat in right winger's depictions of him. Afraid of far shaming?
i mean 40k is right up michael bays alley
both revel in bad writing, over the top dialogue and cheesy action aplenty
the guy is perfect for such a setting
Being fat is not really anything to make fun of him for. Same as depictions of Bush. There's other things to make fun of physically
Hans Zimmer as the composer.
>all show no substance
>great camera work
>nice cinematography
>uses tons of cgi
Isn't he perfect for a 40k film?
>tfw no Bay Siege of Terra film with larger than life dudes tearing each other apart, doing epick speeches and fighting for the fate of us all
>no Marky Mark as non-perpetual Ollanius Pius protecting the Emperor from chaos fucking shits
Why are we still here, just to suffer?
He can do the high octane shit, but he is really shit an interpersonal stuff and characters. Should be fine.
>tfw he makes a classic Rambo style movie with straken as the main character
>straken fighting orks through multiple areas including jungles, ashe blasted wastelands, and massive hive-cities
Vin Diesel is casted as straken
>battle is space marines vs orks, with guard as bitches and damsels, or possibly sisters
>space marines are an ultramarines successor called the star hawks
>red white and blue paint scheme, crest is a giant eagle
>13 Hours: 40k Edition
15 hours?
That's sounds perfect for a campy, bombastic 40k movie
Lighten up
George Miller.
>Movie based on a tabletop game
Fuck no, it would be as bad as any dungeons and dragons or world of warcraft game.
Have both. More shooty and more explosions.
As others before me pointed out, as utterly retarted as it sounds, Michael Bay is actually the best choice, if you just want to make a simple, action heavy 40k Movie. Just throw a good ol' IG is saved by Marines Plot and give him a good skript, that he can use. The Action will be over the top, Explosions everywhere, maybe some badass BALLS OF STEEL Guard Moments here and there, so basicly everything that this kind of movie would need. All that you got to do then, would be preventing him from inserting american flags or casting Megan Fox.
Counter-suggestion: Get this guy to make a film about a Titan crew.
I want Neil Blomkamp to stop fucking around with his atmospheric experimental films and either get us a gritty halo movie or a 40k movie.
Has he shown any interest in 40k since the initial tweet?
Maybe, but I'd definitely just go in for it being a dumb action flick rather than one with interesting characters or a nuanced story.
The Smurfs are the Astartes posterboys, though. That said, Salamanders would probably be more fun.
There are ways to accomplish that with practical effects, though. A bit trickier, sure, but the end result would probably look better, imo.
No, dude, it's a hypothetical.
Michael Bay has directed at least one good movie: The Rock. Also a WH40k Final Liberation done in the style of Pearl Harbor would work better than something trite like Ultramarines.
What you're not going to get is Grimdark Aesthetics, but that's really not something you want to watch for 2 hours anyway.
Tldr Bay isn't good but he's not fucking Uwe Boll.
>explosion city
>lowbrow humor perfect for Orks
>giant robots means maybe Necrons and Tau
>probably no room for meme villain Chaos in all that
You know what, sounds pretty good.
Of course not, Zack Snyder it is, and you can see already the results in Sucker Punch.
NO. Not Zack, he'd be the worst and the scene you linked shows why: He can handle the scenery, but his actors have no physicality to their movements. There's no actual sense of them using muscles when they stab, no rush to their running, nothing that makes the viewer believe they are interacting with an environment instead of green ball number three in front of the green screen. He is an okay effects guy, but I've never felt that he directs the actors to have believeable movement. That goes for all his films, even in 300 I never felt that they trust the spears with all their greekly might. Also, goddamn shakey cam atrocities.
Michael Bay would also not be a good director, because a centrL theme of 40k is about obedience to authorities, and that is instant death in Bayland. Can you imagine Space Marines flipping their chapter master the bird? Because they would. They absolutely would. And they would not say anything like "purge the heretic!" when using flame throwers.
I believe they would yell, "Semper Fi, MOTHERFUCKER!"
Would there be 40K vehicles, or would he just put in the US military as the IG? If he didn't completely fuck it up (by setting it in modern day earth somehow), then it would probably be one of his only good movies.
Ork Sisters?
But Sucker Punch is the ugliest film he's ever done. It's seriously the only one of his movies you can't at least say "it looked pretty".
Producer here with minimal to no knowledge of the source material, aka the best person for the job.
Alright, here's what we do:
Imperial Guard, they're more approachable and human, right? Can be played by pretty actors and women? They're pretty much the colonial marines from Aliens?
We set it up as a team of soldiers from the Imperial Guard being sent to some whatever base in a far off planet to investigate a distress call. Maybe the planet was researching something to help them in the war.
The team is pretty casual, there's some banter and quips to make them likeable. Maybe 3 guys, divided in the usual leader/sarcastic guy/meathead and 2 women, one is the no-nonsense nanny and the other is the quriky nerdy one.
They meet some scientists, fight some Tyranids first because they're easy mooks that can lead to a quick and good action scene.
Next, an ork spaceship crashlands on the planet, they're looking for whatever MacGuffin is held in the planet. Why orks? Simple, they're green, silly, have accents, audiences will eat them up, we could sell a lot of merch with them.
Then we get a Space Marine, he's sent after the team requests help. He's stoic and noble, he's gonna be our serious side for the film.
So now we can start act 3. Meathead dies along with some other scientist while a bunch of shit is happening.
Scientist has been taking them to the center of the base, and it's then revealed he was actually evil the whole time and we get Chaos in, because space-slugs and dumb green guys don't make serious stakes, demons do.
Then it's a run for the macguffin, Space Marine destroys it and has a final fight with a demon-scientist or whatever.
Everyone dies.
Leader guy sacrifices himself to save quirky girl, saying he always loved her.
Movie ends with Space Marine the girl survivor on a ship back, she's all sad and shit, and she promises to continue investigating the macguffin as we set up the sequel.
With a good marketing campaign we can get at least 600M.