Exalted General - /exg/

What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Arms of the Chosen Previews
dropbox.com/s/15xddoahzedtkwu/Arms of the Chosen Preview.docx?dl=0

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

Previous thread: How did your Circle come together?
How did your character Exalt?
What is their Totemic Anima imagery?

Other urls found in this thread:


Incidentally can you have your demons build a Solar aspects manse?

Assuming you follow the guidelines we know from 2e, Demons can perform the legwork, but you're probably going to want to have a celestial architect for the planning. I'm sure there's a 2nd circle out there you could argue to do most of the work though.

>Arms delayed for another month

This is a mercy if anything. Another month to play the game without a flood of OP artifacts and shitty warstriders.

In 2e, are there any Terrestrial Martial Arts that are worth a 1-2 charm dip for someone not using their signature weapon? I'm using Swollowing the Lotus Root to get a discount on the one I can easily use (Glorious Exhalation), but I was wondering if there were others worth a cheap dip into? I suspect the answer is no.

Five Dragon Style

Five Dragon Claws ignores all hardness for 1m and is supplemental. Five Dragon Force Blow doubles the base damage of a weapon (Better for form weapons, but if you can buff unarmed attacks it becomes much better). If you're willing to add in more XP then Five Dragon Blocking Technique increases PDV by a fair amount (Which is useful if you don't want to use Infinite Mastery).

>arms delayed
Shit, source?


somebody asked for a conversion of Killer Queen to Evocations in the last thread. Well, I didn't do that. I did start out by making an evocation that looks like things Killer Queen did, but then it got completely out of control. Whoops! This is an assassin's tool that boils blood, turns things and people into bombs, and inflames emotions to an explosive crescendo, followed by an actual explosion.

Common sense

The writing's on the wall.

would this work, or is it just nonsense: forums.sufficientvelocity.com/posts/9180771/

it's supposedly a way on how to build your own exalted.

Non Exalted player here, I'm just after some clarification on a power wank: I get that Sidereals can learn their SMA and punch someone into a duck or next tuesday, but solars/abyssal get their solar/void circle sorcery/necromancy. Which is likely to have more utility in a 'combat' scene for the Exalted? I get that sorcery/necromancy are extended sorts of actions, and that Necromancy is more murder and murder related activities focused.

SMA, but that's because as per 2e, SMA is bullshit written by a guy who didn't know the mechanic, and Sorcery and Necromancy sucked all kinds of for combat.

There are no known SMA in 3e, so we don't have a solid answer yet, but it's a fair guess it'll be the same only more mechanically put together.

Thanks. Exalted's mechanics scare me, so even trying to idly learn enough to figure the answer out myself is impossible.

Of course it would, it's 2(.5)e. For some reason they got a boner for it.
No it's not you illiterate little shit.

By the time you would have charged up a Total Annihilation you're already ducks

>All the art for Arms is in, so after they review it and sign off on it, Arms will be in layout.
>The Realm is in Second Draft.
>What Fire has Wrought is in Development.


>No it's not you illiterate little shit.

how do i words?

You squench the squanch until it squelch

So Rathess is dead, are there other wikis for Exalted?

I thought it was only temporarily down?

Thanks bro.

It's got the same problem shared by most instances of "I can't believe it's not Exaltation" they're individually not going to stand up against an enemy Exalt and how effective they are in numbers depends more on the ST and the inverse ninja rule than any of their individual components.

What would Inner Sea as Creation be like?


Why didn't they get the artists from 2e do the art for 3e

For Udon I know that during 2e they had a contract for X years when they were still cheap.

Now that Udon has a name for themselves OPP can't get the same deal anymore.

Not that it's a bad thing. Less weeaboo art in the series the better

Udon also really slid in quality as the line went on.

Still hammering out the background parts for this 2.5 character, but does anyone mind looking over the mechanical side? It's for a solo campaign, this being mostly what comes out of basic character creation (still have 1 background point) before the 10 extra bonus points my storyteller is giving me. Any suggestions on what to do with those?

does he just have the awareness excellency?

Yeah, that's the only one he has (because it's needed for Panoptic which is +1 to DVs and free aim dice for the combat). The charms are one of the places I'm most unsure about.

As long as the solar aspected demense it was built on wasn't one the fries creatures of darkness, sure.

>How did your character Exalt?

When her city was besieged by the forces of the underworld she sent oa band of scouts off on a suicide mission across a death tainted desert full of zombies to call upon reinforcments. They considered turning back, going awol, or even resigning themselves to death several times, but always the passion of her voice and the terrible fire in her eyes came back to them in those moments and drove them on. Nearly a month later the last scout dragged himself half dead to the gates of their allied city-state and called forth their army to come break the siege.

For driving her men beyond themselves with her will she became a Zenith, and for enduring the ceaseless trials of the desert the scout became her Lunar mate.

>Not that it's a bad thing. Less weeaboo art in the series the better
Yeah the 3d porn art is way better.

>Not that it's a bad thing. Less weeaboo art in the series the better
Better than the poser shit though

Bumping thread and question.

Occult (2nd) and Martial arts (either) are other options I've considered. The first to make crafting my ammo easy (and the other minor uses more convenient), the second because I'm using Martial arts to attack and for my parry DV so it'd serve double duty.

Martial Arts would be a really good idea

Is there any good reason besides personal preference to go for one excellency over the other for martial arts? For Occult I want the 2nd because I just need to hit static thresholds with no carryover success, but for Martial arts I can't figure out which I prefer more.

Wasn't 1st the same that is in 3e?
Go for that.

Nope. In 2e the 1st requires you to roll for how much it raises static values.

1st is 1m per extra dice on an action, with a cap of your skill and attribute combined. So I can spend up to 10 motes to get 10 extra dice on an action. For statics you roll and add successes to the static value.

2nd is 2 motes for an automatic success on an action, with a cap on successes of half the skill+attribute. So a max of 10m for 5 automatic successes. For statics you just add it straight up.

1st is a bit more flexible and has a higher potential, but the 2nd is not subject to the dice fucking you at a critical moment. Statistically they're identical.

They got rid of the cakes piece tho

"You ate all of my pastries! Now what are we going to bring to the bakesale?"

so what are the current usable homebrew conversions for 3e?

I don't think thats how that works.

So the download page for the anathema chargen program is still down, but I've found the Github for the old versions. Should we add it to the OP?


3 Sidereal conversions
3 Infernal conversions
2 Lunar Conversions (1 dead, one in progress)
1 DB conversion

Do Raksha see/feel fate? Would they recognise Infernal for example as something outside Fate?

I'm a foreverGM whose group is wanting to get into Exalted. Would you recommend starting with 3e, or 2e since it has more content available? How much content is missing in 3e thats available in 2e?

If they claim to recognize fate, they're lying. They're outside of fate, trying to see something inside of it like a blind man looking into the sun.

3E has far, far better mechanics, but the core book is the only one out so far. Regardless, 3E is almost automatically going to be what you want to use. You might try using some of the homebrew that's out there to make up the deficit.

You can just steal stuff from 2e that tickles your fancy.

What kind of a working would it be to turn someone Duck'd by a Sidereal back into a human?

Solar 1 minimum

yeah the thing is 2e wasn't exactly innovative when it came down to it and a lot of the charms of the other Exalts are obviously Solar charms weakened to varying degrees.

I meant the lore and stuff, though. And NPC don't need Charms, ST can just bullshit stuff that fits.

That'd mean they couldn't see regular mortals. Or plants. Or the ground, or sky, or anything that's part of the Creation. Not being able to see Fate itself is one thing, but being unable to see things within Fate would render them basically incapable of operating in the Creation.

Is there other stuff like Exaltwitch?

Swallows of the South? It's a podcast thing.
Idk about anything else.

Why doesn't UCS fix up Heaven as he turns back to Creation and starts doing stuff again in 3e?

He's stopped not paying any attention but he's still heavily distracted by the Games.

Oh right GoD are still a thing in 3e.

Is there any Charms for Abyssals outside of the MoEP: Abyssal?

The Solar charms from the 3e Core book. Just make everything edgy.

Eh, sure. Need to brush up on my writing skills anyhoo.

In the meantime, any good Abyssal homebrew?

I think there's two or three different writeups for 3e somewhere?

What's even the point of Thaumaturgy in 3e anyway?

Found the holdover by Beans. Seems... Yeah. The entire "no respiration in Creation" is something I want to fuck with, but since I can't game any ideas I have will be without basis.

Also need to sit down and actually READ what Withering is. Shit's like water off the duck's back,.

dunno yet, possibly to give a middle finger to people who liked 2e Thaumaturgy but guess we'll see if it shows up in a later book

Of course. Why wouldn't they be?

NPC abilities?
Is there anything in the Charm tree equivalent to [Second Bread]?

geekspacetv on twitch

Gonna check it out, thanks.

>people who liked 2e Thaumaturgy
Was there anything particularly spectacular that you could do with that?

>The Art of Geomancy: Blessing: Prevent one (1) botch on a target.

Honestly, Thaumaturgy seems like a catch-all for everything that Charms couldn't do/wouldn't go into. Also provides non-Exalts with some worth so they don't feel like dead weight. If your players are like that.

for PCs it was this worthless thing that people thought they had to buy to show they were smart before they Exalted

for NPCs it could make whole parts of the setting not make sense, one of the best examples of this I saw was that the Realm could potentially set up Anathema detectors.

>Realm could potentially set up Anathema detectors
Fuck you what mate? Explain.

ok 2e thaumaturgy can create a number of wards including alarm wards with no limitations on what you can ward... so the Realm could theoretically make it so that sirens go off if a Solar or Lunar walks into one of their cities

Oh. That seems, ill-thought out. But really, no limitations? They probably errated it away by saying it can't detect Exalted or something though.

Nothing spectacular. I just like folk magic. I like my worlds to be decently populated with low level "magic", with people who have learned to poke around with the little unusual things in them.

Also, it gave an out to minor cool effects that were absolutely not worth charms.

I'd prefer it if you could just use Occult for stuff like that.

Of course, but come on, this is Exalted. When have you been able to use Abilities to actually do special stuff. It's always been charms or bust. Thaumathurgy was basically "tiny mini-charms for humans", because everything must be charms.

Besides, making Occult able to do ALL thaumathurgy would make it way too good compared to other abilities. Would have to be split with specialties and stuff.

the problem is the scale it could be done on

Will Hundred Devils Night Parade be released as a collected package at some point?

4 pages @ $2 each vs. a dozen or so at ~$15?

Your splat is already dead.

Fucking rip
Don't forget Antoganists of Valoured or whatever.
Enemies of the Righteous?

>Adversaries of the Righteous
1 NPC @ 99 cents each, some bundled as duo's

I'm starting to fear that Onyx is starting to push into the piece-meal method of generating income. Whilst I doubt that fatsplats are going to die, I could see them releasing (say) new charm cards separately to any book.

is this game dead?

No it's just slow as shit.

I doubt that's it. The old devs said they planned on doing something like a bestiary before, and they've been done as far back as creatures of the wyld in 1e.
Really I think the reason they did this is to try and keep excitement for the line up while the devs got their footing until books start rolling out. They just need something to keep things alive until then

close enough

Nah see this way we're continuously disappointed instead of it all coming at once.

My guy met two other guys on the road, and then a fourth guy ran up and said that the Sun had spoken to him and said we should be a band.

He used that demanse-exploding rite from Old Mcdonalds to kill a Fair Folk Court. And the Guild Factor that was selling them slaves.

A bunch of golden explosions.

Wasn't there a mobile characterplanner for Ex3?
Could someone link it?

So I have been wondering, how would you go about making flying swords. like the kind you would find in typical wuxia stories. since exalted is all about that sort of shit. I was thinking arrifacts but not really sure about this. 3e by the way.


A charismatic general brainwashed a handful of purposeless Solars into trying to conquer the South with him. Ended up in the Scavenger Lands instead.