Seems like it's doing less well this year for sure. I'm still in it for about $450 USD. Getting everything that's interesting to me, still have a painting backlog from Bones 2 though.
What are your thoughts fa/tg/uys?
Seems like it's doing less well this year for sure. I'm still in it for about $450 USD. Getting everything that's interesting to me, still have a painting backlog from Bones 2 though.
What are your thoughts fa/tg/uys?
I'm currently backing it about the same. Probably pass on the fourth expansion though. I think it's doing slightly better than 3 was at this point.
Still confused on how to expand my pledge. They give an account after the Kickstarter ends?
Yeah, the fourth expansion needs a lot more in there before I'll throw another $50 at it. Right now it's like $6.25 for each of the dino models. It's a type of mini that I don't really have though. Could be fun to get for some Lost Valley plot lines in some steam-punk game somewhere.
Literally on the fucking page. You're as well doing it now, because it'll let you calculate the shipping and tax ahead of time and add it to the pledge. Helps both with the budgeting and with the getting shit unlocked.
Just click their pledge manager link doofer at the bottom of the campaign page and sign up using the same email address as you used for Kickstarter. It links up. You select the shit you want, hit calculate, and it'll tell you how much it'll actually cost you.
I'll try the page at home, maybe my mistake was doing it all through the app, thanks
Could be. Have never used the app here.
I am waiting desperately for that Dance of Death model with the two dragons fighting.
I want that model so fucking badly that and pic related.
I'm in for $100 but I might put in more or less depending on if they do the "selling parts of Core as extras" thing they did in the previous campaigns. I couldn't give two shits about half the stuff in the Core set.
But I'm with this guy. A lot of the larger models look fucking great and I especially want the two he mentioned. King Cobra and the Roc look neat too.
I'm the poorfag who's grateful for all of you pouring hundreds of dollars into this thing so I can pick up one or two of the new models some day. Thanks!
There's always a sluggish period in the middle of the Bones KS. Having said that, I only just got my rewards from Bones 3 two weeks ago and I've so many fucking miniatures it's not funny, half-painted, unpainted, unassembled, still in original packaging - I need to help myself by not backing this time around. But I like the living statues. A lot. What's caught your interest this time round, user?
Just wait until they break up core and show the dance of death (and whatever bigger thing is apparently still on the horizon)
Just wait till you get a job and realize how little a few thousand dollars actually is.
I'm glad that these bones things release a ton of cool minis for DMs to put on the table for cheap, but as a painter I've never been tempted by the rubbery material and gummy details. Some of the design directions have sort of a weird juggalo vibe that's always sort of bummed me out too
450 is quite a bit.
What did you /not/ get?
Bones is way better for the larger models anyway. With the little ones it's a bit TOO flexible so you always have to hairdrier shit back into the right position.
as someone with a six figure salary I can only half confirm this.
Spending thousands on paying bills and whatever just really feels like the norm and I don't think twice about it, but I hesitate before buying a ten dollar miniature. I've had a tab open for weeks of a miniature I've been wanting to buy but I am waiting until I decide I need more things so I can order them all at once and get free shipping.
found about it yesterday, backed gor the new demon amd the new ice giantesses.
The demon Ill use as demon prince for the Tzeentch army I'm starting and the giantesses as giants for my moonclan army, hope they en up being sexy.
In the future Ill get the dice minis, maybe the trolls if I havent finished the sourbreath troggoths unit by then, and maybe a couple more just because I like them, like the roc.
They're running out of time with only a few days left though.
Are they gonna break up the core this time? I think I saw a post somewhere about that being a major hassle for them that caused a lot of delays and confusion dealing with the earlier kickstarters.
they could be lazy, or they could want to have money thrown at their face.
There's lazy and then there's everyone bitching at you because shit shipped a year after the expected date.
Have they said anything about it yet?
They've previewed the sculpt, so no way it's not going in. I'm prepared to bet they mess with the stretch goals a lot in the last couple days to get the stuff they like in.
It's probably gonna appear on the KS as a later goal. But since it's approaching the end of the KS I'll bet it'll get tossed in near the end.
I'm just hoping that it won't be hellishly expensive but even if it is I'll be buying it.
I'm not in until they include that sweet ass knight model
I asked and got this as a response. Also asked when they were doing it, but they never said anything. If they don't do it by the last day I guess I'll just cancel my Core set.
Makes sense. Probably means you're not gonna be able to pick as specifically as you could in the previous kickstarters though.
Fine with me. I just want some generic heros and those fucking KNIGHTS. Anything I can do to keep that ugly ass dragon out of my set is fine by me.
The Dragon looks neat imo.
just resell or gift the dragon away. Most people really like dragons.