How many boxes does this Magic card check? (to use executive parlance)
How many boxes does this Magic card check? (to use executive parlance)
Is there really an SJW 'muh ekwul representashun' demand for 'old chick cleavage'? Is this meant to cater to fat old women? I bet it'll make Grandma feel powerful when she's spoiling her son's wife's son.
>"Loss has no meaning here"
>bottles don't form loss shape
missed opportunity
Imagine being so insecure you think absolutely everything you disagree with has to be the work of a bunch of angry landwhales with weird hair and their manlet valets.
SJWs don't care that everyone has representation, they care that "average white male" and "exceptionally attractive white woman" don't have any more representation.
I can almost see it.
OP is a fag
smash the matriarchy user
It's out of order though, and three of four are iffy. Top left, top right (Extra bottle reduces authenticity), bottom right (they should be equal height), bottom left (Lower one should be longer).
Obviously, you can see Loss in everything, but this one is a stretch at best.
So, what you're saying is that Loss.png has no meaning here?
>ugly old witch lady doing ugly old witch lady things is clearly the result of SJW trampling muh proud white man heritage
This is as stupid as saying that Grendel's mother was added to Beowulf because SJWs said there weren't enough strong female characters
please go back
>Extra bottle reduces authenticity
That's the counter
>they should be equal height
It's a bit iffy, but perhaps seeing it from a ceiling cat's perspective maybe
>Lower one should be longer
How many "don't put females in my card game" threads do we need?
That last frame couldn't look less like loss if they'd meant it to. Those bottles are in the exact wrong spaces for it to work.
The Veeky Forums of 5 years ago would be bragging about how this is what they fap to.
/pol/ has made you weak.
Tbh she is pretty fappable, face is eh but she looks capable of riding a mean dick
The only turn off is the face
>nice tits
>non-fat belly
>DSL+choker=super sucker
>bare feet
>thick thighs, maybe could be fat.
Oh geez, it's like Veeky Forums is a contrarian website or something.
No it's not
Hey, fuck you leatherhead!
Okay, now I really gotta wonder what kind of an idiot they have as an art director. WHY is the art on the card zoomed that far out? You can't make out any details on the character. WHY isn't the art the closeup to the right, which would be far more visible and striking in the small size of a Magic card?
I think they actually have some intern cropping and doing the layout on these.
A quick mockup to illustrate my point. This would be MUCH better to look at.
There are three art directors in MtG right now.
Mark Winters is a nobody, dullest of the dull yes man loser.
Cynthia Sheppard is an excellent illustrator with a neat aesthetic and most of her personal production is beautiful women in erotic or esoteric themes.
Dawn Murin is a producer, wannabe artist idea-girl and quirky feminist.
Mark has directed such memorable cards as Accursed Horde or Aether Poisoner.
Dawn is responsible for Briarbridge Patrol and censoring Liliana's zettai ryouiki in the new Macabre Waltz.
Meanwhile Cythia has directed Liliana the Last Hope, Teysa Evoy of Ghosts, Ghoulcaller Gisa and pretty much every attractive female illustration as of late.
Cynthia is hot.
Dawn is the kind of person you'd expect to see at a vegan lesbian hippie commune.
Dawn became an art director in 2015.
Wonder who could be behind the shittening of Magic art?
How do you know who's responsible for the direction of which card?
At first I was like what is so memorable about aether poisoner, then I realized you were being facetious
I honestly do like briarbridge patrol though, even though it's a nigress in medieval Central Europe, I just like that the lines and shapes are clear despite the dark colors, a lot of the time in mtg the dark palette makes it difficult for me to see what's happening, this time, with the light of the moon coming from the background, I can see clearly what's being depicted, and it looks good to me. Exact opposite of aether poisoner which is totally unclear and ugly
Cynthia Sheppard isn't actually hot btw, she's like passable I guess
I'd have to see more examples to believe this assessment, right now it seems like mark winters is the issue from your examples
Also don't see why you would claim dawn murin "censored" liliana's zettai ryouiki, when Kiki the last hope has her wearing the exact same leggings under her dress
Usually artists say who directed them in their deviantart/tumblr/blog whatever when they post their art.
Also, Mark usually directs non-cards like key art, the DotP story arts, MOL avatars, etc.
What are some im missing?
also some opportunity for a loss.jpeg with that flavor
as a consumer it only benefits you to be as vocal as possible when a company does something you like or does something you don't like.
Imagine being so naive that you can be trolled this easily.
My bait is the bait that will pierce the heavens.
Is having an old person really a box at this point?
because weird teeth-stairs and spooky background make it look cool. I like it
maybe, i think its more to the fact that its an old woman who are majorly underrepresented.
So, just wondering user, what about this art could have been changed to make you like it?
... so? Plenty of witches and hags and elders and shit have been on cards before. What makes it social justicey all of a sudden?
depending on how i felt i might go with something in the same vein as pic related.
When you see a witch,hag, or eldarly you are supposed to view them with a pinch of pity for various reasons.
The card art is just inter-sectional feminism power wank.
Look at the illustration, then stand like that in front of a mirror. Have in mind the belts and laces are meant to end mid thigh.
For some reason they shoved a couple inches of leg into her hipbone and I can't help but think the reason was to avoid any sort of naked thigh showing. It is also a very inellegant solution since making the dress longer like everyone else has been doing works much better and makes it less obvious.
Mark is boring, but he does have good art both done by himself (Nekuzar, Meren) or that he directed (Hapatra, Shadowstorm Vizier).
Cynthia painted Jeleva, Rubinia, Tabern Swindler and Young Pyromancer. She also directed Honored Crop Captain. Queen Marchesa and the new Momir Vig.
Dawn directed Cathartic Reunion and Attune with Aether but also Deathlock Trap, FTV:Annihilation's Wrath of God and a couple other either pandering or ridiculous arts.
I will not assume malice where incompetence is possible, but Dawn really seems to be the odd one out in WotC AD.
>An old woman is power wank
Wouldn't having every woman being perfect and beautiful be even bigger power wank?
At least this stands out slightly from the horde of hot women in revealing dresses. Reminds me a bit of Ursula, actually.
>I was only pretending to be upset! Because you got annoyed at my whining, I have successfully troled you xD haha epic salt mine
>When you see a witch,hag, or eldarly you are supposed to view them with a pinch of pity for various reasons.
They're evil crones. Do you know anything about witches at all? Nobody cried "SJW" at Accursed Witch from SOI.
Maybe she's a paraplegic, and instead of a wheelchair she just flies?
And you keep letting me expand my operation. So it would seem that yes, you have indeed been bamboozled.
^this is what fabricated outrage looks like
>Wouldn't having every woman being perfect and beautiful be even bigger power wank?
No, it is in fact the complete opposite because women are fucking crazy and think fictional women are actually competing with them for Chad's cock and beta virgin orbiters' money.
The average focus group 18-24 girl thinks super-model action heroines like Scarlett Johanson, Milla Jovovich and Kate Beckinsale are threatening rather than empowering and prefers pudgy, emotionless JLaw instead.
>At least this stands out slightly from the horde of hot women in revealing dresses
There haven't been any of those in Magic since Liliana of the Veil back in 2011. They somehow made Karla Ortiz paint her fat in Defiant Necromancer and there might have been a fallout there because she hasn't painted a single card since EMA.
They are designing for playmats, not cards.
The duel decks Lovisa and Jhoira let you do a before/after comparison. Zoomed in and defined character details, vs zoomed out generic fantasy female.
This guy knows what's impotant
>Type latest set into mtg gatherer
>scroll down till I see tiddies
wowzers, that was hard to find.
Yup, no hot women here.
Subhumans don't count.
I find neither of these to be attractive, nor are they particularly revealing.
Showing knees and shoulders? What do these women want to be stoned or something?
SJWs are literally the 1960's WBC but in reverse.
>Hurrrrrr MtG pandering to SJWs, pandering we wuz, pandering, pandering SJW, speshul snowflake Wizards killing the game pandering, pandering, reeeee.
–Anonymous on the eve of his 15th birthday.
No user, they're fine with pandering, as long as it's to them.
Heavens forbid! The world does not revolve around pleasing your little pee-pee?! What madness is this?! This game will surely die off without tits just floppin out on every card!
I for one am outraged that the cards are not so provocative to you (yes you, personally) that you can not just start fapping spontaneously at the FLGS by looking at your hand! You poor soul!
>No user, they're fine with pandering, as long as it's to them.
Obviously they should pander to me, they're selling a product. I don't like the product, I don't buy it.
>The world does not revolve around pleasing your little pee-pee?!
different user, but he has a right to be displeased by whatever he wants and to be vocal about it.
Had you ever considered that maybe she's an old lady because she's supposed to be, you know, a witch?
They're pretty traditionally old women.
>obviously they should pander to me
holy shit, this isneither a false flag or completely hilarious.
But user he doesn't find old women sexy. Can't have a card that he doesn't find sexy. That's SJWing.
he's right. though
>not wanting to /ss/ with a milf from grixis
OP, liking thick women means you have high vis
Or, or, alternatively...
they make a product that some people like and some people don't. You know? Just making a product to stand on its own instead of trying to tempt you and your uncontrollable fap lust?
If they only reason you liked MTG was because of the hot babes that match up with your specific standards of hotness, then sucks to be you.
>they make a product that some people like and some people don't.
right and they are notified by people complaining they don't like it, ergo this man is helping the company sell their product.
>whining on the internet that a card with a witch on it isn't hot is helping them sell product
if youre not smart enough to understand how this works, i don't think i can help you.
>It's ok to complain that there's not enough diversity pandering
>It's not ok to complain that we haven't had a traditionally attractive female character who isn't a villain since RTR
This is why Trump won, if they have to chose people will vote for stupidity over malignant hypocrisy.
And we have the right to consider his opinion retarded and call him out for it. What was your point?
The lefternmost ones are vastly superior!
Note the facial scar.
They're trying to make pudgy old asiany handicapped ladies badass.
but Trump was stupid AND a hypocrite. That theory doesn't hold water user...
Trump won because he promised jobs to middle-america, Hillary didn't. It didn't matter he couldn't deliver on it, or couldn't even produce a plan, the promise was enough.
Old asian ladies happen to be badass irl, specially if they have scars and rugged looks.
Pockmarks, scars, and blemishes have been traditionally associated with witches for thousands of years because of the medieval belief that these things indicated marks of the devil, you illiterate bottomfeeder
There's some interesting talk about art direction here, shame it's ruined by /leftypol/ and /pol/ bickering as every other fucking thread ever.
that you don't have the moral highground on the matter.
He is being helpful, while you are being less so.
>They are designing for playmats, not cards.
Fuck, that makes sense. That's probably the explanation.
That's garbage. You can't make art like that look good on the actual card, the actual card has less than 2 inches of space. You have to zoom in so we see something.
>the multicolored card with a powerful ability is rare
>the 5 mana Lord is mythic
What did wizards mean bully this?
>Wizards executives look at every card
It really is adorable how competent you believe everyone is. You'll learn better if you ever enter the workforce.
Think you missed your target.
The last magic art girl I consider to be abnormally beautiful was Necropolis Regent.
I'm sincerelly weirded out that neither ISD or SOI blocks and now apparently Ixalan block had vampires be like that. Also having so many female pirates without a single bodice ripper around, it does feel like censorship.
If you tell 50 top artists to make an illustration of a female pirate at least 10 would be sexy, unless ordered otherwise.
Pretty sure he hit the mark actually.
What do you mean check? Is there really some insidious group of SJW gamers who are trying to force mtg to print more fat old lady wizards? You seem kinda paranoid.
Sounds more like a marketing uncoolness complaint to me.
Would ir really be that hard to make vampires like this instead of executives wearing armor like in Innistrad and Ixalan?
Duel decks have totally meaningless rarities
It would have been more interesting but then you couldn't have a veiled criticism of conquistadores and score more virtue signaling points.
>conquistadores are cool as shit
>natives are shit-eating savages
>somehow this should paint conquistadores as the bad guys
>some insidious group of SJW gamers
Oh. It's worse than that.
Calls to increase "representation" are coming from within Wizards itself now.
The revised Lovisa is "generic female warrior/10" but I agree that, a much as a waifu/10 the left drawing is, Jhoira needed a rework to show better what her character is about, but then even the rework on the right is absolute shit, you can barely see the face.
I literally just typed the first number I thought of. There was no meaning to it. I could have said "string impact" and it would have had as much meaning.
So we have to throw Amonkhet, Theros and Kaladesh into the trash? then yes, no hot women in mtg, in fact, I don't hink we're going to see hot women in tg again if we have to follow your requirements
heavens forbid!