>Have a very high constitution
>Get captured by the enemy
>They torture me forever because I can't die
Stat woes
But you'd have such a high save that the pain wouldn't bother you.
Sounds like their torturers aren't very skilled if your high constitution is the only thing keeping you alive. A skilled torturers could keep almost anyone alive through the torture.
Having a victim think that they will die during the torture only makes it easier for that victim to resist.
>Have 20 Int and 20 Wis
>None on this plane of existence even match me anymore, they all are like retards.
>Stage of despair
>Attempt to become one of the gods in order to have others to talk to who aren't brainlets
>They reject me
>have literal lowest stats in all categories
>DM has to mercy kill me since I keep falling in traps and getting downed by trash mobs
>implying you don't use your constitution to be stone cold and refuse to break under pressure
Ran with a 20 (18 base, +2 from racial) CON Barbarian at 1st level in a PF game where we were all playing pirates. After I survived three consecutive keelhauls, the majority of the pirate crew looked at me like I was some sort of demigod.
>Sounds like their torturers aren't very skilled if your high constitution is the only thing keeping you alive.
d20s though - every 20th~ time a torturer tries to torture someone they accidentally torture themselves instead.
>None on this plane of existence even match me anymore, they all are like retards.
There is a pretty non-negligible chance of losing to the int 8 village idiot. It's not high but it's not unlikely enough to be discounted either.
>they accidentally torture themselves instead.
Sounds like these torturers are extremely unskilled.
>it's another 1 must mean ridiculous LULZ FAILURE!
I hate modern D&D and faggots such as yourself.
>int 8 village idiot
INT 8 is not nearly stupid enough to be merely dull, let alone remarkably idiotic. Overtly noticeable mental dysfunction starts at INT 3, and that takes a rather unlucky roll to begin with.
>but INT 3 is dumber than a literal housecat!
INT 3 human != INT 3 animal, and even INT 3 humans are capable of relatively independent living. Besides, long-term intellectual disability should be modelled as a persistent nonmagical disease, "curse" or maybe even loss of limb.
It's worse for executioners.
>be excutioner
>put noose on prisoner
>step down from scaffold
>pull lever to open trap door
>natural 1
>neck yourself
d20 is a shit system
Ooh, like in Order of the Stick. I've read that webcomic as well.
>Not moaning loudily to make the torturers uncomfortable
>it's one of those guys who like to laugh at the number 1
Then stop talking about it.
>the number 1
A natural 1 does nothing. You just don't succeed. A critfail is a houserule that stupid people use.
Also in a scenario like this a torturer could take a 10 as it's a routine activity with no penalty for failure (failing doesn't set a prisoner free or anything)
D20 might be a better system to you if you read the rules
>nat 1 to torture
>the victim immediately cums, passes out from exhaustion and then dies with a stupid grin on his face
yeah but if they take 10 then they won't be able to overcome the save - really what happens is that you should never need to torture someone more than 20 times because a natural 20 is an automatic success.
Which honestly doesn't seem too wacky - let's say a daily session of torture, that's 4 weeks of torture, barely a week if there's thrice daily torture sessions and a reasonable distribution of die results.
>Have high WP and T
>Captured by Druchii corsairs
Pls no
>this guy moaned at least this loud
Darkness pls go
4d6 b3 for a game.
Roll 12, 11, 11, 7, 5, 5
Dm does not allow a reroll. Forced to play the parties shitty side kick.
Everyone else rolled an 18 for at least one of their skills.
Played a severely crippled wizard who isn't even bright.
Literal housecats are Int 2. Sapience is defined as anything 3 or higher, below that is animal intelligence.
Next time slap your gm with the part of the book it says that if you have a cumulative stat modifier in the negatives you reroll.
Just suicide yourself in the first encounter. It's easy.
You know, there was actually a scene like this in some Captain Alatriste novel.
>Alatriste has to torture some fucker for information.
>Sits down with him at a table in a dark room.
>Takes the lit candle that's the only illumination in that room.
>Takes it to the guy.
>Proceeds to pour the hot wax on his own arm.
>Doesn't even twitch.
>"If I can do that to myself without even reacting, imagine what I'll do to you".
>Guy starts spilling the beans.