Horde-friendly meta Edition
General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)
Core rules
Army builder
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Horde-friendly meta Edition
General's Handbook 2017 (pdf)
Core rules
Army builder
Previously on /aosg/:
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first for fuck off compendium shitters
Remember guys
>Hide samecast shitposters
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Keep the thread clean and don't give any (you)s to cheetahfag. If something looks like a bait it's just a bait
Hey guys, I need the thrall warhost regiment for Darkelves
What is the recommended unit size for skellies, zombies, ghouls and graveguard?
As a rule of thumb, if a warscroll says a unit benefits from having a certain amount of dudes, take that amount. For example, Skellies get more attacks at 20 and 30, so take 30 a unit.
So, adding in a bastilladon and wizard to SCE 2k? Good or nah? Mostly using vanguard things. Got some protectors and libs for objective holding and certain forces. Would also love to make use of my carnosaur that I kept, but I hear they're not particularly worth it. :'(
So what is the general consensus on GH2017?
A good start. Many armies got the allegiance abilities they needed and the points for large units now make for interesting choices. Battalion point increases were probably too high, but some did need increasing. Hopefully they'll come back down. The scenarios now also have a bit more variety, one being able to be stolen with heroes and monsters for example.
Ignoring the ass blasted compendium fags, you will find very few complaints about it.
I like the allegiance abilities a lot (generally). Haven't read the rest past a brief skim here and there though.
For me it's fine. Some hordes get buffed by allegiance abilities like skryre and pestilens and some get nerfed like verminus and mixed-skaven at all.
I don't find the battalions cost increase necessary - some changes are just retarded.
Allies system is a good feature but lack of some allies options like deathmages for nighthaunt is hard to fathom.
Also I like most of the new allegiance abilities - it's nice to see some love for such factions like Wanderers, Dispossessed etc. Now I'm just waiting for new boxed sets.
Overall 7/10 - I will play still but not gonna spend my money on anything bigger than 1000pts until next release wave
Losing the Verminus Clawpack was a bit of a bust, I'm hoping for some sort of errata to bring it back. That said, not getting anything for Verminus also makes me optimistic for a book soon (2018 at the earliest, rest of the year is 40k most likely). The battalion costs were in some ways too heavy handed but absolutely needed. It's a shame that the Changehost is still so cheap for example, because some armies get a huge advantage with only having to make ~3 deployment drops.
Cheers for the input.
>compendium fags
Er, what?
Yeah, that's true. I find the chaos allegiance abilities nerf to harsh. It fucked the Verminus hard so new battalion or the clawpack comeback is needed asap
>Er, what?
Don't mind it. Some people are mad because their compendiums stuff get steamrolled so their anger is understandable but we all knew this time will come one day
Can anybody tell me the story of Auction of Blood.
I can tell you right now it's not about the stormcasts so don't believe in the stupid memes posted here by the stormraped slavshit
And what if they have no benefit whatsoever?
Sent to an illicit auction in a city of Order, a servant of the Soulblight Queen Neferata finds his simple mission may be more complicated – and deadly – than he imagined. It ties into the novel 'Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows', and features hints about everyone's favourite queen of the dead, Neferata. Palem Bok is a humble collector of the arcane, a trader of sorts but a resourceful one. He has to be, for Bok is also a spy for the Queen of Mysteries, Neferata herself! Sent to an illicit auction in Greywater Fastness, his mission is the retrieval of an esoteric item for his vampiric mistress. But Bok soon finds that this seemingly simple task is far more dangerous than he bargained for when the heroic Stormcast Eternals show up to ruin his plans.
>when the heroic Stormcast Eternals show up to ruin his plans.
>The meme was true
He's lying. It's Bloodbound who show up to ruin his plans.
What changed for the Stormfiends???
Elves when
Out of curiosity, is there an army that has very few models(in this instance, let's say like less than 10) that is viable? Still new to sigmar, so I haven't really seen many different factions in action.
Forgot to mention at either 1k or 2k points
Anything is viable so long as you're not playing in a tournament scene. But at the moment Deathrattle seem alright, to give an example of a faction with very few models. Honestly, the allegiance rules help with that, since no faction truly has only 10 models to choose from unless you're really anal about sticking to an allegiance even in spite of the new rules.
1 maw crusher
1 maw crusher
Battle line:
3 goregruntas
3 goregrunats
= 1000 points and wrecks shit up
Deathlords with Nagash?
Yeah, but then the stormcast show up to kill the blood bound
2 boxes of start collecting disciples of Tzeentch, yay or nay?
Theoretical Spiderfang player here. Is it just me, or does it seem like a hilariously worthwhile investment to toss a unit or two of Sylvaneth Wyldwoods into a Spiderfang list -- particularly or perhaps only when you know you are a low chance of playing against Sylvaneth? The ability to control the lay-out of the board seems pretty solid, and the fact that my entire army gets to ignore them just seems hilarious.
Spiders rushing in and out of the trees while also being able to ignore the nasty consequence of the Wyldwood rule thanks to their Wall-Crawler, and the fact that the only spellcaster in my list will be the Arachnarok. It just seems like an absolutely fantastic little addition, while also remaining pretty deliciously flavorful.
Also be sure to make your herald the Moon-face herald option.
The one on the box is for fags
I dont need the compensium anymore now that my army is broken :^) Cant wait to wreck battletome shitters with my invulnerable swordsmen
list / buffs?
What is this attitude about? I dont play aos but im window shopping.
Simply based, almost got silver tower for the familiars then ended up buying them on ebay
4 out the 6 new scenarios hinge on having more models close to objectives than your opponent.
This has lead to the "Horde Meta" meme taking hold. Lower model armies are still viable but they will need to be mindful of where to leverage their superior units/damage.
Making a Moonclan 1k point ay and reading through the army compopsition I wanted to clarify about allies.
Since there is a 200 point limit on allies, having both 3 troggoths and a rock lobbe is illegal correct?
If so, what would be a good replacement for the rock lobber? More squigs, grots or another hero?
There is no way to take scenery in your army.
The reason they have point costs (even if that cost is 0 most of the time) is because the Sylvaneth have abilities that let them create Wyldwoods, which is different to having them as part of your list from the start.
It is the same story with the Balewind Vortex, although any mage can summon one of those.
Never thought that I'd ever see a list of orks/orcs/orruks that wasnt a horde. Awesome!
Didn't know that those guys were a thing. It'd be like a four horseman kind of thing. Cool!
What are you shopping for/thinking about?
>At 1k
Arkhan the Black and Morghast.
>At 2k
Nagash and Morghast.
You'd still need battleline, so some Morghasts I think? There's also Everchosen.
It's not illegal, it just means you no longer are Moonclan allegiance. which they have no allegiance abilities as of yet outside of the basic Destruction ones so no harm done really.
>OP wants army with less than 10 models
>He suggests a skeleton hoard
I guess if he was playing an 80 point game it could work.
Although , if you do paint a lot of models, you could always play the Skirmish rule set. You only need a minimum of 3 models, and it wouldn't be difficult to end up with less than 10 models with literally any army and have it do okay.
that is so hillariously better
I also plan on buying silver tower but for the tabletop part,, hopefully the 2 charriots of the two packs I"ll buy come with 6 blue horrors, plus the 4 of the game I have a whole unit. Shame about the 8 acolytes.
Also, do familiars have rules or are people using them as brimstone horrors?
Any good 3rd party bits seller do just swords?
I need to convert 120 spearmen to swordsmen
My bad, I thought he meant factions with few models to choose from, not an army using few models.
what about the scenery ruleset that say:
> "The following rules are used for this scenery (do not roll on the Scenery Table on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules sheet)."
>Give Darkling Covens allegiance rules
>release DoK and Corsair box sets
What did GW mean by this?
Oh ok nevermind then. Thanks. Though I was thinking adding another 3 fanatics but not sure if that would be better than long range artillery.
Nice! I may have to try that one out sometime
Interesting. I'll look into it!
But yeah, I was mainly just curious if there was a build of something using only a handful of dudes that could hold their own against something quite a bit bigger. I used to play a lot of MTG before I jumped ship here, so it's taking some getting used to that there's a lot of viable options, as opposed to "play these guys this way or it's bad".
Is it just the one rock lobber? Post ya list son!
Not the guy you're replying to, but what are some good proxies for Rocklobbas?
I've acquired a Rocklobba crew but don't want to go and buy the actual siege engine.
I've got
You also lose access to battleline squigs and hoppers, but that's not a huge loss
Would it be fluffy at all to include one of these guys in a Legion of Azgorh army?
Sure. Ghorgons are 4 armed rape trains.
I just played a game against wanderers.
I had no idea EACH UNIT of glade guard could do -3 rend with their once per battle shooty ability. Its fuckin crazy
Hey Veeky Forums was Free People intentionally spelt without an S on some older models? The Damsel in the Warhammer AOS App has a spell that affects Free People models. Would I be able to use it on a unit of Freeguild Guard, who carry the Free people(S) warscroll?
FAQ says that Free People and Free Peoples are the same thing
Also the app hasn't been updated to reflect that Bretonnians lost the Free People keyword
So has GW made any effort to change the Lords of the Lodge battalion for Fyreslayers? Like, with the new rule of one the main bonus of the battalion is straight up gone AND they make you take it if you want to use the new battalions in the GHB17.
Honestly, if they fixed this one thing I would think Fyreslayers might even be high tier with their buffs. The new battalions and allegiances look super good.
not everyone does matched play
dont expect them to change the battalion ability. they neutered the skink starseer the same way AND jacked up its cost to 200
Anyone got the missing factions fluff from the other Grand Alliances books? I saw the pastebin had Order's and so I've read them and was curious about the others.
i dont think the other books had fluff, but i could be wrong
War of sigmar had most of destruction.
Can someone please upload screenshots of the new ghb17 seraphon stuff? I'm on the road for a few hours and would like to tinker some lists.
So I am starting a seraphon army. I have been collecting units slowly but haven't been able to play due to lack of time. Anyway, I have:
3 boxes of skinks
1 bastilladon
1 stegadon
6 ripperdactyles.
I am going to add a slann but I was wondering about the new slann teleport ability lords of space and time. Can I teleport my stegadon 9" away from the enemy and then use my stegadon's alpha skink ability to target the stegadon iteself?(it is a skink) allowing me to move D6" closer to the enemy to get a reliable t1 charge?
After I sell my army off (no longer a legal list after ghb 2017 due to legacy units being squatted) what new army should I collect?
I like skellies, but they have very little variety, and no ranged units outside of legacy units. I don't trust GW with legacy units and don't want to build around them any more.
>was working on Dreadwood army
>Spites are cheaper and BL
>Dreadwood is 200pts
>Outcasts is 90
I guess I'm not doing a shitty fluff army...
>playing a legacy NPC army
>complains when they get squatted
ha ha user what did you expect
>Crypt Horrors are only battleline if i have a Crypt Haunter Courtier as general
It makes sense but it doesn't mean I like it, since I wanted to have my King as general.
Also, if I wanted to have my King on a Terrorgheist, should I save points to summon Crypt Horros to other parts of the board, or just fill my battleline with Horrors?
>legacy units being squatted
I think you mean 'phased out'
What do you like? Competitively or casual only?
I'm pretty sure you can do that. I like skinks a lot and think they're cute but I only use 20 of them. Maybe now that they're cheaper I can feel better about getting and using more of them. Hopefully 60 skinks go well for you.
I bought two boxes of skinks so I could run the shadowstrike starhost. One of the skinks was miscast so GW sent me a whole box for free.
I like armies that are fun to build and paint, and sometimes play casually
Why can't Nighthaunt ally anything but vamps? What is this shit?
Seraphon start collecting might be for you.
Skeletons have a known hatred of ghosts.
Is this a lore thing or are you just being a shitter?
Are there many 3rd party bit sellers for fantasy? I'm mostly looking for hand weapons.
Slave monsters being used as shock troops seems appropriate.
So is there any point in playing Death now or should I just sell my collection to buy more Tzeentch stuff?
What was squatted
People's old OOP shit.
People were surprised, for some reason.
They still sell the models for Crom the Conqueror and Wulfrik the Wanderer
Hmm, I wonder why...
Except they aren't those characters anymore. Crom and Wulfrik are dead, but their models still can get some use. Hence crom and wulfriks warscrolls getting phased out
How the fuck do I choose an army to start? Why am I having so much trouble here?
Not overpowered allegiance abilities so the old armies are still on one level.
But that doesn't change the fact, that a few new armies are still over the top.
I really like the point increases for battalions.
There's a lot of options. But the most important factor is the hobby. Choose an army that draws you in the most hobby wise. What would seem like the most fun to paint and collect? Worry about that first, the competitive side of your army will come later
Not sure why they would remove the warscrolls though. I could understand if they wanted to make them more generic characters, but their abilities were pretty unique as far as Chaos went.
My entire list was built around getting a huge blob of battleshock ignoring marauders and wulfrik into the enemy's face as quickly as possible through wulfrik's ability, to create space for the rest of my list to move up the table.
Now it is just a slow melee list.
Chaos Lord (early aos legacy with no pitched battle profile) was way more interesting a warscroll than the current Lord of Chaos. He had the command ability to summon reinforcements from table edges.
He's talking about Reece's list. Free Peoples swordsman + Mystic Shield + Inspiring Command trait = 2+, reroll 1s.
That was the magic word.
Its only going to be one year till next generalbook no point in selling.