What's the best system for Operating in the Spacefuture?

What's the best system for Operating in the Spacefuture?

Unironically Starfinder.

The best system for operating, the best Operating System, if you will, is Windows.

Depends on which sort of XCOM you wanna operate like.


a modified FFGSW wherein all the stuff unique to the SW setting is stripped-out and replaced with your own.

This. Memes aside GURPS is great for tactical/cool operating action

Alright which gurps books do I need?

Nah man, Windows has been shit since Microsoft was acquired by Kraft when the Kuiper Bubble burst.
Our freight-junker runs Linux and works just fine.

Word on the net is the Trojan Republics are looking into buying IPatrolships from Apple. They work well for a while, but you can't upgrade any of the parts individually. I really feel for those poor Trojan engineers man


What did you do to that poor Magellan?

I run Space Opera with 4th.

However, just giving a setting, without telling us what sort of TONE you want isn't any good. Changing a system's setting is as easy as 30 minutes of homebrew and refluffing. Changing a system's TONE is all but impossible to the point that it'd be easier to rebuild the game from the ground up.

4e, like I run, is great for character-driven space opera, where the PC's are distinctly the protagonists, and space-sword fights are common.

GURPS would be great for a gritty "realistic" spacefuture, where you're trying to survive the grim realities of a living breathing world that could do with or without the PC's, and threatens to chew them up and spit them out into the vacuum of space if they aren't careful.

Shadowrun 4/5 with some homebrew, and magic called "psionics" could be a happy medium between the two, if perhaps leaning a bit towards the protagonist-driven-cinematism

Refluffed Shadowrun 3 would also be a middle-ground, but leaning more towards the GURPS-y simulationism

so the question you should be asking isn't "what system should I run for [setting]" but "what system should I run for [tone]." After you've picked the right system, then figure out how to adapt it to your setting.

Tactical Shooting, maybe Action?, Ultra/High Tech for guns and shit, and Monster Hunters: Applied Xenology for ayys to shoot. Just bear in mind that they're scaled for highish point characters, so while the not-chryssalid is a tough challenge for a 400pt MH character, it's a goddamn nightmare horror to a more grounded 100/150pt guy

>I run Space Opera with 4th.
How to get your opinion disregarded for retardation in six words, the post.

This. Not a meme.



GURPS has an enormous quantity of relevant material, it's important to filter for exactly what your campaign is supposed to entail and what specific resources you might need to plan a campaign. Some potentially relevant books are:

Modern equipment and technology
Near future to far future equipment and technology (this was an early 4th edition release and balance is questionable, GM discretion is advised)
This is a campaign design and world-building guidebook, it contains little in terms of actual rules, and is intended to give advice for GMs planning games in space-based settings
>Tactical Shooting
Exactly what it says on the tin. Extra rules for shooting tactically.
>Spaceships 1-8
Spaceship autism books for when you need to do things involving spaceship travel and combat. Probably the best sci-fi product made for 4th edition GURPS.

I want /pfg/fags to stay in /pfg/

Spaceship books are pretty cool, fun to read and fun to build spaceships of different kinds.

Tactical shooting is also cool in that a lot of the books is just legitimate tactics like how to set up an ambush and such.

Gun Fu is when you don't care and just wanna roll to do cool shit, Tactical Shooting is when you gotta operate and git gud.

They get to shitpost in two threads now that /sfg/ is a thing.

Are you high? Damage vs armor is even more broken than UT weaponry, you have to significantly nerf projectile damage to prevent eggshells-with-hammers syndrome.


This isn't a video game or a d&d boardgame user, but there are certainly ways to adjust it if you want to.

>everything explodes from single hit, thus making armor and HP completely useless
>"nah, totally not a problem"
You can cry about dnd bogeyman all you want, but when system doesn't work it is not fun.

What planet do you live on where ballistic weapons ever hit anything except at extreme close range.

> Nobody says Traveller
Crack open the Central Supply Catalog, you'll be like a /k/id in a candystore.

Spaceships is also good for base design if you squint at it a bit. A building is just a spaceship that can't fly, after all

>get gunned down by an assault rifle
>wtf this system doesn't work

>In most time/range scales guns have an effective range of 1-3 hexes

You mean thematically, or by rolling around in a maelstrom of mechanical trappings for gear/ships/etc.?

Either way, Traveler is a good choice.

Eclipse Phase strikes me as more-or-less doing this, though I'm unfamiliar with it past some vagaries and the peak-(or would it be post-?)transhumanist angle.

If you don't need a mass of prebaked stuff to jump into like McDuck into gold, pretty much any generic/universal can do. A fair middle ground could be Mutants & Masterminds, it's easy to overlook how fine it runs as a fully generic system with a lot of things to meaningfully build off of across its supplements.

Fate can suit it very well if you like swinging that way, narratively. It's all context based and all the mechanical payloads have the sometimes unstated implications of their differences be just as meaningful as arrays of smaller modifiers, because it's all verbal: you know it works differently, so it does--without any need for balancing the minutiae to bolt down mechanical balance.


I recommend hand picking the stuff from ultra-tech because it has a rocket tag issue.

Or just homebrew your own weapons

Or wait for my UT expansion.

>UT expansion
Nice. Hope to see it when it's done.

3:16 Carnage if you want the ptds part.
Traveller if you want the gear and planning part.

>post traumatic dyslexia syndrome

My table of satisfied players would beg to disagree.

Just means your players (and you) have shit taste, bub.

If whether or not someone's taste is shit actually matters to you, you probably shouldn't come to Veeky Forums.
