It seems allot of folks dislike and or hate pathfinder so far. I only played the core books. So I am curious as to why. Is the extra stuff really that bad or is it something else?
It seems allot of folks dislike and or hate pathfinder so far. I only played the core books. So I am curious as to why...
I believe a lot of people just find it easier to run other games. I've never ventured outside of 3.5 and I enjoyed it. Now without a group I'll never be able to.
When did we go back to 2009?
Are you going to actually come here, to a place infamous for being full of whining manchildren who do nothing but shit on everything twenty-four hours a day, and take shitposting as a good sample group for fucking anything? Allow me to dust off an old classic and say that is pretty fucking retarded
Any reason he could dig up here for hating Pathfinder's as good as any, though.
>I've never ventured outside of 3.5 and I enjoyed it.
>Compared to the Ebola, I find the a syphilis much more enjoyable.
user 3.5 is absolute bottom of the barrel shit as far as RPGs go, Pathfinder is slightly less shit but still pretty goddamn terrible.
For your own sake man, look into one of the hundreds of good RPGs, we have the glory of piracy and the internet for just that reason.
There's nothing in the world that everyone likes. not even being alive. There's reasons to dislike any system, but Veeky Forums is not a fucking example. If you want to find out why you should dislike Pathfinder, read the books and then form an opinion. I respect OP for taking that crucial step that few people do around here, and I encourage him to at least simulate the game and decide whether he likes it rather than come here looking for an excuse to write it off
One of the worst tabletop communities. The general OP pics should tell you why
Everyone in the threads hates the anime OPs, but whoever the fuck keeps posting them has a lot of dedication and never even waits for the thread to fall enough pages after hitting the limit.
Honestly the core stuff is some of the bigger issues. You can likely run a better game using later splat books and banning the core classes entirely.
You'd think with such claims the man would list at least SOME of the RPGs he thinks are good!
Clearly you've never played WoD or RIFTS.
>Is the extra stuff really that bad or is it something else?
No, the corebooks are.
They never do, user, they never do.
They always do and you always disregard them with some shitty comeback that doesn't actually address why the provided games are worse than your infested pile of burning shit that is
tg is currently a cesspool taken over by weebs, /pol/ scum and /tv/ memelords
Pathfinder is fine. Internet Pathfinder is trash.
don't get advice from Veeky Forums
Roll up a first level finesse Fighter, and then compare it to the Druid's animal companion for a rough idea of how well designed the game is.
>Unironically thinking WoD or RIFTS is bad.
>Thinking that 3.5 or Pathfinder is better then either of them.
>Having taste this objectively shit.
"Literally fucking anything outside the D20 system that isn't MYFAROG, FATAL or that weird furry knockoff of Eclipse Phase"
the fuck is allot
Why would you listen to a bunch of autists?
Oh yeah I know that, I'm trying to say it's a very vocal minority that make a mockery of it for everyone else
What's wrong with the current OP pic, the Anime Kitsunefag(2hu) seems to have moved on to Starfinder general.
As someone who plays Pathfinder, it has it's fair share of issues but nothing insurmountabl like literally every other fucking system. It opens up a lot of freedom in terms of what you can make especially if you use 3pp content which is generally better made than the stuff Paizo publishes. Ultimately, whether or not PF is an okay game for you depends on what you value as a GM/Player.
But I am going to echo one sentiment, branch out from the CRB and ban the core classes. The game will be way more balanced that way.
Class and Archetype Bloat
Poor Class Balance
Devs can't keep their politics out of the game
Shitty default setting
Errata so martial characters can't have nice things
>If you use what fans made that fixes the game!
I bet you love Skyrim and Fallout 4 too.
Thank fuck, that guy was pure cancer.
But yeah it really does have some issues, a pf2.0 would be great.
I think the biggest problem pf has is how cumbersome and fiddly the ruleset is. 5e made a move to the right direction by replacing lots of situational modifiers by a simpler advantage/disadvantage system, but Paizo should take it even further. Streamline the classes, cut down the amount of rules, that kind of stuff.
Nigga, WoD is some sublime shit compared to 3.5
>has never played either
1. Bait
>Is the extra stuff really that bad or is it something else?
2. Oooh this is bait
No, core is shit, here's your (you), happy now?
>I never had a problem with core only PF
genuinelly how?
The fact that Druid's familiar (a bear for example) outclasses PHB monks with anything but 25+ point buy seems to be a pretty good reason of why people dislike PF, specially core PF
No, but I can see why people can enjoy them modded. I won't call PF a good game, but I enjoy what it more with 3pp than I do other games vanilla and that's good enough for me. I honestly think it's more like using a fanpatch for a game like Fallout 2 or Arcanum that fixes bugs and adds missing content. Especially since a lot of the good 3pp was just putting in missing subsystems from 3.5 that Paizo hated because Paizo is retarded.
This is all ignoring that a modded video game is different than table top RPG, where fans making modifications to suit them is something to be expected.
Developers leaving massive holes in their game because "modders will fix it" or "people will houserule it" is shit.
Literally the only reason you see "a lot" of folks hating on it is because there are a few dedicated shitposters who like to do nothing but exaggerate on how bad it is.
Like this nutjob.
I genuinely think this guy is retarded, but his mother lacks the sense to keep him away from a keyboard.
>Literally the only reason you see "a lot" of folks hating on it is because there are a few dedicated shitposters
Oh no there must be a conspiracy of haters against Pathfinder!
>3 autists who spam copypasta
Don't flatter yourself
>People can't dislike my poorly designed ttrpg!
>people who have sensible criticism spam the same shitpost day for day instead of just playing something else
No, just a few guys who have nowhere else to complain because they'd be banned from every other place you can discuss roleplaying games.
Not him, but a lot of people has sensible criticism, for example, one of the greatest problems with PF is CMD bloat and how even high invesment in maneuvers (now cost two feats instead of 1 like in 3.5) doesn't mean you'll succeed like at fucking all at them
I dunno I'm playing a warpriest with no feats or magic items in tripping and I'm tripping giants, wurms, etc pretty fucking easily only with Str+Bab+Weapon enhancement bonus. Seems like you're bullshiting.
Ah, so you are provoking AoO everytime?
That's a far cry from
But, if people just said "Pathfinder is a good game with some flaws, and is not my taste", they wouldn't get any attention, hence the hyperbole and exaggeration
>CMD 40 (can’t be tripped)
>"I trip worms easily"
...I dunno, seems like it's you the one bullshiting
I don't really deny that.
Even the core system is a clunky, bloated, mess that is still, somehow, less flexible and versatile than lighter systems. Add in a decade of splat books and a community of entitled man-children, and you're left with a waste of time.
Why is good though? what makes 3.PF good compared to other games?
I don't.
Maybe you don't know how to properly use trip maneuver.
>WoD is worse than 3.PF
You're one dumb fucking nigger.
If you are going to bait you need to make it less obvious.
Why are you asking?
Are you a retarded troll looking for an argument?
Cause, It's kind of obvious that you are if you're asking a question with obvious answers.
Here. Do me a favor. Prove you're not a troll, and provide your own answers so I don't have to flat out dismiss you as an idiot.
Call it dodging the question if you want, but if you can't come up with five answers yourself, you're really not someone I'd bother discussing this with anyway.
It isn't as interesting as some of 3.5 with splats.
And it empowered the T1s and T2s, which further exacerbated 3.5's internal party balance problems
Actually I think he does. CMD goes apeshit on larger enemies due to high STR plus you can't trip anything more than 1 size category larger than you. Must be some tiny giants.
People usually ask questions they don't have answers too. That is the point of a question.
are these posts really necessary or do you revel in destroying all conversation on this board until it's /v/ tier?
CMD increases due Hit die, Str, Dex, number of appendages AND Size...and pray to god they don't also have feats to improve it. It's silly how fast it increases to the point hitting AC is going to be easier.
But people also ask stupid questions they have answers to if they're looking do nothing but start an argument. And this is a question with plenty of obvious answers, with many of them subjective and dependent on taste.
You still gonna pretend?
I mean, enlarge person is a spell.
Well let's try for a less subjective question then. What does Pathfinder do that other systems don't?
>It's obvious you're a troll if you don't think 3.PF is a good game
Deflecting the question?
What makes 3.PF good that I can overlook feat trees, CMD, balance problems with some classes, 10001 types of bonuses you have to write down, arbitrary stat/skill distribution, etc? what remains after that? 1d20+Bonus mechanic? lots of games have that without the problems already mentioned, so again, what makes 3.PF good?
>inb4 I'm not going to answer and dismiss your post as "memes"
>10001 types of bonuses you have to write down, arbitrary stat/skill distribution
>inb4 I'm not going to answer and dismiss your post as "memes"
Good. You recognize how pathetic you are yourself.
>Fire Giant
>CR 10
>CMD 31
>level 10
>CMB 18(7 BAB, +1 Weapon Focus, +7 STR, +3 weapon)
>Trips him less than half the time without being buffed to all hell and back
>Also provokes AoO
The game is actually pretty good, only second to Gurps (but slightly better than Myfarog). It's really the fan base that's terrible. And the lead designers hate math and will throw fits if you give them any constructive criticism of any kind. It's kind of like how when Anime fans grew up and started making Anime themelves they ruined Anime, now that the autistic faggots that played the original RPGs are adults they're making shitty autistic games.
Types of bonuses I recall: Insight, Competence, Luck, Moral, Racial, Untyped, Alchemical, Enhacement, Inherent, Sacred, Size, Trait, etc. It overcomplicates the game, it makes turns last forever and even making the use of a calculator almost needed.
As for stat/skill distribution I meant why is Intimidate based on Cha and not on Str or Int (or all three)? why an Ogre with negative Cha can't intimidate for shit? he seems pretty intimidating. Why is Acrobatics a skill Dex dependant? you being a dude with 50 Str means nothing to jump further? so I basically can lift a house with one hand but can't jump farther than 2 meters? is not a big problem compared to others though, but it's a problem.
But the only real answer to user's question is: I have sunk so much resources in that games that they must be good.
Lets be honest, nobody here who plays 3.PF spent a cent on it, we pirated the shit out of that game.
>why does everyone think I'm a stupid troll?
Because you can't even pretend to want an earnest discussion for a whole two posts.
This is probably the best thing about PF.
Time is also a resource. And maybe not here but lots of people bought them legally.
It's my first post in this thread, keep trying faggot
>PFanon disguises as the detractors and memes his way into the thread so any legit problem or post is dismissed
>about PF
I dunno, it's been 15 years since I bought an rpg book from any game I played, piracy is not unique to PF.
But the devs for PF are fine with all of their shit being free online.
What part of "you guys are idiot trolls who spam this shit daily" is dismissing criticisms?
People know the game has flaws.
Your issue is that you are so single-minded that you honestly can't do anything but shitpost about how much you hate the game.
>People know the game has flaws.
To this day there are still people who think Monk is overpowered and CoDzilla doesn't exist.
To this day you're still a faggot troll.
Personally, I dislike the system. The entire idea of getting 3.5, the most redundant and wonky edition of D&D there is, then stapling more stuff onto it is terrible.
But if you enjoy it then that's fine. I'd just advise looking into other games and comparing them. That might give you a better perspective on why Pathfinder is often looked down on.
Wrong and you didn't address the point.
Ok, what was the problem here?
>20 point buy game 3 core books only game
>Make monk
>16, 14, 14. 9, 16, 7
>AC 16 at the begining (Dodge)
>+1/+1 (1d6+3)
>Then the Druid's bear has
>AC 18 (light armor +3) and even 20 if druid casts bark skin
>+3/+3+/+3 (1d4+2, 1d4+2, 1d3+2)
At 4th level
>AC 17-18 if lucky
>Animal companion
>AC 20 (light armor +4 or even +5) more if shared spells
>+8/+8+/8 (1d6+5. 1d6+5, 1d5+5)
He isn't addressing any point, he's just yelling "trolls and memes" to any valid argument.
>I will shitpost until every last person knows everything I consider to be a fault with the system
Good luck with that buddy.
Get used to people ignoring you and calling you a faggot.
What "valid argument?"
You're just an idiot troll complaining on Veeky Forums, hoping to present his subjective opinions as facts.
Dismissing you, man. You, in your entirety.
The problem is that monk sucks and so do rogue, ranger, paladin and fighter with a core only approach.
>Hurr durr solipsism
What? Your subjective opinions? Neat.
People are going to disagree with you.
Get used to it.
Now, quit shitposting and learn how to evaluate games from a fair stance, rather than trying to justify your hatred first and then filling in the rest as you go along.
Pretty sure looking at the game's math is about as fair of a stance as you can get.
>Math and mechanics
There is only one person who disagrees with me and it is a troll, because I say so. Therefore my shitty opinions must be right.
>math and mechanics in a roleplaying game
>in a subjective discussion about the games overall quality
Please, you silly trolls. First name a game that you couldn't nitpick the math of and apply subjective stances in order to paint it as undesirable.
Go on. Name that perfect game.
Since you won't be able to, let's move on to the point where you realize that your "objective" belief is just a subjective opinion only held by a very small minority of the roleplaying community.
Or, you can remain idiot troll shitposting forever about how people keep playing a game you despise despite you shitposting so hard about it.
>Name that perfect game
Doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be better than 3.PF. M&M for example, or Fantasy craft, need more?
Also 5e, it doesn't have any of the 3.PF problems
>M&M for example, or Fantasy craft, need more?
I like those games, but 3.PF is better than them in some ways.
So yes, you're going to have to try harder. Infinitely harder. Impossibly harder.
So, just give up.
You know, actual game designers don't go "but it's all subjective anyways :^)" to shut down arguments.
It has many problems that the devs are completely and willfully blind to.
Yeah, but they also respect that a lot is subjective, and that people have dramatically different tastes, and that roleplaying games are by far and large a subjective experience. :^)
>in some ways
>refuses to say which
So far you refused to really answer all the questions and refute the argumets. So back at you, can you actually try to follow the discussion?
No, not really. And by not really I mean they act like the exact opposite of how you claim they do.