I have to DM an Undertale DnD game. I've never played it and have no plans to.
Give me shitty quips and shit to use I dunno the people playing it are my brother's friends and the biggest resistors I've ever seen.
I have to DM an Undertale DnD game. I've never played it and have no plans to.
Give me shitty quips and shit to use I dunno the people playing it are my brother's friends and the biggest resistors I've ever seen.
First session you should totally reference the bad end where the main character hangs himself from a bridge.
>I have to DM an Undertale DnD game.
No, you don't.
Don't be a GM if you don't really intend to run a game, you're just wasting everyone's time.
He's literally being held at gunpoint, you don't understand. OP, can you tell us where you are. Wait no. They can probably read this. Don't want to escalate things. Just calm down, don't worry everything will be ok.
Why would you DM a game in a setting that you have absolutely no knowledge or interest about?
Because he's a spineless little turd.
Just make all the monsters from the monster manual neutral good and lol so randum, they all speak common and want to be friends with the players
I know you want this to be bad, but this genuinely sounds like a blast.
Undertale isnt bad, the community is
Legit advice: Play Golden Sky Stories.
It's like undertake with 3000% less cringe.
Pretty much this. Play around with expectation for those batshit crazy monsters, but always be wary that the true PC approach is genocide.
Stealing this thread
Have anyone ever attempted to running a Undertale game before?
Toby Fox did
>Undertale DnD
That's astoundingly unfitting, even compared to all the other unfitting shit people want to use D&D for.
>Game about a solo trip through the underworld filled with empathy and personal discovery.
>Game about adventuring in a party, accumulating wealth and power through conflict and danger
I don't think this will work, OP.
It's actually pretty easy and DnD is simple enough to be the best fit because it's all about subverting expectations and tropes.
First think up reasons that all the in-game mechanics are a part of the world i.e. exp as an acronym for something real. Then tell your players they're going to have a bad time 3 times a minute, then reaffirm how unique their non-binary sexuality makes them every minute.
I'd recommend one of two options here:
- Refuse to run the game. "I don't know that setting" should be sufficient justification to refuse to run any game.
- Run it. Warn the players that you don't know anything about Undertale. I'd even go as far as to write the warning on a piece of paper and have them all sign to acknowledge that they have read and understood my warning if I couldn't get out of running the game. Then try to do your best without looking anything up. When they complain, remind them that they were warned.
>Game about a solo trip through the underworld filled with empathy and personal discovery.
Also a game about systematically murdering every single monster in existence.
The PCs fall through a hole into an underground kingdom of monsters who were previously sealed away by humans. They want to kill the PCs to harvest their souls; with seven human souls, their king can open the barrier that seals them underground. Their king currently has (7 - number of PCs) human souls. As a result, all the monsters in the underground kingdom want to kill them.
Since this is DnD, the PCs respond in kind.
> I'd even go as far as to write the warning on a piece of paper and have them all sign to acknowledge that they have read and understood my warning
DnD isnt that serious user
Just play it, it's pretty fun.
you dont have to dm anything u retard
Just play the game. It only takes a couple hours to beat. And it's a pretty good game, /v/ had threads about it every day for up to a year leading up to release they loved it so much, they only decided that it was a meme game and they hated it when everyone else loved it too.
>I have to DM an Undertale DnD game
No you don't
Because he's a beta pushover
Just watch a let's play, the game isn't very long and you can get the gist of it without focusing your attention on it
Agreed, Undertale is a good game. The problem is the fanatics claiming that it's tge best game ever and that it completely changed RPGs forever.
Seems like a shit setting to put into D&D.
Not that D&D is that bad, just this doesn't really fit its mechanics.
What would be the point? Undertale is a meta commentary about videogames. That would be completely lost in tabletop.
Undertale is literal leftist propaganda that promotes pacifism and "if you kill your enemies, they win."
There is no rational reason to follow the philosophy the game pushes as "good" and you are actively punished as a player for not treading that political line.
>leftist propagand
I'm sorry that you where dropped on your head as a child, user
Explain why a game which actively rewards a "pacifist" globalist/marxist mindset in which self determination and self defence are actively punished is not, in fact, an incitement to sedition via the belief that inclusiveness should come at the expense of identity and integrity.
It is fitting the skeleton defines undertale, because it represents the skeletons in America's closet - pacifism, unionism and communism
/pol/ here
Please stop posting you're making us look bad. Toby Fox is a faggot yes, but not a marxist cultural saboteur.
Go complain about something actually destroying or society, like Howard Zinn in highschool classrooms.
because it's nice and cute.
And that's not the point of the game but ok, what ever you say.
Actually, DnD would work pretty well for a Genocide game.
It's literally just a reversal of the standard "grind monsters to gain levels" rpg gameplay. Are you genuinely retarded?
He's using /pol/ buzzwords, what do you think
The fact it is reversing a key tenet of western culture is the proof of its malicious intent.
This is how countercultural movements work, they use artistic expression to undermine cultural norms. See the Beat poets, the Hippies, CND, the hip hop movement and more.
Use unassuming mass culture to target youths and encourage unamerican thought. There's a reason the FBI monitored Le Guin, Ginsberg, Kerouac etc. Because "artistic COMMUNES" are the hotbeds of COMMUNism.
Nowadays it is "hacker spaces" that train the fifth columnists.
This thread is a piece of modern art and i wouldnt change a hair on its precious head.
What the hell are you doing on Veeky Forums? What games do you play? I'm gonna guess very conspiracy heavy ones, where I'm not allowed to parley with the bandits because it's furthering the pussification of America
Now I don't know about what the game itself might've wanted from me, but the genocide route was a genuinely fun experience for me and I thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Wargames, user. Kreigsspeil, Force on Force, etcetera. OPFOR moves are simulated by reference to CIA ORBATS.
It is fascinating to see how even an amateur in command can, in a simulationist wargame, prosecute the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam and Desert Storm more efficiently than actual US commanders. It almost suggests the purity of essence of key personnel is being sapped by fluoridation to make us militarily vulnerable.
Like Dishonored
>undermeme baitposting
I hope you're a real person because this is too precious.
Wow two whole unique bosses, only one of which where your stats other than HP matter
It's actually because you're functionally immortal thanks to save/load shenanigans, so if you had that ability in real life (and could 'undo' everything), how would you act?