Why don't they just make a 1 mana white instant that exiles all cards from opponent's hand, graveyard, and library...

why don't they just make a 1 mana white instant that exiles all cards from opponent's hand, graveyard, and library? it's obvious that's what they want to do. so just fucking do it.

why don't they just make a 1 mana red instant that deals 40 damage to each opponent? it's obvious that's what they want to do. so just fucking do it.

>When your hyperbole is so fucking ridiculous.

>Settle the Wreckage
>not Scuttle

>oh man i can't wait til blessed alliance, declaration of stone, and stasis snare rot-

If your opponent is has cards in hand and has 2WW open, don't blow your load to alpha strike them.

>don't play the game
>but if you do play the game, you don't get to play the game


How many people were bitching about creatures: the tappening

it's your fault for not winning by turn 3

>Play the game like a retard
>Get BTFO like a retard

Hmm, really makes you think huh

>make wrath instant and targeted and exile
>but also give your opponent ramp
Dangerous to use against certain decks, really powerful later in the game though.

Man, if this is the kind of crying they got I maybe understand why they stopped printing 4 mana wraths...

*rolls dice*

A: I'll take the play
B: I scoop

welcome to standard

well zombies are gone but at least they gave us some awesome cards for settle the wreckage to target

>aggro is dominating the format
Abloobloo why are they printing good control cards i just want to turn my creatures sideways ;_;

This is why you never listen to the people that are bitching. There will always be someone bitching.

Good. I hope they print even more pushed shit in blue (>implying good blue cards are still printed) and white. Standard needs a control-dominated format for a little while so people can really have something to cry about

>a shitty 4 mana pseudo-wrath that ramps the opponent is proof that wizards is giving in to control players' bitching

>ask target opponent how their day is going. if they respond "good", you win the game.

It's a strong card for sure. Most decks just don't run that many basics. Definitely would put it in the sideboard for sure though.

Every deck you want to run this against is going to have the two or three basics turn 4 to search up.

Unless you're talking about running this in modern or legacy in which case allow me to laugh at you.

It's just a complete blowout against aggro no matter how many lands you give them. When they're stuck in topdeck mode, 3 or 4 extra mana won't mean fuck.

This card won't even see constructed play. It sucks.

How fucking bad are you at Magic?

1-2 ofs in at least sideboard because that 6 mana 7/6 uncounterable hexproof will be a bitch to get rid of
It scales amazingly well into the late game but can drastically backfire if you use it to exile 3 1/1s

hmm yes, I will sideboard this card for when I go up against another bad card that no one will run

Couldn't you use this as white ramp if you wanted to?

You could also use barbed wire as dental floss

You could be you'd be losing a lot of creatures when you need 4 lands in the first place to cast it.

No one is going to run the implacable timmysaur.

>If your opponent is has cards in hand and has 2WW open
have some kind of stack interaction ready, because you're getting WOGged.

It will see play in standard unless the meta moves away from aggro after rotation

Just play something like Icatian town to generate lots of tokens first.

A wreckage is already sunk, scuttling it doesn't work. However, it can settle on a coast.

Do you just scoop and go home assmad when somebody plays an island against you timmy?

>only wrath that actually works against vehicles
just shut up