>Jace, Twink Femboy Sailor
Jace, Twink Femboy Sailor
>Wayne Reynolds
>Affirmative Action
>Weird stumpy proportions
>Blue Black doing a thing that's more of a White Thing
>Black doing a thing that's more of a white thing
There is so much on this card that hate.
I don't hate this one as much, though, even though Jace looks best in a long coat like the one from Unraveler of Secrets and there's no reason he couldn't wear one again in the pirate set.
eh here's a white person
It was Herâ„¢ turn.
>clearly a warrior
Fuck off, /pol/. Take your racism back to your wife's boyfriend
I support badass grandmas (and badass old people in general) in any and all games.
The only problem you have with her is that her tits/ass aren't hanging out.
>tfw spanish
>tfw vamps dont have sanish names or similitudes
Feels gucchi that we don't get (more) BLACKED and muh libruls guilt
>everyone i don't like is /pol/
>assuming its gender
go back to your containment board and stay there
>The most infamous of modern pirates are Somalian
/pol/ seriously needs to stop shitposting
>Implying this isn't /pol/
I agree with that user, fuck off
What a wonderful start this thread is off too. You just know this is all going to be insightful, productive discourse.
Sadly it's not. Veeky Forums doesn't need /pol/ it be shitty. It's capable of that all on its own.
And really, when it comes to their politics, Veeky Forums and /pol/ aren't really very distinct from one another. They pretty much line up on most things.
Stop trying to fucking normalize /pol/ on Veeky Forums.
It's bad enough stormfaggots took over that place, we don't need them here.
>And really, when it comes to their politics, Veeky Forums and /pol/ aren't really very distinct from one another. They pretty much line up on most things.
Textbook false consensus bias.
Thank Christ, /pol/ has finally moved on from /k/ and is trying to force meme a different board into storm fags. Hey, you should try the 40k General when the next one is made, I hear they love worshipping emperors.
Doesn't Jace have longer hair than that? I noticed that the GW gave pretty inconsistent designs apart from what they wear, Lili sometimes weighs 100 lbs and other times looks like she's 250.
Can't help but notice you're pulling this shit in the middle of the US night when most of Veeky Forums, including the moderation, is asleep. Scurrying around like a cockroach in the dark.
Soldiers are enlisted, warriors are mostly not.
It does seem a bit short. Bolas gave him a free haircut to go with shattering his mind.
The problem with these sorts of cards is that tribal pretty much requires you to go all-in with it. This card isn't worth taking unless you have a decent amount of monsters that aren't from that tribe, but because you don't have many cards which support that tribe, then there's not much point in having this card in the first place.
>pol spamming the 40kers with trump memes
I can dig it. Two cancerous fanbases taking care of each other
>Gideon's defeat is now viable
He also made him fit, Nick is such a nice guy.
That ultimate looks like it could end up being reasonably good.
reprint when?
It's a Johnny card. The point isn't trying to scrape value from non-tribal cards in a tribal deck, it's trying to see what cards you can break by making tribal support work on cards they weren't meant for. It's an adjusted Conspiracy, which does close off some of the interactions, but it's also cheaper.
For a master race you /pol boys like to spend a lot of time bitching about things that don't mean shit.
I don't get why you'd ever use its -2 though, it doesn't have any upsides and is removed by half of the game's cards.
>everyone who disagrees with me is an alt-right /pol/ nazi
Oh, for fuck's sake, r/The_Donald. Have an inkling of self awareness. You faggots haven't taken the hint and left after the 2016 election, even though you've objectively made this entire website a hell of a lot worse. The average quality of discussion on /pol/ has been abysmal since you came and you won't fucking leave no matter how many times you're told to. You'll just spout those same retarded memes about God Emprah Drumpf and Shariablue whenever someone disagrees with you about anything.
I'd tell you to stop shitting up other boards, but it's in your very fucking nature to invade other places and make them worse than they've ever been before. I haven't been to /pol/ in months and you make my conservative views look more retarded simply by existing.
What a shame it's nonland permanents, would be hilarious to steal peoples lands.
That's not a pirate. That's clearly one of the natives.
But the Admiral isn't a landlubber, ya know?
I don't see a disagreement, all I see is a shitty /pol/ meme. Either they're being genuine, or it's just someone who thinks they're a lot funnier than they are. Admittedly, there is also the chance of it just being someone fishing for (You)s, doing it on one of the slowest boards with the classic "just pretending to be retarded" bait, which is just a waste of everyone's time.
Let it steal island just for shits and giggles.
Did jace visit Kamigawa?
Only for free ETB triggers I'd guess. Probably some way to abuse it coming in the block(s) after Ixalan
FFS! i thought WoC said they wanted more room to introduce new planewalkers instead of reprinting the same old "recycle" walker characters?
At least it's not Cloud Beleren.
So this is just Conspiracy with a different name?
Isn't Raid basically an ETB mechanic? Seems like it's got plenty of support.
Dude, it's one PW. Calm down. You're getting a new Vraska(nice) and apparently some kind of pirate-y planeswalker named Angrath(nicer) at the very least in this block. Odds are good there's at least one other PW in the block too.
>Jace being an interplanar dweeb
what else is new
someone who knows mtg better than I needs to explain: what use is there for having 2 of these things on the field alongside another planeswalker? Or is it just that you then can create an infinite army of jaces from the tokens in addition to playing a better planeswalker card?
No, it doesn't override the original type.
Go down the list.
Both generally believe that whites are superior to non-whites.
Both generally believe that men are superior to women.
Both generally believe that Islam is inherently incompatible with western civilization.
Both generally believe that gun control is at best counter-productive and at worst outright harmful.
Both generally believe that the welfare state should be largely eliminated.
Both reject the policies of open borders, multiculturalism, and globalism, and marxism that are currently dominant in the western world.
They said they're going to be moving away from the Gatewatch a bit, but sets are designed years in advance. Imagine WotC as a really, really, really fucking big boat. It takes a long time for it to change course. We're leaning into the turn now, and we might actually be on the new bearing starting with the return to Dominaria.
>Both generally believe
Raid triggers off of attacks though. Alternatively Illusions will possibly make it harder to play around the Revolt version of Fatal Push
You work for wizards or something? Just gb2 reddit
You can loot some more. And if you like jank, there's Annointed Porcession which gives you more Jace which gan give you more illusions which are affected by Annointed Procession.
you're by yourself here
crappy reaction images aren't arguments. tides have shifted
>some kind of pirate-y planeswalker
No, Vraska is the pirate. The new RW Planeswalker is one of the motherfucking dinosaur riders.
As an average Veeky Forums poster, I can verify that this is true - at least that Veeky Forums believes it
>you're by yourself here
Ironic that you're the only one arguing your side responding to multiple people. This that "silent majority" thing you guys love so much?
Does Mattel know that Hasbro is stealing Dino Riders?
Well it's not like we have an official poll, but yeah those are close to my policies. But I also don't like when people tattoo swastikas on their faces...
As an average Veeky Forums poster, I can verify that this is not true.
Gee whiz, look at those credentials and facts.
it's obvious that
these you posts are from the same person. namely you. Don't even bother trying to screencap and paint over one (or both?) of the (you)s. It's too obvious.
I understand you're looking for a community to belong to but frankly this is not the board for that shit.
We generally believe games are fun.
That's it. This is a board for enjoying(and more frequently complaining about) games. Please talk about games with us and leave the politics on another board.
Yeah bullshit lol. A lot of us hate Trump, always have, always will.
Skeptical that's the Angrath, specifically liked to pirates, mentioned in the flavor texts. More likely that's the native planeswalker.
What do you think we're doing here? This thread's about MTG, not politics. Sorry that when you disagree with something you start crying "nazi" but hey that's not my fault, it's yours.
Think what you want, but you're wrong.
Yeah i know. but it kind of defeat the weight of their words if they reprint an Gatewatch walker in the first set after Gatewatch was defeated. especially since there are alot of old walker to re-explore.
I am calm, but dissapointed since they reprinted one of the most reprinted walkers Again! (that is a Gatewatch walker also)
>Post partywipe Jace is no longer a dweeb who has to rely on magic, but rather cunning
>Post partywipe Chandra is no longer a Jaya knockoff, and is more cool and colected
>Post partywipe Lilliana is no longer a "I have the body of a 20 something, but I am actualy 50 billion years old" meme, but a more witch like figure
>Post partywipe Gideon is no longer generic general warrior, but a versatile soldier of justice
>Post party wipe Nissa is no longer just elf hippy, but a clever wielder of a tiny fraction of The Eldrazi's power
Row two, second to last column.
If you squint, the name does look like it could be Angrath, and you can see her dinosaur in the art.
You forgot
> And Veeky Forums will still hate all of them.
That's not a gatewatch walker, that's Jace hiding as pirate on some obscure memeplane
>This thread's about MTG
is a post about MtG?
Well that guy's not the OP.
In fact he's responding to you, since you're the one trying to politicize it.
I'd really like to see Chandra show off the creativity that red is supposed to have. Yes, all she does is fire but that doesn't mean that all she can do is direct damage.
On the bright side it's a lone GW walker. When's the last time we had only one of the Lowryn 5(and Nissa) printed in a block?
I'm content to celebrate the progress we've made. One GW walker showing up in a block doesn't bother me much.
The other trigger is ETB on
I just hope Gideon uses his Law Magic again and Chandra does more than just burn things.
Also I want some GW Gruul shipping.
>crappy reaction images aren't arguments. tides have shifted
But friend, there is no need to argue with you. All you need to do is watch how much you get shit on by an increasing number of posters.
Red has been flanderized for quite a long time into just dealing damage.
> left jumps in and tries to politicize the thread
> Veeky Forums hits back
> left screams MUH /pol/ BOOGIEMAN!
Every time.
>In fact he's responding to you
Actually not.
I hope she becomes less "look at how emotional I am and I'm not very smart lol"
> But I also don't like when people tattoo swastikas on their faces...
Considering that basically doesn't happen outside of the MSM, I don't see what the problem is.
Can we just stop doing this entire thread?
Like, can we all just take a step back and recognize how dumb this whole thing is?
>Gideon uses his Law Magic
>A Goyim using the law for his advantage
shut it down
Uh, user. That card, when cast, checks to see if there was an attack. Raid can be a static thing or ETB kicker-like effect but the unifying piece of the mechanic is that it's always linked to an attack.
What are you trying to insinuate? I thought we were just here to discuss the spoilers?
> implying WE WUZ is politicizing anything
The only one trying to turn this into a political thread is you.
Swear to god, the worst trash on this board comes from late-night americans.
That's how the left operates everywhere. Just look at the shit that went down in Charlottesville. The left attacks, and the moment the right tries to defend itself the left starts screaming about how the right is all ebil nazis for daring to hit back.
I wish we had a janitor that's actually active during the American night.